A Comprehensive Guide on Cybersecurity for Business Travelers


Business travel has become an integral part of many professionals’ lives, enabling them to expand networks and explore new opportunities. However, it also exposes travelers to various cyber risks that can compromise sensitive data and business operations.

In this comprehensive guide, we will examine the world of cybersecurity for business travelers, providing valuable insights and practical tips to ensure data protection while on the go.

The Cyber Risks of Business Travel 

Traveling on business opens up both individuals and organizations to countless cyber risks, including vulnerabilities associated with public Wi-Fi connections, the risk of device theft, weak password security, compliance issues, insecure email traffic, and unsecured file-sharing platforms.

These risks can lead to unauthorized access, data breaches, and severe financial and reputational consequences if not properly addressed. Below we outline those risks in further detail so that you may avoid them:

Public Wi-Fi Connections

These networks, often found in hotels, airports, and coffee shops, are often unsecured and easily exploited by cyberhackers. Connecting to these networks puts sensitive data at risk of interception, allowing cybercriminals to steal login credentials, financial information, and other confidential data. It is essential for business travelers to exercise caution and avoid transmitting sensitive information or accessing critical accounts while connected to public Wi-Fi.

Device Theft

The loss or theft of laptops, smartphones, or tablets not only results in financial loss but also grants illicit access to valuable company information. Cybercriminals may exploit stolen devices to gain access to sensitive data, compromise corporate networks, or launch phishing attacks against colleagues and clients.

Implementing physical security measures such as using laptop locks and keeping devices within sight can help deter theft while encrypting data and enabling remote wiping capabilities can mitigate the risks associated with device loss or theft.

Password Security

Weak or reused passwords can provide easy access to unauthorized individuals. Implementing strong, unique passwords across all devices and accounts adds an extra layer of protection. Additionally, enabling two-factor authentication (2FA) enhances security by requiring an additional verification step.


It’s important to ensure that personal and business data remain compliant with relevant laws, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Implementing encryption protocols and secure file storage solutions helps maintain compliance and mitigate risks.

Insecure Email Traffic

Business travelers must be careful when using public or unsecured networks to send sensitive information via email. Implementing end-to-end encryption, using secure email providers, and avoiding opening suspicious attachments or clicking on unknown links are vital precautions to protect against email-based attacks.

File Sharing

File sharing can introduce serious security risks. It’s critical to utilize secure file-sharing platforms that encrypt data both in transit and at rest. It’s advisable to implement access controls and permissions to restrict file sharing to authorized individuals only. Also, regularly reviewing and updating file-sharing policies can also help prevent evolving cybersecurity threats.

Cybersecurity Tips for Business Travelers

As we mentioned above, cybercriminals are constantly targeting business travelers, seeking to exploit vulnerabilities in their devices and steal sensitive information. Therefore, it is imperative for business travelers to be well-equipped with effective cybersecurity tips and best practices to safeguard their valuable data and protect their digital assets while on the move.

Here are some simple yet effective things you can do to help keep the hackers at bay:

Lock Your Screens

This simple yet crucial step helps prevent unauthorized access to private or sensitive information. By enabling screen locks, such as passcodes, PINs, or biometric authentication (fingerprints or facial recognition), business travelers can create an additional layer of security that ensures that data remains protected even if their device falls into the wrong hands

Use Public Wi-Fi Sparingly

Public Wi-Fi networks found in hotels, airports, and coffee shops are infamous for their lack of security. When connecting to public Wi-Fi, business travelers expose their data to potential interception by hackers.

As such, it is highly advisable to use public Wi-Fi as sparingly as possible and avoid transmitting any sensitive information, such as login credentials, financial data, or confidential documents.

Instead, business travelers should consider using their mobile network or setting up a personal hotspot with a secure password, or utilizing a virtual private network (VPN) to encrypt internet traffic and protect private data from prying eyes.

Disable the Auto-Connect Feature

Most devices have a feature that automatically connects to available Wi-Fi networks. While this is extremely convenient, this feature can be a security risk. Disabling the auto-connect feature ensures that the device doesn’t automatically connect to untrusted or potentially malicious networks.

It also provides more control over network connections, allowing business travelers to evaluate the security of each network before connecting and minimizing the risk of unwittingly joining an insecure network.

Avoid Location-Sharing

Sharing locations through social media platforms or apps can compromise privacy and potentially put business travelers at risk. This is because cybercriminals can use location data to track movement, identify patterns, and exploit absence from certain locations.

By refraining from location-sharing, business travelers can maintain a higher level of privacy and reduce the chances of becoming a target for physical theft or cyber-attacks.

Use Anti-virus Protection and Run OS Updates

Installing reliable anti-virus software on devices is crucial for detecting and preventing malware infections. Anti-virus protection helps safeguard against various threats, including viruses, ransomware, and spyware.

Additionally, keeping the operating system (OS) up to date with the latest security patches and updates is essential. This is because operating system updates often include bug fixes, vulnerability patches, and security enhancements that protect against known exploits and vulnerabilities.

Update Your Passwords

Regularly updating passwords is an essential cybersecurity practice for business travelers. Strong, unique passwords provide an additional layer of protection against unauthorized access. It is recommended to use a combination of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters when creating passwords.

Travelers should avoid reusing passwords across different accounts or platforms, as this increases the risk of a single password compromise leading to multiple account breaches. Implementing a password manager can also help generate and securely store complex passwords for easy and secure access.

Disable Bluetooth

Bluetooth technology allows wireless connections between devices, but it also presents potential security risks. Cybercriminals know this and often exploit Bluetooth vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access to business travelers’ devices or intercept sensitive data. Disabling Bluetooth when not in use mitigates these risks and reduces the likelihood of being targeted through Bluetooth-related attacks.

Turn Off NFC (Near-Field Communication) 

NFC enables contactless communication between devices. While NFC can be convenient for certain tasks, it also presents security risks, such as unauthorized access or data theft. Turning off NFC when not required helps prevent potential attacks and keeps business travelers’ devices and data secure.

Back up Information on the Cloud

Regularly backing up data on secure cloud storage services provides an additional layer of protection against data loss. In the event of device theft, damage, or loss, having all information securely stored in the cloud ensures that users can access and retrieve important files, documents, and data from any device with internet access.

Be Vigilant

Maintaining a vigilant mindset is crucial for business travelers. Staying alert for phishing attempts, suspicious links, and unfamiliar emails or messages is vital.

Hackers often exploit travel-related scenarios to trick individuals into revealing sensitive information or downloading malware.

By being cautious, double-checking before clicking on links or providing personal information, and staying informed about common phishing techniques, can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to cyber-attacks.

By implementing the above cybersecurity tips, business travelers can enhance their digital security, reduce the risk of data breaches, and protect their sensitive information while on the go. 

Cybersecurity Tips for Businesses  

Organizations of all sizes must prioritize cybersecurity to protect their sensitive data, intellectual property, and customer information. Implementing effective cybersecurity measures is essential to safeguarding against cyber threats and minimizing the risk of data breaches. 

Here are some essential tips for businesses to enhance their cybersecurity posture:

Implement Public Wi-Fi Policies

Establish clear policies and guidelines for employees regarding the use of public Wi-Fi networks. This includes educating them about the risks associated with public Wi-Fi and providing instructions on how to connect securely or avoid using untrusted networks altogether.

Implement VPN Usage Policies

Administer the use of virtual private networks (VPNs) when accessing company resources remotely. Implement policies that require employees to connect to a business VPN to ensure encrypted and secure communication, especially when accessing sensitive data or using public networks.

Train Your Employees to Keep Their Devices Secure

Conduct regular training sessions to educate employees on best practices for device security. This includes creating strong passwords, enabling two-factor authentication (2FA), keeping software and applications updated, and avoiding suspicious websites and downloads.

Train Employees for a Response Plan

Develop and train employees on a comprehensive incident response plan. Ensure they understand the steps to take in the event of a cybersecurity incident, including who to notify, how to preserve evidence, and how to mitigate further damage.

Encourage Situational Awareness

Foster a culture of cybersecurity awareness among employees by promoting situational awareness. Encourage them to be vigilant and identify potential threats, such as phishing emails, suspicious activities, or social engineering attempts. Encourage reporting of any suspicious incidents promptly.

Protect Mobile Devices With Strong Passwords and 2FA

Emphasize the importance of strong passwords and enable two-factor authentication (2FA) on all company-owned mobile devices. This provides an additional layer of security and prevents unauthorized access to sensitive information.

Require Regular Software Updates

Make it a policy for employees to frequently update their software, applications, and operating systems. This ensures that devices have the latest security patches and protections against emerging threats.

Provide Traveling Employees With Charging Devices

Equip traveling employees with reliable charging devices to inhibit the use of public charging stations, which can be compromised to deliver malware or steal data.

Issue Travel-Only Laptops

Provide dedicated laptops specifically for business travel. These travel-only laptops should be hardened and secured with robust security measures, minimizing the risk of data exposure while on the move.

Update Devices After Traveling

After returning from travel, ensure that employees’ devices undergo thorough security checks and updates. This helps address any potential security vulnerabilities or malware that may have been acquired during travel.

Implement a Mobile Device Management Solution

Deploy a mobile device management (MDM) solution to enforce security policies, remotely manage and monitor devices, and protect sensitive data on mobile devices. MDM solutions provide centralized control and enhanced security for company-owned devices, especially for those used by traveling employees.

Unlock Advanced Security With Perimeter 81

Cybersecurity is of increasingly paramount importance for business travelers and organizations. The risks and threats faced while on the move require a proactive and comprehensive approach to protect sensitive information and mitigate potential breaches.

By implementing the cybersecurity tips outlined in this article, both business travelers and their organizations can significantly enhance their digital security posture, ensuring that sensitive information and digital assets are safeguarded, and enabling them to focus on their professional endeavors while minimizing the risks associated with their journeys.

Need a business VPN to use? We have the leading VPN and ZTNA technology suite to help you secure your business. Book a demo today!


What are some good cybersecurity practices when going on a business trip?

To ensure cybersecurity while on business trips, there are several essential practices to follow. First, it is crucial to use secure and trusted networks, avoiding public Wi-Fi whenever possible. Instead, connect to secure networks such as virtual private networks (VPNs) or mobile hotspots with strong encryption.

Additionally, enabling two-factor authentication (2FA) adds an extra layer of security by requiring an additional verification step, like a unique code sent to a mobile device, along with a password. Keeping devices and software updated is also vital, as regular updates help protect against known vulnerabilities.

Implementing strong password practices, being cautious of phishing attempts, securing physical devices, and regularly backing up important data are further measures that business travelers should adopt.

What is cybersecurity in tourism?

Cybersecurity in tourism refers to the protection of digital assets, data, and systems within the tourism industry. It involves employing measures to safeguard against cyber threats, data breaches, and unauthorized access to sensitive information.

In the tourism sector, cybersecurity is vital to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of customer data, financial transactions, and other sensitive information.

It encompasses practices such as securing online booking platforms, protecting customer payment information, educating employees about cyber threats, and maintaining robust data protection protocols to instill confidence and trust in travelers.

What type of businesses need cybersecurity?

All businesses, regardless of size or industry, need cybersecurity measures to protect their digital assets and sensitive information. While certain industries face higher risks, such as financial institutions, healthcare organizations, e-commerce companies, government agencies, and technology firms, it is crucial to recognize that cybersecurity is relevant to all businesses.

Cyber threats can impact any organization that utilizes digital technologies, stores customer data or relies on online systems for operations. Safeguarding digital assets and customer information should be a priority for businesses across industries.

Source :

How to Build Network Security for Your Business in 2023


Network security is paramount for businesses of all sizes. With the ever-evolving threat landscape and increasing cyber-attacks, it is crucial to implement robust network security measures to safeguard sensitive data, protect customer information, and ensure uninterrupted operations.

Read on to discover the concept of network security for businesses in 2023. We will also discuss various strategies, tools, and best practices to build secure network infrastructure.

What is Network Security for Businesses?

Network security for businesses refers to a set of measures and practices implemented to protect a company’s computer network from unauthorized access, data breaches, and other cyber threats.

It involves safeguarding the network infrastructure, including hardware, software, and data, by implementing layers of security controls.

Network security also aims to maintain the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the network, ensuring that only authorized users can access resources and sensitive information while preventing malicious actors from compromising the system. 

The following points cover what you need to know about network security:

How Does Network Security Work? 

Network security operates on multiple layers and employs numerous technologies and protocols to safeguard the network infrastructure. 

For example:

  • Firewalls act as a barrier between an internal network and external networks, monitoring and controlling incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predefined security rules. They examine data packets, filter out potential threats, and prevent unauthorized access to the network. 
  • Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) establish secure, encrypted connections over public networks, such as the Internet, allowing remote users to access the company’s network resources securely. By encrypting data transmitted between the user and the network, business VPNs protect sensitive information from interception and unauthorized access. 
  • Intrusion Detection Systems/Intrusion Prevention Systems (IDS/IPS) tools monitor network traffic in real-time, identifying, and alerting administrators about potential security breaches, anomalies, or malicious activities. IDS identifies threats, while IPS actively blocks or mitigates attacks. 
  • Secure Web Gateways (SWGs) provide secure web browsing by filtering internet traffic, blocking malicious websites, preventing malware downloads, and enforcing acceptable use policies. They protect users from web-based threats and help maintain a secure browsing environment.
  • Zero Trust assumes that no user or device within or outside the network is inherently trustworthy. It enforces strict access controls, verifies identities, and continuously evaluates trustworthiness, even for users and devices inside the network perimeter. Zero Trust architecture reduces the attack surface and enhances overall network security. 

These are just a few examples of the mechanisms employed in network security. Businesses often implement a combination of technologies and strategies tailored to their specific needs and risk profiles.

The key is to establish multiple layers of security controls that work together to detect, prevent, and mitigate threats to the network infrastructure.

Benefits of Network Security For Businesses

Implementing robust network security measures, as outlined in the provided sources, offers several benefits to businesses as follows:

  • Protection of sensitive data: As mentioned above, network security measures, such as firewalls, VPNs, and encryption, play a vital role in safeguarding sensitive data. They help protect customer information, financial records, and proprietary data from unauthorized access, data breaches, and theft. By implementing these measures, businesses can ensure the confidentiality and integrity of their data, preserving customer trust and complying with data protection regulations.
  • Continuity of operations: Network security measures contribute to the smooth functioning of business operations. By detecting and mitigating potential risks and threats, businesses can prevent disruptions caused by malware, DDoS attacks, or unauthorized access attempts. This leads to improved productivity, reduced downtime, and minimized financial losses associated with network outages or data breaches. Network security solutions, such as SIEM systems and intrusion detection/prevention systems, enable businesses to proactively monitor and respond to security incidents, maintaining operational continuity 
  • Meeting regulatory requirements: compliance with industry-specific standards, such as HIPAA for healthcare or GDPR for data privacy, is crucial for avoiding penalties and maintaining the trust of customers and partners. Implementing robust network security measures, including vulnerability scanning and regular software updates, helps businesses adhere to these standards and protect sensitive information.

In summary, the implementation of strong network security measures, as recommended by the provided sources, ensures the protection of sensitive data, maintains operational continuity, and facilitates regulatory compliance for businesses. These benefits contribute to the overall security posture of the organization and help build trust with customers and partners.

Potential Dangers to Business Network Security

Business network security faces numerous potential dangers today. Cyber-attacks pose a significant threat, with attackers employing techniques such as phishing, malware, and ransomware to gain unauthorized access, compromise data, and disrupt operations.

Insider threats from internal employees or contractors can also jeopardize network security, ranging from accidental data breaches to intentional malicious activities. Weak passwords and authentication practices create vulnerabilities, allowing attackers to exploit credentials.

Additionally, the explosion of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policies and mobile devices introduces new risks, including device loss or theft. Cloud security is another concern, as misconfigurations or vulnerabilities in cloud platforms can lead to data breaches.

Understanding and addressing these potential dangers is vital for businesses to protect their assets, maintain operational continuity, and safeguard their reputation. Lastly, implementing robust cloud security measures such as encryption, access controls, and regular security assessments helps safeguard data and applications in the cloud.

By understanding and proactively addressing these potential dangers, businesses can fortify their network security defenses and mitigate risks effectively.

Some of the main threats to consider are:


Viruses are malicious software programs designed to replicate themselves and infect other files or systems. They can spread via email attachments, infected websites, or removable storage devices.

Once a virus infects a business network, it can cause major damage, including data corruption, system crashes, and unauthorized access.

Viruses often exploit software vulnerabilities or user actions, such as clicking on infected links or downloading malicious files.

To protect against viruses, businesses should deploy up-to-date antivirus software that can detect and remove known viruses. Regular software updates, employee training on safe browsing habits, and caution when opening email attachments or downloading files are essential preventive measures.


Spyware is software that secretly gathers information about a user’s activities, usually without their knowledge or consent. Spyware can monitor keystrokes, capture login credentials, track web browsing habits, and collect sensitive data.

It can be installed through malicious downloads, infected websites, and even bundled with legitimate software. Once installed, spyware operates in the background, compromising user privacy and potentially exposing sensitive business information.

Preventive measures against spyware include using reputable antivirus and anti-spyware software, regularly scanning systems for malware, and educating employees about safe online practices. Firewalls and web filters can also help block access to malicious websites known for distributing spyware.


Worms are self-replicating malware that spread through computer networks without requiring user intervention. They work by exploiting vulnerabilities in network protocols or software to gain unauthorized access and propagate rapidly.

Worms can consume network bandwidth, disrupt system performance, and deliver payloads such as additional malware or remote-control functionality. To defend against worms, businesses should regularly update operating systems and software to patch known vulnerabilities.

Network segmentation and strong access controls limit the spread of worms within the network. Intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDS/IPS) help detect and block worm-related activities, and firewalls can be configured to filter incoming and outgoing traffic to prevent worm propagation.


Adware is software that displays unwanted advertisements, often in the form of pop-ups, on a user’s device. Today, adware is commonly bundled with free software or downloaded unknowingly from malicious websites.

It can slow down system performance, consume network bandwidth, and compromise user privacy. In some cases, adware may even track user behavior and collect personal information for targeted advertising purposes.

Preventing adware requires implementing robust security measures such as using reputable antivirus software, exercising caution when downloading software from unfamiliar sources, and regularly scanning devices for malware.

Browser extensions or plugins that block or filter unwanted advertisements can also help mitigate the risks associated with adware.


Trojans (taken from the concept of Trojan horses) are deceptive programs that masquerade as legitimate software or files to fool users into executing them. Once activated, these Trojans can grant unauthorized access to attackers, enabling them to steal sensitive data, install additional malware, or control the infected system remotely.

Trojans are often spread through email attachments, malicious downloads, or compromised websites. To protect against Trojans, businesses need to implement strong email security measures, including spam filters and email authentication protocols.

Regularly updating software, using reputable antivirus software, and educating employees about safe browsing habits and email hygiene are crucial in preventing Trojan infections.


Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts a user’s files or entire systems, rendering them inaccessible until a ransom is paid to the attacker. Ransomware attacks can have severe consequences, including financial loss, operational disruption, and reputational damage.

Attackers often exploit vulnerabilities in software or use social engineering techniques to trick users into downloading or executing the malware.

Preventing ransomware requires a multi-layered approach, including regular backups of critical data, implementing strong email security measures, keeping systems and software up to date, and educating employees about phishing techniques and safe computing practices.

Network segmentation and robust access controls help limit the spread of ransomware within the network, and security solutions such as advanced endpoint protection and behavior-based detection can aid in early detection and mitigation.

By understanding the potential dangers posed by viruses, spyware, worms, adware, Trojans, and ransomware, businesses can implement comprehensive security measures to mitigate these risks.

Regular software updates, employee training, strong access controls, and deploying reputable security solutions are essential in maintaining a secure network environment and protecting sensitive business data.

Types of Network Security Solutions

As you have already read, protecting your business network from cyber threats is of paramount importance. Various types of network security solutions have emerged to safeguard organizations’ sensitive data and critical systems. From access control to cloud network security, these solutions form the foundation of a robust network defense strategy.

Below, we explore the most commonly available network security solutions, each addressing specific vulnerabilities and providing unique protective measures.

Access Control

Access control is the foundation of network security, ensuring that only authorized individuals can access sensitive resources and information. By implementing user authentication mechanisms such as strong passwords, multi-factor authentication, and access privilege management, businesses can enforce strict control over network access and reduce the risk of unauthorized entry.

Application Security

Application security focuses on protecting software and web applications from vulnerabilities and exploitation. This involves implementing secure coding practices, regularly updating applications, and utilizing web application firewalls (WAFs) to detect and block potential threats. By securing applications, businesses can prevent breaches that exploit application weaknesses.

Anti-Virus and Anti-Malware

To combat the evolving landscape of malware and viruses, businesses should deploy robust anti-virus and anti-malware solutions. These software applications scan files, emails, and websites for malicious code and remove or quarantine any detected threats. Regular updates and real-time scanning help ensure protection against the latest malware strains.


Firewalls are the most common first line of defense for network security. They monitor and control both incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predefined security rules. They also establish a barrier between trusted internal networks and external networks, effectively blocking unauthorized access and potentially malicious connections.

Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS)

IPS solutions detect and prevent unauthorized access attempts and network attacks in real time. By monitoring network traffic for known attack signatures or anomalous behavior, IPS systems can take immediate action to block and mitigate potential threats, enhancing network security.

Network Segmentation

Network segmentation involves dividing a network into smaller, isolated segments, creating barriers that limit unauthorized access and the lateral movement of threats. By implementing network segmentation, businesses can contain breaches, reduce the impact of successful attacks, and protect critical resources.

Mobile Security

Mobile security measures include implementing mobile device management (MDM) solutions, enforcing strong passwords, encrypting data, and deploying remote wipe capabilities to protect sensitive information if a device is lost or stolen.

VPN (Virtual Private Network)

VPN creates a secure, encrypted connection over a public network, enabling users to access the company’s network resources remotely. By utilizing a VPN, businesses can ensure that data transmitted between remote users and the network remains secure, protecting sensitive information from interception.

Web Security

Web security solutions protect businesses from web-based threats, such as malicious websites, phishing attempts, and drive-by downloads. These solutions include web filtering, content scanning, and URL categorization, effectively preventing employees from accessing dangerous websites and reducing the risk of infection.

Data Loss Prevention

Data loss prevention (DLP) solutions help businesses protect sensitive information from unauthorized access, accidental exposure, or intentional data theft. By implementing DLP measures, such as encryption, access controls, and content monitoring, organizations can identify, monitor, and prevent the unauthorized transmission or storage of sensitive data. This can help dramatically reduce the risk of data breaches and compliance violations.

Behavioral Analytics

Behavioral analytics utilizes machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms to detect anomalous user behavior within a network. By establishing baselines of normal behavior, these solutions can identify deviations that may indicate insider threats or compromised accounts.

Behavioral analytics enhances network security by providing real-time threat detection and response capabilities.

Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA)

Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) is a security model that assumes no trust, even for users and devices within the network perimeter. It verifies each user and device, granting access only to authorized resources based on granular policies. ZTNA enhances network security by reducing the attack surface and providing secure access control, regardless of the user’s location or network connection.


Sandboxing involves isolating potentially malicious files, programs, or activities in a controlled environment to analyze their behavior without risking harm to the network. By executing files within a sandbox, businesses can detect and mitigate threats such as zero-day exploits, malware, and ransomware before they can cause damage.

Hyperscale Network Security

Hypersecale network security refers to security measures designed to protect highly scalable and distributed network architectures, such as those found in cloud environments. It involves implementing security measures that can scale dynamically to accommodate the ever-changing demands of large-scale networks, ensuring robust protection against cyber threats.

Cloud Network Security

Cloud network security involves implementing security controls and solutions specifically designed for cloud environments. It includes measures such as encryption, access controls, data loss prevention, and security monitoring to safeguard data and applications hosted in the cloud.

Email Security

Email remains a common entry point for cyber-attacks. Email security solutions include spam filters, anti-phishing measures, attachment scanning, and encryption. By implementing robust email security measures, businesses can prevent malicious emails from reaching users’ inboxes and protect against email-based threats such as phishing and malware.

In conclusion: by considering and implementing a comprehensive range of network security solutions, businesses can significantly enhance their defenses against modern cyber threats. However, it is essential to tailor these solutions to your organization’s specific needs and regularly update and test them to ensure their effectiveness in safeguarding your network, data, and sensitive assets.

With a proactive and layered approach to network security, businesses can mitigate risks and maintain a secure digital environment.

How to Build Your Network Security

Building a strong network security infrastructure is crucial in order to establish comprehensive security measures that address potential vulnerabilities and safeguard against cyber threats.  

Here are 12 best practices for how to go about it:

Monitor Traffic

  • Implement network monitoring tools to gain visibility into network traffic.
  • Analyze and identify abnormal and/or suspicious activities indicative of potential security breaches.
  • Monitor both inbound and outbound traffic to detect and respond to threats promptly.

Run Network Audits Regularly

  • Conduct regular network audits to assess the overall security posture of your network.
  • Identify and address any vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, or outdated security protocols.
  • Review access controls, firewall rules, and network segmentation to ensure they align with your security requirements.

Stay Informed on New Threats

  • Stay updated with the latest security trends, vulnerabilities, and attack techniques.
  • Subscribe to security bulletins, follow reputable security blogs, and participate in industry forums to stay informed.
  • Regularly assess your network security measures against emerging threats and adapt your defenses accordingly.

Build and Update Your Firewall and Antivirus

  • Deploy a robust firewall solution to monitor and control network traffic based on predefined security policies.
  • Regularly update firewall rules to incorporate new security requirements and address emerging threats.
  • Utilize reputable anti-virus software and keep it up to date to protect against malware, viruses, and other malicious software.

Use MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication)

  • Implement multi-factor authentication to add an extra layer of security to user login processes.
  • Require users to provide additional verification factors, such as a unique code or biometric information, along with their credentials.
  • MFA significantly reduces the risk of unauthorized access even if passwords are compromised.

Implement Single Sign-On (SSO)

  • Deploy a single sign-on solution to streamline user authentication across multiple applications and services.
  • SSO reduces the number of passwords users need to remember, simplifies access management, and enhances security by enforcing strong authentication practices.

Train Employees Regularly

  • Provide regular security awareness training to employees to educate them about common security threats and best practices.
  • Train employees on identifying phishing emails, handling sensitive information, and practicing secure browsing habits.
  • Encourage employees to report any security incidents or suspicious activities promptly.

Create Secure Passwords

  • Educate employees about the importance of strong passwords and enforce password policies.
  • Encourage the use of complex passwords with a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.
  • Implement password management tools to securely store and manage passwords.

Disable File Sharing Outside of File Servers

  • Restrict file sharing to designated file servers or secure collaboration platforms.
  • Disable or restrict file-sharing features on endpoints to prevent unauthorized access or accidental exposure of sensitive data.

Backup Your Data

  • Regularly back up your critical data to a secure, offsite location.
  • Implement automated backup solutions to ensure data availability in the event of a system failure, natural disaster, or cyber-attack.
  • Test data restoration processes periodically to ensure the integrity and reliability of backups.

Update Router Firmware

  • Keep your router’s firmware up to date to address security vulnerabilities and take advantage of the latest security features.
  • Enable automatic firmware updates or establish a regular schedule to ensure timely updates.

Create Data Recovery Plans

  • Develop comprehensive data recovery plans to outline procedures for restoring data and resuming operations after a security incident or system failure.
  • Test and refine these plans regularly to ensure they are effective

Make Your Business a Fortress Against Cyber Threats

Businesses today absolutely must prioritize network security. By implementing a multi-layered approach, embracing emerging technologies, educating employees, and maintaining regular security practices, organizations can build a strong fortress against cyber threats.

This ongoing commitment to network security not only protects sensitive data and ensures operational continuity but also fosters trust with customers and partners. Need a hand? Book a demo today!


How is network security used in business? 

Network security involves implementing a range of security measures, such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, encryption, access controls, and user authentication, to safeguard networks from unauthorized access, data breaches, malware, and other cyber threats. Network security also plays a vital role in regulatory compliance and maintaining the trust of customers and partners.

How do I secure my business network?

Securing a business network involves implementing a combination of technical and organizational measures. Here are some essential steps to secure your business network:

– Use strong network security solutions, such as firewalls, antivirus software, and intrusion detection systems.
– Implement strong access controls, including strong passwords, multi-factor authentication (MFA), and role-based access controls.
– Regularly update software and firmware to patch vulnerabilities and address security flaws.
– Train employees on security best practices, such as identifying phishing emails, practicing safe browsing habits, and protecting sensitive data.
– Segment your network to isolate critical systems and limit the impact of a potential breach.
– Encrypt sensitive data both in transit and at rest to protect it from unauthorized access.
– Conduct regular network assessments and audits to identify vulnerabilities and address them promptly.
– Develop an incident response plan to effectively respond to and mitigate security incidents.
– Regularly back up critical data and test data restoration procedures to ensure data availability and quick recovery in case of a breach or system failure.
– Stay informed about the latest security threats and trends and adapt your security measures accordingly.

What are the 5 types of network security?

The five types of network security are:

1. Perimeter Security: This includes measures such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and virtual private networks (VPNs) to protect the network’s perimeter from unauthorized access and external threats.

2. Endpoint Security: Endpoint security focuses on securing individual devices connected to the network, such as laptops, smartphones, and IoT devices. It involves implementing antivirus software, patch management, and encryption to protect endpoints from malware and unauthorized access.

3. Network Access Control (NAC): NAC ensures that only authorized devices and users can connect to the network. It verifies the identity and security posture of devices before granting network access, enforcing security policies, and minimizing the risk of unauthorized or compromised devices accessing the network.

4. Data Security: Data security involves protecting sensitive information from unauthorized access, alteration, or theft. It includes encryption, access controls, data loss prevention (DLP), and backup and recovery strategies to safeguard critical data.

5. Security Monitoring and Incident Response: This type of security focuses on detecting and responding to security incidents. It includes security monitoring tools, intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDPS), security information and event management (SIEM), and incident response plans to identify, mitigate, and recover from security breaches.

What are the 3 elements of network security?

The three elements of network security are commonly referred to as the CIA triad, which stands for:

1. Confidentiality: Confidentiality ensures that sensitive data is protected from unauthorized access and disclosure. Encryption, access controls, and secure transmission protocols are used to maintain the confidentiality of information.

2. Integrity: Integrity ensures that data remains unaltered and trustworthy throughout its lifecycle. Data integrity measures, such as digital signatures, checksums, and access controls, prevent unauthorized modifications or tampering of data.

3. Availability: Availability ensures that network resources and services are accessible and operational when needed. Network security measures, such as redundancy, load balancing, and disaster recovery plans, are implemented to minimize downtime and ensure continuous availability.

Source :

Key Insights into Healthcare Compliance in 2023


Healthcare compliance in 2023 is being driven by a combination of increased regulatory scrutiny, technological advancements, and a growing focus on patient-centric care. As a result, organizations are increasingly expected to adhere to stringent regulations, safeguard patient data, maintain ethical practices, and ensure the delivery of high-quality care.

This necessitates a proactive approach to compliance, with healthcare providers and institutions striving to stay ahead by adopting robust systems, training staff, and embracing innovative solutions to mitigate risks and protect both patients and their reputation.

What is Healthcare Compliance?

Compliance is the adherence to regulations, guidelines, and ethical standards aimed at safeguarding patient privacy, data security, and overall quality of care. It involves staying up to date with evolving laws, implementing necessary measures, and ensuring organizational practices align with industry standards. 

Healthcare Compliance Regulations

Healthcare compliance regulations include:

  • The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), which sets standards for protecting patient health information and establishes penalties for non-compliance.
  • The Affordable Care Act (ACA), which focuses on improving healthcare access and quality while combating fraud and abuse. 
  • The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), which plays a crucial role by overseeing programs and regulations related to these government-sponsored healthcare services.

Compliance with these regulations is essential for healthcare organizations to maintain trust, avoid penalties, and provide high-quality care.

Who Regulates the Healthcare Industry?

The healthcare industry is regulated by several entities, including government agencies and regulatory bodies. In the United States, the primary regulators include:

  • The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), which oversees several agencies responsible for healthcare regulation, such as the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Office for Civil Rights (OCR).
  • The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) who regulate drugs, medical devices, and food safety
  • The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) who monitor controlled substances. State health departments and professional boards.

What are the Most Important Healthcare Regulations?

Several regulations stand out as the most important in the healthcare industry as follows:

The Social Security Act 

The Social Security Act, enacted in 1935, is a landmark piece of legislation in the United States that established the Social Security program. It provides benefits to retirees, disabled individuals, and surviving family members, aiming to alleviate poverty and provide economic security.

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) 

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), enacted in 1996, safeguards the privacy and security of individuals’ health information. It sets standards for the electronic exchange of health information, ensures the confidentiality of medical records, and grants patients certain rights over their health data.

The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health ACT (HITECH)

The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH) was passed in 2009 as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. It promotes the adoption and meaningful use of electronic health records (EHRs) and strengthens privacy and security protections for health information.

The False Claims Act 

The False Claims Act is a federal law that dates back to the Civil War era. It allows private individuals, known as whistleblowers, to file lawsuits on behalf of the government against those who defraud federal programs, such as Medicare and Medicaid, by submitting false claims for payment.

The Anti-Kickback Statute 

The Anti-Kickback Statute prohibits the exchange of anything of value in return for referrals or generating business for federal healthcare programs. This law aims to prevent kickbacks and improper financial arrangements that could compromise medical judgment and inflate healthcare costs.

The Physician Self-Referral Law

The Physician Self-Referral Law, also known as the Stark Law, prohibits physicians from referring Medicare or Medicaid patients to entities in which they have a financial interest, with exceptions. This law prevents potential conflicts of interest that could influence medical decision-making and billing practices.

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), passed in 2010, is a comprehensive healthcare reform law. It expands access to health insurance, implements consumer protections, such as prohibiting denial of coverage due to pre-existing conditions, and introduces various cost-containment measures.

The Interoperability and Patient Access Final Rule 

The Interoperability and Patient Access Final Rule, issued in 2020, is part of the 21st Century Cures Act. It requires healthcare providers, health plans, and health information technology developers to improve interoperability and facilitate patient access to their electronic health information.

The Hospital Price Transparency Final Rule

The Hospital Price Transparency Final Rule, implemented in 2021, requires hospitals to disclose their standard charges for healthcare services in a machine-readable format. This rule aims to increase price transparency, empower patients to make informed decisions and promote competition in the healthcare market.

Why is Healthcare Compliance so Important?

Healthcare compliance is necessary due to the following main reasons:

First and foremost, it ensures that healthcare organizations operate in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards. Compliance helps protect patient safety and privacy by ensuring that healthcare providers follow protocols for handling sensitive health information, maintaining secure systems, and implementing proper safeguards against data breaches.

By adhering to compliance regulations, healthcare organizations demonstrate their commitment to maintaining the highest standards of care and ethical practices.

Moreover, healthcare compliance helps mitigate legal and financial risks. Non-compliance can result in severe consequences, such as hefty fines, penalties, and legal actions, which can significantly impact an organization’s reputation and financial stability. By actively engaging in compliance efforts, healthcare organizations can minimize the risk of violations, protect their reputation, and avoid potential litigation.

Finally, healthcare compliance promotes a culture of integrity, accountability, and transparency. It encourages healthcare professionals to adhere to ethical guidelines, maintain accurate records, and engage in responsible billing practices.

Compliance programs also promote internal monitoring, auditing, and reporting mechanisms, fostering an environment where unethical or fraudulent activities are detected and addressed promptly. 

Ultimately, healthcare compliance helps ensure the delivery of high-quality care, protects patients’ rights, and maintains the trust of individuals seeking healthcare services.

Privacy & Quality Patient Care

Protecting patient privacy is essential for ensuring quality patient care. When patients trust that their personal health information will remain confidential, they are far more likely to share vital details with healthcare providers, leading to accurate diagnoses and tailored treatment plans.

By implementing robust privacy measures, healthcare organizations can uphold patient confidentiality, enhance trust, and maintain the integrity of the patient-provider relationship, improving the quality of care delivered.

Healthcare Worker Protection

By implementing measures such as appropriate staffing levels, comprehensive training, and access to personal protective equipment, healthcare organizations can protect their workers from occupational hazards, minimize the risk of injuries or infections, and promote a healthy work environment.

Safeguarding healthcare workers’ physical and mental well-being contributes to their ability to provide quality care and ensures the sustainability of the healthcare workforce.

Avoiding Fraud

Healthcare fraud involves deceptive practices such as submitting false claims, providing unnecessary services, or billing for services not rendered. By implementing robust fraud detection and prevention mechanisms, such as auditing processes and internal controls, healthcare organizations can identify and prevent fraudulent activities.

This helps protect valuable healthcare resources, ensure that funds are directed towards legitimate patient care, and maintain the public’s trust in the healthcare system.

Staying Compliant with Regulations

By staying compliant, healthcare organizations mitigate legal and financial risks, maintain their reputation, and demonstrate a commitment to providing high-quality care while upholding ethical standards. Regular monitoring, training, and robust compliance programs are key to achieving and maintaining regulatory compliance.

10 Best Practices for Creating a Healthcare Compliance Plan

By implementing key strategies, organizations can establish a strong foundation for compliance and risk management as follows:

1. Designate a Chief Compliance Officer

Designate a CCO who has the authority and resources to develop, implement, and oversee the compliance program, ensuring adherence to regulatory requirements and promoting a culture of compliance throughout the organization.

2. Educate the Employees

Employees should be knowledgeable about their roles and responsibilities in maintaining compliance, including privacy and security of patient information, ethical billing practices, and reporting mechanisms for potential compliance violations.

3. Build an Effective Compliance Reporting System

Clear reporting channels, such as hotlines or anonymous reporting mechanisms, should be in place to capture and address compliance-related issues promptly.

4. Build a Risk Mitigation Plan

Conduct regular risk assessments to proactively identify vulnerabilities, implement controls and mitigation strategies, and monitor ongoing compliance to minimize the likelihood of compliance breaches.

5. Ensure Cybersecurity at Every Level

Implement robust security measures, such as encryption, access controls, and regular security audits to safeguard electronic health records and other sensitive information from unauthorized access or breaches.

6. Make Sure Your Telemedicine Services Are Secure

Implement secure telemedicine platforms, encryption protocols, and HIPAA-compliant telehealth practices to maintain compliance while delivering remote care.

7. Use a Compliant Talent Acquisition Process

Establish a compliant talent acquisition process that includes thorough background checks, verification of licenses and credentials, and adherence to equal employment opportunity guidelines. By ensuring compliance in the hiring process, organizations can minimize the risk of employing individuals with a history of compliance violations.

8. Develop Very Clear Policies

Put clear and comprehensive policies and procedures in place that cover all aspects of healthcare compliance, including privacy, security, billing, and ethical conduct. Policies should be readily accessible, regularly reviewed, and updated to reflect changes in regulations or organizational practices.

9. Conduct Regular Compliance Audits

Carry out regular compliance audits to assess the effectiveness of the compliance program, identify areas for improvement, and ensure ongoing adherence to regulatory requirements. Audits should include internal reviews, assessments of documentation and procedures, and external audits if necessary.

10. Address Noncompliance Swiftly

Establish protocols for investigating and resolving compliance violations, implementing corrective actions, and ensuring accountability. Timely response and appropriate disciplinary measures demonstrate a commitment to compliance and discourage further non-compliance.

The Repercussions of Noncompliance

Noncompliance with healthcare regulations can have severe consequences which can include financial penalties, legal actions, damage to reputation, loss of trust, and potential harm to patients. Subsequently, it is essential for healthcare organizations to prioritize compliance and proactively mitigate risks. 

To help ensure your organization’s compliance, we recommend using a comprehensive compliance checklist our HIPAA Compliance Checklist.

Source :

The HIPAA Compliance Audit in 12 Easy Steps + Checklist


What is a HIPAA Audit?

A HIPAA audit is a thorough evaluation conducted to assess a healthcare organization’s compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations. 

The main goal of the audit is to ensure that entities handling protected health information (PHI), such as hospitals, clinics, and health insurers, are adhering to the strict privacy and security standards set forth by HIPAA. 

The audit examines various aspects, including privacy practices, data security measures, employee training, and risk management procedures. 

By conducting HIPAA audits regularly, organizations can identify potential vulnerabilities, address compliance gaps, and safeguard sensitive patient data, fostering trust and confidentiality within the healthcare industry.

What Will Be Audited?

In a HIPAA audit, numerous aspects of an organization’s operations will be examined to assess compliance with HIPAA. The audit will typically review policies and practices related to the HIPAA Privacy, Security, and Breach Notification Rules, as well as physical, technical, and administrative safeguards protecting personal health information (PHI) and electronic health information (ePHI). 

Who Is Eligible for a HIPAA Audit?

HIPAA audits target covered entities and business associates that handle PHI and ePHI. Covered entities include healthcare providers, health plans, and healthcare clearinghouses, while business associates are organizations or individuals that perform functions involving PHI on behalf of covered entities. 

How Does The Selection Process Work?

The selection process for HIPAA audits involves multiple triggers. The OCR usually initiates audits in response to complaints or breach reports filed against a covered entity or business associate. Complaints can be raised by patients or employees concerning privacy violations or mishandling of PHI.

Additionally, breaches of PHI that meet certain criteria will lead to an audit. The OCR may also conduct follow-up audits for organizations with a history of prior non-compliance. Random audits are rare and typically reserved for larger, established entities due to the OCR’s limited resources.

When do HIPAA Audits Occur?

The timing of an audit can vary depending on the triggering event. The OCR usually provides advance notice to the organization being audited, informing them of the audit’s purpose, scope, and expected duration. Audits can take several weeks to several months to complete, depending on factors like the organization’s size and complexity.

What is my Risk of Being Audited?

The risk of being audited for HIPAA compliance varies depending on several factors. Organizations that have previously violated HIPAA, experienced breaches of PHI, or received complaints are at a higher risk of being audited.

To mitigate the risk of an audit, organizations should proactively invest time and effort into maintaining a comprehensive HIPAA compliance program, including regular self-audits and staff training to ensure adherence to HIPAA regulations and safeguard PHI.

How to Be Ready for an Audit in 12 Easy Steps

Whether you’re preparing for a financial, compliance, or HIPAA audit, this step-by-step approach will equip you with the knowledge and strategies needed to ensure a smooth and successful audit process.

Step 1: Assign a Privacy and Security Officer

The Privacy Officer plays a significant role in workforce training and education, ensuring that all staff members are well-versed in HIPAA compliance. They are responsible for monitoring privacy practices, developing security measures, and scheduling regular policy reviews.

In larger organizations, the role may be divided, with an Information Security Officer overseeing the company’s security program. The Privacy and Security Officer(s) are pivotal in creating and implementing a comprehensive compliance program that aligns with HIPAA regulations and ensures the protection of PHI and ePHI.

Step 2: Perform a Risk Analysis

A risk analysis involves identifying potential vulnerabilities and threats to your organization’s processes, systems, and data. By carefully assessing these risks, you can develop effective mitigation strategies and implement necessary safeguards to protect your organization from potential audit findings and ensure compliance with relevant regulations.

Step 3: Provide Employee Training

Educating your workforce on compliance policies, data security best practices, and the importance of safeguarding sensitive information is crucial.

By conducting regular training sessions and keeping comprehensive records of completed training, you can demonstrate your commitment to maintaining a well-informed and vigilant workforce, which significantly enhances your organization’s preparedness for an audit.

Step 4: Document All Locations Where PHI Is Stored

Document all physical and electronic storage sites, such as servers, databases, file cabinets, and even portable devices like laptops and smartphones.

By maintaining a comprehensive inventory of these locations and the PHI they contain, you demonstrate an organized approach to data management and enable auditors to verify that proper security measures are in place to protect PHI at all times.

Step 5: Review and Document HIPAA Policies and Procedures

Establish clear and well-defined procedures for responding to various requests related to privacy protection, access, correction, and transfers of Protected Health Information (PHI).

  • Procedures for Responding to Requests for Privacy Protection – Your procedures should outline the steps to verify the identity of the requester, assess the validity of the request, and implement the necessary restrictions in accordance with HIPAA guidelines.
  • Procedures for Responding to Requests for Access, Correction, and Transfers – Your procedures should define the process for handling these requests, including the timeframe within which the requests must be fulfilled and any associated fees, if applicable.
  • Procedures for Maintaining an Accounting of Disclosures – Your organization should have well-documented procedures for recording and tracking such disclosures, ensuring accuracy, and being able to provide an accounting of disclosures to patients upon request.

Step 6: Report all Breaches

In the event of a breach of PHI, covered entities must act swiftly and responsibly to notify the affected individuals, the Department of Health and Human Services, and potentially the media, depending on the scale and severity of the breach.

Your breach reporting procedures should be well-defined, outlining the steps to be taken immediately after a breach is discovered. This includes conducting a thorough assessment of the incident to determine the extent of the breach and the types of information involved.

Once the assessment is complete, affected individuals should be promptly notified, providing them with essential details about the breach, potential risks, and steps they can take to protect themselves.

Additionally, covered entities must report the breach to the HHS through the OCR’s online breach reporting portal. The report should include specific information about the breach, such as the number of affected individuals, the types of PHI involved, and the steps taken to mitigate the risks and prevent future incidents.

The HHS may investigate the breach further, and the incident may become a subject of review during a HIPAA audit.

Step 7: Perform Regular Audits

Internal assessments enable covered entities to proactively identify potential vulnerabilities, gaps, and areas of non-compliance within their operations. By conducting periodic audits, organizations can monitor their adherence to HIPAA policies and procedures, assess the effectiveness of their privacy and security measures, and make necessary adjustments to enhance data protection.

Regular audits also serve as valuable learning opportunities, fostering a culture of compliance and strengthening an organization’s ability to respond confidently to official HIPAA audits.

Step 8: Keep HIPAA Audit Logs

As mandated by the Security Rule, covered entities must implement hardware, software, and/or procedural mechanisms that continuously record and monitor activity within information systems containing or using ePHI.

These audit logs serve as an essential tool for tracking user access, detecting potential security breaches, and investigating any unauthorized or suspicious activities. 

Step 9: Institute Role-Based Access Controls (RBAC)

RBAC ensures that individuals within an organization have access only to the data necessary for their specific job functions. By assigning roles and permissions based on job responsibilities, organizations can minimize the risk of unauthorized access to ePHI.

RBAC enhances overall data protection, streamlines data management, and helps meet HIPAA compliance requirements, making it an essential safeguard in the healthcare industry.

Step 10: Have a Risk-Management / Emergency Action Plan In Place

Your plan should include a thorough risk assessment, identification of vulnerabilities, and strategies for prevention and response. By proactively addressing risks and defining proper procedures in case of data breaches, natural disasters, or other emergencies, healthcare organizations can ensure the continuity of critical services, protect patient information, and maintain HIPAA compliance.

Step 11: Review All Business Associate Agreements (BAAs)

BAAs outline the responsibilities and obligations of business associates regarding HIPAA compliance. Ensuring that BAAs accurately reflect current HIPAA requirements and cover all aspects of data protection is critical to maintaining a secure ecosystem for patient information.

Regular reviews and updates help enforce accountability and compliance among business associates, ultimately safeguarding the confidentiality and integrity of ePHI.

Step 12: Upgrade Your Network Security

Implementing advanced firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and data encryption protocols enhances the protection of sensitive health information from unauthorized access and data breaches.

Network segmentation, multi-factor authentication, and regular security assessments also play a vital role in bolstering the overall security posture. A robust network security infrastructure not only safeguards patient data but also ensures a HIPAA-compliant environment that instills trust among patients and stakeholders in the healthcare industry.

Perimeter81: Simplifying HIPAA Compliance with Secure Access Solutions

Perimeter81 is a leading provider of secure access service edge (SASE) solutions.  The company’s platform plays a crucial role in assisting organizations with the HIPAA compliance audit process. One of the key challenges in achieving HIPAA compliance is ensuring that all data transmissions, including those containing ePHI, are secure, regardless of the user’s location or device. 

Perimeter 81’s Zero Trust Network as a Service (NaaS) model ensures that data is always encrypted and authenticated, providing a secure tunnel for remote employees and preventing unauthorized access to sensitive information.

With Perimeter 81’s solution, healthcare organizations can enforce role-based access controls and granular user permissions. This feature enables organizations to define access policies based on the principle of least privilege, ensuring that employees, contractors, and business associates can only access the data required for their specific roles.

The platform’s centralized management console allows IT administrators to monitor and control user access, streamlining the audit process by providing detailed logs of user activities and access attempts. This audit logging capability is essential for demonstrating compliance during a HIPAA audit, as it ensures that every interaction with ePHI is tracked, recorded, and auditable, reducing the risk of potential HIPAA violations.

Furthermore, Perimeter 81’s solution offers advanced threat prevention and detection mechanisms, including intrusion prevention and detection systems (IPS/IDS) and behavior-based analytics. These features help healthcare organizations identify and mitigate security threats before they escalate into major incidents or breaches, contributing to the overall security posture and reducing the likelihood of data breaches that could trigger a HIPAA audit. 

By leveraging Perimeter 81’s SASE platform, healthcare organizations can enhance their security measures, simplify compliance management, and confidently navigate the complexities of the HIPAA compliance audit process.

How Much Do HIPAA Audits Cost?

The cost of a HIPAA audit can vary depending on several factors. If a healthcare organization is selected for an official audit conducted by the Office for Civil Rights (OCR), there are no direct costs incurred by the audited organization.

However, there are indirect costs associated with preparing for the audit, such as hiring consultants, allocating staff time, and implementing any necessary improvements to achieve compliance. Additionally, organizations can choose to perform voluntary self-audits using external or internal auditors, which may involve fees ranging from a few thousand to tens of thousands of dollars, depending on the scope and duration of the audit.

How Long Does it Take to Complete a HIPAA Audit?

The duration of a HIPAA audit can vary based on several factors. Typically, the length of an audit depends on the scope of the investigation, the size and complexity of the organization being audited, and the presence of external entities that may complicate and extend the investigation. 

On average, a HIPAA audit can take anywhere from several weeks to several months to complete. The OCR usually provides advance notice before conducting an audit, informing the audited organization of the purpose, scope, and expected duration of the audit.

In cases of follow-up audits or if significant issues are identified, the audit process may take longer to ensure that the organization has implemented the necessary corrective actions.

What Happens When You Get Audited?

When a HIPAA compliance audit is initiated, the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) typically begins by sending questionnaires to selected organizations to assess their compliance. Based on the responses received, the OCR decides whether to proceed with a thorough investigation of the organization’s adherence to HIPAA rules, specifically focusing on the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of PHI. 

The audit report will outline the organization’s efforts and may identify any gaps or weaknesses in their system. After the audit, the OCR provides draft findings, and within 60 days, the organization must develop and revise policies and procedures, which must be approved by the HHS.

Implementing the updated policies within 30 days is crucial, as failure to verify or comply with the rules can lead to significant financial penalties. Consistent review and updates of HIPAA policies, staff training on security measures, and prompt issue resolution are key to maintaining compliance during a HIPAA audit.

Check out our HIPAA Compliance Checklist here.


Does HIPAA require audits?

HIPAA itself does not explicitly require audits. However, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office for Civil Rights (OCR) conducts periodic audits to assess covered entities and business associates’ compliance with HIPAA regulations. These audits help ensure the protection of sensitive health information and identify potential vulnerabilities that may need to be addressed.

How often does HIPAA audit?

The frequency of HIPAA audits conducted by the OCR varies. In the past, the OCR has conducted both random and targeted audits. Random audits are less common and are typically conducted on a smaller scale due to resource limitations.

Targeted audits are usually triggered by complaints or breach reports and may focus on specific areas of non-compliance. The OCR uses its discretion to determine the scope and frequency of audits based on factors such as risk assessment, complaints, and breach incidents.

Does HIPAA require a third-party audit?

HIPAA does not explicitly mandate third-party audits. Covered entities and business associates can conduct internal self-assessments to evaluate their compliance with HIPAA regulations. However, some organizations may choose to undergo third-party audits as part of a proactive approach to ensure independent validation of their compliance efforts and to gain valuable insights from experts in the field.

Who conducts the HIPAA audit?

The HIPAA audits are primarily conducted by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office for Civil Rights (OCR). The OCR is responsible for enforcing HIPAA regulations and ensuring that covered entities and business associates adhere to the Privacy, Security, and Breach Notification Rules.

In some cases, the OCR may engage third-party auditors to assist with conducting audits, but the oversight and enforcement remain under the purview of the OCR.

How do you prove HIPAA compliance?

Proving HIPAA compliance involves demonstrating that your organization has implemented policies, procedures, and safeguards to protect sensitive health information effectively. This includes having comprehensive documentation of risk assessments, security measures, workforce training, incident response plans, and business associate agreements.

Regular self-audits, risk analyses, and ongoing monitoring are crucial in providing visible demonstrable evidence of compliance. In the event of a HIPAA audit, organizations should be prepared to present these records and demonstrate their commitment to protecting the privacy and security of personal health information.

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What is Firewall Design?


firewall is a network security device designed to monitor and control network traffic flow based on predetermined security rules. It acts as a barrier, selectively allowing or blocking incoming and outgoing network connections to protect the internal network from external threats. Essentially, a firewall ensures that only authorized and secure connections are made by filtering network traffic based on defined criteria.

Firewalls operate using a combination of rule-based filtering and packet inspection techniques. When network traffic passes through a firewall, it undergoes scrutiny based on various parameters, including source and destination IP addresses, ports, protocols, and the state of connections.

The Importance of Firewall Design for Network Security

So how does firewall design impact your network security? Here are the top reasons.

Protecting Against Unauthorized Access

One of the primary functions of firewall design is to prevent unauthorized access to an organization’s network resources. Firewalls act as gatekeepers, examining incoming and outgoing network traffic and enforcing access control policies based on predefined rules.

Identifying and configuring firewalls carefully will help organizations prevent unauthorized access by ensuring that only legitimate connections are allowed.

Mitigating Cyber Threats

Firewalls employ packet filtering, deep packet inspection, and stateful inspection to analyze network traffic and identify potential threats. They can detect and block suspicious or malicious traffic. Organizations can reduce the risk of successful attacks and protect their networks and sensitive information.

Preventing Data Breaches

Data breaches can severely affect organizations, resulting in financial losses, reputational damage, and legal liabilities. Firewall design prevents data breaches by monitoring and controlling network traffic. Also, firewall design principles advocate for network segmentation, which helps contain potential breaches and limit the impact on critical assets.

Enforcing Security Policies

Firewall design allows organizations to enforce and manage their security policies effectively. Organizations can align firewall configurations with security objectives and compliance requirements by defining rules and access controls.

Firewall policies can be customized based on traffic, user roles, and data sensitivity. Regular review and updates of firewall policies can ensure the effectiveness of their security measures.

Compliance with Regulations

Compliance with industry regulations and data protection laws is crucial for organizations across various sectors. Firewall design plays a significant role in achieving compliance by implementing security controls and access restrictions mandated by regulatory frameworks.

Organizations can demonstrate their commitment to protecting sensitive data by enforcing policies in line with GDPR, HIPAA, or PCI DSS regulations.

Characteristics of a Firewall

1. Physical Barrier

A firewall is a physical barrier between an internal network and the external world. It inspects incoming and outgoing network traffic, allowing or blocking connections based on predetermined security rules. By serving as a protective boundary, a firewall helps safeguard the internal network from unauthorized access and potential threats.

2. Multi-Purpose

A firewall is a versatile security tool that performs various functions beyond basic network traffic filtering. It can support additional security features, such as intrusion detection/prevention systems, VPN connectivity, antivirus scanning, content filtering, and more. This multi-purpose nature enables firewalls to provide comprehensive security measures tailored to an organization’s needs.

3. Security Platform

Firewalls serve as a security platform by integrating different security mechanisms into a unified system. They combine packet filtering, stateful inspection, application-level gateways, and other security technologies to protect against cyber threats. By functioning as a consolidated security platform, firewalls offer a layered defense strategy against potential attacks.

4. Flexible Security Policies

Firewalls offer flexible security policy implementation, allowing organizations to define and enforce customized rules and access controls. These policies can be based on various factors, including source/destination IP addresses, ports, protocols, user identities, and time of day.

With the ability to tailor security policies to specific requirements, organizations can effectively manage network traffic and adapt to evolving security needs.

5. Access Handler

A firewall acts as an access handler by controlling and managing network access permissions. It determines what connections are allowed or denied using predefined rules and policies. By regulating access to network resources, a firewall ensures that only authorized users and devices can establish connections, reducing the risk of unauthorized access and potential data breaches.

Firewall Design Principles

It is important to remember certain principles when designing a firewall to ensure its effectiveness in safeguarding network security. These principles serve as guidelines for architects and administrators, helping them design robust firewall architectures that protect against unauthorized access and potential threats.

  • Defense-in-Depth Approach: A fundamental principle in firewall design is adopting a defense-in-depth strategy. Rather than relying solely on a single firewall, organizations should deploy multiple firewalls, intrusion detection/prevention systems, and other security measures to create a layered defense architecture. 
  • Least Privilege Principle: The principle of least privilege is crucial in firewall design to minimize the potential attack surface. It advocates granting the minimum level of privileges and access necessary for users and systems to perform their required functions. This minimizes exposure to potential threats and reduces the risk of unauthorized access or malicious activities.
  • Rule Set Optimization: Firewall rule set optimization is another important design principle. As firewalls employ rule-based filtering mechanisms, regularly reviewing and optimizing the rule sets is essential. This involves removing unnecessary or redundant rules, consolidating overlapping rules, and organizing rules logically and efficiently. 
  • Secure Default Configurations: Firewall design should prioritize secure default configurations to ensure a strong foundation for network security. Default settings often allow all traffic, leaving the network vulnerable to attacks. Secure defaults are a starting point for designing effective firewall policies and help prevent misconfigurations that may lead to security gaps.
  • Regular Monitoring and Updates: Monitoring and updating firewalls are critical principles in firewall design. Regular monitoring allows organizations to promptly detect and respond to security incidents, identify unauthorized access attempts, and analyze network traffic patterns. 

7 Steps to Designing the Perfect Firewall For Your Business

Designing an effective firewall for your business requires careful planning and consideration of specific requirements. This section presents a step-by-step approach to creating the perfect firewall. 

1. Identify Requirements

The first step in designing a firewall is to identify the specific requirements of your business. This involves understanding the network topology, the types of applications and services in use, the security objectives, and any regulatory or compliance requirements.

2. Outline Policies

The next step is to outline the firewall policies based on the requirements. You can decide which traffic is allowed or denied for each source and destination address, port, protocol, and role using rules and access controls.

3. Set Restrictions

Setting restrictions involves configuring the firewall to enforce the outlined policies. This may include blocking certain types of traffic, implementing intrusion prevention mechanisms, enabling VPN connectivity, or configuring content filtering rules.

4. Identify the Deployment Location

This involves determining whether the firewall will be placed at the network perimeter, between internal segments, or within a demilitarized zone (DMZ), depending on the network architecture and security requirements.

5. Identify Firewall Enforcement Points

Identifying firewall enforcement points involves determining where the firewall will be implemented within the network topology. This includes considering factors such as the location of critical assets, the flow of network traffic, and the points where the firewall can effectively inspect and control the traffic.

6. Identify Permitted Communications

As part of the design process, it is important to identify the permitted communications the firewall will allow. This includes identifying the necessary communication channels for business-critical applications, remote access requirements, and any specific exceptions to the firewall policies.

7. Launch

Lastly, launch the firewall and ensure all configurations are correct. This includes testing the firewall’s functionality, monitoring its performance, and conducting regular audits to ensure compliance with security policies and industry best practices.

Safeguarding Networks with Strong Firewall Design – Protect Your Business Today

Take charge of your network security today and safeguard your business from cyber threats. Don’t wait for a security breach to occur—proactively design and deploy a powerful firewall that acts as a shield, protecting your network and ensuring the continuity of your operations.

Take the first step towards a secure network—consult with experts, assess your requirements, and design a robust firewall solution that suits your business needs. Protect your valuable assets, preserve customer trust, and stay one step ahead of potential threats with a well-designed firewall architecture. Safeguard your network and fortify your business with Perimeter 81’s Firewall as a Service.


What are 3 common firewall designs?

– Packet Filtering Firewalls: They inspect packets based on rules, operating at Layer 3 of the OSI model.
– Stateful Inspection Firewalls: These track network connections and analyze entire network packets.
– Next-Generation Firewalls (NGFW): NGFWs combine traditional firewall features with intrusion prevention, application awareness, and deep packet inspection.

What are the four basic types of firewall rules?

1. Allow: This rule permits specific traffic to pass through the firewall based on defined criteria, such as source/destination IP addresses, ports, and protocols.
2. Deny: This rule blocks specific traffic from passing through the firewall based on defined criteria. Denied traffic is typically dropped or rejected.
3. NAT (Network Address Translation): NAT rules modify network packets’ source or destination IP addresses.
4. Session Control: These rules define how the firewall handles and manages sessions.

What are the 4 common architectural implementations of firewalls?

1. Network-based Firewalls: Positioned at the network’s edge, they offer centralized security, filtering and monitoring all inbound and outbound traffic.
2. Host-based Firewalls: These are installed directly on devices like servers or workstations, providing tailored protection and control over device-specific traffic.
3. Virtual Firewalls: They ensure security within virtualized environments. Apart from protecting virtual machines, they control and isolate network traffic between VMs.
4. Cloud-based Firewalls: Positioned within cloud environments, they ensure robust security for cloud-based applications and infrastructure, balancing scalability and centralized control.

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What is a Cloud Firewall?


In the past when fires were fought, people used traditional means like fire extinguishers and water hoses.

Translating this to the virtual world of computing — a cloud firewall is akin to the digital ‘fire extinguisher’ and ‘hose.’ It is a tool designed to stopslow, or prevent unauthorized access to or from a private network.

It inspects incoming and outgoing traffic, based on predetermined security rules. They can be a standalone system or incorporated into other network components.

In technical words, it acts as a barrier between on-premises networks and external networks.

Cloud firewalls are often deployed in a ‘perimeter’ security model — where they act as the first line of defense against cyber threats. This includes protection against DDoS attacks, SQL injections, and cross-site scripting.

The Benefits of Using a Cloud Firewall

In this section, we’ll discuss the benefits of using a cloud firewall over traditional ones.


Traditional firewalls can’t keep pace as your network grows — their hardware limitations bound them.

On the other hand, a cloud firewall can easily adapt and expand in line with your business needs. Because it’s cloud-based, scaling does not require any additional hardware investment or complex configurations.

Be it on-site installation, maintenance, or upgrading, cloud firewalls wipe out all those physical processes, saving you time and resources.


Unlike traditional firewalls that rely on singular hardware systems and can fail, cloud firewalls are designed for high availability. Their decentralization means that even if one part fails, the rest continue to operate, ensuring constant protection.

Being cloud-based, they can also balance the load during peak traffic times to prevent slowdowns or outages.

For instance — during an attack like DDoS when the traffic dramatically increases, a cloud firewall can distribute the traffic across multiple servers. This ensures that your systems remain accessible and functional.


Cloud-based firewalls are not just scalable and highly available — they are also highly extensible.

This means that you can easily integrate them with other security features or services — such as Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS), Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS), and Secure Web Gateways (SWG) — to create a solid security system.

Release updates and patches can be applied automatically, ensuring that the security is always up-to-date.

Identity Protection

When it comes to identity protection, cloud firewalls reign supreme.

They can identify and control application access on a per-user basis. This means that if unauthorized access is attempted, it can be immediately identified and blocked, providing extra security to your sensitive information.

Along with that, they can also provide an audit trail so that attempted breaches can be traced back to their origins. This info is beneficial for investigating cyber crimes and strengthening your cybersecurity strategy in the long run.

Performance Management

Sometimes, it’s not just about blocking harmful traffic, but also about prioritizing useful traffic.

Cloud firewalls enable performance management by prioritizing network traffic and providing quality of service (QoS) capabilities.

This can be handy during peak usage times or when certain services require higher bandwidth.

For instance, a cloud firewall can prioritize the traffic for certain high-demand resources, ensuring uninterrupted access and excellent performance. As a result, end users experience less lag and appreciate better service.

Moreover, the firewall can be programmed to give a higher priority to certain types of workloads or specific applications, like Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) or video streaming services.

Secure Access Parity

Remote work is another area where cloud firewalls shine.

Cloud firewalls enable a consistent security policy across all locations and users, no matter where they’re accessing from. This ensures that remote workers are just as protected as on-site ones.

Also, you get comprehensive visibility and control over all network traffic, and thanks to their cloud nature — updates can be pushed globally.

Migration Security

Migration — in particular to the cloud — can be a risky process in terms of security. The necessity to move data from one place to another can expose it to potential threats. Cloud firewalls eliminate these concerns.

Due to their inherent design, they provide end-to-end security during data migration. The data is protected at the source, during transit, and at the destination. This ensures a secure and seamless cloud migration process.

It’s like having a secure convoy for your data as it travels.

Types of Cloud Firewalls

There are four major types of cloud firewalls which can be broadly categorized as — SaaS Firewalls/Firewall as a service (FWaaS), Next-generation Firewall (NGFW), Public Cloud Firewall, and Web Application Firewall (WAF).

SaaS Firewalls/Firewall as a Service (FWaaS)

SaaS Firewalls, or Firewall as a Service, operate directly in the cloud. Offering security as a service — they are a scalable, flexible, and cost-effective solution.

  • Flexibility: Being cloud-based, these firewalls can rapidly adapt to changes in network traffic and configuration.
  • Scalability: FWaaS can comfortably scale up or down based on the needs without harming performance.
  • Cost-effective: As a subscription-based service, FWaaS can be adjusted to fit any budget and eliminates the need for expensive hardware and software maintenance.
  • Integrated approach: FWaaS offers a comprehensive, integrated approach to security, so you have complete visibility and control over network traffic and user activity.
  • Ease of deployment: Require less administrative effort and minimize human error.

Next-Generation Firewall (NGFW)

Next-Generation Firewalls represent the evolution in firewall technology, designed to go beyond traditional firewall functions.

  • Deep packet inspection: NGFWs are capable of examining the payload of a packet, crucial for detecting advanced threats within seemingly legitimate traffic.
  • Application awareness: NGFWs offer application-level control, significantly enhancing the granularity of security policies.
  • Threat detection: Their advanced threat detection capabilities protect organizations from a broad range of attacks, including zero-day vulnerabilities.
  • Integrated IPS: They feature an integrated Intrusion Prevention System that can identify and block potential security breaches, adding a layer of protection.
  • User identification: Unlike traditional firewalls, NGFWs can identify users and devices, not just IP addresses. This helps in creating more targeted, effective security policies.

Public Cloud Firewall

Public cloud firewalls are built within public cloud infrastructures like AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure to provide a layer of security control.

  • Seamless integration: These firewalls integrate seamlessly with other cloud services, infrastructure, and applications.
  • Autoscaling: Being cloud-native, they can scale dynamically with the workload, managing a substantial increase in network traffic without compromising performance.
  • Cloud-specific rulesets: These firewalls enable cloud-specific packet filtering, applying rules to cloud-native as well as hybrid and multi-cloud environments.
  • Compatibility: Public Cloud Firewalls are compatible with the automatic deployment mechanisms of their respective cloud platforms. This compatibility reduces the overhead of manual configurations.
  • Resilience: With a distributed, highly available architecture, they provide resilience — ensuring that the firewall is operational even if individual components fail.

Web Application Firewall (WAF)

A Web Application Firewall specifically protects web applications by filtering, monitoring, and blocking HTTP traffic that could exploit vulnerabilities in these applications.

  • Web app protection: WAFs stop attacks targeting web applications, including SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and others.
  • Custom policies: Customizable Policies in WAFs allow for tailored protection suited to the individual needs of every web application.
  • Inspection: They offer a thorough inspection of HTTP/S traffic, ensuring no harmful requests reach the web applications.
  • Bot control: WAFs can discern harmful bots from legitimate traffic, granting access only to authorized users and services.
  • API security: Security for APIs against attacks such as DDoS, improving overall protection.

Using Cloud Firewall vs Other Network Security Approaches

How do cloud firewalls compare to other network security approaches? See how they compare to virtual firewall appliances, IP-based network security policies, and security groups.

Virtual Firewall Appliances

Despite brands like Cisco, Juniper, and Fortinet making a strong push for them, virtual firewall appliances don’t fit in a work environment that is heavily cloud-based.

  • Not scalable: Virtual appliances have limitations in scaling. When traffic increases, they struggle to keep pace, affecting performance.
  • Operational inefficiency: They require manual configurations and adjustments, which can lead to operational inefficiencies and potential mistakes.
  • Limited visibility: They usually provide limited visibility into network traffic and, in some cases, can’t even offer granular control at the application level.
  • Architectural complexity: These appliances often introduce architectural complexity, as they need to intercept and secure network traffic at different points.
  • High cost: Acquiring, maintaining, and upgrading a virtual firewall appliance can be expensive, especially when compared to subscription-based cloud firewalls.
  • Limited extensibility: Be it AWS transit gateways, Gateway Load Balancers, or VPC/VNet peering — virtual appliances usually struggle to integrate with these advanced cloud-native services.

IP-Based Network Security Policy

IP-based network security policies have traditionally been used in many organizations. However, they also have shortcomings when compared to cloud firewalls.

  • Dynamic IP difficulties: These policies are primarily based on static IP addresses, triggering issues when dealing with dynamic IPs — such as those used in today’s highly scalable, distributed infrastructures.
  • Granularity problems: IP-based policies offer less granular control over access to applications and data, compared to cloud firewalls.
  • Security loopholes: Because they rely heavily on IP addresses for identification, they can be vulnerable to IP spoofing, creating potential security loopholes.
  • Inefficient management: IP-based policies can be tedious to manage, especially when dealing with larger, more complex network infrastructures.
  • Limited scalability: Like virtual appliances, IP-based policies struggle when it comes to handling a significant increase in network traffic.
  • Dependency on IP reputation: These policies depend on the reputation of IP addresses, which can be unreliable and manipulated. Also, legitimate IP addresses can be compromised, creating a potential avenue for attacks.

Security Groups

Lastly, security groups, while being a crucial part of network security in a cloud-based environment, fall short compared to cloud firewalls on several fronts.

  • Scope limitation: Security groups usually have a limited scope — often only applicable within a single instance or VPC. This might not be adequate for enterprises with large-scale or diverse cloud deployments.
  • Manual administration: This can lead to potential errors and security risks, more so in large and complex environments.
  • Lack of visibility: Security groups don’t provide comprehensive visibility into network traffic or robust logging and audit capabilities — both of which are fundamental for troubleshooting and regulatory compliance.
  • Limited flexibility: Security groups lack the flexibility to adapt quickly to changes in network configuration or traffic patterns. This can hinder performance and affect user experience.
  • Dependencies: Security groups are dependent on the underlying cloud service. This means that they can be impacted by any disruptions or changes to that service. So, the level of independence and control tends to be on the lower end.

It’s evident, compared to the other network security approaches, cloud firewalls provide superior flexibility, scalability, visibility, and control.

How does a Cloud-Based Firewall Fit into a SASE Framework?

SASE is a concept introduced by Gartner that stands for Secure Access Service Edge. It combines network security and wide area networking (WAN) capabilities in a single cloud-based service.

Cloud-based firewalls fit wonderfully into this framework as they provide network security enforcement. Below’s how.

  • Unified security and networking: By integrating with other SASE components, cloud-based firewalls facilitate unified security and networking. They ensure that security controls and networking capabilities are not siloed but work together seamlessly.
  • Location-agnostic: Being cloud-based, these firewalls offer location-agnostic security. This is important in a SASE framework which is designed to support securely connected, geographically-dispersed endpoints.
  • Dynamic scaling: The dynamism of cloud-based firewalls aligns with the scalable nature of SASE. So, the security scales with network requirements.
  • Policy enforcement: They provide efficient enforcement of security policies across a distributed network, aiding in consistent security compliance.
  • Visibility and control: In a SASE framework, cloud-based firewalls offer enriched visibility and control over network traffic and user activity. This aids in improved threat detection and response times.
  • Data protection: They provide encryption and decryption, protecting sensitive data transmitted across the network. This capability is pivotal for data protection in a SASE architecture.
  • Fast deployment: Enjoy operational simplicity as they can be seamlessly deployed across multiple locations.
  • Easier management: Management becomes easier as there is a single point of control allowing for unified threat management.
  • Lower costs: Reduced capital expenditure as the need for on-premise hardware decreases significantly.
  • Highly available: These firewalls offer high availability and resilience, adhering to the SASE principle of continual access and service regardless of location. Thus, enhancing the overall security posture in an ever-increasing remote work landscape.

Secure your network with firewall-as-a-service today!

Organizations across the globe are transitioning to a cloud-first strategy. Perimeter 81 can assist you in this journey. Our Firewall-as-a-Service model provides security, scalability, and simplicity that is unmatched in the industry. Learn more here!


What is the disadvantage of cloud firewall?

Reliance on the availability of the FaaS provider is a potential disadvantage of cloud firewalls.

Why do you need a cloud firewall?

Just like you need a security gate to prevent unauthorized entry into your house, a cloud firewall acts as a barrier to block malicious traffic from entering your network. It provides real-time protection and security monitoring — making it crucial in today’s world where cyber threats are rampant.

What is the main reason to operate a public cloud firewall?

Application visibility and control is the primary reason to operate a public cloud firewall. And unlike traditional firewalls, cloud firewalls allow for extensive network traffic logging and reporting, providing a thorough overview of your application’s security status.

What is cloud vs hardware firewall?

A cloud firewall, also known as a Firewall-as-a-Service (FaaS), is a firewall hosted in the cloud, providing scalability, cost efficiency, and real-time updates. Hardware firewalls, on the other hand, are physical devices installed in the infrastructure of a network. While cloud firewall is software-based, traditional ones can be both software and hardware-based.

Is a cloud-based firewall more secure?

Cloud-based firewall comes with the same level of security as a traditional or on-premises firewall but with advanced access policy, encryption, connection management, and filtering between servers.

What is the difference between a next-generation firewall and a cloud firewall?

While next-generation firewalls (NGFWs) offer advanced security capabilities such as intrusion prevention systems (IPS), deep packet inspection, and application awareness— they can be limiting when it comes to scalability and flexibility, especially in a dynamic, cloud-based environment. That’s where cloud firewalls excel.

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HIPAA LAW: What Does It Protect?


What is HIPPA?

HIPAA stands for the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, a federal law enacted in 1996 in the United States. HIPAA’s primary aim is to safeguard the privacy, security, and confidentiality of individuals’ protected health information (PHI) by establishing a set of standards and regulations for healthcare providers, health plans, and other entities that maintain PHI. 

HIPAA Privacy Rule, Explained

The HIPAA Privacy Rule grants patients’ rights over their PHI, including the right to access, request amendments, and control the sharing of their health information. It also imposes obligations on covered entities to implement safeguards to protect PHI, train their workforce on privacy practices, and obtain individual consent for certain uses and disclosures. 

The Privacy Rule plays a vital role in keeping the confidentiality and security of personal health information, ensuring patients have control over their own data while allowing appropriate access for healthcare purposes.

HIPAA Security Rule, Explained

The HIPAA Security Rule is an essential part of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). The Security Rule sets forth administrative, physical, and technical safeguards that covered entities must implement to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of ePHI. 

These safeguards include measures such as risk assessments, workforce training, access controls, encryption, and contingency planning to prevent unauthorized access, use, or disclosure of ePHI. Compliance with the HIPAA Security Rule is crucial for ensuring the secure handling of electronic health information, reducing the risk of data breaches, and maintaining the trust and confidentiality of sensitive patient data.

HIPAA Covered Entities

HIPAA defines specific entities that are subject to its regulations, known as covered entities. 

Covered entities include:

Healthcare Providers

Healthcare providers, such as doctors, hospitals, clinics, psychologists, and pharmacies, are considered covered entities under HIPAA. They play a vital role in the delivery of healthcare services and are responsible for maintaining the privacy and security of patients’ protected health information (PHI).

Healthcare providers must follow HIPAA regulations when electronically transmitting and overseeing PHI, implementing safeguards to protect patient data, and ensuring appropriate access and disclosures.

Health Plans

Health plans, including health insurance companies, HMOs, employer-sponsored health plans, Medicare, Medicaid, and government health programs, fall under the category of covered entities. These entities are responsible for managing health insurance coverage and must comply with HIPAA to protect the privacy of individuals’ health information.

Health plans have obligations to implement privacy policies, provide individuals with notice of their privacy practices, and set up safeguards to secure PHI against unauthorized access or disclosures.

Healthcare Clearinghouses 

Healthcare clearinghouses are entities that process nonstandard health information into standardized formats. They function as intermediaries between healthcare providers and health plans, facilitating the electronic exchange of health information.

Covered healthcare clearinghouses must adhere to HIPAA’s regulations, implementing security measures and safeguards to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of electronic protected health information (ePHI). They play a critical role in ensuring the secure transmission and conversion of health data, contributing to the interoperability and efficiency of electronic healthcare transactions.

Business Associates

Business associates are external entities or individuals that provide services or perform functions involving PHI, such as third-party administrators, billing companies, IT providers, and certain consultants. 

Covered entities must have written agreements in place with their business associates, outlining the responsibilities and obligations regarding the protection of PHI. These agreements should address issues such as the permissible uses and disclosures of PHI, safeguards for data security, breach notification requirements, and compliance with HIPAA’s Privacy Rule.

Who is Not Required to Follow HIPAA Regulations? 

Entities not required to follow HIPAA laws include:

Life Insurers

Since life insurers primarily deal with underwriting life insurance policies, they do not manage or maintain protected health information (PHI) as defined by HIPAA.


Employers, in their role as employers, are not covered by HIPAA regulations because they manage employee health information for employment-related purposes only, rather than for healthcare operations.

Workers’ Compensation Carriers

Workers’ compensation carriers are exempt from HIPAA because the health information they handle is typically related to work-related injuries or illnesses, which falls outside the scope of HIPAA’s regulations.

Most Schools and School Districts

Schools and school districts, except for those that run healthcare facilities or have specific health programs, are generally not subject to HIPAA as they primarily handle educational records and student information.

Many State Agencies

State agencies, such as child protective service agencies, often deal with sensitive information related to child welfare or social services, which are typically regulated under state-specific privacy laws rather than HIPAA.

Most Law Enforcement Agencies

Law enforcement agencies, while involved in protecting public safety, are generally exempt from HIPAA as they primarily focus on law enforcement activities rather than the provision of healthcare services.

Many Municipal Offices

Municipal offices that do not function as healthcare providers or healthcare clearinghouses are not subject to HIPAA regulations. They primarily manage administrative and governmental functions rather than healthcare-related activities.

What Information is Protected Under HIPAA? 

HIPAA protects a broad range of health information, primarily focusing on individually identifiable health information known as Protected Health Information (PHI). 

Under HIPAA, PHI is subject to strict privacy and security safeguards, and covered entities must obtain individual consent or authorization before using or disclosing PHI, except in certain permitted circumstances. HIPAA also allows the use and disclosure of de-identified health information, which is health information that does not identify an individual and has undergone a process to remove specific identifiers.

De-identified health information is not subject to HIPAA’s privacy and security requirements because it does not contain identifiable information that could be used to link it back to an individual. However, covered entities must follow specific guidelines and methods outlined by HIPAA to ensure that information is properly de-identified and cannot be re-identified.

Overall, HIPAA provides protection and safeguards for a wide range of health information, with a specific focus on safeguarding individually identifiable health information (PHI) and allowing for the use and disclosure of de-identified health information under certain circumstances.

When Can PHI Be Disclosed? 

Under HIPAA, Protected Health Information (PHI) can be disclosed in a variety of situations, including:

General Principle for Uses and Disclosure

PHI can be disclosed for treatment, payment, and healthcare operations without explicit authorization, following the general principle that PHI should be used or disclosed based on the minimum necessary information needed to accomplish the intended purpose.

Permitted Uses and Disclosures

PHI can be shared without individual authorization for activities such as public health activities, healthcare oversight, research (with privacy safeguards), law enforcement purposes, and when required by law, including reporting certain diseases and vital events.

Authorized Uses and Disclosures

PHI can be disclosed based on the individual’s written authorization, allowing specific uses and disclosures beyond what is permitted without authorization, such as sharing PHI for marketing purposes or with third-party organizations.

PHI Uses and Disclosures Limited to the Minimum Necessary

Covered entities are required to make reasonable efforts to limit PHI uses and disclosures to the minimum necessary to accomplish the intended purpose. This means sharing only the information necessary for the specific situation, whether it is for treatment, payment, healthcare operations, or other permitted purposes.

Notice and Individual Rights

Covered entities must provide individuals with a Notice of Privacy Practices, explaining how their PHI may be used and disclosing their rights regarding their health information. Individuals have rights such as accessing their PHI, requesting amendments, and requesting restrictions on certain uses or disclosures. 

Privacy Practices Notice

Covered entities must respect these rights and enable individuals to exercise them. 

Notice distribution

Covered entities must make efforts to distribute the Notice of Privacy Practices to individuals, including posting it prominently in their facilities and providing a copy to individuals upon request. They should also make reasonable attempts to obtain written acknowledgment of receipt.

Acknowledgment of Notice Receipt

Covered entities should document individuals’ acknowledgment of receiving the Notice of Privacy Practices. This acknowledgment can be obtained through various means, such as a signed form or electronic confirmation, ensuring that individuals have been made aware of their rights and the entity’s privacy practices.


Individuals have the right to access their PHI and obtain copies of their health records upon request, with certain exceptions and reasonable fees.


Individuals can request amendments or corrections to their PHI if they believe it is incomplete, inaccurate, or requires updating.

Disclosure Accounting

Covered entities must provide individuals with an accounting of certain disclosures of their PHI, upon request, excluding disclosures for treatment, payment, healthcare operations, and other exceptions.

Restriction Request

Individuals have the right to request restrictions on the use or disclosure of their PHI, although covered entities are not required to agree to all requested restrictions.

Confidential Communications Requirement

Covered entities must accommodate reasonable requests from individuals to receive communications of their PHI through alternative means or at alternative locations to protect privacy.

Administrative Requirements

Covered entities must establish and implement privacy policies and procedures to ensure compliance with HIPAA’s Privacy Rule, including designating a Privacy Officer responsible for overseeing privacy practices.

Privacy Personnel

Covered entities should have designated privacy personnel responsible for developing and implementing privacy policies, handling privacy inquiries, and ensuring compliance.

Workforce Training and Management

Covered entities must provide training to their workforce members regarding privacy policies, procedures, and the protection of PHI. They should also have mechanisms in place to manage workforce members’ compliance with privacy practices.


Covered entities must take reasonable steps to mitigate any harmful effects resulting from the use or disclosure of PHI in violation of the Privacy Rule.

Data Safeguards

Covered entities are required to implement reasonable safeguards to protect PHI from unauthorized access, disclosure, or use.


Covered entities must have a process in place for individuals to file complaints regarding privacy practices, and they must not retaliate against individuals who exercise their privacy rights.

Retaliation and Waiver

Covered entities cannot retaliate against individuals for exercising their privacy rights, and individuals cannot be required to waive their rights as a condition for receiving treatment or benefits.

Documentation and Record Retention

Covered entities must retain documentation related to their privacy practices and policies for at least six years.

Fully Insured Group Health Plan Exception

The Privacy Rule does not apply directly to fully insured group health plans, although the plans must follow other federal and state laws governing the privacy of health information.

These various requirements and provisions ensure that covered entities adhere to privacy practices, protect individuals’ rights, and keep the security and confidentiality of PHI.

How is PHI Protected?

PHI is protected through various measures to safeguard its confidentiality, integrity, and security:

  1. Safeguards – Safeguards can include physical, technical, and administrative measures such as secure storage, encryption, access controls, and firewalls.
  2. Minimum Necessary – This means that only the information needed for a particular task or situation should be accessed or shared.
  3. Access and Authorization Controls – Covered entities must have procedures in place to control and limit who can view and access PHI. This includes implementing access controls, user authentication, and authorization processes to ensure that only authorized individuals can access and handle PHI.
  4. Employee Training – Training ensures that employees understand their responsibilities, know how to handle PHI securely, and are aware of potential risks and safeguards.
  5. Business Associates – Business associates, who handle PHI on behalf of covered entities, are also obligated to implement safeguards to protect PHI and comply with HIPAA regulations. This ensures that third-party entities involved in healthcare operations support the same level of privacy and security standards when handling PHI.

Get HIPAA Compliant With Our Checklist

By implementing the above-mentioned HIPAA safeguards, limiting the use and disclosure of PHI, and supplying employee training, covered entities and their business associates can work together to protect the privacy and security of individuals’ health information, and prevent improper use or disclosure. Want more tips to stay compliant? Check out our HIPAA Compliance Checklist.

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What does the Allow, Deny & Discard do on an Sonicwall Access Rule?

Last Update : 07/25/2022


This article explains the 3 Actions available on an access rule


Firewall rules, in general, based on concept of Implicit Deny.  Implicit Deny basically means that the default answer to whether a communication is allowed to transit the firewall is always No or Deny.  Therefore, the majority of Access Rules tend to be Allow.  A firewall will process a communication, inbound or outbound, based on the highest priority rule to the lowest.  Once a rule is found with conditions that match, that rule is executed by the firewall.  Allow, Deny & Discard is the action that the firewall will take for any communication that meets the conditions of a particular Access Rule.  Should a communication come into the firewall and no Access Rule meets the condition to allow it through, the firewall will Drop the communication.

Gen7 Add access rule dialog box


Allow – This means that the firewall will permit the communication to continue through the firewall to its destination.

 NOTE: When creating a new access rule, the default Action on your firewall is set to Allow. 

Gen6 Add access rule dialog box

Deny – This means that when a communication is found to match the conditions of an Access Rule with the Deny action, the communication will not be permitted to proceed.  The communication is Dropped by the firewall.  A RST (reset) packet sent back to the originating device and the communication will be ended.  The RST packet is a communication that goes back to the originator of the traffic stating that the connection has been closed.  Under most circumstances, you should not have to write a Deny rule as Deny is the default action as described above.

 NOTE: Be advised that the RST packet is a normal part of network communications and is not unique to the SonicWall.

Discard – This option is much like Deny in that it will stop and drop the communication.  In this instance, the firewall will not send a RST packet as described in the Deny action above.  When the RST packet does not go back as with Deny, the originator has no confirmation that there is a device to respond at the IP address that is trying to reach.  Even if the originator suspects that it is a security function that is stopping it, they will still not know anything for sure.  This is essentially Stealth Mode applied at the Access Rule level.

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Accessing Safemode when Sonicwall firewall is not reachable via CLI or GUI

Last Update : 05/09/2023


This article describes how to put a SonicWall into safe mode through the GUI or through the command line interface (CLI).

You may require to follow this article for the following:

  • Firewall not accessible any longer due to configuration issues or other causes
  • Perform a firmware upgrade when it fails via normal means.
  • Perform a ROM/Safemode version upgrade.
  • Viewing the bootlogs or other diagnostic information.

 NOTE: Factory Reset via safemode is a required step when the device turns on but it is not reachable. A backup of the settings will be required after the factory reset or the firewall has to be reconfigured from scratch.



  1. Using a paperclip or similarly sized object, press and hold down the RST button located in the small hole on the front or back of the device (depending on the appliance) for at least 60 Seconds. Once the test light on the device becomes solid or begins to blink then the SonicWall is in safe mode.

     NOTE: On an NSsp 13700 or NSa Series appliance, press the button, but you do not need to hold it down.
  2. Connect a computer directly to the following Interface, depending on what model SonicWall you have, via an ethernet cable.
    1. Manually assign a static IP / subnet mask and Gateway (gateway will be the safemode firewall IP) on the connected computers NIC depending on the SonicWall appliance.
    2. Open the browser on the client connected to the firewall and go to: http://Enterherethe_Safemode_Firewall_IP

      Generation/ModelInterface to be used while in SafemodeSafemode Firewall IPRecommended IP to be set on clientGeneration 5X0192.168.168.168192.168.168.10 | 6 & 7 | SOHO & TZ Devices
      X0192.168.168.168192.168.168.10 | 6 & 7 | NSa/SM/NSsp DevicesMGMT Interface192.168.1.254192.168.1.10 | CAUTION: Safemode is only available via HTTP so you have to manually type http:// otherwise the browser will automatically take you to https://.

       NOTE: For new safe mode options on Gen7, please refer: Safemode options on SonicWall Gen 7 devices


 NOTE: There is an E-CLI command safemode that restarts the firewall in SafeMode for Generation 7 (NSsp 13700 or NSa).

  1.  If you’re unfamiliar with how to access the SonicWall management using CLI please reference How to login to the appliance using the Command Line Interface (CLI).
  2. Once logged into the CLI, input the following commands.

  3. The SonicWall will reboot and enter safe mode.
  4. Reference the steps above to login to the safe mode GUI, beginning with “Connect a computer directly to the following Interface…”

Below you can find some additional information about what you can do in SafeMode:

Reset your firewall to Factory Default

  1. Select Current Firmware with Factory Default Settings and confirm.
  2. Your firewall will restart to factory default.
  3. After the reboot, login to the SonicWall management GUI via X0 Interface on the default firewall IP (
     NOTE: Make sure to modify the NIC Settings of the client connected to X0 to match the new firewall default settings (Gateway: and NetMask:


Upgrading the Gen 6 Firmware or ROM Version from Safe Mode

  1. Download the desired firmware version from MySonicWall.com or have the desired ROM Version on hand. ROM Packs are only available via SonicWall technical support.
     NOTE: Upgrading the ROM version only applies to Generation 6 NSA SonicWalls – 2600, 3600, 4600, 5600, and 6600. Unless you have been requested to upgrade the ROM version by SonicWall technical support do not attempt to do so.  
  2. Select Upload New Firmware and follow the prompt in the pop-up window to upload the firmware or ROM version to the SonicWall.
  3. You should now see the New Firmware or Uploaded ROM Pack on the safe mode GUI. You can boot to the new firmware or ROM by clicking the boot icon on the far right.
     NOTE: Booting to a new firmware or ROM version will reboot the SonicWall and exit safe mode. Make sure you’re completely finished with the SonicWall’s safe mode before selecting boot. 
  4. After the reboot, login to the SonicWall management GUI as you normally would. Navigate to Monitor | Current Status | System Status.
  5. On the Status screen you should see the new firmware version listed under Firmware Version or the new ROM version listed under Safemode Version.

Gen 7 (Using SafeMode to Upgrade Firmware):

  1. Once we enter the url in the web browser to get to the safe mode page on SonicWall Gen 7 devices, we need to authenticate using Maintenance Key.
  2. In the Maintenance Key prompt, type in or paste the key you got from MySonicWall and then click Authenticate. If your appliance is running SonicOS 7.0.1 and is not yet registered, use its Auth Code as the key. (To find the Maintenance key, please refer to: Safemode options on SonicWall Gen 7 devices)

  3. Safe mode page is displayed

  4. Click Upload Image, and then browse to the location where you saved the SonicOS firmware image, select the file, and click Upload.
  5. Click the Boot button in the row for Available Image Version and select one of the following:
    1. Boot Available Image with Current Configuration: Use this option to restart the appliance with your current configuration settings.
    2. Boot Available Image with Factory Default Configuration: Use this option to restart the appliance with factory default configuration settings. The configuration settings revert to default values, but logs and local backups remain in place.
    3. Boot Available Image with Backup Configuration: Use this option to restart the appliance with saved backup configuration settings. You can choose which backup to use. 

  6. In the confirmation dialog, click Boot to proceed.
  7. Wait while the firmware is installed, then booted. 
  8. Login to the SonicWall management GUI as you normally would.

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How can I access the SonicWall Management Interface?

Last Update: 03/13/2023


The SonicWall UTM appliance has a web-based graphical user interface for configuring the security appliance. This is the primary means of configuring the device.


By default all the interfaces (ports like WAN,OPT or X1,X2) are unconfigured except the LAN or X0 interface. The LAN or X0 interface is pre-configured with an ip address of and subnet mask of

You could also determine the LAN or X0 interface IP address by using the Setup Tool (Windows SetupTool – https://software.sonicwall.com/UtilityTools/SetupTool.exe)

Your UTM appliance package will contain, among other things, an Ethernet cable. Connect one end of the cable to the LAN or X0 interface of the SonicWall and the other end to a computer. Make sure the LED alongside LAN or X0 is lit solid.

As the UTM appliance is not pre-configured with DHCP, the computer connected to it must be configured with a static IP address. Set the computer IP address in the same subnet as the SonicWall LAN or X0.

 EXAMPLE: with subnet mask of

Open an Internet browser and enter in the address bar.

As this is the first time you are accessing the SonicWall UTM management interface, you will be presented with a wizard. You could follow the wizard to set a new admin password and other information. You could skip the wizard and login directly to the interface by clicking the click here link in the wizard prompt. 

Quick Configuration for Gen6 Appliances with SonicOS 6.5 & above.

When attempting to login directly you will be prompted for a username and password. By default the username is admin and the password is password. Once successfully logged in you can change the password under Manage | Appliance | Base Settings | Administrator Name & Password.

Further configuration of the device can be done either manually, by navigating the tabs on the left-hand side of the interface, or by using the wizard. The wizard can be accessed by clicking on the Wizards icon at the top of the interface.

  • Make sure there is physical connectivity between the computer and the SonicWall.
  • It is always recommended to connect the computer directly to SonicWall instead of through a switch or hub.
  • The LAN or X0 interface LED should be lit solid. If the computer is a PC, the Network Connection Status should show connected.
  • Although SonicWall is Auto DBX capable, try a cross-over cable.
     TIP: If physical connection has been established but the user is unable to access the management interface try doing a ping to the IP address from the computer.
    If the ping test passes and the user is unable to open the interface page in the browser,  try the following:
  1.  Reboot the SonicWall.
  2.  Clear the browser cache.

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