Trend Micro Defends FIFA World Cup from Cyber Threats

By: Jon Clay
January 11, 2024
Read time: 4 min (970 words)

Trend Micro collaborates with INTERPOL to defend FIFA World Cup by preventing attacks & mitigating risks to fight against the rising threat of cybercrime.

The prominent sporting event, FIFA World Cup, concluded in December 2022, and it generated a lot of online engagements from millions of fans around the world. The remarkable penalty-shootout in the finals was hailed the champion of the event and it was a trending topic in social media and headline news. Before and during this event, the online users were rejoicing and betting their favorite teams at the same time cybercriminals were taking advantage of the event to deploy spam and scams. With this, law enforcement, and in particular, INTERPOL, had to step up and tapped its gateway partners to be on the lookout and report to them the cyberthreats surrounding the 2022 FIFA World Cup. Trend Micro helped by proactively monitoring our global threat intelligence that revealed many malicious websites and scams before and during the event. For example, we saw websites disguised as ticketing systems of the 2022 FIFA World Cup and many survey scams. We shared this information to INTERPOL, helping in their goal of preventing attacks and mitigating the risk posed by the fraudsters of this event. Furthermore, through our global threat intelligence, we monitored the detections of malicious websites and files from the country of Qatar as INTERPOL worked closely with them to prevent cybercriminals and malicious actors in disrupting the sporting event.

Let’s look a bit deeper into the different cyber threats we discovered and shared with INTERPOL, besides blocking them for our customers.

Malicious Websites found throughout 2022

Figure 1: Trend Micro detections of malicious sites bearing keywords of “FIFA” and “World Cup”
Figure 2: Top affected countries of malicious sites related to FIFA World Cup
Figure 3: Timeline of FIFA World Cup Cyberthreats

Fake Ticketing System

It is no wonder due to the millions of potential victims that cybercriminals created dubious sites for selling tickets to the 2022 FIFA World Cup and trick users into inputting their personal information and credit card details in phishing attempts. We observed a few sites such as fifa-ticketssales[.]com and prime-ticketssales[.]com, both imitating the FIFA World Cup ticketing page and one showing an unbelievable number of sold tickets and remaining number of seats. We also identified contact details of scammers such as phone numbers and email addresses, some of these phone numbers were linked to other scam sites which is typical for scammers to reuse phone numbers.

Figure 4: Fake selling tickets of FIFA World Cup
Figure 5: Questionable number of tickets sold and used as lure to users

Fake Live Streaming

Cybercriminals created several fake streaming sites to lure victims to click on it. We identified around 40 unique domains that hosted fake streaming of FIFA World Cup. Example sites are watchvsportstv[.]com/2022-FIFA-WORLD-CUP-FINAL, sportshdlivetv[.]com/FIFA-WORLD-CUP-FINAL and istream2watch[.]stream/video/fifa-world-cup. From our analysis of these fake live streaming pages, the user will be redirected to websites with subscription forms or premium access requests and lure these users to subscribe and pay. Among the top countries detected were Brazil, Philippines, and Malaysia.

Survey Scams

Survey scams are relentless and scammers have been using them for a long time now. One we reported for example was While the FIFA World Cup 2022 was ongoing, especially as we approached the semi-finals and final game, we observed malicious sites hosting survey scams that offered free 50GB mobile data. We identified more than 40 IP addresses or servers hosting the scam sites. Mostly were registered by Chinese names and hosted under Google LLC. Survey scams aim to trick users into obtaining free mobile data 50GB for a faster streaming of video or a free mobile network. It tricks users into inputting phone number and personal information thus in the end it will incur charges to the victims not knowing that it is a scam and may use their personal information for future spam or scams. Additionally, mostly it will redirect to fake dating sites and would require and harvest email address which can allow spammers to include them in their next wave of spam.

Figure 6: FIFA World Cup Survey scam that offers free mobile data
Figure 7: It requests for phone number which may lead to unwanted charges.
Figure 8: Displays the offer is successful, however, it requires the user to share it in WhatsApp, thus propagating this survey scam
Figure 9: Survey scam common web page title

Crypto scamming and malicious app

Based on external reports there were crypto scammers that leveraged the sporting event. We observed some scam sites such as cristiano-binance[.]xyz, binance[.]supply, football-blnance[.]com, football-binance[.]com, birance[.]online and birance[.]site that lure users to click on the button “Connect wallet” and will compromise the account. We also observed malicious app or Android RAT which was reported from and it was called “ Kora 442” with malicious site kora442[.]com. It lured users to download the app “kora442.apk” and promised live and exclusive broadcasts of the 2022 FIFA World Cup. Example of hashes are 2299d4e4ba3e9c2643ee876bb45d6a976362ce3c, c66564b7f66f22ac9dd2e7a874c6874a5bb43a26, 9c904c821edaff095e833ee342aedfcaac337e04 and 60b1da6905857073c4c46e7e964699d9c7a74ec7. The package name is and we detect it as AndroidOS_DummyColl.HRX. It steals information from the infected device and sends it to the Command &Control (C&C) server.

Figure 10: Fraudulent site potential hijacking of Crypto account
Figure 11: Malicious mobile app site with download request

Trend Micro’s mission has always been making the world safe for exchanging digital information and our support of INTERPOL and the 2022 FIFA World Cup gave us an opportunity to do exactly this. We’re proud of our continued support of INTERPOL, whether it is helping them with investigations of cybercriminals, or helping with a major worldwide sporting event. Our 34 years of experience in proactively identifying new threats and attacks and protecting users against them will continue in the future and we look forward to more engagements with law enforcement and organizations managing these events.

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Forward Momentum: Key Learnings From Trend Micro’s Security Predictions for 2024

By: Trend Micro
December 06, 2023
Read time: 4 min (971 words)

In this blog entry, we discuss predictions from Trend Micro’s team of security experts about the drivers of change that will figure prominently in 2024.

Digital transformations in the year ahead will be led by organizations pursuing a pioneering edge from the integration of emergent technologies. Advances in cloud technology, artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML), and Web3 are poised to reshape the threat landscape, giving it new frontiers outside the purview of traditional defenses. However, these technological developments are only as efficient as the IT structures that support them. In 2024, business leaders will have to take measures to ensure that their organization’s systems and processes are equipped to stay in step with these modern solutions — not to mention the newfound security challenges that come with implementing and securing them.

As the new year draws closer, decision-makers will need to stay on top of key trends and priority areas in enterprise cybersecurity if they are to make room for growth and fend off any upcoming threats along their innovation journey. In this blog entry, we discuss predictions from Trend Micro’s team of security experts about the drivers of change that will figure prominently next year.

Misconfigurations will allow cybercriminals to scale up their attacks using cloud-native worms

Enterprises should come into 2024 prepared to ensure that their cloud resources can’t be turned against them in “living-off-the-cloud” attacks. Security teams need to closely monitor cloud environments in anticipation of cyberattacks that, tailored with worming capabilities, can also abuse cloud misconfigurations to gain a foothold in their targets and use rootkits for persistence. Cloud technologies like containerized applications are especially at risk as once infected, these can serve as a launchpad from which attackers can spread malicious payloads to other accounts and services. Given their ability to infect multiple containers at once, leverage vulnerabilities at scale, and automate various tasks like reconnaissance, exploitation, and achieving persistence, worms will endure as a prominent tactic among cybercriminals next year.

AI-generated media will give rise to more sophisticated social engineering scams

The gamut of use cases for generative AI will be a boon not only for enterprises but also for fraudsters seeking new ways of profiteering in 2024. Though they’re often behind the curve when it comes to new technologies, expect cybercriminals — swayed by the potential of lucrative pay — to incorporate AI-generated lures as part of their upgraded social engineering attacks. Notably, despite the shutdown of malicious large language model (LLM) tool WormGPT, similar tools could still emerge from the dark web. In the interim, cybercriminals will also continue to find other ways to circumvent the limitations of legitimate AI tools available online. In addition to their use of digital impostors that combine various AI-powered tools in emerging threats like virtual kidnapping, we predict that malicious actors will resort specifically to voice cloning in more targeted attacks.

The rising tide of data poisoning will be a scourge on ML models under training

Integrating machine-learning (ML) models into their operations promises to be a real game changer for businesses that are banking on the potential of these models to supercharge innovation and productivity. As we step into 2024, attempts to corrupt the training data of these models will start gaining ground. Threat actors will likely carry out these attacks by taking advantage of a model’s data-collection phase or by compromising its data storage or data pipeline infrastructure. Specialized models using focused datasets will also be more vulnerable to data poisoning than LLMs and generative AI models trained on extensive datasets, which will prompt security practitioners to pay closer attention to the risks associated with tapping into external resources for ML training data.

Attackers will take aim at software supply chains through their CI/CD pipelines

Software supply chains will have a target on their back in 2024, as cybercriminals will aim to infiltrate them through their continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) systems. For example, despite their use in expediting software development, components and code sourced from third-party libraries and containers are not without security risks, such as lacking thorough security audits, containing malicious or outdated components, or harboring overlooked vulnerabilities that could open the door to code-injection attacks. The call for developers to be wary of anything sourced from third parties will therefore remain relevant next year. Similarly, to safeguard the resilience of critical software development pipelines and weed out bugs in the coming year, DevOps practitioners should exercise caution and conduct routine scans of any external code they plan to use.

New extortion schemes and criminal gangs will be built around the blockchain

Whereas public blockchains are hardened by continuous cyberattacks, the same can’t be said of their permissioned counterparts because of the latter’s centralized nature. This lack of hard-won resilience will drive malicious actors to develop new extortion business models specific to private blockchains next year. In such extortion operations, criminals could use stolen keys to insert malicious data or modify existing records on the blockchain and then demand a payoff to stay mum on the attack. Threat actors can also strong-arm their victims into paying the ransom by wresting control of enough nodes to encrypt an entire private blockchain. As for criminal groups, we predict that 2024 will see the debut of the first criminal organizations running entirely on blockchains with smart contract or decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs).

Countering future cyberthreats

Truly transformative technologies inevitably cross the threshold into standard business operations. But as they make that transition from novel to industry norm, newly adopted tools and solutions require additional layers of protection if they are to contribute to an enterprise’s expansion. So long as their security stance is anchored on preparedness and due diligence, organizations stand to reap the benefits from a growing IT stack without exposing themselves to unnecessary risks. To learn more about the key security considerations and challenges that lie ahead for organizations and end users, read our report, “Critical Scalability: Trend Micro Security Predictions for 2024.”

Source :–key-learnings-from-trend-micro-s-security-pred.html

The Ultimate Guide to Password Best Practices: Guarding Your Digital Identity

Dirk Schrader
Published: November 14, 2023
Updated: November 24, 2023

In the wake of escalating cyber-attacks and data breaches, the ubiquitous advice of “don’t share your password” is no longer enough. Passwords remain the primary keys to our most important digital assets, so following password security best practices is more critical than ever. Whether you’re securing email, networks, or individual user accounts, following password best practices can help protect your sensitive information from cyber threats.

Read this guide to explore password best practices that should be implemented in every organization — and learn how to protect vulnerable information while adhering to better security strategies.

The Secrets of Strong Passwords

A strong password is your first line of defense when it comes to protecting your accounts and networks. Implement these standard password creation best practices when thinking about a new password:

  • Complexity: Ensure your passwords contain a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. It should be noted that composition rules, such as lowercase, symbols, etc. are no longer recommended by NIST — so use at your own discretion.
  • Length: Longer passwords are generally stronger — and usually, length trumps complexity. Aim for at least 6-8 characters.
  • Unpredictability: Avoid using common phrases or patterns. Avoid using easily guessable information like birthdays or names. Instead, create unique strings that are difficult for hackers to guess.

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Combining these factors makes passwords harder to guess. For instance, if a password is 8 characters long and includes uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers and special characters, the total possible combinations would be (26 + 26 + 10 + 30)^8. This astronomical number of possibilities makes it exceedingly difficult for an attacker to guess the password.

Of course, given NIST’s updated guidance on passwords, the best approach to effective password security is using a password manager — this solution will not only help create and store your passwords, but it will automatically reject common, easy-to-guess passwords (those included in password dumps). Password managers greatly increase security against the following attack types.

Password-Guessing Attacks

Understanding the techniques that adversaries use to guess user passwords is essential for password security. Here are some of the key attacks to know about:

Brute-Force Attack

In a brute-force attack, an attacker systematically tries every possible combination of characters until the correct password is found. This method is time-consuming but can be effective if the password is weak.

Strong passwords help thwart brute force attacks because they increase the number of possible combinations an attacker must try, making it unlikely they can guess the password within a reasonable timeframe.

Dictionary Attack

A dictionary attack is a type of brute-force attack in which an adversary uses a list of common words, phrases and commonly used passwords to try to gain access.

Unique passwords are essential to thwarting dictionary attacks because attackers rely on common words and phrases. Using a password that isn’t a dictionary word or a known pattern significantly reduces the likelihood of being guessed. For example, the string “Xc78dW34aa12!” is not in the dictionary or on the list of commonly used passwords, making it much more secure than something generic like “password.”

Dictionary Attack with Character Variations

In some dictionary attacks, adversaries also use standard words but also try common character substitutions, such as replacing ‘a’ with ‘@’ or ‘e’ with ‘3’. For example, in addition to trying to log on using the word “password”, they might also try the variant “p@ssw0rd”.

Choosing complex and unpredictable passwords is necessary to thwart these attacks. By using unique combinations and avoiding easily guessable patterns, you make it challenging for attackers to guess your password.

How Password Managers Enhance Security

Password managers are indispensable for securely storing and organizing your passwords. These tools offer several key benefits:

  • Security: Password managers store passwords and enter them for you, eliminating the need for users to remember them all. All users need to remember is the master password for their password manager tool. Therefore, users can use long, complex passwords as recommended by best practices without worrying about forgetting their passwords or resorting to insecure practices like writing passwords down or reusing the same password for multiple sites or applications.
  • Password generation: Password managers can generate a strong and unique password for user accounts, eliminating the need for individuals to come up with them.
  • Encryption: Password managers encrypt password vaults, ensuring the safety of data — even if it is compromised.
  • Convenience: Password managers enable users to easily access passwords across multiple devices.

When selecting a password manager, it’s important to consider your organization’s specific needs, such as support for the platforms you use, price, ease of use and vendor breach history. Conduct research and read reviews to identify the one that best aligns with your organization’s requirements. Some noteworthy options include Netwrix Password Secure, LastPass, Dashlane, 1Password and Bitwarden.

How Multifactor Authentication (MFA) Adds an Extra Layer of Security

Multifactor authentication strengthens security by requiring two or more forms of verification before granting access. Specifically, you need to provide at least two of the following authentication factors:

  • Something you know: The classic example is your password.
  • Something you have: Usually this is a physical device like a smartphone or security token.
  • Something you are: This is biometric data like a fingerprint or facial recognition.

MFA renders a stolen password worthless, so implement it wherever possible.

Password Expiration Management

Password expiration policies play a crucial role in maintaining strong password security. Using a password manager that creates strong passwords also has an influence on password expiration. If you do not use a password manager yet, implement a strategy to check all passwords within your organization; with a rise in data breaches, password lists (like the known rockyou.txt and its variations) used in brute-force attacks are constantly growing. The website offers a service to check whether a certain password has been exposed. Here’s what users should know about password security best practices related to password expiration:

  • Follow policy guidelines: Adhere to your organization’s password expiration policy. This includes changing your password when prompted and selecting a new, strong password that meets the policy’s requirements.
  • Set reminders: If your organization doesn’t enforce password expiration via notifications, set your own reminders to change your password when it’s due. Regularly check your email or system notifications for prompts.
  • Avoid obvious patterns: When changing your password, refrain from using variations of the previous one or predictable patterns like “Password1,” “Password2” and so on.
  • Report suspicious activity: If you notice any suspicious account activity or unauthorized password change requests, report them immediately to your organization’s IT support service or helpdesk.
  • Be cautious with password reset emails: Best practice for good password security means being aware of scams. If you receive an unexpected email prompting you to reset your password, verify its authenticity. Phishing emails often impersonate legitimate organizations to steal your login credentials.

Password Security and Compliance

Compliance standards require password security and password management best practices as a means to safeguard data, maintain privacy and prevent unauthorized access. Here are a few of the laws that require password security:

  • HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act): HIPAA mandates that healthcare organizations implement safeguards to protect electronic protected health information (ePHI), which includes secure password practices.
  • PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard): PCI DSS requires organizations that handle payment card data on their website to implement strong access controls, including password security, to protect cardholder data.
  • GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation): GDPR requires organizations that store or process the data of EU residents to implement appropriate security measures to protect personal data. Password security is a fundamental aspect of data protection under GDPR.
  • FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act): FERPA governs the privacy of student education records. It includes requirements for securing access to these records, which involves password security.

Organizations subject to these compliance standards need to implement robust password policies and password security best practices. Failure to do so can result in steep fines and other penalties.

There are also voluntary frameworks that help organizations establish strong password policies. Two of the most well known are the following:

  • NIST Cybersecurity Framework: The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) provides guidelines and recommendations, including password best practices, to enhance cybersecurity.
  • ISO 27001: ISO 27001 is an international standard for information security management systems (ISMSs). It includes requirements related to password management as part of its broader security framework.

Password Best Practices in Action

Now, let’s put these password security best practices into action with an example:

Suppose your name is John Doe and your birthday is December 10, 1985. Instead of using “JohnDoe121085” as your password (which is easily guessable), follow these good password practices:

  • Create a long, unique (and unguessable) password, such as: “M3an85DJ121!”
  • Store it in a trusted password manager.
  • Enable multi-factor authentication whenever available.

10 Password Best Practices

If you are looking to strengthen your security, follow these password best practices:

  • Remove hints or knowledge-based authentication: NIST recommends not using knowledge-based authentication (KBA), such as questions like “What town were you born in?” but instead, using something more secure, like two-factor authentication.
  • Encrypt passwords: Protect passwords with encryption both when they are stored and when they are transmitted over networks. This makes them useless to any hacker who manages to steal them.
  • Avoid clear text and reversible forms: Users and applications should never store passwords in clear text or any form that could easily be transformed into clear text. Ensure your password management routine does not use clear text (like in an XLS file).
  • Choose unique passwords for different accounts: Don’t use the same, or even variations, of the same passwords for different accounts. Try to come up with unique passwords for different accounts.
  • Use a password management: This can help select new passwords that meet security requirements, send reminders of upcoming password expiration, and help update passwords through a user-friendly interface.
  • Enforce strong password policies: Implement and enforce strong password policies that include minimum length and complexity requirements, along with a password history rule to prevent the reuse of previous passwords.
  • Update passwords when needed: You should be checking and – if the results indicate so – updating your passwords to minimize the risk of unauthorized access, especially after data breaches.
  • Monitor for suspicious activity: Continuously monitor your accounts for suspicious activity, including multiple failed login attempts, and implement account lockouts and alerts to mitigate threats.
  • Educate users: Conduct or partake in regular security awareness training to learn about password best practices, phishing threats, and the importance of maintaining strong, unique passwords for each account.
  • Implement password expiration policies: Enforce password expiration policies that require password changes at defined circumstances to enhance security.

How Netwrix Can Help

Adhering to password best practices is vital to safeguarding sensitive information and preventing unauthorized access.

Netwrix Password Secure provides advanced capabilities for monitoring password policies, detecting and responding to suspicious activity and ensuring compliance with industry regulations. With features such as real-time alerts, comprehensive reporting and a user-friendly interface, it empowers organizations to proactively identify and address password-related risks, enforce strong password policies, and maintain strong security across their IT environment.


In a world where cyber threats are constantly evolving, adhering to password management best practices is essential to safeguard your digital presence. First and foremost, create a strong and unique password for each system or application — remember that using a password manager makes it much easier to adhere to this critical best practice. In addition, implement multifactor authentication whenever possible to thwart any attacker who manages to steal your password. By following the guidelines, you can enjoy a safer online experience and protect your valuable digital assets.

Dirk Schrader

Dirk Schrader is a Resident CISO (EMEA) and VP of Security Research at Netwrix. A 25-year veteran in IT security with certifications as CISSP (ISC²) and CISM (ISACA), he works to advance cyber resilience as a modern approach to tackling cyber threats. Dirk has worked on cybersecurity projects around the globe, starting in technical and support roles at the beginning of his career and then moving into sales, marketing and product management positions at both large multinational corporations and small startups. He has published numerous articles about the need to address change and vulnerability management to achieve cyber resilience.

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The Best Network Monitoring Tools & Software

Marc Wilson UPDATED: October 20, 2023

The realm of Network Monitoring Tools, Software, and Vendors is Huge, to say the least. New software, tools, and utilities are being launched almost every year to compete in an ever-changing marketplace of IT monitoringserver monitoring, and system monitoring software.

I’ve test-driven, played with and implemented dozens during my career and this guide rounds up the best ones in an easy-to-read format and highlighted their main strengths and why I think they are in the top class of tools to use in your IT infrastructure and business.

Some of the features I am looking for are device discovery, uptime/downtime indicators, along with robust and thorough alerting systems (via email/SMS),  NetFlow and SNMP Integration as  well as considerations that are important with any software purchase such as ease of use and value for money.

The features from above were all major points of interest when evaluating software suites for this article and I’ll try to keep this article as updated as possible with new feature sets and improvements as they are released.

Here is our list of the top network monitoring tools:

  1. Auvik – EDITOR’S CHOICE This cloud platform provides modules for LAN monitoring, Wi-Fi monitoring, and SaaS system monitoring. The network monitoring package discovers all devices, maps the network, and then implements automated performance tracking. Get a 14-day free trial.
  2. Paessler PRTG Network Monitor – FREE TRIAL A collection of monitoring tools and many of those are network monitors. Runs on Windows Server. Start a 30-day free trial.
  3. SolarWinds Network Performance Monitor – FREE TRIAL The leading network monitoring system that uses SNMP to check on network device statuses. This monitoring tool includes autodiscovery that compiles an asset inventory and automatically draws up a network topology map. Runs on Windows Server. Start 30-day free trial.
  4. Checkmk – FREE TRIAL This hybrid IT infrastructure monitoring package includes a comprehensive network monitor that provides device status tracking and traffic analysis functions via the integration with ntop. Available as a Linux install package, Docker package, appliance and cloud application available in cloud marketplaces. Get a 30-day free trial.
  5. Datadog Network Monitoring – FREE TRIAL Provides good visibility over each of the components of your network and the connections between them – be it cloud, on-premises or hybrid environment. Troubleshoot infrastructure, apps and DNS issues effortlessly.
  6. ManageEngine OpManager – FREE TRIAL An SNMP-based network monitor that has great network topology layout options, all based on an autodiscovery process. Installs on Windows Server and Linux.
  7. NinjaOne RMM – FREE TRIAL This cloud-based system provides remote monitoring and management for managed service providers covering the systems of their clients.
  8. Site24x7 Network Monitoring – FREE TRIAL A cloud-based monitoring system for networks, servers, and applications. This tool monitors both physical and virtual resources.
  9. Atera – FREE TRIAL A cloud-based package of remote monitoring and management tools that include automated network monitoring and a network mapping utility.
  10. ManageEngine RMM Central – FREE TRIAL A powerful asset and network management that includes patching, remote access, and automated remediation.

Related Post: Best Bandwidth Monitoring Software and Tools for Network Traffic Usage

The Top Network Monitoring Tools and Software

Below you’ll find an updated list of the Latest Tools & Software to ensure your network is continuously tracked and monitored at all times of the day to ensure the highest up-times possible. Most of them have free Downloads or Trials to get you started for 15 to 30 days to ensure it meets your requirements.

What should you look for in network monitoring tools?

We reviewed the market for network monitoring software and analyzed the tools based on the following criteria:

  • An automated service that can perform network monitoring unattended
  • A device discovery routine that automatically creates an asset inventory
  • A network mapping service that shows live statuses of all devices
  • Alerts for when problems arise
  • The ability to communicate with network devices through SNMP
  • A free trial or a demo for a no-cost assessment
  • Value for money in a package that provides monitoring for all network devices at a reasonable price

With these selection criteria in mind, we have defined a shortlist of suitable network monitoring tools for all operating systems.

1. Auvik – FREE TRIAL

Auvik Network Monitoring

Auvik is a SaaS platform that offers a network discovery and mapping system that automates enrolment and then continues to operate in order to spot changes in network infrastructure. This system is able to centralize and unify the monitoring of multiple sites.

Key Features:

  • A SaaS package that includes processing power and storage space for system logs as well as the monitoring software
  • Centralizes the monitoring of networks on multiple sites
  • Watches over network device statuses
  • Offers two plans: Essential and Performance
  • Network traffic analysis included in the higher plan
  • Monitors virtual LANs as well as physical networks
  • Autodiscovery service
  • Network mapping
  • Alerts for automated monitoring
  • Integrations with third-party complimentary systems

Why do we recommend it?

Auvik is a cloud-based network monitoring system. It reaches into your network, identifies all connected devices, and then creates a map. While SolarWinds Network Performance Monitor also performs those tasks, Auvik is a much lighter tool that you don’t have to host yourself and you don’t need deep technical knowledge to watch over a network with this automated system.

Auvik’s network monitoring system is automated, thanks to its system of thresholds. The service includes out-of-the-box thresholds that are placed on most of the metrics that the network monitor tracks. It is also possible to create custom thresholds.

Once the monitoring service is operating, if any of the thresholds are crossed, the system raises an alert. This mechanism allows technicians to get on with other tasks, knowing that the thresholds give them time to avert system performance problems that would be noticeable to users.

Network management tools that are included in the Auvik package include configuration management to standardize the settings of network devices and prevent unauthorized changes.

The processing power for Auvik is provided by the service’s cloud servers. However, the system requires collectors to be installed on each monitored site. This software runs on Windows Server and Ubuntu Linux. It is also possible to run the collector on a VM. Wherever the collector is located, the system manager still accesses the service’s console, which is based on the Auvik server, through any standard Web browser.

Who is it recommended for?

Smaller businesses that don’t have a team to support IT would benefit from Auvik. It needs no software maintenance and the system provides automated alerts when issues arise, so your few IT staff can get on with supporting other resources while Auvik looks after the network.


  • A specialized network monitoring tool
  • Additional network management utilities
  • Configuration management included
  • A cloud-based service that is accessible from anywhere through any standard Web browser
  • Data collectors for Windows Server and Ubuntu Linux


  • The system isn’t expandable with any other Auvik modules

Auvik doesn’t publish its prices by you can access a 14-day free trial.


Auvik is our top pick for a network monitoring tool because it is a hosted SaaS package that provides all of your network monitoring needs without you needing to maintain the software. The Auvik platform installs an agent on your site and then sets itself up by scanning the network and identifying all devices. The inventory that this system generates gives you details of all of your equipment and provides a basis for network topology maps. Repeated checks on the network gather performance statistics and if any metric crosses a threshold, the tool will generate an alert.  You can centralize the monitoring of multiple sites with this service.

Download: Get a 14-day FREE Trial

Official Site:

OS: Cloud-based

2. PRTG Network Monitor from Paessler – FREE TRIAL

PRTG Network Monitor

PRTG Network Monitor software is commonly known for its advanced infrastructure management capabilities. All devices, systems, traffic, and applications in your network can be easily displayed in a hierarchical view that summarizes performance and alerts. PRTG monitors the entire IT infrastructure using technology such as SNMP, WMI, SSH, Flows/Packet Sniffing, HTTP requests, REST APIs, Pings, SQL, and a lot more.

Key Features:

  • Autodiscovery that creates and maintains a device inventory
  • Live network topology maps are available in a range of formats
  • Monitoring for wireless networks as well as LANs
  • Multi-site monitoring capabilities
  • SNMP sensors to gather device health information
  • Ping to check on device availability
  • Optional extra sensors to monitor servers and applications
  • System-wide status overviews and drill-down paths for individual device details
  • A protocol analyzer to identify high-traffic applications
  • A packet sniffer to collect packet headers for analysis
  • Color-coded graphs of live data in the system dashboard
  • Capacity planning support
  • Alerts on device problems, resource shortages, and performance issues
  • Notifications generated from alerts that can be sent out by email or SMS
  • Available for installation on Windows Server or as a hosted cloud service

Why do we recommend it?

Paessler PRTG Network Monitor is a very flexible package. Not only does it monitor networks, but it can also monitor endpoints and applications. The PRTG system will discover and map your network, creating a network inventory, which is the basis for automated monitoring. You put together your ideal monitoring system by choosing which sensors to turn on. You pay for an allowance of sensors.

It is one of the best choices for organizations with low experience in network monitoring software. The user interface is really powerful and very easy to use.

A very particular feature of PRTG is its ability to monitor devices in the data center with a mobile app. A QR code that corresponds to the sensor is printed out and attached to the physical hardware. The mobile app is used to scan the code and a summary of the device is displayed on the mobile screen.

In summary, Paessler PRTG is a flexible package of sensors that you can tailor to your own needs by deciding which monitors to activate. The SNMP-based network performance monitoring routines include an autodiscovery system that generates a network asset inventory and topology maps. You can also activate traffic monitoring features that can communicate with switches through NetFlow, sFlow, J-Flow, and IPFIX. QoS and NBAR features enable you to keep your time-sensitive applications working properly.

Who is it recommended for?

PRTG is available in a Free edition, which is limited to 100 sensors. This is probably enough to support a small network. Mid-sized and large organizations should be interested in paying for larger allowances of sensors. The tool can even monitor multiple sites from one location.


  • Uses a combination of packet sniffing, WMI, and SNMP to report network performance data
  • Fully customizable dashboard is great for both lone administrators as well as NOC teams
  • Drag and drop editor makes it easy to build custom views and reports
  • Supports a wide range of alert mediums such as SMS, email, and third-party integrations into platforms like Slack
  • Each sensor is specifically designed to monitor each application, for example, there are prebuilt sensors whose specific purpose is to capture and monitor VoIP activity
  • Supports a freeware version


  • Is a very comprehensive platform with many features and moving parts that require time to learn

PRTG has a very flexible pricing plan, to get an idea visit their official pricing webpage below. It is free to use for up to 50 sensors. Beyond that you get a 30-day free trial to figure out your network requirements.

Paessler PRTGDownload a 30-day FREE Trial

3. SolarWinds Network Performance Monitor – FREE TRIAL

SolarWinds Network Performance Monitor with Free Trial

SolarWinds Network Performance Monitor is easy to setup and can be ready in no time. The tool automatically discovers network devices and deploys within an hour. Its simple approach to oversee an entire network makes it one of the easiest to use and most intuitive user interfaces.

Key Features:

  • Automatically Network Discovery and Scanning for Wired and Wifi Computers and Devices
  • Support for Wide Array of OEM Vendors
  • Forecast and Capacity Planning
  • Quickly Pinpoint Issues with Network Performance with NetPath™ Critical Path visualization feature
  • Easy to Use Performance Dashboard to Analyze Critical Data points and paths across your network
  • Robust Alerting System with options for Simple/Complex Triggers
  • Monitor CISCO ASA networks with their New Network Insight™ for CISCO ASA
  • Monitor ACL‘s, VPN, Interface and Monitor on your Cisco ASA
  • Monitor Firewall rules through Firewall Rules Browser
  • Hop by Hop Analysis of Critical Network Paths and Components
  • Automatically Discover Networks and Map them along with Topology Views
  • Manage, Monitor and Analyze Wifi Networks within the Dashboard
  • Create HeatMaps of Wifi Networks to pin-point Wifi Dead Spots
  • Monitor Hardware Health of all Servers, Firewalls, Routers, Switches, Desktops, laptops and more
  • Real-Time Network and Netflow Monitoring for Critical Network Components and Devices

Why do we recommend it?

SolarWinds Network Performance Monitor is the leading network monitoring tool in the world and this is the system that the other monitor providers are chasing. Like many other network monitors, this system uses the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) to gather reports on network devices. The strength of SolarWinds lies in the deep technical knowledge of its support advisors, which many other providers lack.

The product is highly customizable and the interface is easy to manage and change very quickly. You can customize the web-based performance dashboards, charts, and views. You can design a tailored topology for your entire network infrastructure. You can also create customized dependency-aware intelligent alerts and much more.

SolarWinds NPM Application Summary

The software is sold by separate modules based on what you use. SolarWinds Network Performance Monitor Price starts from $1,995 and is a one-time license including 1st-year maintenance.

SolarWinds NPM has an Extensive Feature list that make it One of the Best Choices for Network Monitoring Solutions

SolarWinds NPM is able to track the performance of networks autonomously through the use of SNMP procedures, producing alerts when problems arise. Alerts are generated if performance dips and also in response to emergency notifications sent out by device agents. This system means that technicians don’t have to watch the monitoring screen all the time because they know that they will be drawn back to fix problems by an email or SMS notification.

SolarWinds NPM - NetPath Screenshot
NetPath Screenshot

Who is it recommended for?

SolarWinds Network Performance Monitor is an extensive network monitoring system and it is probably over-engineered for use by a small business. Mid-sized and large companies would benefit from using this tool.


  • Supports auto-discovery that builds network topology maps and inventory lists in real-time based on devices that enter the network
  • Has some of the best alerting features that balance effectiveness with ease of use
  • Supports both SNMP monitoring as well as packet analysis, giving you more control over monitoring than similar tools
  • Uses drag and drop widgets to customize the look and feel of the dashboard
  • Tons of pre-configured templates, reports, and dashboard views


  • This is a feature-rich enterprise tool designed for sysadmin, non-technical users may some features overwhelming

You can start with a 30-day free trial.

SolarWinds NPMDownload a 30-day FREE Trial!

4. Checkmk – FREE TRIAL

Checkmk Uplink Bandwidth Graph

Checkmk is an IT asset monitoring package that has the ability to watch over networks, servers, services, and applications. The network monitoring facilities in this package provide both network device status tracking and network traffic monitoring.

Features of this package include:

  • Device discovery that cycles continuously, spotting new devices and removing retired equipment
  • Creation of a network inventory
  • Registration of switches, routers, firewalls, and other network devices
  • Creation of a network topology map
  • Continuous device status monitoring with SNMP
  • SNMP feature report focus for small businesses
  • Performance thresholds with alerts
  • Wireless network monitoring
  • Protocol analysis
  • Traffic throughput statistics per link
  • Switch port monitoring
  • Gateway transmission speed tracking
  • Network traffic data extracted with ntop
  • Can monitor a multi-vendor environment

Why do we recommend it?

The Checkmk combination of network device monitoring and traffic monitoring in one tool is rare. Most network monitoring service creators split those two functions so that you have to buy two separate packages. The Checkmk system also gives you application and server monitoring along with the network monitoring service.

The Checkmk system is easy to set up, thanks to its autodiscovery mechanism. This is based on SNMP. The program will act as an SNMP Manager, send out a broadcast requesting reports from device agents, and then compile the results into an inventory. The agent is the Checkmk package itself if you choose to install the Linux version or it is embedded on a device if you go for the hardware option. If you choose the Checkmk Cloud SaaS option, that platform will install an agent on one of your computers.

The SNMP Manager constantly re-polls for device reports and the values in these appear in the Checkmk device monitoring screen. The platform also updates its network inventory according to the data sent back by device agents in each request/response round. The dashboard also generates a network topology map from information in the inventory. So, that map updates whenever the inventory changes.

Checkmk Network Topology

While gathering information through SNMP, the tool also scans the headings of passing packets on the network to compile traffic statistics. Basically, the tool provides a packet count which enables it to quickly calculate a traffic throughput rate. Data can also be segmented per protocol, according to the TCP port number in each header.

Who is it recommended for?

Checkmk has a very wide appeal because of its three editions. Checkmk Raw is free and will appeal to small businesses. This is an adaptation of Nagios Core. The paid version of the system is called Checkmk Enterprise and that is designed for mid-sized and large businesses. Checkmk Cloud is a SaaS option.


  • Provides both network device monitoring and traffic tracking
  • Automatically discovers devices and creates a network inventory
  • Free version available
  • Options for on-premises or SaaS delivery
  • Monitors wireless networks as well as LANs
  • Available for installation on Linux or as an appliance


  • Provides a lot of screens to look through

Start a 30-day free trial.

CheckmkStart 30-day FREE Trial

5. Datadog Network Monitoring – FREE TRIAL

Datadog App Performance

Datadog Network Monitoring supervises the performance of network devices. The service is a cloud-based system that is able to explore a network and detect all connected devices. With the information from this research, the network monitor will create an asset inventory and draw up a network topology map. This procedure means that the system performs its own setup routines.

Features of this package include:

  • Monitors networks anywhere, including remote sites
  • Joins together on-premises and cloud-based resource monitoring
  • Integrates with other Datadog modules, such as log management
  • Offers an overview of all network performance and drill-down details of each device
  • Facilitates troubleshooting by identifying performance dependencies
  • Includes DNS server monitoring
  • Gathers SNMP device reports
  • Blends performance data from many information sources
  • Includes data flow monitoring
  • Offers tag-based packet analysis utilities in the dashboard
  • Integrates protocol analyzers
  • Performance threshold baselining based on machine learning
  • Alerts for warnings over evolving performance issues
  • Packages offer network performance monitoring tools (traffic analysis) or network device monitoring
  • Subscription charges with no startup costs

Why do we recommend it?

Datadog Network Monitoring services are split into two modules that are part of a cloud platform of many system monitoring and management tools. These two packages are called Network Performance Monitoring and Network Device Monitoring, which are both subscription services. While the device monitoring package works through SNMP, the performance monitor measures network traffic levels.

The autodiscovery process is ongoing, so it spots any changes you make to your network and instantly updates the inventory and the topology map. The service can also identify virtual systems and extend monitoring of links out to cloud resources.

Datadog Network Monitoring

Datadog Network Monitoring provides end-to-end visibility of all connections, which are also correlated with performance issues highlighted in log messages. The dashboard for the system is resident in the cloud and accessed through any standard browser. This centralizes network performance data from many sources and covers the entire network, link by link and end to end.

You can create custom graphs, metrics, and alerts in an instant, and the software can adjust them dynamically based on different conditions. Datadog prices start from free (up to five hosts), Pro $15/per host, per month and Enterprise $23 /per host, per month.

Who is it recommended for?

The two Datadog network monitoring packages are very easy to sign up for. They work well together to get a complete view of network activities. The pair will discover all of the devices on your network and map them, then startup automated monitoring. These are very easy-to-use systems that are suitable for use by any size of business.


  • Has one of the most intuitive interfaces among other network monitoring tools
  • Cloud-based SaaS product allows monitoring with no server deployments or onboarding costs
  • Can monitor both internally and externally giving network admins a holistic view of network performance and accessibility
  • Supports auto-discovery that builds network topology maps on the fly
  • Changes made to the network are reflected in near real-time
  • Allows businesses to scale their monitoring efforts reliably through flexible pricing options


  • Would like to see a longer trial period for testing

Start a 14-day free trial.

DatadogStart a 14-day FREE Trial

6. ManageEngine OpManager – FREE TRIAL

ManageEngine OpManager Linux Network Monitoring

At its core, ManageEngine OpManager is infrastructure management, network monitoring, and application performance management “APM” (with APM plug-in) software.

Key Features:

  • Includes server monitoring as well as network monitoring
  • Autodiscovery function for automatic network inventory assembly
  • Constant checks on device availability
  • A range of network topology map options
  • Automated network mapping
  • Performs an SNMP manager role, constantly polling for device health statuses
  • Receives SNMP Traps and generates alerts when device problems arise
  • Implements performance thresholds and identifies system problems
  • Watches over resource availability
  • Customizable dashboard with color-coded dials and graphs of live data
  • Forwards alerts to individuals by email or SMS
  • Available for Windows Server and Linux
  • Can be enhanced by an application performance monitor to create a full stack supervisory system
  • Free version available
  • Distributed version to supervise multiple sites from one central location

Why do we recommend it?

ManageEngine OpManager is probably the biggest threat to SolarWind’s leading position. This package monitors servers as well as networks. This makes it a great system for monitoring virtualizations.

When it comes to network management tools, this product is well balanced when it comes to monitoring and analysis features.

The solution can manage your network, servers, network configuration, and fault & performance; It can also analyze your network traffic. To run Manage Engine OpManager, it must be installed on-premises.

A highlight of this product is that it comes with pre-configured network monitor device templates. These contain pre-defined monitoring parameters and intervals for specific device types.
The essential edition product can be purchased for $595 which allows up to 25 devices.

Who is it recommended for?

A nice feature of OpManager is that it is available for Linux as well as Windows Server for on-premises installation and it can also be used as a service on AWS or Azure for businesses that don’t want to run their own servers. The pricing for this package is very accessible for mid-sized and large businesses. Small enterprises with simple networks should use the Free edition, which is limited to covering a network with three connected devices.


  • Designed to work right away, features over 200 customizable widgets to build unique dashboards and reports
  • Leverages autodiscovery to find, inventory, and map new devices
  • Uses intelligent alerting to reduce false positives and eliminate alert fatigue across larger networks
  • Supports email, SMS, and webhook for numerous alerting channels
  • Integrates well in the ManageEngine ecosystem with their other products


  • Is a feature-rich tool that will require a time investment to properly learn

Start 30-day free trial.

ManageEngine OpManagerDownload a 30-day FREE Trial

7. NinjaOne RMM – FREE TRIAL

NinjaOne Endpoint Management

NinjaOne is a remote monitoring and management (RMM) package for managed service providers (MSPs). The system reaches out to each remote network through the installation of an agent on one of its endpoints. The agent acts as an SNMP Manager.

Key Features:

  • Based on the Simple Network Management Protocol
  • SNMP v1, 2, and 3
  • Device discovery and inventory creation
  • Continuous status polling for network devices and endpoints
  • Live traffic data with NetFlow, IPFIX, J-Flow, and sFlow
  • Traffic throughput graphs
  • Customizable detail display
  • Performance graphs
  • Switch port mapper
  • Device availability checks
  • Syslog processing for device status reports
  • Customizable alerts
  • Notifications by SMS or email
  • Related endpoint monitoring and management

Why do we recommend it?

NinjaOne RMM enables each technician to support multiple networks simultaneously. The alerting mechanism in the network monitoring service means that you can assume that everything is working fine on a client’s system unless you receive a notification otherwise. The network tracking service sets itself up automatically with a discovery routine.

The full NinjaOne RMM package provides a full suite of tools for administering a client’s system. The network monitoring service is part of that bundle along with endpoint monitoring and patch management.

The Ninja One system onboards a new client site automatically through a discovery service that creates both hardware and software inventories. The data for each client is kept separate in a subaccount. Technicians that need access to that client’s system for investigation need to be set up with credentials.

The network monitoring system provides both device status tracking and network traffic analysis. The service provides notifications if a dive goes offline or throughput drops.

Who is it recommended for?

This service is built with a multi-tenant architecture for use by managed service providers. However, IT departments can also use the system to manage their own networks and endpoints. The service is particularly suitable for simultaneously monitoring multiple sites. The console for the RMM is based in the cloud and accessed through any standard Web browser.


  • A cloud-based package that onboards sites through the installation of an agent
  • Auto discovery for network devices and endpoints
  • Network device status monitoring
  • Network traffic analysis
  • Syslog message scanning


  • No price list

NinjaOne doesn’t publish a price list so you start your buyer’s journey by accessing a 14-day free trial.

NinjaOneStart a 14-day FREE Trial

8. Site24x7 Network Monitoring – FREE TRIAL

Site24x7 Network Performance Monitor

Site24x7 is a monitoring service that covers networks, servers, and applications. The network monitoring service in this package starts off by exploring the network for connected devices. IT logs its findings in a network inventory and draws up a network topology map.

Key Features:

  • A hosted cloud-based service that includes CPU time and performance data storage space
  • Can unify the monitoring of networks on site all over the world
  • Uses SNMP to check on device health statuses
  • Gives alerts on resource shortages, performance issues, and device problems
  • Generates notifications to forward alerts by email or SMS
  • Root cause analysis features
  • Autodiscovery for a constantly updated network device inventory
  • Automatic network topology mapping
  • Includes internet performance monitoring for utilities such as VPNs
  • Specialized monitoring routines for storage clusters
  • Monitors boundary and edge services, such as load balancers
  • Offers overview and detail screens showing the performance of the entire network and also individual devices
  • Includes network traffic flow monitoring
  • Facilities for capacity planning and bottleneck identification
  • Integrates with application monitoring services to create a full stack service

Why do we recommend it?

Site24x7 Network Monitoring is part of a platform that is very similar to Datadog. A difference lies in the number of modules that Site24x7 offers – it has far fewer than Datadog. Site24x7 bundles its modules into packages with almost all plans providing monitoring for networks, servers, services, applications, and websites. Site24x7 was originally developed to be a SaaS plan for ManageEngine but then was split out into a separate brand, so there is very solid expertise behind this platform.

The Network Monitor uses procedures from the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) to poll devices every minute for status reports. Any changes in the network infrastructure that are revealed by these responses update the inventory and topology map.

The results of the device responses are interpreted into live data in the dashboard of the monitor. The dashboard is accessed through any standard browser and its screens can be customized by the user.

The SNMP system empowers device agents to send out a warning without waiting for a request if it detects a problem with the device that it is monitoring. Site24x7 Infrastructure catches these messages, which are called Traps, and generates an alert. This alert can be forwarded to technicians by SMS, email, voice call, or instant messaging post.

The Network Monitor also has a traffic analysis function. This extracts throughput figures from switches and routers and displays data flow information in the system dashboard. This data can also be used for capacity planning.

Who is it recommended for?

The plans for Site24x7 are very reasonably priced, which makes them accessible to businesses of all sizes. Setup for the system is automated and much of the ongoing monitoring processes are carried out without any manual intervention.


  • One of the most holistic monitoring tools available, supporting networks, infrastructure, and real user monitoring in a single platform
  • Uses real-time data to discover devices and build charts, network maps, and inventory reports
  • Is one of the most user-friendly network monitoring tools available
  • User monitoring can help bridge the gap between technical issues, user behavior, and business metrics
  • Supports a freeware version for testing


  • Is a very detailed platform that will require time to fully learn all of its features and options

Site24x7 costs $9 per month when paid annually. It is available for a free trial.

Site24x7Get the FREE Trial

9. Atera – FREE TRIAL

Atera Screenshot

Atera is a package software that was built for managed service providers. It is a SaaS platform and it includes professional service automation (PSA) and remote monitoring and management (RMM) systems.

Why do we recommend it?

Atera is a package of tools for managed service providers (MSPs). Alongside remote network monitoring capabilities, this package provides automated monitoring services for all IT operations. The package also includes some system management tools, such as a patch manager. Finally, the Atera platform offers Professional Services Automation (PSA) tools to help the managers of MSPs to run their businesses.

The network monitoring system operates remotely through an agent that installs on Windows Server. The agent enables the service to scour the network and identify all of the network devices that run it. This is performed using SNMP, with the agent acting as the SNMP Manager.

The SNMP system enables the agent to spot Traps, which warn of device problems. These are sent to the Atera network monitoring dashboard, where they appear as alerts. Atera offers an automated topology mapping service, but this is an add-on to the main subscription packages.

Who is it recommended for?

Atera charges for its platform per technician, so it is very affordable for MSPs of all sizes. This extends to sole technicians operating on a contract basis and possibly fielding many small business clients.


  • Remote automated network discovery
  • Network performance monitoring with SNMP
  • Alerts for notified device problems
  • Also includes remote system management tools
  • Scalable pricing with three plan levels
  • 30-day free trial


  • Network mapping costs extra

You can start a 30-day free trial.

AteraStart 30-day Free Trial

10. ManageEngine RMM Central – FREE TRIAL

ManageEngine RMM Central

ManageEngine RMM Central provides sysadmins with everything they need to support their network. Automated asset discovery makes deployment simple, allowing you to collect all devices on your network by the end of the day.

Key Features

  • Automated network monitoring and asset discovery
  • Built-in remote access with various troubleshooting tools
  • Flexible alert integrations

With network and asset metrics collected, administrators can quickly see critical insights automatically generated by the platform. With over 100 automated reports it’s easy to see exactly where your bottlenecks are and what endpoints are having trouble.

Administrators can configure their own SLAs with various automated alert options and even pair those alerts with other automation that integrate into their helpdesk workflow.


  • Uses a combination of packet sniffing, WMI, and SNMP to report network performance data
  • Fully customizable dashboard is great for both lone administrators as well as NOC teams
  • Drag and drop editor makes it easy to build custom views and reports
  • Supports a wide range of alert mediums such as SMS, email, and third-party integrations into platforms like Slack


  • Is a very comprehensive platform with many features and moving parts that require time to learn

Start a 30-day free trial.

source :

Know Your Malware Part Two – Hacky Obfuscation Techniques

Ram Gall
November 1, 2023

In the first post in this series, we covered common PHP encoding techniques and how they’re used by malware to hide from security analysts and scanners. In today’s post, we’re going to dive a little bit deeper into other obfuscation techniques that make use of other features available in PHP.

Obfuscation Redux

In the first post in this series, we defined Obfuscation as the process of concealing the purpose or functionality of code or data so that it evades detection and is more difficult for a human or security software to analyze, but still fulfills its intended purpose. One of the main contributing factors to the popularity of PHP is its ease of use, but the same functionality that makes it easy to use also makes it easy to abuse, often in ways that were never intended.

The techniques covered in this post are often simpler and “hackier” than the ones listed in the previous article, and most of them are less reliable as indicators of malicious activity individually, as several of them typically need to be combined in order to achieve sufficient obfuscation. These techniques are also often easier for a human analyst to spot, but they are also more difficult to detect using scanning tools due to the wide variety of permutations available. Such simpler obfuscation methods can also be creatively combined with encoding techniques, granting malware authors a formidable array of tactics to avoid detection.

While it is not practical to cover every possible technique in active use, this article will detail the more commonly found methods, and help illustrate the wide range of possibilities when decoding obfuscated malware. Several of the methods we will cover today, such as comment abuse, can be combined into almost infinite variations with minute changes, thus rendering them completely undetectable to traditional hash-based malware scanning and even partially slowing down regular expression-based scanning of the type used by Wordfence.

Fortunately, while these methods do make analysis more difficult, and can slow down scanning, their presence in certain combinations is a strong signal of malicious activity, and the malware detection signatures used by the Wordfence plugin and Wordfence CLI are tuned to detect these combinations with astoundingly few false positives. Wordfence CLI in particular is useful in these cases, as it is highly performant and can run multithreaded jobs, compensating for any speed penalties imposed by these techniques.

Comment Abuse

PHP has several methods of adding code comments that you may already be familiar with. Well-commented code is considered a best practice, as it makes it much easier to maintain software and pay off technical debt, but comments can also be used for illicit purposes.

PHP uses three styles of comments:

//, denoting a single line comment that ends on the next line.

#, likewise a single line comment that ends on the next line, though this is less common than ‘//’.

/*, the beginning of a multiline comment, which can only closed with */.

Multiline comments are particularly useful to malware authors because they are ignored by PHP, and do not have to extend over multiple lines. This means that an attacker can “break up” their code to evade scanners using comments. For instance, the following code block prints “Hello, World!”:

1234<?phpecho/*blah*/"Hello, World!"/*blah*/;

While this is a very basic example, more complicated examples can be found in real malware, such as the following snippet, which makes use of several additional obfuscation techniques, including octal escape sequences and invisible null bytes:

12,<?php        function/*ti*/ed_ixpn(){     echo/* o_lpl*/20508;  }$disdcrxh_/* ohgvr*/= 'disdcrxh_'/*  _jnsm  */^       '';$zggkgqda= "\146".     "\151"$disdcrxh_(361-253)   ./* qts   */"e"."_".$disdcrxh_(564-452)/* rxw*/.     $disdcrxh_(1006-889)     . "t".$disdcrxh_(952-857) ./*  w  */"c".$disdcrxh_(111) ./*fcup  */"n".$disdcrxh_(162-46)/*   djtrl   */./*  pwdn  */"e".$disdcrxh_(407-297)      .      $disdcrxh_(854-738) . $disdcrxh_(115);

While we’re not going to fully analyze this malware today, it already presents problems for many scanners. For instance, a scanner searching for the very first line of code, function ed_ixpn() would fail to find it because of the comments. While detection using regular expressions, such as the ones used by the Wordfence Plugin scanner and Wordfence CLI are capable of detecting malware of this type, it still imposes a performance penalty on detection due to the enormous number of possible variations.

Concatenation Catastrophe

PHP makes string concatenation very simple via the dot . operator. This allows programmers to join two separate strings with minimal hassle. For instance, the following code outputs “Hello, World!”:

1<?php echo“He”.”llo,”.”wor”.”ld”;

There are a large number of legitimate use cases for string concatenation, so it’s generally only an indicator of malicious activity when combined with several other obfuscation techniques. The malware sample we shared earlier provides a good example of this, with octal encoding concatenated with the return values of various functions, which we’ll get to in a later section.

Index Fun

PHP, like most languages, stores text strings as arrays of characters, each with a defined position or index. This makes it possible to assemble arbitrary commands and data from a string containing the required characters, using the array index of each character and the concatenation operator. For instance, the following code prints “Hello, World!”:

1234<?php$string="Wow, what a cool Helpful research device!";echo$string[17].$string[18].$string[19].$string[19].$string[1].$string[3].$string[4].$string[0].$string[1].$string[25].$string[15].$string[34].$string[40];

PHP arrays start with an index of 0, meaning that $string[0] in the example above would be “W”, the first letter of “Wow, what a cool Helpful research device!”. By concatenating letters from different parts of that text string, it’s possible to assemble an entirely different text string.

This method can be very helpful for hiding the underlying text being assembled from human researchers and security scan tools alike, and though it does have the occasional legitimate use in selecting chunks of text, when used extensively it is a strong indicator of malicious activity, though it typically needs to be combined with additional techniques such as evaluating the resulting string or passing it to a function.

Math, Not Even Once

PHP allows mathematical operations within other functionality. One of the interesting features in the malware snippet – $disdcrxh_(564-452) – demonstrates this, with it turning out as $disdcrxh_112 due to the subtraction of 564 and 452 in the parenthesis. This functionality can likewise be combined with the string index technique mentioned above. For example, the following code prints out “Hello, World!”:

123<?php$string="Wow, what a cool Helpful research device!";echo$string[(15+2)].$string[(20-2)].$string[(10+9)].$string[(29-10)].$string[(5-4)].$string[(1+2)].$string[(2+2)].$string[(5-5)].$string[(12-11)].$string[(5*5)].$string[(5*3)].$string[34].$string[(160/4)];

This adds an additional obfuscation layer that can make it even more difficult to determine the code’s functionality without executing it. However, it is incredibly rare for this type of code to be used legitimately, so the presence of this technique is typically an indicator of malicious activity.

String Reversals

One of the most basic functions in PHP’s text string manipulation libraries is strrev, which is used to reverse strings of text. For instance, the following code snippet prints out “Hello, World!”:

1<?php echostrrev("!dlroW ,olleH");

While not particularly effective at obfuscation on its own, it can be combined with the techniques in this article as well as nearly all of the techniques in our previous article on encoding to make it even more difficult to decode malicious functionality. While it has a number of legitimate use cases, the presence of strrev alongside two or more additional encoding or obfuscation techniques is often a reliable indicator of compromise.

Variable, Dynamic, and Anonymous Functions

PHP has the ability to use variables to store function names as variables and then invoke those functions using the variable. This is widely used by legitimate software, but can also be combined with several other techniques, such as string concatenation, in which case it is often an indicator of malicious activity. For instance, the following code snippet prints out “Hello, World!”:

123<?php $hello='pri'.'ntf';$string='Hello, World!';$hello($string);

This can also be combined with dynamic function invocation using methods such as call_user_func, which accepts a function for its first parameter and any arguments to be passed to that function in subsequent parameters. As with variable function names, this is widely used in legitimate code, but it can still make analysis more difficult, especially for automated tools looking primarily for more basic function call syntax. For example, the following code snippet prints out “Hello, World!”:

1234<?php $hello='pri'.'ntf';$string='Hello, World!';$call='call_user_func';$call($hello, $string);

Finally, PHP also allows for anonymous functions, which are exactly what they sound like – functions without a name. These can be combined with variable assignment as shown:

12345<?php$hello= function() {    printf("Hello, World!");};$hello();

While anonymous functions are widely used in legitimate code, it is possible to use them in combination with other features to make it more difficult for automated scanning tools or human analysts to keep track of code flow and as such are useful for obfuscation.

We’ve begun to combine obfuscation layers in our examples to provide a better picture of the type of obfuscation often found in the wild, and there’s still more to come.

GOTO Labels

One of the oldest and most basic code functions is the goto statement. While some legitimate software still uses GOTO statements, the functionality is considered poor coding practice and is not widely used, though it reflects how the code operates at a fundamental level far more accurately than more modern syntax. Its primary use in obfuscation is similar to comment abuse in that it breaks up the code so that it is more difficult to determine the control flow.

For example, the following code snippet prints out “Hello, World!” if and only if $_GET['input'] is present and set to ‘hello’, otherwise it prints “Sorry”:

123456789101112131415<?php $hello='pri'.'ntf';$string='Hello, World!';if(isset($_GET['input']) && $_GET['input']=='hello'){gotoprintyes;}elsegotoprintno;printyes:echo"Hello, World!";gotoend;printno:echo"Sorry";end:?>

Include/Require of non-PHP files

PHP uses the include and require functions to include and execute code located in a separate file. This is almost universally used, and occasionally the .inc extension is used instead of PHP for files to be included. However, one particular feature that is ripe for abuse is that PHP will include files with any extension and execute them as code. This allows attackers to upload the bulk of their malicious code as a file with an allowed extension, often an image extension such as .ico or .png, and then simply include that file from a loader file with a PHP extension. Inclusion of files without a .php or .inc extension is thus almost always an indicator of malicious activity.

For instance, take the following set of files:


1<?php include('hello.ico');


1<?php echo"Hello, World!";

This will print out “Hello, World” when loader.php is executed, even though hello.ico does not have a PHP extension and would not run as PHP if accessed directly.

Putting it All Together

Here’s an example that makes use of everything we’ve learned today apart from including files:

1234567891011121314151617181920<?php$string=/*blah*/"Wow, what a cool Helpful research device!"/*blah*/;$mashed=$string[(160/4)]./*blah*/$string[34]./*blah*/$string[(5*3)]/*blah*/.$string[(5*5)]/*blah*/.$string[(12-11)]./*blah*/$string[(5-5)]./*blah*//*blah*/$string[(2+2)]./*blah*/$string[(1+2)]./*blah*/$string[(5-4)]/*blah*/.$string[(29-10)]./*blah*/$string[(10+9)]./*blah*/$string[(20-2)]/*blah*/.$string[(15+2)];function/*blah*/echostring(/*blah*/$str/*blah*/){    echo/*blah*/$str;    return/*blah*/;}$rev/*blah*/=/*blah*/function($str){    return/*blah*/strrev($str);};goto/*blah*/dostuff;echo/*blah*/"That didn't work!";dostuff/*blah*/:    call_user_func(/*blah*/'echostring',/*blah*/$rev(/*blah*/$mashed));

It begins with comments breaking up the code as well as the concatenation and string indexing techniques we covered earlier, which assigns “Hello, World!” in reverse, or “!dlroW ,olleH” to the $mashed variable.

A quick glance at the code might lead you to believe that it outputs “That didn’t work!” but thanks to the goto statement that line of code is skipped – such misleading uses are par for the course with malware that uses goto statements.

In the dostuff section, we use call_user_func to call the echostring function, which really just does the same thing as echo but serves as an additional layer of obfuscation to untangle, especially if the function were to be given a less friendly name. The echostring function is fed the output of the anonymous function assigned to the $rev variable, which again simply performs a str_rev on the input. The result is that $mashed is reversed and echoed out as “Hello, World!”. While we have kept the function and variable names relatively relevant for this example, there’s nothing preventing a malware author from naming these functions whatever they want, and indeed, misleading or nonsensical function names are more common than meaningful or useful function names in PHP malware.


In today’s post, we covered a number of the more creative, or “hacky” malware obfuscation techniques in widespread use, and showed examples of how they can be combined to make it difficult to analyze code functionality. All of these techniques can also be combined with the techniques in our previous post on malware obfuscation to make life even more difficult for analysts and security scanners. These two posts cover the most popular obfuscation methods used by PHP malware, but there are even more advanced and sophisticated techniques, including genuine encryption, which we will cover in our next article, alongside less commonly-used functionality.

PHP malware is constantly evolving, and our malware analysts release dozens of detection signatures every month, which can be used by the Wordfence scanner as well as by Wordfence CLI. While the vast majority of new signatures will only be made available to Wordfence PremiumWordfence CareWordfence Response, and the Paid Wordfence CLI Tiers, the free version of Wordfence and Wordfence CLI still offer excellent detection capabilities, and include our broadest signature set, which in our testing detects at least one indicator of compromise on more than 90% of infected sites. We also plan to periodically update our free signature set with signatures that detect the most widespread malware from our full signature set.

Once again, we encourage readers who want to learn more about this to experiment with the various code snippets we have presented. As always, be sure to be careful with any actual malware samples you find and only execute them in a hardened virtual environment, as even PHP malware can be used for local privilege escalation on vulnerable machines.

For security researchers looking to disclose vulnerabilities responsibly and obtain a CVE ID, you can submit your findings to Wordfence Intelligence and potentially earn a spot on our leaderboard.

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Several Critical Vulnerabilities Patched in AI ChatBot Plugin for WordPress

Marco Wotschka
October 25, 2023

On September 28, 2023, the Wordfence Threat Intelligence team initiated the responsible disclosure process for multiple vulnerabilities in AI ChatBot, a WordPress plugin with over 4,000 active installations.

After making our initial contact attempt on September 28th, 2023, we received a response on September 29, 2023 and sent over our full disclosure details. Receipt of the disclosure by the vendor was acknowledged the same day and a fully patched version of the plugin was released on October 19, 2023.

We issued a firewall rule to protect Wordfence Premium, Wordfence Care, and Wordfence Response customers on September 29, 2023. Sites still running the free version of Wordfence will receive the same protection on October 29, 2023.

Please note that these vulnerabilities were originally fixed in 4.9.1 (released October 10, 2023). However, some of them were reintroduced in 4.9.2 and then subsequently patched again in 4.9.3. We recommend that all Wordfence users update to version 4.9.3 or higher immediately.

A complete list of the vulnerabilities we reported is below. Links to Wordfence Intelligence are included where you can find full details:

In this post we will focus on the most impactful vulnerabilities.

Vulnerability Details and Technical Analysis

The AI ChatBot plugin provides website owners with a plug and play chat solution that can be expanded upon with customizable FAQs and custom text responses. It provides website users with an interface that allows them to look up order information, leave contact information for later callbacks and can be integrated with OpenAI’s ChatGPT or Google’s DialogFlow.

A lot of the interactions with the chatbot happen via AJAX actions. Many of these actions were made available to unauthenticated users in order to allow them to interact with the chatbot. Other actions required at least subscriber-level access.

Unauthenticated SQL Injection – CVE-2023-5204

Description: Unauthenticated SQL Injection via qc_wpbo_search_response
Affected Plugin: AI ChatBot
Plugin slug: chatbot
Vendor: QuantumCloud
Affected versions: <= 4.8.9
CVE ID: CVE-2023-5204
CVSS score: 9.8 (Critical)
Researcher: Marco Wotschka
Fully Patched Version: 4.9.1

One of the many vulnerabilities we discovered was an unauthenticated SQL Injection. The following two AJAX actions are used for searches during interactions with the chatbot:

add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_wpbo_search_response', 'qc_wpbo_search_response' );

add_action( 'wp_ajax_wpbo_search_response', 'qc_wpbo_search_response' );

The wp_ajax_nopriv_wpbo_search_response AJAX action can be used by users who are not authenticated to WordPress due to the hook utilizing ‘nopriv’. On the other hand, the standard wp_ajax_wpbo_search_response AJAX action can only be used by authenticated users due to the inherent functionality of AJAX actions.

function qc_wpbo_search_response (shortened for brevity)

The qc_wpbo_search_response function hooked by the aforementioned AJAX actions is used to search within the database for responses containing certain keywords. If the $_POST[‘strid’] parameter is set, a record is retrieved from the wpbot_response table by ID. The $strid variable supplied by the POST parameter can be leveraged for SQL Injection, despite being sanitized using the sanitize_text_field function.

According to the WordPress Developer Resources, the sanitize_text_field function checks for invalid UTF-8; converts single < characters to entities; strips all tags; removes line breaks, tabs, and extra whitespace; strips percent-encoded characters. This does not provide sufficient protection against SQL Injection attempts, and is only intended for Cross-Site Scripting protection. Furthermore, the get_results function used in the above function call does not perform any preparation, nor is there any escaping of the user supplied input passed to the SQL Query. We always recommend the use of the prepare function on SQL queries as it provides adequate escaping on the user-supplied values, which prevents SQL injection from being successful. In addition, ensuring that the $strid is an integer would help prevent a SQL Injection attack from being successful.

The lack of a UNION operation in the above SQL query makes exploiting this vulnerability more difficult, but a time-based blind injection approach using the SLEEP() function and CASE statements can still be used to extract information from the database by observing the duration of individual queries. While tedious, this technique can be used to extract sensitive information from the database. This includes hashed passwords.

Arbitrary File Deletion – CVE-2023-5212

Description: Authenticated (Subscriber+) Arbitrary File Deletion via qcld_openai_delete_training_file
Affected Plugin: AI ChatBot
Plugin slug: chatbot
Vendor: QuantumCloud
Affected versions: <= 4.8.9
CVE ID: CVE-2023-5212
CVSS score: 9.6 (Critical)
Researcher: Marco Wotschka
Fully Patched Version: 4.9.1

The plugin offers the ability to upload training files to OpenAI. An arbitrary file deletion vulnerability existed in the qcld_openai_delete_training_file function invoked via the following AJAX action:


function qcld_openai_delete_training_file

This vulnerable function accepts a file path via the $_POST[‘file’] parameter and checks whether the file exists. If it does, the function adjusts permissions on the file in such a way that it can be removed and proceeds to delete it. This function misses a capability check to ensure that the user performing the action has proper privileges, as well as a nonce check to ensure that the action is performed intentionally. and is thus vulnerable to Missing Authorization and Cross-Site Request Forgery.

Furthermore, no check is performed ensuring that the file is an OpenAI training file and that it resides in a location or directory where training files are expected to be located. This could allow an authenticated attacker with subscriber-level privileges or higher to remove the wp-config.php file of an affected site, which would invoke the WordPress installation script on the next site visit and could lead to a complete site takeover.

The file path passed via the $_POST[‘file’] parameter could also point to a file outside of the affected website, thus enabling the deletion of wp-config.php files of other sites in shared hosting environments. Deleting wp-config.php forces the site into a setup state, at which point an attacker can take over the site by pointing it to a database under their control. Of course, attackers are not limited to deleting PHP files either as long as the web server can change file permissions and delete the file.

Version 4.9.1 removed this function as well as the corresponding AJAX action. Version 4.9.2 reintroduced the vulnerable function and action hook, which were both again removed in version 4.9.3.

Directory Traversal to Arbitrary File Write – CVE-2023-5241

Description: Authenticated (Subscriber+) Directory Traversal to Arbitrary File Write via qcld_openai_upload_pagetraining_file
Affected Plugin: AI ChatBot
Plugin slug: chatbot
Vendor: QuantumCloud
Affected versions: <= 4.8.9
CVE ID: CVE-2023-5241
CVSS score: 9.6 (Critical)
Researcher: Marco Wotschka
Fully Patched Version: 4.9.1

We also discovered an arbitrary file write vulnerability which exists in the qcld_openai_upload_pagetraining_file function. The entire function is rather long which is why we won’t display it here in its entirety.

function qcld_openai_upload_pagetraining_file (shortened for brevity)

The function expects a filename to be passed as a $_POST[‘filename’] parameter, which is sanitized using the sanitize_text_field function. The $file variable is used to determine the location of a file in the wp-content/uploads/qcldopenai_site_training/ directory. If the file exists, the function proceeds to declare a variable called $split_file, creates a file handle $qcld_openai_json_file and opens the file in append mode. This means that the file is not overwritten but anything written to the file is instead appended.

It is not immediately clear what the purpose of this part of the function is since it simply appends the contents that are already in the file to the end of the file until the length of the content that is added exceeds $this->wpaicg_max_file_size or the entire file has been duplicated.

The corresponding if-statement that determines when to terminate writing to the file looks as follows:

if(mb_strlen($qcld_openai_content, '8bit') >$this->wpaicg_max_file_size)

In a default installation $this->wpaicg_max_file_size is not defined and therefore NULL. Hence, in such scenarios the function adds the first line of the file specified by the user to the end of the file. Since NULL is interpreted as zero in a comparison statement like this, any positive file size will suffice to break out of this part of the function.

Unfortunately, this code is vulnerable to Directory Traversal via the filename parameter. If the filename that is passed is a relative path to wp-config.php, the file handle will ultimately point to the site’s wp-config.php file. An authenticated attacker with subscriber-privileges or higher could utilize this fact to append the first line of its content to the file wp-config.php, which would be <?php.

While an attacker does not have any influence on the data that is written, in most cases a <?php could be written to the end of a targeted PHP file, which can lead to catastrophic consequences as the added PHP tag may result in an error such as

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected token "<", expecting end of file

This prevents the site from loading properly and can be used to append to any PHP file (or other files) including those in shared hosting environments leading to Denial of Service (DoS). One way to prevent Directory Traversal is to use the sanitize_file_name function, which removes special characters including slashes and leading dots from the file name.

Version 4.9.1 removed this function as well as the corresponding AJAX action. Version 4.9.2 reintroduced the vulnerable function and action hook, which were both again removed in version 4.9.3.

Numerous Other Missing Authorization and Cross-Site Request Forgery Vulnerabilities

In addition to the vulnerabilities outlined above, we discovered several AJAX actions without proper capability checks, which made it possible for authenticated attackers with minimal access, such as subscribers, to invoke those actions. Several of the functions were also missing nonce verification, which would make it possible for attackers to forge requests on behalf of a site administrator, or any other authenticated user considering capability checks were also missing.

However, these vulnerabilities had minimal impact and led to the exposure of information such as user order details and user names, the download and extraction of a zip used by the plugin (not arbitrary zip files), cache deletion, as well as starting and stopping of search indexing jobs to name a few. The severity of those actions is lower than the ones we detailed above.


September 25-28, 2023 – The Wordfence Threat Intelligence team discovers several vulnerabilities in the AI ChatBot plugin.
September 28, 2023 – We initiate contact with the plugin developer.
September 29, 2023 – We release a firewall rule to protect Wordfence Premium, Wordfence Care, and Wordfence Response customers and send the full disclosure to the plugin developer. Receipt of the disclosure is acknowledged.
October 10, 2023 – A fixed version (4.9.1) of the plugin that patches all reported vulnerabilities is released.
October 18, 2023 – Several of the vulnerabilities are reintroduced in version 4.9.2. We inform the vendor about this.
October 19, 2023 – Version 4.9.3 patches the vulnerabilities again.
October 29, 2023 – The firewall rule becomes available to free Wordfence users


In this blog post we covered an Unauthenticated SQL Injection vulnerability (affecting versions <= 4.8.9), as well as an Arbitrary File Write vulnerability and an Arbitrary File Deletion vulnerability (affecting versions <= 4.8.9 and 4.9.2). The SQL Injection vulnerability allows unauthenticated attackers to extract sensitive information from the database using a time-based blind injection approach, which could ultimately lead to exposure of admin credentials and site takeover.

The Arbitrary File Write vulnerability can be utilized by authenticated attackers to append opening PHP tags (in default configurations) to any file including the wp-config.php file, which can lead to Denial of Service (DoS). The Arbitrary File Deletion vulnerability can be used by authenticated attackers to delete any file on the web server offering the possibility of complete site takeovers.

All Wordfence running Wordfence Premium, Wordfence Care, and Wordfence Response, have been protected against these vulnerabilities as of September 29, 2023. Users still using the free version of Wordfence will receive the same protection on October 29, 2023.

If you know someone who uses this plugin on their site, we recommend sharing this advisory with them to ensure their site remains secure, as these vulnerabilities pose a significant risk.

For security researchers looking to disclose vulnerabilities responsibly and obtain a CVE ID, you can submit your findings to Wordfence Intelligence and potentially earn a spot on our leaderboard.

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Announcing Vulnerability Scanning in Wordfence CLI 2.0.1 “Voodoo Child”

Matt Barry
October 31, 2023

Note: If you’re a WordPress user, we recommend the Wordfence Security Plugin which provides a robust and complete set of security controls for WordPress websites. If you host WordPress servers and need high performance malware and vulnerability scanning on the command line, read on!

Our mission at Defiant Inc, makers of Wordfence, is to Secure the Web. We made the Web safer today with the release of completely free WordPress server vulnerability scanning at a massive scale for both personal and commercial use with the release of Wordfence CLI 2.0.1, codename “Voodoo Child”.

Wordfence CLI is a high performance Linux command line application that we launched at WordCamp US two months ago with robust malware scanning. Wordfence CLI is designed for technical server administrators working on the command line to host individual WordPress sites, or to provide WordPress hosting at scale. With today’s release of Wordfence CLI 2.0.1, Wordfence CLI will now scan your WordPress server, or your entire network, for WordPress vulnerabilities with a single command. This feature is in addition to the powerful malware scanning capability that Wordfence CLI already provides.

Wordfence CLI created a lot of excitement at Wordcamp US and the one resounding question that we were asked while there was “will it scan my website for vulnerabilities”. Today we are incredibly excited to introduce WordPress vulnerability scanning at scale in Wordfence CLI.

Vulnerability Scanning is Completely Free

Vulnerability scanning in Wordfence CLI is completely free for personal AND commercial use. Wordfence CLI uses our open vulnerability database which is also freely available for you to use, including our vulnerability APIs and vulnerability Web Hooks that will alert you in real-time when we add a new vulnerability. Wordfence CLI is open source, licensed under GPLv3.

Wordfence CLI 2.0.1 “Voodoo Child” also has simplified installation. You no longer have to come to our site to get an API key to run Wordfence CLI. You can simply launch CLI, agree to our terms, and start scanning. Wordfence CLI now fetches a free API key behind the scenes, which enables fetching our vulnerability data and our free malware signatures. We made this change to get you up and running fast!

Malware scanning in the free version of Wordfence CLI uses our Free Malware Signature Set and a paid version of Wordfence CLI is available which includes our expanded Commercial Signature Set.

Powering Hosts, Agencies, Developers and The WordPress Economy

The release of vulnerability and malware scanning at scale with Wordfence CLI enables the creation of a vibrant economy built around WordPress security. It is our hope that we will see businesses of all sizes, including individual developers, get familiar with the power of Wordfence CLI, and begin to provide new or add-on security services to their customers using Wordfence CLI. Here are a few examples:

  • Wordfence CLI can be used by site cleaners and incident responders to quickly and effectively find malware on an already infected website and scan for vulnerabilities to determine potential intrusion vectors, along with providing post-clean remediation.
  • Developers and operations teams can scan a single site, or an entire server for vulnerabilities to prevent a hack before it occurs.
  • Agencies can scan thousands of WordPress sites on a server with a single command to find vulnerabilities or locate malware.
  • Hosting Providers can use a dedicated server with many CPU cores to launch a multi-process malware scan that accesses their entire server fleet in read-only mode via the network to scan for malware at massive scale. It’s quite feasible to scale this up to 15 million websites or more for the mega-hosts out there.
  • Hosting Providers can perform fast vulnerability scans at scale across an entire network to alert and provide remediation options to customers.

All of the above can be scheduled as a regularly run cron job. Wordfence CLI accepts piped input and supports piping its output. You can configure Wordfence CLI to use as many CPU cores as you’d like when conducting a malware scan, so that you’re able to efficiently use your computational resources.

Powered by Wordfence Intelligence

The Wordfence CLI vulnerability scan is powered by the Wordfence Intelligence Vulnerability API feed, which is also 100% free for personal and commercial use. This feed contains over 12,250 unique vulnerability records that affect over 7,600 plugins and themes, and is constantly updated by our Threat Intelligence team. Typically, our team adds anywhere from 20 to 150 new vulnerabilities per week with a rough average of 82 per week, based on our data from the past 12 months.

We monitor various sources such as plugin change-logs, the CVE list, vulnerability databases, and other sources while also issuing CVE IDs to independent researchers and conducting our own in-house research. This is all to ensure we have the most up-to-date and accurate vulnerability information in our database that users can trust. All vulnerability records have extensive detailed information such as a concise title, description, CWE, CVSS Score, affected version ranges, patched version, and more that is usable as output with the Wordfence CLI vulnerability scanner. This should help make alerting and prioritization easier than ever for site owners and hosting providers.

It’s often hard to believe that such a high-quality vulnerability database is completely free to access via the Web and via API, but we keep looking for more ways to provide the data for free. We believe that vulnerabilities belong to the community because they are created by the security community, and that is why we’ve taken the same approach with vulnerability scanning in Wordfence CLI as we have with our Vulnerability Database. Vulnerability Scanning with Wordfence CLI, and use of our vulnerability database is completely free for commercial and personal use. So we would like to encourage hosting providers, enterprises, and site owners to implement this data and use Wordfence CLI to help make the Web more secure.

Running Your First Vulnerability Scan

If you do not already have CLI installed, follow these installation instructions to get up and running. If you have Wordfence CLI, follow these upgrading instructions to update your installation to the latest version.

To perform a basic vulnerability scan from the command line, simply invoke:

wordfence vuln-scan /path/to/scan

If you’d like to run a malware scan, use this command to get started:

wordfence malware-scan /path/to/scan

Malware scans are a bit more CPU intensive, so we provide the ability to use multiple CPU cores when conducting a malware scan. This is not available for vulnerability scans because they run very quickly. To use 8 CPU cores for a malware scan, and to see progress in real-time, run this command:

wordfence malware-scan /path/to/scan --progress --workers 8

To scan the /var/www/wordpress directory for vulnerabilities and write the results to /home/username/wordfence-cli-vuln-scan.csv.

wordfence vuln-scan --output-path /home/username/wordfence-cli-vuln-scan.csv /var/www/wordpress

If you have multiple WordPress installations you want to scan, you can supply a path to each as a command line argument:

wordfence vuln-scan --output-path /home/username/wordfence-cli-vuln-scan.csv /var/www/wordpress1 /var/www/wordpress2 /var/www/wordpress3

To run a daily scan of your WordPress installation, you define a cron entry like this one:

0 0 * * *  username /usr/local/bin/wordfence vuln-scan --output-path /home/username/wordfence-cli-vuln-scan.csv /var/www/wordpress

This example scans the directory /var/www/wordpress and writes the results to /home/username/wordfence-cli-vuln-scan.csv as the username user. This would be similar to how a scheduled scan works within the Wordfence plugin. The cronjob uses a lock file at /tmp/wordfence-cli-vuln-scan.lock to prevent duplicate vulnerability scans from running at the same time.

Go Forth And Secure The Web!

Wordfence CLI is one of those projects where the product roadmap writes itself because there is such an obvious need for a powerful tool like this in the WordPress server administration space. We’re in this for the long haul and will continue to invest heavily in Wordfence CLI, with your guidance. Once you’ve tried CLI, we’d love to hear your feedback in the comments.

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Attacks on 5G Infrastructure From Users’ Devices

By: Salim S.I.
September 20, 2023
Read time: 8 min (2105 words)

Crafted packets from cellular devices such as mobile phones can exploit faulty state machines in the 5G core to attack cellular infrastructure. Smart devices that critical industries such as defense, utilities, and the medical sectors use for their daily operations depend on the speed, efficiency, and productivity brought by 5G. This entry describes CVE-2021-45462 as a potential use case to deploy a denial-of-service (DoS) attack to private 5G networks.

5G unlocks unprecedented applications previously unreachable with conventional wireless connectivity to help enterprises accelerate digital transformation, reduce operational costs, and maximize productivity for the best return on investments. To achieve its goals, 5G relies on key service categories: massive machine-type communications (mMTC), enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB), and ultra-reliable low-latency communication (uRLLC).

With the growing spectrum for commercial use, usage and popularization of private 5G networks are on the rise. The manufacturing, defense, ports, energy, logistics, and mining industries are just some of the earliest adopters of these private networks, especially for companies rapidly leaning on the internet of things (IoT) for digitizing production systems and supply chains. Unlike public grids, the cellular infrastructure equipment in private 5G might be owned and operated by the user-enterprise themselves, system integrators, or by carriers. However, given the growing study and exploration of the use of 5G for the development of various technologies, cybercriminals are also looking into exploiting the threats and risks that can be used to intrude into the systems and networks of both users and organizations via this new communication standard. This entry explores how normal user devices can be abused in relation to 5G’s network infrastructure and use cases.

5G topology

In an end-to-end 5G cellular system, user equipment (aka UE, such as mobile phones and internet-of-things [IoT] devices), connect to a base station via radio waves. The base station is connected to the 5G core through a wired IP network.

Functionally, the 5G core can be split into two: the control plane and the user plane. In the network, the control plane carries the signals and facilitates the traffic based on how it is exchanged from one endpoint to another. Meanwhile, the user plane functions to connect and process the user data that comes over the radio area network (RAN).

The base station sends control signals related to device attachment and establishes the connection to the control plane via NGAP (Next-Generation Application Protocol). The user traffic from devices is sent to the user plane using GTP-U (GPRS tunneling protocol user plane). From the user plane, the data traffic is routed to the external network. 

Figure 1. The basic 5G network infrastructure

The UE subnet and infrastructure network are separate and isolated from each other; user equipment is not allowed to access infrastructure components. This isolation helps protect the 5G core from CT (Cellular Technology) protocol attacks generated from users’ equipment.

Is there a way to get past this isolation and attack the 5G core? The next sections elaborate on the how cybercriminals could abuse components of the 5G infrastructure, particularly the GTP-U.


GTP-U is a tunneling protocol that exists between the base station and 5G user plane using port 2152. The following is the structure of a user data packet encapsulated in GTP-U.

Figure 2. GTP-U data packet

A GTP-U tunnel packet is created by attaching a header to the original data packet. The added header consists of a UDP (User Datagram Protocol) transport header plus a GTP-U specific header. The GTP-U header consists of the following fields:

  • Flags: This contains the version and other information (such as an indication of whether optional header fields are present, among others).
  • Message type: For GTP-U packet carrying user data, the message type is 0xFF.
  • Length: This is the length in bytes of everything that comes after the Tunnel Endpoint Identifier (TEID) field.
  • TEID: Unique value for a tunnel that maps the tunnel to user devices

The GTP-U header is added by the GTP-U nodes (the base station and User Plane Function or UPF). However, the user cannot see the header on the user interface of the device. Therefore, user devices cannot manipulate the header fields.

Although GTP-U is a standard tunneling technique, its use is mostly restricted to CT environments between the base station and the UPF or between UPFs. Assuming the best scenario, the backhaul between the base station and the UPF is encrypted, protected by a firewall, and closed to outside access. Here is a breakdown of the ideal scenario: GSMA recommends IP security (IPsec) between the base station and the UPF. In such a scenario, packets going to the GTP-U nodes come from authorized devices only. If these devices follow specifications and implement them well, none of them will send anomalous packets. Besides, robust systems are expected to have strong sanity checks to handle received anomalies, especially obvious ones such as invalid lengths, types, and extensions, among others.

In reality, however, the scenario could often be different and would require a different analysis altogether. Operators are reluctant to deploy IPsec on the N3 interface because it is CPU-intensive and reduces the throughput of user traffic. Also, since the user data is perceived to be protected at the application layer (with additional protocols such as TLS or Transport Layer Security), some consider IP security redundant. One might think that for as long as the base station and packet-core conform to the specific, there will be no anomalies. Besides, one might also think that for all robust systems require sanity checks to catch any obvious anomalies. However, previous studies have shown that many N3 nodes (such as UPF) around the world, although they should not be, are exposed to the internet. This is shown in the following sections.


Figure 3. Exposed UPF interfaces due to misconfigurations or lack of firewalls; screenshot taken from Shodan and used in a previously published research

We discuss two concepts that can exploit the GTP-U using CVE-2021-45462. In Open5GS, a C-language open-source implementation for 5G Core and Evolved Packet Core (EPC), sending a zero-length, type=255 GTP-U packet from the user device resulted in a denial of service (DoS) of the UPF. This is CVE-2021-45462, a security gap in the packet core that can crash the UPF (in 5G) or Serving Gateway User Plane Function (SGW-U in 4G/LTE) via an anomalous GTP-U packet crafted from the UE and by sending this anomalous GTP-U packet in the GTP-U. Given that the exploit affects a critical component of the infrastructure and cannot be resolved as easily, the vulnerability has received a Medium to High severity rating.

GTP-U nodes: Base station and UPF

GTP-U nodes are endpoints that encapsulate and decapsulate GTP-U packets. The base station is the GTP-U node on the user device side. As the base station receives user data from the UE, it converts the data to IP packets and encapsulates it in the GTP-U tunnel.

The UPF is the GTP-U node on the 5G core (5GC) side. When it receives a GTP-U packet from the base station, the UPF decapsulates the outer GTP-U header and takes out the inner packet. The UPF looks up the destination IP address in a routing table (also maintained by the UPF) without checking the content of the inner packet, after which the packet is sent on its way.


What if a user device crafts an anomalous GTP-U packet and sends it to a packet core?

Figure 4. A specially crafted anomalous GTP-U packet
Figure 5. Sending an anomalous GTP-U packet from the user device

As intended, the base station will tunnel this packet inside its GTP-U tunnel and send to the UPF. This results in a GTP-U in the GTP-U packet arriving at the UPF. There are now two GTP-U packets in the UPF: The outer GTP-U packet header is created by the base station to encapsulate the data packet from the user device. This outer GTP-U packet has 0xFF as its message type and a length of 44. This header is normal. The inner GTP-U header is crafted and sent by the user device as a data packet. Like the outer one, this inner GTP-U has 0xFF as message type, but a length of 0 is not normal.

The source IP address of the inner packet belongs to the user device, while the source IP address of the outer packet belongs to the base station. Both inner and outer packets have the same destination IP address: that of the UPF.

The UPF decapsulates the outer GTP-U and passes the functional checks. The inner GTP-U packet’s destination is again the same UPF. What happens next is implementation-specific:

  • Some implementations maintain a state machine for packet traversal. Improper implementation of the state machine might result in processing this inner GTP-U packet. This packet might have passed the checks phase already since it shares the same packet-context with the outer packet. This leads to having an anomalous packet inside the system, past sanity checks.
  • Since the inner packet’s destination is the IP address of UPF itself, the packet might get sent to the UPF. In this case, the packet is likely to hit the functional checks and therefore becomes less problematic than the previous case.

Attack vector

Some 5G core vendors leverage Open5GS code. For example, NextEPC (4G system, rebranded as Open5GS in 2019 to add 5G, with remaining products from the old brand) has an enterprise offer for LTE/5G, which draws from Open5GS’ code. No attacks or indications of threats in the wild have been observed, but our tests indicate potential risks using the identified scenarios.

The importance of the attack is in the attack vector: the cellular infrastructure attacks from the UE. The exploit only requires a mobile phone (or a computer connected via a cellular dongle) and a few lines of Python code to abuse the opening and mount this class of attack. The GTP-U in GTP-U attacks is a well-known technique, and backhaul IP security and encryption do not prevent this attack. In fact, these security measures might hinder the firewall from inspecting the content.

Remediation and insights

Critical industries such as the medical and utility sectors are just some of the early adopters of private 5G systems, and its breadth and depth of popular use are only expected to grow further. Reliability for continuous, uninterrupted operations is critical for these industries as there are lives and real-world implications at stake. The foundational function of these sectors are the reason that they choose to use a private 5G system over Wi-Fi. It is imperative that private 5G systems offer unfailing connectivity as a successful attack on any 5G infrastructure could bring the entire network down.

In this entry, the abuse of CVE-2021-45462 can result in a DoS attack. The root cause of CVE-2021-45462 (and most GTP-U-in-GTP-U attacks) is the improper error checking and error handling in the packet core. While GTP-U-in-GTP-U itself is harmless, the proper fix for the gap has to come from the packet-core vendor, and infrastructure admins must use the latest versions of the software.

A GTP-U-in-GTP-U attack can also be used to leak sensitive information such as the IP addresses of infrastructure nodes. GTP-U peers should therefore be prepared to handle GTP-U-in-GTP-U packets. In CT environments, they should use an intrusion prevention system (IPS) or firewalls that can understand CT protocols. Since GTP-U is not normal user traffic, especially in private 5G, security teams can prioritize and drop GTP-U-in-GTP-U traffic.

As a general rule, the registration and use of SIM cards must be strictly regulated and managed. An attacker with a stolen SIM card could insert it to an attacker’s device to connect to a network for malicious deployments. Moreover, the responsibility of security might be ambiguous to some in a shared operating model, such as end-devices and the edge of the infrastructure chain owned by the enterprise. Meanwhile, the cellular infrastructure is owned by the integrator or carrier. This presents a hard task for security operation centers (SOCs) to bring relevant information together from different domains and solutions.

In addition, due to the downtime and tests required, updating critical infrastructure software regularly to keep up with vendor’s patches is not easy, nor will it ever be. Virtual patching with IPS or layered firewalls is thus strongly recommended. Fortunately, GTP-in-GTP is rarely used in real-world applications, so it might be safe to completely block all GTP-in-GTP traffic. We recommend using layered security solutions that combine IT and communications technology (CT) security and visibility. Implementing zero-trust solutions, such as Trend Micro™ Mobile Network Security, powered by CTOne, adds another security layer for enterprises and critical industries to prevent the unauthorized use of their respective private networks for a continuous and undisrupted industrial ecosystem, and by ensuring that the SIM is used only from an authorized device. Mobile Network Security also brings CT and IT security into a unified visibility and management console.

Source :

(Non-US) D-Link Corporation Provides Details about an Information Disclosure Security Incident

On October 2, 2023, (Non-US) D-Link Corporation was notified of a claim of data breach from an online forum by an unauthorized third party, indicating the theft of certain data. Upon becoming aware of this claim, the company promptly initiated a comprehensive investigation into the situation and immediately took precautionary measures. Currently, there is no impact on any of the D-Link operations.

Through internal and external investigations by experts from Trend Mirco, the company identified numerous inaccuracies and exaggerations in the claim that were intentionally misleading and did not align with facts. The data was confirmed not from the cloud but likely originated from an old D-View 6 system, which reached its end of life as early as 2015. The data was used for registration purposes back then. So far, no evidence suggests the archaic data contained any user IDs or financial information. However, some low-sensitivity and semi-public information, such as contact names or office email addresses, were indicated.

The incident is believed to have been triggered by an employee unintentionally falling victim to a phishing attack, resulting in unauthorized access to long-unused and outdated data. Despite the company’s systems meeting the information security standards of that era, it profoundly regrets this occurrence. D-Link is fully dedicated to addressing this incident and implementing measures to enhance the security of its business operations. After the incident, the company promptly terminated the services of the test lab and conducted a thorough review of the access control. Further steps will continue to be taken as necessary to safeguard the rights of all users in the future.

D-Link believes current customers are unlikely to be affected by this incident. However, please get in touch with local customer service for more information if anyone has concerns. D-Link takes information security seriously and has a dedicated task force and product management team on call to address evolving security issues and implement appropriate security measures. D-Link shall always endeavor to provide the best services to its customers.

l   What happened?

On October 1, 2023, someone posted an article in an online forum and claimed that the D-View system, a software monitoring tool for local networking devices and network administrators, was breached, and millions of users’ data were stolen.

l   Was there credibility in this claim?

There were numerous inaccuracies and exaggerations in this claim that did not align with the facts, including but not limited to:

–       The amount of data: Believed to be approximately 700 records

–       Active user: Presumably none

–       Registration information for some of the data

–       The latest login timestamps for some of the data

We have reasons to believe the latest login timestamps were intentionally tampered with to make the archaic data look recent.

l   When did the company take the necessary actions?

We initiated a comprehensive investigation into the claim and immediately took preventive measures on the same day we were informed.

l   What measures has the company currently taken?

We immediately shut down presumably relevant servers after being informed of this incident. We blocked user accounts on the live systems, retaining only two maintenance accounts to investigate any signs of intrusion further. Simultaneously, we conducted multiple examinations to determine if any leaked backup data remained in the test lab environment and disconnected the test lab from the company’s internal network.

Subsequently, we will audit outdated user and backup data and proceed with their deletion to prevent a recurrence of similar incidents.

l   What is the impact of this incident?

The post claimed to have millions of user data. Based on the investigations, however, it only contained approximately 700 outdated and fragmented records that had been inactive for at least seven years. These records originated from a product registration system that reached its end of life in 2015. Furthermore, the majority of the data consisted of low-sensitivity and semi-public information.

Judging by the facts, we have good reasons to believe that most of D-Link’s current customers are unlikely to be affected by this incident.

l   What was the cause of this incident?

The incident may have been caused by an employee falling victim to a phishing attack, resulting in unauthorized access to the long-unused and outdated data.

l   Has there been any significant vulnerability in the company’s information security?

D-Link’s information security systems adhere to the most stringent contemporary standards to ensure user rights.

Global concepts and technologies related to information security have made significant progress in recent years, and we have kept pace with these advancements, continually enhancing the depth and breadth of our information security measures.

The D-View 6 system identified in this investigation had reached its end of life in 2015. Our current product offering is D-View 8, which differs significantly from its predecessor two generations before regarding the rigor of information security measures and the simplification of registration data.

l   What is the suggestion for users?

We will never request users to provide passwords or personal financial information (such as bank or credit card details) through any means, including phone calls, text messages, or emails. If people receive such calls or letters, please get in touch with local authorities immediately to protect your rights.

If anyone has concerns, we recommend that users consider changing shared passwords on other websites or take necessary precautions.

Source :

NSA and CISA Red and Blue Teams Share Top Ten Cybersecurity Misconfigurations

Release Date October 05, 2023
Alert CodeAA23-278A

A plea for network defenders and software manufacturers to fix common problems.


The National Security Agency (NSA) and Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) are releasing this joint cybersecurity advisory (CSA) to highlight the most common cybersecurity misconfigurations in large organizations, and detail the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) actors use to exploit these misconfigurations.

Through NSA and CISA Red and Blue team assessments, as well as through the activities of NSA and CISA Hunt and Incident Response teams, the agencies identified the following 10 most common network misconfigurations:

  1. Default configurations of software and applications
  2. Improper separation of user/administrator privilege
  3. Insufficient internal network monitoring
  4. Lack of network segmentation
  5. Poor patch management
  6. Bypass of system access controls
  7. Weak or misconfigured multifactor authentication (MFA) methods
  8. Insufficient access control lists (ACLs) on network shares and services
  9. Poor credential hygiene
  10. Unrestricted code execution

These misconfigurations illustrate (1) a trend of systemic weaknesses in many large organizations, including those with mature cyber postures, and (2) the importance of software manufacturers embracing secure-by-design principles to reduce the burden on network defenders:

  • Properly trained, staffed, and funded network security teams can implement the known mitigations for these weaknesses.
  • Software manufacturers must reduce the prevalence of these misconfigurations—thus strengthening the security posture for customers—by incorporating secure-by-design and -default principles and tactics into their software development practices.[1]

NSA and CISA encourage network defenders to implement the recommendations found within the Mitigations section of this advisory—including the following—to reduce the risk of malicious actors exploiting the identified misconfigurations.

  • Remove default credentials and harden configurations.
  • Disable unused services and implement access controls.
  • Update regularly and automate patching, prioritizing patching of known exploited vulnerabilities.[2]
  • Reduce, restrict, audit, and monitor administrative accounts and privileges.

NSA and CISA urge software manufacturers to take ownership of improving security outcomes of their customers by embracing secure-by-design and-default tactics, including:

  • Embedding security controls into product architecture from the start of development and throughout the entire software development lifecycle (SDLC).
  • Eliminating default passwords.
  • Providing high-quality audit logs to customers at no extra charge.
  • Mandating MFA, ideally phishing-resistant, for privileged users and making MFA a default rather than opt-in feature.[3]

Download the PDF version of this report: PDF, 660 KB


Note: This advisory uses the MITRE ATT&CK® for Enterprise framework, version 13, and the MITRE D3FEND™ cybersecurity countermeasures framework.[4],[5] See the Appendix: MITRE ATT&CK tactics and techniques section for tables summarizing the threat actors’ activity mapped to MITRE ATT&CK tactics and techniques, and the Mitigations section for MITRE D3FEND countermeasures.

For assistance with mapping malicious cyber activity to the MITRE ATT&CK framework, see CISA and MITRE ATT&CK’s Best Practices for MITRE ATT&CK Mapping and CISA’s Decider Tool.[6],[7]


Over the years, the following NSA and CISA teams have assessed the security posture of many network enclaves across the Department of Defense (DoD); Federal Civilian Executive Branch (FCEB); state, local, tribal, and territorial (SLTT) governments; and the private sector:

  • Depending on the needs of the assessment, NSA Defensive Network Operations (DNO) teams feature capabilities from Red Team (adversary emulation), Blue Team (strategic vulnerability assessment), Hunt (targeted hunt), and/or Tailored Mitigations (defensive countermeasure development).
  • CISA Vulnerability Management (VM) teams have assessed the security posture of over 1,000 network enclaves. CISA VM teams include Risk and Vulnerability Assessment (RVA) and CISA Red Team Assessments (RTA).[8] The RVA team conducts remote and onsite assessment services, including penetration testing and configuration review. RTA emulates cyber threat actors in coordination with an organization to assess the organization’s cyber detection and response capabilities.
  • CISA Hunt and Incident Response teams conduct proactive and reactive engagements, respectively, on organization networks to identify and detect cyber threats to U.S. infrastructure.

During these assessments, NSA and CISA identified the 10 most common network misconfigurations, which are detailed below. These misconfigurations (non-prioritized) are systemic weaknesses across many networks.

Many of the assessments were of Microsoft® Windows® and Active Directory® environments. This advisory provides details about, and mitigations for, specific issues found during these assessments, and so mostly focuses on these products. However, it should be noted that many other environments contain similar misconfigurations. Network owners and operators should examine their networks for similar misconfigurations even when running other software not specifically mentioned below.

1. Default Configurations of Software and Applications

Default configurations of systems, services, and applications can permit unauthorized access or other malicious activity. Common default configurations include:

  • Default credentials
  • Default service permissions and configurations settings
Default Credentials

Many software manufacturers release commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) network devices —which provide user access via applications or web portals—containing predefined default credentials for their built-in administrative accounts.[9] Malicious actors and assessment teams regularly abuse default credentials by:

  • Finding credentials with a simple web search [T1589.001] and using them [T1078.001] to gain authenticated access to a device.
  • Resetting built-in administrative accounts [T1098] via predictable forgotten passwords questions.
  • Leveraging default virtual private network (VPN) credentials for internal network access [T1133].
  • Leveraging publicly available setup information to identify built-in administrative credentials for web applications and gaining access to the application and its underlying database.
  • Leveraging default credentials on software deployment tools [T1072] for code execution and lateral movement.

In addition to devices that provide network access, printers, scanners, security cameras, conference room audiovisual (AV) equipment, voice over internet protocol (VoIP) phones, and internet of things (IoT) devices commonly contain default credentials that can be used for easy unauthorized access to these devices as well. Further compounding this problem, printers and scanners may have privileged domain accounts loaded so that users can easily scan documents and upload them to a shared drive or email them. Malicious actors who gain access to a printer or scanner using default credentials can use the loaded privileged domain accounts to move laterally from the device and compromise the domain [T1078.002].

Default Service Permissions and Configuration Settings

Certain services may have overly permissive access controls or vulnerable configurations by default. Additionally, even if the providers do not enable these services by default, malicious actors can easily abuse these services if users or administrators enable them.

Assessment teams regularly find the following:

  • Insecure Active Directory Certificate Services
  • Insecure legacy protocols/services
  • Insecure Server Message Block (SMB) service
Insecure Active Directory Certificate Services

Active Directory Certificate Services (ADCS) is a feature used to manage Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) certificates, keys, and encryption inside of Active Directory (AD) environments. ADCS templates are used to build certificates for different types of servers and other entities on an organization’s network.

Malicious actors can exploit ADCS and/or ADCS template misconfigurations to manipulate the certificate infrastructure into issuing fraudulent certificates and/or escalate user privileges to domain administrator privileges. These certificates and domain escalation paths may grant actors unauthorized, persistent access to systems and critical data, the ability to impersonate legitimate entities, and the ability to bypass security measures.

Assessment teams have observed organizations with the following misconfigurations:

  • ADCS servers running with web-enrollment enabled. If web-enrollment is enabled, unauthenticated actors can coerce a server to authenticate to an actor-controlled computer, which can relay the authentication to the ADCS web-enrollment service and obtain a certificate [T1649] for the server’s account. These fraudulent, trusted certificates enable actors to use adversary-in-the-middle techniques [T1557] to masquerade as trusted entities on the network. The actors can also use the certificate for AD authentication to obtain a Kerberos Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT) [T1558.001], which they can use to compromise the server and usually the entire domain.
  • ADCS templates where low-privileged users have enrollment rights, and the enrollee supplies a subject alternative name. Misconfiguring various elements of ADCS templates can result in domain escalation by unauthorized users (e.g., granting low-privileged users certificate enrollment rights, allowing requesters to specify a subjectAltName in the certificate signing request [CSR], not requiring authorized signatures for CSRs, granting FullControl or WriteDacl permissions to users). Malicious actors can use a low-privileged user account to request a certificate with a particular Subject Alternative Name (SAN) and gain a certificate where the SAN matches the User Principal Name (UPN) of a privileged account.

Note: For more information on known escalation paths, including PetitPotam NTLM relay techniques, see: Domain Escalation: PetitPotam NTLM Relay to ADCS Endpoints and Certified Pre-Owned, Active Directory Certificate Services.[10],[11],[12]

Insecure legacy protocols/services

Many vulnerable network services are enabled by default, and assessment teams have observed them enabled in production environments. Specifically, assessment teams have observed Link-Local Multicast Name Resolution (LLMNR) and NetBIOS Name Service (NBT-NS), which are Microsoft Windows components that serve as alternate methods of host identification. If these services are enabled in a network, actors can use spoofing, poisoning, and relay techniques [T1557.001] to obtain domain hashes, system access, and potential administrative system sessions. Malicious actors frequently exploit these protocols to compromise entire Windows’ environments.

Malicious actors can spoof an authoritative source for name resolution on a target network by responding to passing traffic, effectively poisoning the service so that target computers will communicate with an actor-controlled system instead of the intended one. If the requested system requires identification/authentication, the target computer will send the user’s username and hash to the actor-controlled system. The actors then collect the hash and crack it offline to obtain the plain text password [T1110.002].

Insecure Server Message Block (SMB) service

The Server Message Block service is a Windows component primarily for file sharing. Its default configuration, including in the latest version of Windows, does not require signing network messages to ensure authenticity and integrity. If SMB servers do not enforce SMB signing, malicious actors can use machine-in-the-middle techniques, such as NTLM relay. Further, malicious actors can combine a lack of SMB signing with the name resolution poisoning issue (see above) to gain access to remote systems [T1021.002] without needing to capture and crack any hashes.

2. Improper Separation of User/Administrator Privilege

Administrators often assign multiple roles to one account. These accounts have access to a wide range of devices and services, allowing malicious actors to move through a network quickly with one compromised account without triggering lateral movement and/or privilege escalation detection measures.

Assessment teams have observed the following common account separation misconfigurations:

  • Excessive account privileges
  • Elevated service account permissions
  • Non-essential use of elevated accounts
Excessive Account Privileges

Account privileges are intended to control user access to host or application resources to limit access to sensitive information or enforce a least-privilege security model. When account privileges are overly permissive, users can see and/or do things they should not be able to, which becomes a security issue as it increases risk exposure and attack surface.

Expanding organizations can undergo numerous changes in account management, personnel, and access requirements. These changes commonly lead to privilege creep—the granting of excessive access and unnecessary account privileges. Through the analysis of topical and nested AD groups, a malicious actor can find a user account [T1078] that has been granted account privileges that exceed their need-to-know or least-privilege function. Extraneous access can lead to easy avenues for unauthorized access to data and resources and escalation of privileges in the targeted domain.

Elevated Service Account Permissions

Applications often operate using user accounts to access resources. These user accounts, which are known as service accounts, often require elevated privileges. When a malicious actor compromises an application or service using a service account, they will have the same privileges and access as the service account.

Malicious actors can exploit elevated service permissions within a domain to gain unauthorized access and control over critical systems. Service accounts are enticing targets for malicious actors because such accounts are often granted elevated permissions within the domain due to the nature of the service, and because access to use the service can be requested by any valid domain user. Due to these factors, kerberoasting—a form of credential access achieved by cracking service account credentials—is a common technique used to gain control over service account targets [T1558.003].

Non-Essential Use of Elevated Accounts

IT personnel use domain administrator and other administrator accounts for system and network management due to their inherent elevated privileges. When an administrator account is logged into a compromised host, a malicious actor can steal and use the account’s credentials and an AD-generated authentication token [T1528] to move, using the elevated permissions, throughout the domain [T1550.001]. Using an elevated account for normal day-to-day, non-administrative tasks increases the account’s exposure and, therefore, its risk of compromise and its risk to the network.

Malicious actors prioritize obtaining valid domain credentials upon gaining access to a network. Authentication using valid domain credentials allows the execution of secondary enumeration techniques to gain visibility into the target domain and AD structure, including discovery of elevated accounts and where the elevated accounts are used [T1087].

Targeting elevated accounts (such as domain administrator or system administrators) performing day-to-day activities provides the most direct path to achieve domain escalation. Systems or applications accessed by the targeted elevated accounts significantly increase the attack surface available to adversaries, providing additional paths and escalation options.

After obtaining initial access via an account with administrative permissions, an assessment team compromised a domain in under a business day. The team first gained initial access to the system through phishing [T1566], by which they enticed the end user to download [T1204] and execute malicious payloads. The targeted end-user account had administrative permissions, enabling the team to quickly compromise the entire domain.

3. Insufficient Internal Network Monitoring

Some organizations do not optimally configure host and network sensors for traffic collection and end-host logging. These insufficient configurations could lead to undetected adversarial compromise. Additionally, improper sensor configurations limit the traffic collection capability needed for enhanced baseline development and detract from timely detection of anomalous activity.

Assessment teams have exploited insufficient monitoring to gain access to assessed networks. For example:

  • An assessment team observed an organization with host-based monitoring, but no network monitoring. Host-based monitoring informs defensive teams about adverse activities on singular hosts and network monitoring informs about adverse activities traversing hosts [TA0008]. In this example, the organization could identify infected hosts but could not identify where the infection was coming from, and thus could not stop future lateral movement and infections.
  • An assessment team gained persistent deep access to a large organization with a mature cyber posture. The organization did not detect the assessment team’s lateral movement, persistence, and command and control (C2) activity, including when the team attempted noisy activities to trigger a security response. For more information on this activity, see CSA CISA Red Team Shares Key Findings to Improve Monitoring and Hardening of Networks.[13]

4. Lack of Network Segmentation

Network segmentation separates portions of the network with security boundaries. Lack of network segmentation leaves no security boundaries between the user, production, and critical system networks. Insufficient network segmentation allows an actor who has compromised a resource on the network to move laterally across a variety of systems uncontested. Lack of network segregation additionally leaves organizations significantly more vulnerable to potential ransomware attacks and post-exploitation techniques.

Lack of segmentation between IT and operational technology (OT) environments places OT environments at risk. For example, assessment teams have often gained access to OT networks—despite prior assurance that the networks were fully air gapped, with no possible connection to the IT network—by finding special purpose, forgotten, or even accidental network connections [T1199].

5. Poor Patch Management

Vendors release patches and updates to address security vulnerabilities. Poor patch management and network hygiene practices often enable adversaries to discover open attack vectors and exploit critical vulnerabilities. Poor patch management includes:

  • Lack of regular patching
  • Use of unsupported operating systems (OSs) and outdated firmware
Lack of Regular Patching

Failure to apply the latest patches can leave a system open to compromise from publicly available exploits. Due to their ease of discovery—via vulnerability scanning [T1595.002] and open source research [T1592]—and exploitation, these systems are immediate targets for adversaries. Allowing critical vulnerabilities to remain on production systems without applying their corresponding patches significantly increases the attack surface. Organizations should prioritize patching known exploited vulnerabilities in their environments.[2]

Assessment teams have observed threat actors exploiting many CVEs in public-facing applications [T1190], including:

  • CVE-2019-18935 in an unpatched instance of Telerik® UI for ASP.NET running on a Microsoft IIS server.[14]
  • CVE-2021-44228 (Log4Shell) in an unpatched VMware® Horizon server.[15]
  • CVE-2022-24682, CVE-2022-27924, and CVE-2022-27925 chained with CVE-2022-37042, or CVE-2022-30333 in an unpatched Zimbra® Collaboration Suite.[16]
Use of Unsupported OSs and Outdated Firmware

Using software or hardware that is no longer supported by the vendor poses a significant security risk because new and existing vulnerabilities are no longer patched. Malicious actors can exploit vulnerabilities in these systems to gain unauthorized access, compromise sensitive data, and disrupt operations [T1210].

Assessment teams frequently observe organizations using unsupported Windows operating systems without updates MS17-010 and MS08-67. These updates, released years ago, address critical remote code execution vulnerabilities.[17],[18]

6. Bypass of System Access Controls

A malicious actor can bypass system access controls by compromising alternate authentication methods in an environment. If a malicious actor can collect hashes in a network, they can use the hashes to authenticate using non-standard means, such as pass-the-hash (PtH) [T1550.002]. By mimicking accounts without the clear-text password, an actor can expand and fortify their access without detection. Kerberoasting is also one of the most time-efficient ways to elevate privileges and move laterally throughout an organization’s network.

7. Weak or Misconfigured MFA Methods

Misconfigured Smart Cards or Tokens

Some networks (generally government or DoD networks) require accounts to use smart cards or tokens. Multifactor requirements can be misconfigured so the password hashes for accounts never change. Even though the password itself is no longer used—because the smart card or token is required instead—there is still a password hash for the account that can be used as an alternative credential for authentication. If the password hash never changes, once a malicious actor has an account’s password hash [T1111], the actor can use it indefinitely, via the PtH technique for as long as that account exists.

Lack of Phishing-Resistant MFA

Some forms of MFA are vulnerable to phishing, “push bombing” [T1621], exploitation of Signaling System 7 (SS7) protocol vulnerabilities, and/or “SIM swap” techniques. These attempts, if successful, may allow a threat actor to gain access to MFA authentication credentials or bypass MFA and access the MFA-protected systems. (See CISA’s Fact Sheet Implementing Phishing-Resistant MFA for more information.)[3]

For example, assessment teams have used voice phishing to convince users to provide missing MFA information [T1598]. In one instance, an assessment team knew a user’s main credentials, but their login attempts were blocked by MFA requirements. The team then masqueraded as IT staff and convinced the user to provide the MFA code over the phone, allowing the team to complete their login attempt and gain access to the user’s email and other organizational resources.

8. Insufficient ACLs on Network Shares and Services

Data shares and repositories are primary targets for malicious actors. Network administrators may improperly configure ACLs to allow for unauthorized users to access sensitive or administrative data on shared drives.

Actors can use commands, open source tools, or custom malware to look for shared folders and drives [T1135].

  • In one compromise, a team observed actors use the net share command—which displays information about shared resources on the local computer—and the ntfsinfo command to search network shares on compromised computers. In the same compromise, the actors used a custom tool, CovalentStealer, which is designed to identify file shares on a system, categorize the files [T1083], and upload the files to a remote server [TA0010].[19],[20]
  • Ransomware actors have used the SoftPerfect® Network Scanner, netscan.exe—which can ping computers [T1018], scan ports [T1046], and discover shared folders—and SharpShares to enumerate accessible network shares in a domain.[21],[22]

Malicious actors can then collect and exfiltrate the data from the shared drives and folders. They can then use the data for a variety of purposes, such as extortion of the organization or as intelligence when formulating intrusion plans for further network compromise. Assessment teams routinely find sensitive information on network shares [T1039] that could facilitate follow-on activity or provide opportunities for extortion. Teams regularly find drives containing cleartext credentials [T1552] for service accounts, web applications, and even domain administrators.

Even when further access is not directly obtained from credentials in file shares, there can be a treasure trove of information for improving situational awareness of the target network, including the network’s topology, service tickets, or vulnerability scan data. In addition, teams regularly identify sensitive data and PII on shared drives (e.g., scanned documents, social security numbers, and tax returns) that could be used for extortion or social engineering of the organization or individuals.

9. Poor Credential Hygiene

Poor credential hygiene facilitates threat actors in obtaining credentials for initial access, persistence, lateral movement, and other follow-on activity, especially if phishing-resistant MFA is not enabled. Poor credential hygiene includes:

  • Easily crackable passwords
  • Cleartext password disclosure
Easily Crackable Passwords

Easily crackable passwords are passwords that a malicious actor can guess within a short time using relatively inexpensive computing resources. The presence of easily crackable passwords on a network generally stems from a lack of password length (i.e., shorter than 15 characters) and randomness (i.e., is not unique or can be guessed). This is often due to lax requirements for passwords in organizational policies and user training. A policy that only requires short and simple passwords leaves user passwords susceptible to password cracking. Organizations should provide or allow employee use of password managers to enable the generation and easy use of secure, random passwords for each account.

Often, when a credential is obtained, it is a hash (one-way encryption) of the password and not the password itself. Although some hashes can be used directly with PtH techniques, many hashes need to be cracked to obtain usable credentials. The cracking process takes the captured hash of the user’s plaintext password and leverages dictionary wordlists and rulesets, often using a database of billions of previously compromised passwords, in an attempt to find the matching plaintext password [T1110.002].

One of the primary ways to crack passwords is with the open source tool, Hashcat, combined with password lists obtained from publicly released password breaches. Once a malicious actor has access to a plaintext password, they are usually limited only by the account’s permissions. In some cases, the actor may be restricted or detected by advanced defense-in-depth and zero trust implementations as well, but this has been a rare finding in assessments thus far.

Assessment teams have cracked password hashes for NTLM users, Kerberos service account tickets, NetNTLMv2, and PFX stores [T1555], enabling the team to elevate privileges and move laterally within networks. In 12 hours, one team cracked over 80% of all users’ passwords in an Active Directory, resulting in hundreds of valid credentials.

Cleartext Password Disclosure

Storing passwords in cleartext is a serious security risk. A malicious actor with access to files containing cleartext passwords [T1552.001] could use these credentials to log into the affected applications or systems under the guise of a legitimate user. Accountability is lost in this situation as any system logs would record valid user accounts accessing applications or systems.

Malicious actors search for text files, spreadsheets, documents, and configuration files in hopes of obtaining cleartext passwords. Assessment teams frequently discover cleartext passwords, allowing them to quickly escalate the emulated intrusion from the compromise of a regular domain user account to that of a privileged account, such as a Domain or Enterprise Administrator. A common tool used for locating cleartext passwords is the open source tool, Snaffler.[23]

10. Unrestricted Code Execution

If unverified programs are allowed to execute on hosts, a threat actor can run arbitrary, malicious payloads within a network.

Malicious actors often execute code after gaining initial access to a system. For example, after a user falls for a phishing scam, the actor usually convinces the victim to run code on their workstation to gain remote access to the internal network. This code is usually an unverified program that has no legitimate purpose or business reason for running on the network.

Assessment teams and malicious actors frequently leverage unrestricted code execution in the form of executables, dynamic link libraries (DLLs), HTML applications, and macros (scripts used in office automation documents) [T1059.005] to establish initial access, persistence, and lateral movement. In addition, actors often use scripting languages [T1059] to obscure their actions [T1027.010] and bypass allowlisting—where organizations restrict applications and other forms of code by default and only allow those that are known and trusted. Further, actors may load vulnerable drivers and then exploit the drivers’ known vulnerabilities to execute code in the kernel with the highest level of system privileges to completely compromise the device [T1068].


Network Defenders

NSA and CISA recommend network defenders implement the recommendations that follow to mitigate the issues identified in this advisory. These mitigations align with the Cross-Sector Cybersecurity Performance Goals (CPGs) developed by CISA and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) as well as with the MITRE ATT&CK Enterprise Mitigations and MITRE D3FEND frameworks.

The CPGs provide a minimum set of practices and protections that CISA and NIST recommend all organizations implement. CISA and NIST based the CPGs on existing cybersecurity frameworks and guidance to protect against the most common and impactful threats, tactics, techniques, and procedures. Visit CISA’s Cross-Sector Cybersecurity Performance Goals for more information on the CPGs, including additional recommended baseline protections.[24]

Mitigate Default Configurations of Software and Applications
MisconfigurationRecommendations for Network Defenders
Default configurations of software and applicationsModify the default configuration of applications and appliances before deployment in a production environment [M1013],[D3-ACH]. Refer to hardening guidelines provided by the vendor and related cybersecurity guidance (e.g., DISA’s Security Technical Implementation Guides (STIGs) and configuration guides).[25],[26],[27]
Default configurations of software and applications: Default CredentialsChange or disable vendor-supplied default usernames and passwords of services, software, and equipment when installing or commissioning [CPG 2.A]. When resetting passwords, enforce the use of “strong” passwords (i.e., passwords that are more than 15 characters and random [CPG 2.B]) and follow hardening guidelines provided by the vendor, STIGsNSA, and/or NIST [M1027],[D3-SPP].[25],[26],[28],[29]
Default service permissions and configuration settings: Insecure Active Directory Certificate ServicesEnsure the secure configuration of ADCS implementations. Regularly update and patch the controlling infrastructure (e.g., for CVE-2021-36942), employ monitoring and auditing mechanisms, and implement strong access controls to protect the infrastructure.If not needed, disable web-enrollment in ADCS servers. See Microsoft: Uninstall-AdcsWebEnrollment (ADCSDeployment) for guidance.[30]If web enrollment is needed on ADCS servers:Enable Extended Protection for Authentication (EPA) for Client Authority Web Enrollment. This is done by choosing the “Required” option. For guidance, see Microsoft: KB5021989: Extended Protection for Authentication.[31]Enable “Require SSL” on the ADCS server.Disable NTLM on all ADCS servers. For guidance, see Microsoft: Network security Restrict NTLM in this domain – Windows Security | Microsoft Learn and Network security Restrict NTLM Incoming NTLM traffic – Windows Security.[32],[33]Disable SAN for UPN Mapping. For guidance see, Microsoft: How to disable the SAN for UPN mapping – Windows Server. Instead, smart card authentication can use the altSecurityIdentities attribute for explicit mapping of certificates to accounts more securely.[34]Review all permissions on the ADCS templates on applicable servers. Restrict enrollment rights to only those users or groups that require it. Disable the CT_FLAG_ENROLLEE_SUPPLIES_SUBJECT flag from templates to prevent users from supplying and editing sensitive security settings within these templates. Enforce manager approval for requested certificates. Remove FullControlWriteDacl, and Write property permissions from low-privileged groups, such as domain users, to certificate template objects.
Default service permissions and configuration settings: Insecure legacy protocols/servicesDetermine if LLMNR and NetBIOS are required for essential business operations.If not required, disable LLMNR and NetBIOS in local computer security settings or by group policy.
Default service permissions and configuration settings: Insecure SMB serviceRequire SMB signing for both SMB client and server on all systems.[25] This should prevent certain adversary-in-the-middle and pass-the-hash techniques. For more information on SMB signing, see Microsoft: Overview of Server Message Block Signing. [35] Note: Beginning in Microsoft Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 25381, Windows requires SMB signing for all communications.[36]
Mitigate Improper Separation of User/Administrator Privilege
MisconfigurationRecommendations for Network Defenders
Improper separation of user/administrator privilege:Excessive account privileges,Elevated service account permissions, andNon-essential use of elevated accountsImplement authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) systems [M1018] to limit actions users can perform, and review logs of user actions to detect unauthorized use and abuse. Apply least privilege principles to user accounts and groups allowing only the performance of authorized actions.Audit user accounts and remove those that are inactive or unnecessary on a routine basis [CPG 2.D]. Limit the ability for user accounts to create additional accounts.Restrict use of privileged accounts to perform general tasks, such as accessing emails and browsing the Internet [CPG 2.E],[D3-UAP]. See NSA Cybersecurity Information Sheet (CSI) Defend Privileges and Accounts for more information.[37]Limit the number of users within the organization with an identity and access management (IAM) role that has administrator privileges. Strive to reduce all permanent privileged role assignments, and conduct periodic entitlement reviews on IAM users, roles, and policies.Implement time-based access for privileged accounts. For example, the just-in-time access method provisions privileged access when needed and can support enforcement of the principle of least privilege (as well as the Zero Trust model) by setting network-wide policy to automatically disable admin accounts at the Active Directory level. As needed, individual users can submit requests through an automated process that enables access to a system for a set timeframe. In cloud environments, just-in-time elevation is also appropriate and may be implemented using per-session federated claims or privileged access management tools.Restrict domain users from being in the local administrator group on multiple systems.Run daemonized applications (services) with non-administrator accounts when possible.Only configure service accounts with the permissions necessary for the services they control to operate.Disable unused services and implement ACLs to protect services.
Mitigate Insufficient Internal Network Monitoring
MisconfigurationRecommendations for Network Defenders
Insufficient internal network monitoringEstablish a baseline of applications and services, and routinely audit their access and use, especially for administrative activity [D3-ANAA]. For instance, administrators should routinely audit the access lists and permissions for of all web applications and services [CPG 2.O],[M1047]. Look for suspicious accounts, investigate them, and remove accounts and credentials, as appropriate, such as accounts of former staff.[39]Establish a baseline that represents an organization’s normal traffic activity, network performance, host application activity, and user behavior; investigate any deviations from that baseline [D3-NTCD],[D3-CSPP],[D3-UBA].[40]Use auditing tools capable of detecting privilege and service abuse opportunities on systems within an enterprise and correct them [M1047].Implement a security information and event management (SIEM) system to provide log aggregation, correlation, querying, visualization, and alerting from network endpoints, logging systems, endpoint and detection response (EDR) systems and intrusion detection systems (IDS) [CPG 2.T],[D3-NTA].
Mitigate Lack of Network Segmentation
MisconfigurationRecommendations for Network Defenders
Lack of network segmentationImplement next-generation firewalls to perform deep packet filtering, stateful inspection, and application-level packet inspection [D3-NTF]. Deny or drop improperly formatted traffic that is incongruent with application-specific traffic permitted on the network. This practice limits an actor’s ability to abuse allowed application protocols. The practice of allowlisting network applications does not rely on generic ports as filtering criteria, enhancing filtering fidelity. For more information on application-aware defenses, see NSA CSI Segment Networks and Deploy Application-Aware Defenses.[41]Engineer network segments to isolate critical systems, functions, and resources [CPG 2.F],[D3-NI]. Establish physical and logical segmentation controls, such as virtual local area network (VLAN) configurations and properly configured access control lists (ACLs) on infrastructure devices [M1030]. These devices should be baselined and audited to prevent access to potentially sensitive systems and information. Leverage properly configured Demilitarized Zones (DMZs) to reduce service exposure to the Internet.[42],[43],[44]Implement separate Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) instances to isolate essential cloud systems. Where possible, implement Virtual Machines (VM) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV) to enable micro-segmentation of networks in virtualized environments and cloud data centers. Employ secure VM firewall configurations in tandem with macro segmentation.
Mitigate Poor Patch Management
MisconfigurationRecommendations for Network Defenders
Poor patch management: Lack of regular patchingEnsure organizations implement and maintain an efficient patch management process that enforces the use of up-to-date, stable versions of OSs, browsers, and software [M1051],[D3-SU].[45]Update software regularly by employing patch management for externally exposed applications, internal enterprise endpoints, and servers. Prioritize patching known exploited vulnerabilities.[2]Automate the update process as much as possible and use vendor-provided updates. Consider using automated patch management tools and software update tools.Where patching is not possible due to limitations, segment networks to limit exposure of the vulnerable system or host.
Poor patch management: Use of unsupported OSs and outdated firmwareEvaluate the use of unsupported hardware and software and discontinue use as soon as possible. If discontinuing is not possible, implement additional network protections to mitigate the risk.[45]Patch the Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) and other firmware to prevent exploitation of known vulnerabilities.
Mitigate Bypass of System Access Controls
MisconfigurationRecommendations for Network Defenders
Bypass of system access controlsLimit credential overlap across systems to prevent credential compromise and reduce a malicious actor’s ability to move laterally between systems [M1026],[D3-CH]. Implement a method for monitoring non-standard logon events through host log monitoring [CPG 2.G].Implement an effective and routine patch management process. Mitigate PtH techniques by applying patch KB2871997 to Windows 7 and newer versions to limit default access of accounts in the local administrator group [M1051],[D3-SU].[46]Enable the PtH mitigations to apply User Account Control (UAC) restrictions to local accounts upon network logon [M1052],[D3-UAP].Deny domain users the ability to be in the local administrator group on multiple systems [M1018],[D3-UAP].Limit workstation-to-workstation communications. All workstation communications should occur through a server to prevent lateral movement [M1018],[D3-UAP].Use privileged accounts only on systems requiring those privileges [M1018],[D3-UAP]. Consider using dedicated Privileged Access Workstations for privileged accounts to better isolate and protect them.[37]
Mitigate Weak or Misconfigured MFA Methods
MisconfigurationRecommendations for Network Defenders
Weak or misconfigured MFA methods: Misconfigured smart cards or tokens In Windows environments:Disable the use of New Technology LAN Manager (NTLM) and other legacy authentication protocols that are susceptible to PtH due to their use of password hashes [M1032],[D3-MFA]. For guidance, see Microsoft: Network security Restrict NTLM in this domain – Windows Security | Microsoft Learn and Network security Restrict NTLM Incoming NTLM traffic – Windows Security.[32],[33]Use built-in functionality via Windows Hello for Business or Group Policy Objects (GPOs) to regularly re-randomize password hashes associated with smartcard-required accounts. Ensure that the hashes are changed at least as often as organizational policy requires passwords to be changed [M1027],[D3-CRO]. Prioritize upgrading any environments that cannot utilize this built-in functionality.As a longer-term effort, implement cloud-primary authentication solution using modern open standards. See CISA’s Secure Cloud Business Applications (SCuBA) Hybrid Identity Solutions Architecture for more information.[47] Note: this document is part of CISA’s Secure Cloud Business Applications (SCuBA) project, which provides guidance for FCEB agencies to secure their cloud business application environments and to protect federal information that is created, accessed, shared, and stored in those environments. Although tailored to FCEB agencies, the project’s guidance is applicable to all organizations.[48]
Weak or misconfigured MFA methods: Lack of phishing-resistant MFAEnforce phishing-resistant MFA universally for access to sensitive data and on as many other resources and services as possible [CPG 2.H].[3],[49]
Mitigate Insufficient ACLs on Network Shares and Services
MisconfigurationRecommendations for Network Defenders
Insufficient ACLs on network shares and servicesImplement secure configurations for all storage devices and network shares that grant access to authorized users only.Apply the principal of least privilege to important information resources to reduce risk of unauthorized data access and manipulation.Apply restrictive permissions to files and directories, and prevent adversaries from modifying ACLs [M1022],[D3-LFP].Set restrictive permissions on files and folders containing sensitive private keys to prevent unintended access [M1022],[D3-LFP].Enable the Windows Group Policy security setting, “Do Not Allow Anonymous Enumeration of Security Account Manager (SAM) Accounts and Shares,” to limit users who can enumerate network shares.
Mitigate Poor Credential Hygiene
MisconfigurationRecommendations for Network Defenders
Poor credential hygiene: easily crackable passwords Follow National Institute of Standards and Technologies (NIST) guidelines when creating password policies to enforce use of “strong” passwords that cannot be cracked [M1027],[D3-SPP].[29] Consider using password managers to generate and store passwords.Do not reuse local administrator account passwords across systems. Ensure that passwords are “strong” and unique [CPG 2.B],[M1027],[D3-SPP].Use “strong” passphrases for private keys to make cracking resource intensive. Do not store credentials within the registry in Windows systems. Establish an organizational policy that prohibits password storage in files.Ensure adequate password length (ideally 25+ characters) and complexity requirements for Windows service accounts and implement passwords with periodic expiration on these accounts [CPG 2.B],[M1027],[D3-SPP]. Use Managed Service Accounts, when possible, to manage service account passwords automatically.
Poor credential hygiene: cleartext password disclosure Implement a review process for files and systems to look for cleartext account credentials. When credentials are found, remove, change, or encrypt them [D3-FE]. Conduct periodic scans of server machines using automated tools to determine whether sensitive data (e.g., personally identifiable information, protected health information) or credentials are stored. Weigh the risk of storing credentials in password stores and web browsers. If system, software, or web browser credential disclosure is of significant concern, technical controls, policy, and user training may prevent storage of credentials in improper locations.Store hashed passwords using Committee on National Security Systems Policy (CNSSP)-15 and Commercial National Security Algorithm Suite (CNSA) approved algorithms.[50],[51]Consider using group Managed Service Accounts (gMSAs) or third-party software to implement secure password-storage applications.
Mitigate Unrestricted Code Execution
MisconfigurationRecommendations for Network Defenders
Unrestricted code executionEnable system settings that prevent the ability to run applications downloaded from untrusted sources.[52]Use application control tools that restrict program execution by default, also known as allowlisting [D3-EAL]. Ensure that the tools examine digital signatures and other key attributes, rather than just relying on filenames, especially since malware often attempts to masquerade as common Operating System (OS) utilities [M1038]. Explicitly allow certain .exe files to run, while blocking all others by default.Block or prevent the execution of known vulnerable drivers that adversaries may exploit to execute code in kernel mode. Validate driver block rules in audit mode to ensure stability prior to production deployment [D3-OSM].Constrain scripting languages to prevent malicious activities, audit script logs, and restrict scripting languages that are not used in the environment [D3-SEA]. See joint Cybersecurity Information Sheet: Keeping PowerShell: Security Measures to Use and Embrace.[53]Use read-only containers and minimal images, when possible, to prevent the running of commands.Regularly analyze border and host-level protections, including spam-filtering capabilities, to ensure their continued effectiveness in blocking the delivery and execution of malware [D3-MA]. Assess whether HTML Application (HTA) files are used for business purposes in your environment; if HTAs are not used, remap the default program for opening them from mshta.exe to notepad.exe.

Software Manufacturers

NSA and CISA recommend software manufacturers implement the recommendations in Table 11 to reduce the prevalence of misconfigurations identified in this advisory. These mitigations align with tactics provided in joint guide Shifting the Balance of Cybersecurity Risk: Principles and Approaches for Security-by-Design and -Default. NSA and CISA strongly encourage software manufacturers apply these recommendations to ensure their products are secure “out of the box” and do not require customers to spend additional resources making configuration changes, performing monitoring, and conducting routine updates to keep their systems secure.[1]

MisconfigurationRecommendations for Software Manufacturers
Default configurations of software and applicationsEmbed security controls into product architecture from the start of development and throughout the entire SDLC by following best practices in NIST’s Secure Software Development Framework (SSDF), SP 800-218.[54]Provide software with security features enabled “out of the box” and accompanied with “loosening” guides instead of hardening guides. “Loosening” guides should explain the business risk of decisions in plain, understandable language.
Default configurations of software and applications: Default credentialsEliminate default passwords: Do not provide software with default passwords that are universally shared. To eliminate default passwords, require administrators to set a “strong” password [CPG 2.B] during installation and configuration.
Default configurations of software and applications: Default service permissions and configuration settingsConsider the user experience consequences of security settings: Each new setting increases the cognitive burden on end users and should be assessed in conjunction with the business benefit it derives. Ideally, a setting should not exist; instead, the most secure setting should be integrated into the product by default. When configuration is necessary, the default option should be broadly secure against common threats.
Improper separation of user/administrator privilege:Excessive account privileges,Elevated service account permissions, andNon-essential use of elevated accountsDesign products so that the compromise of a single security control does not result in compromise of the entire system. For example, ensuring that user privileges are narrowly provisioned by default and ACLs are employed can reduce the impact of a compromised account. Also, software sandboxing techniques can quarantine a vulnerability to limit compromise of an entire application.Automatically generate reports for:Administrators of inactive accounts. Prompt administrators to set a maximum inactive time and automatically suspend accounts that exceed that threshold.Administrators of accounts with administrator privileges and suggest ways to reduce privilege sprawl.Automatically alert administrators of infrequently used services and provide recommendations for disabling them or implementing ACLs.
Insufficient internal network monitoring Provide high-quality audit logs to customers at no extra charge. Audit logs are crucial for detecting and escalating potential security incidents. They are also crucial during an investigation of a suspected or confirmed security incident. Consider best practices such as providing easy integration with a security information and event management (SIEM) system with application programming interface (API) access that uses coordinated universal time (UTC), standard time zone formatting, and robust documentation techniques.
Lack of network segmentationEnsure products are compatible with and tested in segmented network environments.
Poor patch management: Lack of regular patchingTake steps to eliminate entire classes of vulnerabilities by embedding security controls into product architecture from the start of development and throughout the SDLC by following best practices in NIST’s SSDFSP 800-218.[54] Pay special attention to:Following secure coding practices [SSDF PW 5.1]. Use memory-safe programming languages where possible, parametrized queries, and web template languages.Conducting code reviews [SSDF PW 7.2, RV 1.2] against peer coding standards, checking for backdoors, malicious content, and logic flaws.Testing code to identify vulnerabilities and verify compliance with security requirements [SSDF PW 8.2].Ensure that published CVEs include root cause or common weakness enumeration (CWE) to enable industry-wide analysis of software security design flaws.
Poor patch management: Use of unsupported operating OSs and outdated firmwareCommunicate the business risk of using unsupported OSs and firmware in plain, understandable language.
Bypass of system access controlsProvide sufficient detail in audit records to detect bypass of system controls and queries to monitor audit logs for traces of such suspicious activity (e.g., for when an essential step of an authentication or authorization flow is missing).
Weak or Misconfigured MFA Methods: Misconfigured Smart Cards or Tokens Fully support MFA for all users, making MFA the default rather than an opt-in feature. Utilize threat modeling for authentication assertions and alternate credentials to examine how they could be abused to bypass MFA requirements.
Weak or Misconfigured MFA Methods: Lack of phishing-resistant MFAMandate MFA, ideally phishing-resistant, for privileged users and make MFA a default rather than an opt-in feature.[3]
Insufficient ACL on network shares and servicesEnforce use of ACLs with default ACLs only allowing the minimum access needed, along with easy-to-use tools to regularly audit and adjust ACLs to the minimum access needed.
Poor credential hygiene: easily crackable passwords Allow administrators to configure a password policy consistent with NIST’s guidelines—do not require counterproductive restrictions such as enforcing character types or the periodic rotation of passwords.[29]Allow users to use password managers to effortlessly generate and use secure, random passwords within products.
Poor credential hygiene: cleartext password disclosureSalt and hash passwords using a secure hashing algorithm with high computational cost to make brute force cracking more difficult.
Unrestricted code executionSupport execution controls within operating systems and applications “out of the box” by default at no extra charge for all customers, to limit malicious actors’ ability to abuse functionality or launch unusual applications without administrator or informed user approval.


In addition to applying mitigations, NSA and CISA recommend exercising, testing, and validating your organization’s security program against the threat behaviors mapped to the MITRE ATT&CK for Enterprise framework in this advisory. NSA and CISA recommend testing your existing security controls inventory to assess how they perform against the ATT&CK techniques described in this advisory.

To get started:

  1. Select an ATT&CK technique described in this advisory (see Table 12–Table 21).
  2. Align your security technologies against the technique.
  3. Test your technologies against the technique.
  4. Analyze your detection and prevention technologies’ performance.
  5. Repeat the process for all security technologies to obtain a set of comprehensive performance data.
  6. Tune your security program, including people, processes, and technologies, based on the data generated by this process.

CISA and NSA recommend continually testing your security program, at scale, in a production environment to ensure optimal performance against the MITRE ATT&CK techniques identified in this advisory.


The misconfigurations described above are all too common in assessments and the techniques listed are standard ones leveraged by multiple malicious actors, resulting in numerous real network compromises. Learn from the weaknesses of others and implement the mitigations above properly to protect the network, its sensitive information, and critical missions.


[1]   Joint Guide: Shifting the Balance of Cybersecurity Risk: Principles and Approaches for Security-by-Design and -Default (2023),
[2]   CISA, Known Exploited Vulnerabilities Catalog,
[3]   CISA, Implementing Phishing-Resistant MFA,
[4]   MITRE, ATT&CK for Enterprise,
[5]   MITRE, D3FEND,
[6]   CISA, Best Practices for MITRE ATT&CK Mapping,
[7]   CISA, Decider Tool,
[8]   CISA, Cyber Assessment Fact Sheet,
[9]   Joint CSA: Weak Security Controls and Practices Routinely Exploited for Initial Access,
[10]  Microsoft KB5005413: Mitigating NTLM Relay Attacks on Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS),
[11]  Raj Chandel, Domain Escalation: PetitPotam NTLM Relay to ADCS Endpoints,
[12]  SpecterOps – Will Schroeder, Certified Pre-Owned,
[13]  CISA, CSA: CISA Red Team Shares Key Findings to Improve Monitoring and Hardening of Networks,
[14]  Joint CSA: Threat Actors Exploit Progress Telerik Vulnerabilities in Multiple U.S. Government IIS Servers,
[15]  Joint CSA: Iranian Government-Sponsored APT Actors Compromise Federal Network, Deploy Crypto Miner, Credential Harvester,
[16]  Joint CSA: Threat Actors Exploiting Multiple CVEs Against Zimbra Collaboration Suite,
[17]  Microsoft, How to verify that MS17-010 is installed,
[18]  Microsoft, Microsoft Security Bulletin MS08-067 – Critical Vulnerability in Server Service Could Allow Remote Code Execution (958644),
[19]  Joint CSA: Impacket and Exfiltration Tool Used to Steal Sensitive Information from Defense Industrial Base Organization,
[20]  CISA, Malware Analysis Report: 10365227.r1.v1,
[21]  Joint CSA: #StopRansomware: BianLian Ransomware Group,
[22]  CISA Analysis Report: FiveHands Ransomware,
[23]  Snaffler,
[24]  CISA, Cross-Sector Cybersecurity Performance Goals,
[25]  Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), Security Technical Implementation Guides (STIGs),
[26]  NSA, Network Infrastructure Security Guide,
[27]  NSA, Actively Manage Systems and Configurations,
[28]  NSA, Cybersecurity Advisories & Guidance,
[29]  National Institute of Standards and Technologies (NIST), NIST SP 800-63B: Digital Identity Guidelines: Authentication and Lifecycle Management,
[30]  Microsoft, Uninstall-AdcsWebEnrollment,
[31]  Microsoft, KB5021989: Extended Protection for Authentication,
[32]  Microsoft, Network security: Restrict NTLM: NTLM authentication in this domain,
[33]  Microsoft, Network security: Restrict NTLM: Incoming NTLM traffic,
[34]  Microsoft, How to disable the Subject Alternative Name for UPN mapping,
[35]  Microsoft, Overview of Server Message Block signing,
[36]  Microsoft, SMB signing required by default in Windows Insider,
[37]  NSA, Defend Privileges and Accounts,
[38]  NSA, Advancing Zero Trust Maturity Throughout the User Pillar,
[39]  NSA, Continuously Hunt for Network Intrusions,
[40]  Joint CSI: Detect and Prevent Web Shell Malware,
[41]  NSA, Segment Networks and Deploy Application-aware Defenses,
[42]  Joint CSA: NSA and CISA Recommend Immediate Actions to Reduce Exposure Across all Operational Technologies and Control Systems,
[43]  NSA, Stop Malicious Cyber Activity Against Connected Operational Technology,
[44]  NSA, Performing Out-of-Band Network Management,
[45]  NSA, Update and Upgrade Software Immediately,
[46]  Microsoft, Microsoft Security Advisory 2871997: Update to Improve Credentials Protection and Management,
[47]  CISA, Secure Cloud Business Applications Hybrid Identity Solutions Architecture,
[48]  CISA, Secure Cloud Business Applications (SCuBA) Project,
[49]  NSA, Transition to Multi-factor Authentication,
[50]  Committee on National Security Systems (CNSS), CNSS Policy 15,
[51]  NSA, NSA Releases Future Quantum-Resistant (QR) Algorithm Requirements for National Security Systems,
[52]  NSA, Enforce Signed Software Execution Policies,
[53]  Joint CSI: Keeping PowerShell: Security Measures to Use and Embrace,
[54]  NIST, NIST SP 800-218: Secure Software Development Framework (SSDF) Version 1.1: Recommendations for Mitigating the Risk of Software Vulnerabilities,

Disclaimer of Endorsement

The information and opinions contained in this document are provided “as is” and without any warranties or guarantees. Reference herein to any specific commercial products, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government, and this guidance shall not be used for advertising or product endorsement purposes.


Active Directory, Microsoft, and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
MITRE ATT&CK is registered trademark and MITRE D3FEND is a trademark of The MITRE Corporation.
SoftPerfect is a registered trademark of SoftPerfect Proprietary Limited Company.
Telerik is a registered trademark of Progress Software Corporation.
VMware is a registered trademark of VMWare, Inc.
Zimbra is a registered trademark of Synacor, Inc.


This document was developed in furtherance of the authoring cybersecurity organizations’ missions, including their responsibilities to identify and disseminate threats, and to develop and issue cybersecurity specifications and mitigations. This information may be shared broadly to reach all appropriate stakeholders.


Cybersecurity Report Feedback:
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To report suspicious activity contact CISA’s 24/7 Operations Center at or (888) 282-0870. When available, please include the following information regarding the incident: date, time, and location of the incident; type of activity; number of people affected; type of equipment used for the activity; the name of the submitting company or organization; and a designated point of contact.

Appendix: MITRE ATT&CK Tactics and Techniques

See Table 12–Table 21 for all referenced threat actor tactics and techniques in this advisory.

Technique TitleIDUse
Active Scanning: Vulnerability ScanningT1595.002Malicious actors scan victims for vulnerabilities that be exploited for initial access.
Gather Victim Host InformationT1592Malicious actors gather information on victim client configurations and/or vulnerabilities through vulnerabilities scans and searching the web.
Gather Victim Identity Information: CredentialsT1589.001Malicious actors find default credentials through searching the web.
Phishing for InformationT1598Malicious actors masquerade as IT staff and convince a target user to provide their MFA code over the phone to gain access to email and other organizational resources.
Technique TitleIDUse
External Remote ServicesT1133Malicious actors use default credentials for VPN access to internal networks.
Valid Accounts: Default AccountsT1078.001Malicious actors gain authenticated access to devices by finding default credentials through searching the web.Malicious actors use default credentials for VPN access to internal networks, and default administrative credentials to gain access to web applications and databases.
Exploit Public-Facing ApplicationT1190Malicious actors exploit CVEs in Telerik UI, VM Horizon, Zimbra Collaboration Suite, and other applications for initial access to victim organizations.
PhishingT1566Malicious actors gain initial access to systems by phishing to entice end users to download and execute malicious payloads.
Trust RelationshipT1199Malicious actors gain access to OT networks despite prior assurance that the networks were fully air gapped, with no possible connection to the IT network, by finding special purpose, forgotten, or even accidental network connections.
Technique TitleIDUse
Software Deployment ToolsT1072Malicious actors use default or captured credentials on software deployment tools to execute code and move laterally.
User ExecutionT1204Malicious actors gain initial access to systems by phishing to entice end users to download and execute malicious payloads or to run code on their workstations.
Command and Scripting InterpreterT1059Malicious actors use scripting languages to obscure their actions and bypass allowlisting.
Command and Scripting Interpreter: Visual BasicT1059.005Malicious actors use macros for initial access, persistence, and lateral movement.
Technique TitleIDUse
Account ManipulationT1098Malicious actors reset built-in administrative accounts via predictable, forgotten password questions.
Technique TitleIDUse
Valid AccountsT1078Malicious actors analyze topical and nested Active Directory groups to find privileged accounts to target.
Valid Accounts: Domain AccountsT1078.002Malicious actors obtain loaded domain credentials from printers and scanners and use them to move laterally from the network device.
Exploitation for Privilege EscalationT1068Malicious actors load vulnerable drivers and then exploit their known vulnerabilities to execute code in the kernel with the highest level of system privileges to completely compromise the device.
Technique TitleIDUse
Obfuscated Files or Information: Command ObfuscationT1027.010Malicious actors often use scripting languages to obscure their actions.
Technique TitleIDUse
Adversary-in-the-MiddleT1557Malicious actors force a device to communicate through actor-controlled systems, so they can collect information or perform additional actions.
Adversary-in-the-Middle: LLMNR/NBT-NS Poisoning and SMB RelayT1557.001Malicious actors execute spoofing, poisoning, and relay techniques if Link-Local Multicast Name Resolution (LLMNR), NetBIOS Name Service (NBT-NS), and Server Message Block (SMB) services are enabled in a network.
Brute Force: Password CrackingT1110.002Malicious actors capture user hashes and leverage dictionary wordlists and rulesets to extract cleartext passwords.
Credentials from Password StoresT1555Malicious actors gain access to and crack credentials from PFX stores, enabling elevation of privileges and lateral movement within networks.
Multi-Factor Authentication InterceptionT1111Malicious actors can obtain password hashes for accounts enabled for MFA with smart codes or tokens and use the hash via PtH techniques.
Multi-Factor Authentication Request GenerationT1621Malicious actors use “push bombing” against non-phishing resistant MFA to induce “MFA fatigue” in victims, gaining access to MFA authentication credentials or bypassing MFA, and accessing the MFA-protected system.
Steal Application Access TokenT1528Malicious actors can steal administrator account credentials and the authentication token generated by Active Directory when the account is logged into a compromised host.
Steal or Forge Authentication CertificatesT1649Unauthenticated malicious actors coerce an ADCS server to authenticate to an actor-controlled server, and then relay that authentication to the web certificate enrollment application to obtain a trusted illegitimate certificate.
Steal or Forge Kerberos Tickets: Golden TicketT1558.001Malicious actors who have obtained authentication certificates can use the certificate for Active Directory authentication to obtain a Kerberos TGT.
Steal or Forge Kerberos Tickets: KerberoastingT1558.003Malicious actors obtain and abuse valid Kerberos TGTs to elevate privileges and laterally move throughout an organization’s network.
Unsecured Credentials: Credentials in FilesT1552.001Malicious actors find cleartext credentials that organizations or individual users store in spreadsheets, configuration files, and other documents.
Technique TitleIDUse
Account DiscoveryT1087Malicious actors with valid domain credentials enumerate the AD to discover elevated accounts and where they are used.
File and Directory DiscoveryT1083Malicious actors use commands, such as net share, open source tools, such as SoftPerfect Network Scanner, or custom malware, such as CovalentStealer to discover and categorize files.Malicious actors search for text files, spreadsheets, documents, and configuration files in hopes of obtaining desired information, such as cleartext passwords.
Network Share DiscoveryT1135Malicious actors use commands, such as net share, open source tools, such as SoftPerfect Network Scanner, or custom malware, such as CovalentStealer, to look for shared folders and drives.
Technique TitleIDUse
Exploitation of Remote ServicesT1210Malicious actors can exploit OS and firmware vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized network access, compromise sensitive data, and disrupt operations.
Remote Services: SMB/Windows Admin SharesT1021.002If SMB signing is not enforced, malicious actors can use name resolution poisoning to access remote systems.
Use Alternate Authentication Material: Application Access TokenT1550.001Malicious actors with stolen administrator account credentials and AD authentication tokens can use them to operate with elevated permissions throughout the domain.
Use Alternate Authentication Material: Pass the HashT1550.002Malicious actors collect hashes in a network and authenticate as a user without having access to the user’s cleartext password.
Technique TitleIDUse
Data from Network Shared DriveT1039Malicious actors find sensitive information on network shares that could facilitate follow-on activity or provide opportunities for extortion.

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