GoTrim: Go-based Botnet Actively Brute Forces WordPress Websites

FortiGuard Labs recently encountered a previously unreported Content Management System (CMS) scanner and brute forcer written in the Go programming language (also commonly referred to as Golang). We took a closer look at this malware because it was being described in several online forums as being installed in compromised WordPress sites, but there were no publicly available analysis reports.

  • Affected Platforms: Linux
  • Impacted Users: Any organization
  • Impact: Remote attackers gain control of the vulnerable systems
  • Severity Level: Critical

Golang brute forcers are not new. For example, we previously reported on the StealthWorker campaign in 2019. This new brute forcer is part of a new campaign we have named GoTrim because it was written in Go and uses “:::trim:::” to split data communicated to and from the C2 server.

Similar to StealthWorker, GoTrim also utilizes a bot network to perform distributed brute force attacks. The earliest sample we found was from Sep 2022. That campaign is still ongoing at the time of writing.   

This article details how this active botnet scans and compromises websites using WordPress and OpenCart. We also highlight some differences between samples collected from Sep to Nov 2022 at the end of the article.

Attack Chain

Screenshot of Figure 1: GoTrim attack chainFigure 1: GoTrim attack chain

GoTrim uses a bot network to perform distributed brute force attacks against its targets. Each bot is given a set of credentials to use to attempt to log into a long list of website targets. After a successful login, a bot client is installed into the newly compromised system. It then awaits further commands from the threat actors, thereby expanding the bot network.

GoTrim only reports credentials to the C2 server after a successful brute force attempt. We did not observe any code in GoTrim for propagating itself or deploying other malware. However, we did find PHP scripts that download and execute GoTrim bot clients. It seems likely that the threat actor is somehow abusing compromised credentials to deploy PHP scripts to infect systems with GoTrim.

Screenshot of Figure 2: PHP downloader scriptFigure 2: PHP downloader script

Typically, each script downloads the GoTrim malware from a hardcoded URL to a file in the same directory as the script itself and executes it. To cover its tracks, both the downloader script and GoTrim brute forcer are deleted from the infected system. It does not maintain persistence in the infected system.

Static Analysis

Analysis detailed in this article is based on a sample with SHA-256 hash c33e50c3be111c1401037cb42a0596a123347d5700cee8c42b2bd30cdf6b3be3, unless stated otherwise.

GoTrim is built with Go version 1.18. As with all Go applications, all third-party libraries used in the code are statically linked to the malware, resulting in a relatively bigger file size for the executable binary. But this has the advantage of not depending on any external files to execute correctly. To solve the size issue, the malware is packed using UPX to reduce the file from 6 MB to 1.9 MB.

Another advantage of using Go is that the same source code can be cross-compiled to support different architectures and Operating Systems. Based on the source code paths in the samples, Windows was used during the development of GoTrim. However, we have only observed samples targeting 64-bit Linux in the wild.

C2 Communication

GoTrim can communicate with its Command and Control (C2) server in two ways: a client mode, where it sends HTTP POST requests to the Command and Control (C2 server), or a server mode, where it starts an HTTP server to listen for incoming POST requests. All data exchanged with the C2 is encrypted using the Advanced Encryption Standard in Galois Counter Mode (AES-GCM) with a key derived from a passphrase embedded in the malware binary.

By default, GoTrim attempts to run in server mode if the infected malware is directly connected to the Internet—that is, if the victim’s outbound or local IP address is non-private. Otherwise, it switches to client mode.

Upon execution, GoTrim creates an MD5 hash representing a unique identification for the infected machine (bot ID). This is generated from the following string containing several pieces of information delimited by the “:” character:


  • VICTIM_EXTERNAL_IP: External/public IP of the machine
  • HTTP_SERVER_PORT: HTTP server port. This is a randomly generated number between 4000 to 8000 for the HTTP server in server mode. It is always 0 for client mode.
  • Malware initialization flag: Always set to 1 by the time the bot ID is being calculated
  • OUTBOUND_IP: Outbound/local IP address of the victim machine.
  • AES_PASSPHRASE: Hardcoded string embedded into each sample. This malware later uses the SHA256 hash of this string as the AES-GCM key for encrypting its communication with the C2 server. The same AES passphrase is shared among all samples we observed.

After generating the bot ID, GoTrim creates an asynchronous Go routine (similar to multithreading) that sends a beacon request to the C2 server on both client and server modes.

The C2 request URLs change between versions, as discussed in a later section of this article. For this particular sample, the beacon request URL is “/selects?dram=1”.

In this beacon request, several pieces of victim and bot information are sent to the C2 server, as seen in Figure 3.

Screenshot of Figure 3: Screenshot of data sent to the C2 serverFigure 3: Screenshot of data sent to the C2 server

Some of the interesting fields sent in the beacon request include the following:

1. Bot ID: unique ID for the bot
2. External IP: public IP address of the victim machine
3. HTTP Server Port: randomly generated port for the HTTP server (0 in client mode)
4. Malware Initialization Flag: always set to 1 by the time this request is made
5. Outbound IP: local IP address of the victim machine
6. Status Message: The “GOOD” message is replaced by other strings that report the status of any running CMS detection or brute forcing tasks during subsequent beacon requests.
7. Status Flags: These indicate whether the malware currently has any processing tasks assigned by the C2 server and the IDs of these tasks
8. MD5 Checksum: This value is generated from parts of the above request and the hardcoded AES passphrase. It serves as a message integrity checksum.

The fields are joined together with the :::trim:::string, hence the name chosen for this campaign. The data is then encrypted using an AES-256-GCM key, the SHA-256 hash of the previously mentioned passphrase.

The server usually responds with “OK”, “404 page not found”, or “BC”, all encrypted with the same AES-GCM key. When “BC” is received, GoTrim will regenerate its bot ID and switch from server to client mode.

The first beacon request is to register a new bot (victim) to the bot network.

After each beacon request, GoTrim sleeps between a few seconds to several minutes, depending on the C2 server response and whether the malware is currently working on C2-assigned tasks before sending the next request. The malware regularly performs this beacon request to update the C2 server about the bot’s status, including successful credentials, as discussed in the brute forcing section of the article. If GoTrim fails to receive a valid response from the C2 server after 100 retries, it will terminate itself.

While the beacon requests are being sent asynchronously to update the C2 server on its status, GoTrim either sends a request to the C2 server to receive commands (client mode) or sets up an HTTP server to listen for incoming tasking requests (server mode).

Client Mode

In client mode, the malware sends a POST request to “/selects?bilert=1” to receive commands from the C2 server.

The C2 server responds with the command encrypted with the same AES-GCM key. An example of a decrypted command can be seen below in Figure 4.

Screenshot of Figure 4: Screenshot of the response containing the command and its optionsFigure 4: Screenshot of the response containing the command and its options

After splitting the data by the “:::trim:::” string, seven fields can be identified, as listed below.

1. MD5 Checksum: used for checking message integrity, e.g., 83217f8b39dccc2f9f2a0157f0236c4f
2. Command ID: This indicates the command for the current task
3. Concurrency Level: This affects how many goroutines are executed for each task
4. Command Options: This contains options for the commands, separated by 7E 6A 71 6D 70 C2 A9 (~jqmp©) bytes. They are interpreted differently depending on the command:

a. Target List: This is GZIP-compressed data, which, when decompressed, contains a list of domains that will be the target for the login attempts.
b. Command Option 1 (redacted): This option contains the username for authentication commands. Instead of using the same username for each domain, the C2 server can specify a series of bytes, like C2 A9 64, to use the domain as the username.
c. Command Option 2 (redacted): For authentication commands, this option contains the password
d. Command Option 3: Unknown option for WordPress authentication
e. Command Option 4: Option for WordPress authentication to use either POST request or XML-RPC when submitting credentials.

5. Internal Values: Numeric values that are not used by the malware itself (e.g., 42 and 255) and likely represent internal tasking IDs for the current command.    

The malware supports the following commands:

  • 1: Validate provided credentials against WordPress domains
  • 2: Validate provided credentials against Joomla! domains (currently not implemented)
  • 3: Validate provided credentials against OpenCart domains
  • 4: Validate provided credentials against Data Life Engine domains (currently not implemented)
  • 10: Detect WordPress, Joomla!, OpenCart, or Data Life Engine CMS installation on the domain
  • 11: Terminate the malware

We have observed a target list containing up to 30,000 domains in a single WordPress authentication command. Additionally, we observed that authentication commands only provide a single password to test against all the domains in the list. As mentioned above, brute forcing is likely distributed by commanding a network of infected machines to test different domains and credentials.

After the malware has completed processing a command, it sleeps for a while before sending another POST request to receive a new task from the C2 server.

Server Mode

In server mode, GoTrim starts a server on a random port between 4000 to 7999 to respond to incoming POST requests sent by the threat actor. This mode gives the threat actor a more responsive way of communicating with the bot. For instance, the status of the bots can be checked by the threat actor without waiting for the subsequent beacon request by simply sending a POST request to a specific URL handled by the bot’s HTTP server.

To issue a command to the machine, the threat actor sends a POST request to “/BOT_ID?lert=1” with the body containing the AES-256-GCM encrypted command data, similar to the response provided by the C2 server when the client requests commands (Figure 4). Server mode supports the same commands as client mode.

The threat actor can also send a request with the parameter “/BOT_ID?intval=1” to view the status of currently running tasks and whether assigned tasks have been completed.

When CPU utilization is below a certain level (75% or 90%, depending on the number of concurrent workers used for the current task), a separate goroutine is spawned to process each domain.

Botnet Commands

Detect CMS

GoTrim attempts to identify whether one of the four CMSes (WordPress, Joomla!, OpenCart, or DataLife Engine) is being used on the target website. It does this by checking for specific strings in the webpage content.

Interestingly, it only targets self-hosted WordPress websites by checking the Referer HTTP header for “”. As managed WordPress hosting providers, such as, usually implement more security measures to monitor, detect, and block brute forcing attempts than self-hosted WordPress websites, the chance of success is not worth the risk of getting discovered.

The strings used for determining the installed CMS are listed below.


  • “wp-content/plugins/” and “wp-content/themes/”
  • “wp-content/uploads/”
  • “wp-includes/js/”
  • “/xmlrpc.php”


  • “generator” content=\”Joomla!” AND “/templates/”
  • “/media/system/js/mootools.js” AND “/media/system/js/caption.js”
  • “index.php?option=com_”
  • “/modules/mod_”
  • “/components/com_”


  • “/index.php?route=common” and “/index.php?route=information”
  • “image/cache/catalog”
  • “catalog/view/theme/”
  • “catalog/view/javascript”

DataLife Engine

  • “DataLife Engine” and “~engine/classes/js/dle_js.js”
  • “index.php?do=search&”
  • “var dle_”

While GoTrim can detect websites using the four CMSes above, it currently only supports authenticating against WordPress and OpenCart websites. This indicates that this botnet is still under development.

Validate WordPress Credentials

Aside from the username provided by the C2 server, it attempts to gather more usernames by sending a GET request to “/wp-json/wp/v2/users”.

After that, it tries to log in to the WordPress website using the list of usernames and the password provided in the C2 command by sending a POST request to “/wp-login.php”. Figure 5 shows an example of the POST request for logging in.

Screenshot of Figure 5: WordPress authentication requestFigure 5: WordPress authentication request

This request causes a redirect to the admin page of the WordPress website (i.e.,/wp-admin) after a successful login. To confirm that the login and redirection were successful, it checks to see if the response contains “id=\”adminmenumain\”.

The C2 server can also specify the authentication to be performed via the WordPress XML-RPC feature, which is another way for users to programmatically interact with the CMS remotely using XML. By communicating directly with the web server’s backend, anti-bot mechanisms such as captchas that usually work when accessing the website pages could be bypassed.

After a successful login, the following information (delimited by “|”) is updated into a global status message and sent with the following request to the C2 (client mode) or in the response to incoming requests (server mode):

  • Target URL
  • Username
  • Password
  • Command ID (1 for WordPress, 3 for OpenCart, etc.)
  • Brute force status (“0GOOD” for success)

Validate OpenCart Credentials

GoTrim can also brute force websites running the open-source e-commerce platform OpenCart.

It sends a GET request to the target’s “/admin/index.php” and collects the authentication-related tokens and headers needed for the login request. It then performs the actual authentication by sending a POST request to the same URL with form-encoded data containing the username and the password.

To verify that the login request was successful, it checks if the website returned an OpenCart user token by searching for “/dashboard&user_token=” and making sure the “redirect” value from the received data is not empty.

A valid authentication response should look like the following:


Upon successful login, the global status message is updated for WordPress brute-forcing.

Anti-bot Checks

GoTrim can detect anti-bot techniques used by web hosting providers and CDNs, such as Cloudflare and SiteGround, and evade some of their simpler checks.

It tries to mimic legitimate requests from Mozilla Firefox on 64bit Windows by using the same HTTP headers sent by the browser and supporting the same content encoding algorithms: gzip, deflate, and Brotli.

For WordPress websites, it also detects whether CAPTCHA plugins are installed.

  • Google reCAPTCHA
  • reCAPTCHA by BestWebSoft
  • WP Limit Login Attempts
  • Shield Security Captcha
  • All in One Security (AIOS) Captcha
  • JetPack Captcha
  • Captcha by BestWebSoft

The malware contains code to solve the CAPTCHA for some of these plugins. However, we need to verify if the bypass techniques work. We determined that it cannot bypass Google, WP Limit Login Attempts, and Shield Security’s CAPTCHAs.

In general, for the security plugins it cannot bypass, it only reports them to the C2 server by updating the global status message with information similar to the data it sends during a successful login. But it uses “3GOOD” for the brute force status to indicate that credential validation was skipped.

On encountering websites that contain the string “” within the page content, GoTrim also sends the same “3GOOD” brute force status. This appears to be a conscious decision to avoid targeting websites hosted by this provider, but the intent remains unclear.

Campaign Updates

While searching for other samples related to this campaign, we found a PHP script and binary from September 2022 with different URLs “/selects?param=1” and “/selects?walert=1” on C2 server 89[.]208[.]107[.]12 (Figure 6). The PHP script we detect as PHP/GoTrim!tr.dldr uses the same installation method, with only the download URL varying across the samples we gathered.

Screenshot of Figure 6: Code snippet from Sep 2022 version with different C2 serversFigure 6: Code snippet from Sep 2022 version with different C2 servers

A version of the binary that appeared in November 2022 also updated its HTTP POST URLs (Figure 7). The beacon request URL “/selects?dram=1” and the command request URL “/selects?bilert=1” have been changed to “/route?index=1” and “/route?alert=1”, respectively. The encryption algorithm and keys used in the data transmission remain the same.

Screenshot of Figure 7: Wireshark capture of POST requests from two versions of GoTrimFigure 7: Wireshark capture of POST requests from two versions of GoTrim


Although this malware is still a work in progress, the fact that it has a fully functional WordPress brute forcer combined with its anti-bot evasion techniques makes it a threat to watch for—especially with the immense popularity of the WordPress CMS, which powers millions of websites globally.

Brute-forcing campaigns are dangerous as they may lead to server compromise and malware deployment. To mitigate this risk, website administrators should ensure that user accounts (especially administrator accounts) use strong passwords. Keeping the CMS software and associated plugins up to date also reduces the risk of malware infection by exploiting unpatched vulnerabilities.

FortiGuard Labs will continue to monitor GoTrim’s development.

Fortinet Protections

The FortiGuard Antivirus service detects and blocks this threat as ELF/GoTrim!tr and PHP/GoTrim!tr.dldr.

The FortiGuard AntiVirus service is supported by FortiGateFortiMailFortiClient, and FortiEDR, and the Fortinet AntiVirus engine is a part of each of those solutions. Customers running current AntiVirus updates are protected.

FortiGuard Labs provides the GoTrim.Botnet IPS signature against GoTrim C2 activity.

The FortiGuard Web Filtering Service blocks the C2 servers and download URLs cited in this report.

FortiGuard IP Reputation and Anti-Botnet Security Service proactively block these attacks by aggregating malicious source IP data from the Fortinet distributed network of threat sensors, CERTs, MITRE, cooperative competitors, and other global sources that collaborate to provide up-to-date threat intelligence about hostile sources.











Download URLs













Source :

Active Directory and Active Directory Domain Services Port Requirements

Applies To: Windows Server 2000, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Windows Server 2003 with SP2, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 Foundation, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Vista

This guide contains port requirements for various Active Directory® and Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) components. Both writable domain controllers and read-only domain controllers (RODCs) have the same port requirements. For more information about RODCs, see Designing RODCs in the Perimeter Network.

Default dynamic port range

In a domain that consists of Windows Server® 2003–based domain controllers, the default dynamic port range is 1025 through 5000. Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows Server 2008, in compliance with Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) recommendations, increased the dynamic port range for connections. The new default start port is 49152, and the new default end port is 65535. Therefore, you must increase the remote procedure call (RPC) port range in your firewalls. If you have a mixed domain environment that includes a Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows Server 2008 server and Windows Server 2003, allow traffic through ports 1025 through 5000 and 49152 through 65535.

When you see “TCP Dynamic” in the Protocol and Port column in the following table, it refers to ports 1025 through 5000, the default port range for Windows Server 2003, and ports 49152 through 65535, the default port range beginning with Windows Server 2008.


For more information about the change in the dynamic port range beginning in Windows Server 2008, see article 929851 in the Microsoft Knowledge Base (
You can find additional information about this change on the Ask the Directory Services Team blog. See the blog entry Dynamic Client Ports in Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista (

Restricting RPC to a specific port

RPC traffic is used over a dynamic port range as described in the previous section, “Default dynamic port range.” To restrict RPC traffic to a specific port, see article 224196 in the Microsoft Knowledge Base (

Communication to Domain Controllers

The following table lists the port requirements for establishing DC to DC communication in all versions of Windows Sever beginning with Windows Server 2003.

Additional ports are required for communication between a read-only domain controller (RODC) and a writeable DC.

Protocol and PortAD and AD DS UsageType of traffic
TCP and UDP 389Directory, Replication, User and Computer Authentication, Group Policy, TrustsLDAP
TCP 636Directory, Replication, User and Computer Authentication, Group Policy, TrustsLDAP SSL
TCP 3268Directory, Replication, User and Computer Authentication, Group Policy, TrustsLDAP GC
TCP 3269Directory, Replication, User and Computer Authentication, Group Policy, TrustsLDAP GC SSL
TCP and UDP 88User and Computer Authentication, Forest Level TrustsKerberos
TCP and UDP 53User and Computer Authentication, Name Resolution, TrustsDNS
TCP and UDP 445Replication, User and Computer Authentication, Group Policy, TrustsSMB,CIFS,SMB2, DFSN, LSARPC, NbtSS, NetLogonR, SamR, SrvSvc
TCP 25ReplicationSMTP
TCP 135ReplicationRPC, EPM
TCP DynamicReplication, User and Computer Authentication, Group Policy, TrustsRPC, DCOM, EPM, DRSUAPI, NetLogonR, SamR, FRS
TCP 5722File ReplicationRPC, DFSR (SYSVOL)
UDP 123Windows Time, TrustsWindows Time
TCP and UDP 464Replication, User and Computer Authentication, TrustsKerberos change/set password
UDP DynamicGroup PolicyDCOM, RPC, EPM
UDP 138DFS, Group PolicyDFSN, NetLogon, NetBIOS Datagram Service
TCP 9389AD DS Web ServicesSOAP
UDP 67 and UDP 2535DHCPNoteDHCP is not a core AD DS service but it is often present in many AD DS deployments.DHCP, MADCAP
UDP 137User and Computer Authentication,NetLogon, NetBIOS Name Resolution
TCP 139User and Computer Authentication, ReplicationDFSN, NetBIOS Session Service, NetLogon

Source :

How to restrict Active Directory RPC traffic to a specific port

This article describes how to restrict Active Directory (AD) replication remote procedure calls (RPC) traffic to a specific port in Windows Server.

Applies to:   all supported versions of Windows Server
Original KB number:   224196


By default, Active Directory replication remote procedure calls (RPC) occur dynamically over an available port through the RPC Endpoint Mapper (RPCSS) by using port 135. An administrator can override this functionality and specify the port that all Active Directory RPC traffic passes through. This procedure locks down the port.

When you specify ports to use by using the registry entries in More information, both Active Directory server-side replication traffic and client RPC traffic are sent to these ports by the endpoint mapper. This configuration is possible because all RPC interfaces supported by Active Directory are running on all ports on which it’s listening.


This article doesn’t describe how to configure AD replication for a firewall. Additional ports must be opened to make replication work through a firewall. For example, ports may need to be opened for the Kerberos protocol. To obtain a complete list of the required ports for services across a firewall, see Service overview and network port requirements for Windows.

More information


This section, method, or task contains steps that tell you how to modify the registry. However, serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Therefore, make sure that you follow these steps carefully. For added protection, back up the registry before you modify it. Then, you can restore the registry if a problem occurs. For more information about how to back up and restore the registry, see How to back up and restore the registry in Windows.

When you connect to an RPC endpoint, the RPC runtime on the client contacts the RPCSS on the server at a well-known port (135). And it obtains the port to connect to for the service supporting desired RPC interface. It assumes that the client doesn’t know the complete binding. It’s the situation with all AD RPC services.

The service registers one or more endpoints when it starts, and has the choice of a dynamically assigned port or a specific port.

If you configure Active Directory and Netlogon to run at port x as in the following entry, it becomes the ports that are registered with the endpoint mapper in addition to the standard dynamic port.

Use Registry Editor to modify the following values on each domain controller where the restricted ports are to be used. Member servers aren’t considered to be logon servers. So static port assignment for NTDS has no effect on member servers.

Member servers do have the Netlogon RPC Interface, but it’s rarely used. Some examples may be remote configuration retrieval, such as nltest / /

Registry key 1

Registry value: TCP/IP Port
Value type: REG_DWORD
Value data: (available port)

Restart the computer for the new setting to become effective.

Registry key 2

Registry value: DCTcpipPort
Value type: REG_DWORD
Value data: (available port)

Restart the Netlogon service for the new setting to become effective.


When you use the DCTcpipPort registry entry, and you set it to the same port as the TCP/IP Port registry entry, you receive Netlogon error event 5809 under NTDS\Parameters. This indicates that the port configured is in use, and you should choose a different port.

You’ll receive the same event when you have a unique port, and you restart the Netlogon service on the domain controller. This behavior is by design. It occurs because of the way the RPC runtime manages its server ports. The port will be used after the restart, and the event can be ignored.

Administrators should confirm that the communication over the specified port is enabled if any intermediate network devices or software is used to filter packets between the domain controllers.

Frequently, you must also manually set the File Replication Service (FRS) RPC port because AD and FRS replication replicate with the same Domain Controllers. The FRS RPC port should use a different port.

Don’t assume that clients only use the Netlogon RPC services and thus only the setting DCTcpipPort is required. Clients are also using other RPC services such as SamRPC, LSARPC, and also the Directory Replication Services (DRS) interface. You should always configure both registry settings and open both ports on the firewall.

Known issues

After you specify the ports, you may encounter the following issues:

To resolve the issues, install the updates mentioned in the articles.

Source :

Announcing OSV-Scanner: Vulnerability Scanner for Open Source

Posted by Rex Pan, software engineer, Google Open Source Security Team

Today, we’re launching the OSV-Scanner, a free tool that gives open source developers easy access to vulnerability information relevant to their project.

Last year, we undertook an effort to improve vulnerability triage for developers and consumers of open source software. This involved publishing the Open Source Vulnerability (OSV) schema and launching the service, the first distributed open source vulnerability database. OSV allows all the different open source ecosystems and vulnerability databases to publish and consume information in one simple, precise, and machine readable format.

The OSV-Scanner is the next step in this effort, providing an officially supported frontend to the OSV database that connects a project’s list of dependencies with the vulnerabilities that affect them.


Software projects are commonly built on top of a mountain of dependencies—external software libraries you incorporate into a project to add functionalities without developing them from scratch. Each dependency potentially contains existing known vulnerabilities or new vulnerabilities that could be discovered at any time. There are simply too many dependencies and versions to keep track of manually, so automation is required.

Scanners provide this automated capability by matching your code and dependencies against lists of known vulnerabilities and notifying you if patches or updates are needed. Scanners bring incredible benefits to project security, which is why the 2021 U.S. Executive Order for Cybersecurity included this type of automation as a requirement for national standards on secure software development.

The OSV-Scanner generates reliable, high-quality vulnerability information that closes the gap between a developer’s list of packages and the information in vulnerability databases. Since the database is open source and distributed, it has several benefits in comparison with closed source advisory databases and scanners:

  • Each advisory comes from an open and authoritative source (e.g. the RustSec Advisory Database)
  • Anyone can suggest improvements to advisories, resulting in a very high quality database
  • The OSV format unambiguously stores information about affected versions in a machine-readable format that precisely maps onto a developer’s list of packages
  • The above all results in fewer, more actionable vulnerability notifications, which reduces the time needed to resolve them

Running OSV-Scanner on your project will first find all the transitive dependencies that are being used by analyzing manifests, SBOMs, and commit hashes. The scanner then connects this information with the OSV database and displays the vulnerabilities relevant to your project.

OSV-Scanner is also integrated into the OpenSSF Scorecard’s Vulnerabilities check, which will extend the analysis from a project’s direct vulnerabilities to also include vulnerabilities in all its dependencies. This means that the 1.2M projects regularly evaluated by Scorecard will have a more comprehensive measure of their project security.

What else is new for OSV?

The OSV project has made lots of progress since our last post in June last year. The OSV schema has seen significant adoption from vulnerability databases such as GitHub Security Advisories and Android Security Bulletins. Altogether now supports 16 ecosystems, including all major language ecosystems, Linux distributions (Debian and Alpine), as well as Android, Linux Kernel, and OSS-Fuzz. This means the database is now the biggest open source vulnerability database of its kind, with a total of over 38,000 advisories from 15,000 advisories a year ago.

The website also had a complete overhaul, and now has a better UI and provides more information on each vulnerability. Prominent open source projects have also started to rely on, such as DependencyTrack and Flutter.

What’s next?

There’s still a lot to do! Our plan for OSV-Scanner is not just to build a simple vulnerability scanner; we want to build the best vulnerability management tool—something that will also minimize the burden of remediating known vulnerabilities. Here are some of our ideas for achieving this:

  • The first step is further integrating with developer workflows by offering standalone CI actions, allowing for easy setup and scheduling to keep track of new vulnerabilities.
  • Improve C/C++ vulnerability support: One of the toughest ecosystems for vulnerability management is C/C++, due to the lack of a canonical package manager to identify C/C++ software. OSV is filling this gap by building a high quality database of C/C++ vulnerabilities by adding precise commit level metadata to CVEs.
  • We are also looking to add unique features to OSV-Scanner, like the ability to utilize specific function level vulnerability information by doing call graph analysis, and to be able to automatically remediate vulnerabilities by suggesting minimal version bumps that provide the maximal impact.
  • VEX support: Automatically generating VEX statements using, for example, call graph analysis.

Try out OSV-Scanner today!

You can download and try out OSV-Scanner on your projects by following instructions on our new website Or alternatively, to automatically run OSV-Scanner on your GitHub project, try Scorecard. Please feel free to let us know what you think! You can give us feedback either by opening an issue on our Github, or through the OSV mailing list.

Source :

Spikes in Attacks Serve as a Reminder to Update Plugins

The Wordfence Threat Intelligence team continually monitors trends in the attack data we collect. Occasionally an unusual trend will arise from this data, and we have spotted one such trend standing out over the Thanksgiving holiday in the U.S. and the first weekend in December. Attack attempts have spiked for vulnerabilities in two plugins.

The larger spikes have been from attempts to exploit an arbitrary file upload vulnerability in Kaswara Modern VC Addons <= version 3.0.1, for which a rule was added to the Wordfence firewall and available to Wordfence PremiumWordfence Care, and Wordfence Response users on April 21, 2021 and released to users of Wordfence Free on May 21, 2021. The other vulnerability is an arbitrary file upload and arbitrary file deletion vulnerability in the Adning Advertising plugin with versions <= 1.5.5, with our firewall rule being added on June 25, 2020 and made available to free users on July 25, 2020.

Kaswara and Adning exploit attempts per day

One thing that makes these spikes interesting is the fact that they are occurring over holidays and weekends. The first spike began on November 24, 2022, which was the Thanksgiving holiday in the United States. This spike lasted for three days. The second spike looked a little different, starting on Saturday, December 3, 2022, dropping on Sunday, and finishing with its peak on Monday. These spikes serve as an important reminder that malicious actors are aware that website administrators are not paying as close attention to their sites on holidays and weekends. This makes holidays and weekends a desirable time for attacks to be attempted.

During these spikes, exploit attempts have been observed against the Kaswara vulnerability on 1,969,494 websites, and on 1,075,458 sites against the Adning vulnerability. In contrast, the normal volume of sites with exploit attempts being blocked is an average of 256,700 for the Kaswara vulnerability, and 374,801 for the Adning vulnerability.

Kaswara and Adning sites comparison with spikes

The Kaswara Modern VC Addons plugin had more than 10,000 installations at the time the vulnerability was disclosed on April 21, 2021, and has since been closed without a patch being released. As long as this plugin is installed, it leaves the site vulnerable to attacks that make it possible for unauthenticated attackers upload malicious files that could ultimately lead to a full site takeover due to the fact that the ability to upload PHP files to servers hosting WordPress makes remote code execution possible. Any WordPress website administrators who are still using the plugin should immediately remove the plugin and replace it with a suitable alternative if the functionality is still required for the site, even if you are protected by the Wordfence firewall, as the plugin has not been maintained and may contain other issues. We estimate that about 8,000 WordPress users are still impacted by a vulnerable version, making them an easy target.

The Adning Advertising plugin had more than 8,000 users when our Threat Intelligence team performed our initial investigation of vulnerability on June 24, 2020. After some analysis, we found two vulnerabilities in the plugin, one that would allow an unauthenticated attacker to upload arbitrary files, also leading to easy site takeover. We also found an unauthenticated arbitrary file deletion vulnerability that could just as easily be used for complete site compromise by deleting the wp-config.php file. After we notified the plugin’s author of the vulnerabilities, they quickly worked to release a patched version within 24 hours. Any users of the Adning Advertising plugin should immediately update to the latest version, currently 1.6.3, but version 1.5.6 is the minimum version that includes the patch. We estimate that about 680 WordPress users are still impacted by a vulnerable version of this plugin.

The key takeaway from these attack attempts is to make sure your website components are kept up to date with the latest security updates. When a theme or plugin, or even the WordPress core, has an update available, it should be updated as soon as safely possible for the website. Leaving unpatched vulnerabilities on the website opens a website up to possible attack.

Cyber Observables

The following are the common observables we have logged in these exploit attempts. If any of these are observed on a website or in logs, it is an indication that one of these vulnerabilities has been exploited. The IP addresses listed are specifically from the spikes we have seen over the Thanksgiving holiday and the first weekend in December.


Top ten IPs
Common Uploaded Filenames

There were quite a few variations of randomly named six-letter filenames, two are referenced below, but each one observed used the .zip extension.

Top Ten User-Agent Strings
  • Mozlila/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0; SM-G892A Bulid/NRD90M; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/60.0.3112.107 Moblie Safari/537.36
  • Mozlila/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0; SM-G892A Bulid/NRD90M; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/60.0.3112.107 Moblie Safari/537.36 X-Middleton/1
  • Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/36.0.1985.67 Safari/537.36
  • Amazon CloudFront
  • Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/80.0.3987.132 Safari/537.36
  • Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2224.3 Safari/537.36
  • Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/49.0.2656.18 Safari/537.36
  • Mozilla/5.0 (X11; OpenBSD i386) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/36.0.1985.125 Safari/537.36
  • Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/55.0.2919.83 Safari/537.36
  • Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_2) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/52.0.2762.73 Safari/537.36


Top Ten IPs
Common Uploaded Filenames

Most observed exploit attempts against the Adning plugin appeared to be nothing more than probing for the vulnerability, but in one instance the following filename was observed as a payload.

  • files
Top Ten User-Agent Strings
  • python-requests/2.28.1
  • Mozlila/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0; SM-G892A Bulid/NRD90M; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/60.0.3112.107 Moblie Safari/537.36
  • Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:88.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/88.0
  • Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
  • python-requests/2.28.1 X-Middleton/1
  • python-requests/2.26.0
  • python-requests/2.27.1
  • Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7; @longcat) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
  • Mozlila/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0; SM-G892A Bulid/NRD90M; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/60.0.3112.107 Moblie Safari/537.36 X-Middleton/1
  • ALittle Client

In this post we discussed two vulnerabilities that have spiked over the past two weekends. Removing or updating vulnerable plugins is always the best solution, but a Web Application Firewall like the one provided by Wordfence is important to block exploit attempts and can even protect your site from attacks targeting unknown vulnerabilities. The Wordfence firewall protects all Wordfence users, including Wordfence FreeWordfence PremiumWordfence Care, and Wordfence Response, against these vulnerabilities. Even with this protection in place, these vulnerabilities are serious as they can lead to full site takeover, and the Kaswara Modern VC Addons should be immediately removed, and the Adning Advertising plugin should immediately be updated.

Source :

Google’s Virtual Desktop of the Future

Nick Yeager

Manager, Google Computing

Did you know that most Google employees rely on virtual desktops to get their work done? This represents a paradigm shift in client computing at Google, and was especially critical during the pandemic and the remote work revolution. We’re excited to continue enabling our employees to be productive, anywhere! This post covers the history of virtual desktops and details the numerous benefits Google has seen from their implementation.


In 2018, Google began the development of virtual desktops in the cloud. A whitepaper was published detailing how virtual desktops were created with Google Cloud, running on Google Compute Engine, as an alternative to physical workstations. Further research had shown that it was feasible to move our physical workstation fleet to these virtual desktops in the cloud. The research began with user experience analysis – looking into how employee satisfaction of cloud workstations compared with physical desktops. Researchers found that user satisfaction of cloud desktops was higher than that of their physical desktop counterparts! This was a monumental moment for cloud-based client computing at Google, and this discovery led to additional analyses of Compute Engine to understand if it could become our preferred (virtual) workstation platform of the future.

Today, Google’s internal use of virtual desktops has increased dramatically. Employees all over the globe use a mix of virtual Linux and Windows desktops on Compute Engine to complete their work. Whether an employee is writing code, accessing production systems, troubleshooting issues, or driving productivity initiatives, virtual desktops are providing them with the compute they need to get their work done. Access to virtual desktops is simple: some employees access their virtual desktop instances via Secure Shell (SSH), while others use Chrome Remote Desktop — a graphical access tool. 

In addition to simplicity and accessibility, Google has realized a number of benefits from virtual desktops. We’ve seen an enhanced security posture, a boost to our sustainability initiatives, and a reduction in maintenance effort associated with our IT infrastructure. All these improvements were achieved while improving the user experience compared to our physical workstation fleet.

Example of Google Data Center

Analyzing Cloud vs Physical Desktops

Let’s look deeper into the analysis Google performed to compare cloud virtual desktops and physical desktops. Researchers compared cloud and physical desktops on five core pillars: user experience, performance, sustainability, security, and efficiency.

User Experience

Before the transition to virtual desktops got underway, user experience researchers wanted to know more about how they would affect employee happiness. They discovered that employees embraced the benefits that virtual desktops offered. This included freeing up valuable desk space to provide an always-on, always available compute experience, accessible from anywhere in the world, and reduced maintenance overhead compared to physical desktops. 


From a performance perspective, cloud desktops are simply better than physical desktops. For example, running on Compute Engine makes it easy to spin-up on-demand virtual instances with predictable compute and performance – a task that is significantly more difficult with a physical workstation vendor. Virtual desktops rely on a mix of Virtual Machine (VM) families that Google developed based on the performance needs of our users. These include Google Compute Engine E2 high-efficiency instances, which employees might use for day-to-day tasks, to higher-performance N2/N2D instances, which employees might use for more demanding machine learning jobs. Compute Engine offers a VM shape for practically any computing workflow. Additionally, employees no longer have to worry about machine upgrades (to increase performance, for example) because our entire fleet of virtual desktops can be upgraded to new shapes (with more CPU and RAM) with a single config change and a simple reboot — all within a matter of minutes. Plus, Compute Engine continues to add features and new machine types, which means our capabilities only continue to grow in this space.


Google cares deeply about sustainability and has been carbon neutral since 2007. Moving from physical desktops to virtual desktops on Compute Engine brings us closer to Google sustainability goals of a net-neutral desktop computing fleet. Our internal facilities team has praised virtual desktops as a win for future workspace planning, because a reduction in physical workstations could also mean a reduction in first-time construction costs of new buildings, significant (up to 30%) campus energy reductions, and even further reductions in costs associated with HVAC needs and circuit size needs at our campuses. Lastly, a reduction in physical workstations also contributes to a reduction in physical e-waste and a reduction in the carbon associated with transporting workstations from their factory of origin to office locations. At Google’s scale, these changes lead to an immense win from a sustainability standpoint. 


By their very nature, virtual desktops mitigate the ability for a bad actor to exfiltrate data or otherwise compromise physical desktop hardware since there is no desktop hardware to compromise in the first place. This means attacks such as USB attacks, evil maid attacks, and similar techniques for subverting security that require direct hardware access become worries of the past. Additionally, the transition to cloud-based virtual desktops also brings with it an enhanced security posture through the use of Google Cloud’s myriad security features including Confidential ComputingvTPMs, and more. 


In the past, it was not uncommon for employees to spend days waiting for IT to deliver new machines or fix physical workstations. Today, cloud-based desktops can be created instantaneously on-demand and resized on-demand. They are always accessible, and virtually immune from maintenance-related issues. IT no longer has to deal with concerns like warranty claims, break-fix issues, or recycling. This time savings enables IT to focus on higher priority initiatives all while reducing their workload. With an enterprise the size of Google, these efficiency wins added up quickly. 

Considerations to Keep in Mind

Although Google has seen significant benefits with virtual desktops, there are some considerations to keep in mind before deciding if they are right for your enterprise. First, it’s important to recognize that migrating to a virtual fleet requires a consistently reliable and performant client internet connection. For remote/global employees, it’s important they’re located geographically near a Google Cloud Region (to minimize latency). Additionally, there are cases where physical workstations are still considered vital. These cases include users who need USB and other direct I/O access for testing/debugging hardware and users who have ultra low-latency graphics/video editing or CAD simulation needs. Finally, to ensure interoperability between these virtual desktops and the rest of our computing fleet, we did have to perform some additional engineering tasks to integrate our asset management and other IT systems with the virtual desktops. Whether your enterprise needs such features and integration should be carefully analyzed before considering a solution such as this. However, should you ultimately conclude that cloud-based desktops are the solution for your enterprise, we’re confident you’ll realize many of the benefits we have!

Tying It All Together

Although moving Google employees to virtual desktops in the clouds was a significant engineering undertaking, the benefits have been just as significant.  Making this switch has boosted employee productivity and satisfaction, enhanced security, increased efficiency, and provided noticeable improvements in performance and user experience. In short, cloud-based desktops are helping us transform how Googlers get their work done. During the pandemic, we saw the benefits of virtual desktops in a critical time. Employees had access to their virtual desktop from anywhere in the world, which kept our workforce safer and reduced transmission vectors for COVID-19. We’re excited for a future where more and more of our employees are computing in the cloud as we continue to embrace the work-from-anywhere model and as we continue to add new features and enhanced capabilities to Compute Engine!

Source :

How to Protect Your Microsoft Exchange Server 2019 with CrowdSec

Follow this step-by-step guide on installing CrowdSec on a Microsoft Exchange server to better protect against common cyberattacks and new threats.

This article is a direct translation of Florian Burnel’s article published on IT Connect. You can find the original article here.

We also have an article on installing CrowdSec on a Windows server with a tutorial on blocking brute force attacks on an RDP connection and blocking a scan of a website hosted on an IIS server.

I. Presentation

In this tutorial, we will dive into how to secure a Microsoft Exchange mail server with the CrowdSec collaborative firewall! Installing CrowdSec on a Microsoft Exchange server will allow you to protect against common attacks but also new threats.

A good example is the security breach ProxyNotShell which made headlines in October 2022: CrowdSec can detect exploit attempts and block malicious IP addresses, thanks to the fact that it contains a collection for IIS and attacks based on HTTP/HTTPS protocols. Other examples are more classic cases: brute force attacks on the Exchange webmail interface.

Due to how it functions, an Exchange server will be exposed to the Internet depending on the architecture of your IS (for example, the presence or absence of a reverse proxy). However, it must be able to communicate outward and also be reachable from the outside to send and receive emails to your users’ mailboxes.

This same server is also reachable through Webmail which allows users to check their emails from a browser. This implies the presence of an IIS web server that hosts both Webmail and Exchange Admin Center. Furthermore, when an Exchange server is compromised by a cyberattack, this mainly involves HTTP/HTTPS access: hence the interest in protecting yourself.

CrowdSec Windows - Protect OWA

This article is a continuation of my first article on installing an Exchange Server 2019 server. For the installation of the Microsoft Exchange Server itself, I invite you to read my previous tutorial.

In addition, I also encourage you to restrict access to the Exchange admin center.

II. Setting up CrowdSec on Windows

A. Installing the CrowdSec Agent

I already wrote about how to install CrowdSec on Windows in a previous article, but that was the Alpha version. Now, the CrowdSec agent for Windows is available in a stable version, which means that it is ready to be implemented in production.

Note: if you have previously installed the alpha version on your server, you must uninstall it before installing this new CrowdSec version.

First, you must download the MSI package from the official CrowdSec GitHub repository.

While it is installing, the CrowdSec MSI package will perform the following actions:

  • Install CrowdSec itself
  • Integrate the Windows Collection (details are available here)
  • Register the CrowdSec instance with the Central API
  • Register the CrowdSec service within Windows (automatic start)

Once done, begin the installation. Just follow the steps without making any changes. Then, allow about 2 minutes for the Agent to fully install. 

Install CrowdSec on Windows for Exchange Server

As soon as the CrowdSec Agent is in place, we have access to the “cscli” command line which allows you to manage your CrowdSec instance from it.

To list current collections:

cscli collections list

To list the current bouncers (none by default):

cscli bouncers list

CrowdSec Windows - List collections and bouncers

B. Installing the ISS Collection

On Windows, CrowdSec natively sets up the “crowdsecurity/windows“, but it is not enough to protect your Exchange server. We will need to add the IIS collection, which will also add two more collections to detect web attacks.

This collection is installed from this command:

cscli collections install crowdsecurity/iis

In just a few seconds after adding, we can list the installed collections to see the presence of the new collections.

CrowdSec Windows - Lister les collections

To justify what I said in the introduction about the ProxyNotShell vulnerability, we can look at the details of the “crowdsecurity/http-cve” collection. Here, we can see the presence of a detection scenario named “crowdsecurity/CVE-2022-41082” corresponding to this vulnerability.

cscli collections inspect crowdsecurity/http-cve

CrowdSec Windows - http-cve collection details

Let’s go to the next step.

C. Installing Windows Firewall Bouncer

Now, we must set up the “firewall” bouncer for Windows, otherwise, attacks will be detected, but not blocked. Click on the following link, then on the “Download” button to download the MSI package:

The installation is done in only a few clicks: just follow the wizard.

CrowdSec Windows - Installation du bouncer firewall

Once done, the command below will make it possible to see the presence of the bouncer.

cscli bouncers list

CrowdSec Windows - Lister les bouncers

Let’s go to the next step.

D. Add IIS log support

For CrowdSec to focus on the logs generated by IIS, and by extension, corresponding to the access to the OWA and ECP portals of Exchange, we must indicate to it the paths to the log files it will analyze.

To do this, you will need to edit the following: 


In order to add the following lines:

use_time_machine: true
  - C:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\*\*.log
  type: iis

You can see the presence of a “dynamic” path which is characterized by the presence of the wildcard character: “C:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\*\*.log “. This value will allow CrowdSec to find and read log files located in the tree “C:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\

In addition to the path to the log files, this configuration block we just added contains a parameter named use_time_machine. It is important because IIS does not write logs in real-time in the log file, but it writes new events in blocks, every minute. Thanks to this parameter, CrowdSec will read the date and time of each line to find its way and process the events chronologically, this avoids false positives. 

However, if you are not using the log files, but the event viewer, you should use this piece of code and not the one mentioned above:

source: wineventlog
event_channel: Microsoft-IIS-Logging/Logs
event_ids:  - 6200
event_level: information
type: iis

Save the acquired.yaml file and you can close it.

Finally, we need to restart CrowdSec. This operation is done in PowerShell with this command:

Restart-Service crowdsec

CrowdSec setup is complete! Now let’s test it!

III. Is the Exchange server protected?

A. Brute force on OWA – Webmail Exchange 

There are several possible methods to perform a brute force attack on OWA. Of course, you could do this manually for testing, but you could also use something a bit more automated to simulate a brute-force attack. As for us, we will use a Bash script named “OWA BRUTE” that executes Hydra (an offensive tool compatible with many protocols to test a service’s authentication, equipment, etc. ) with specific parameters corresponding to Outlook Web Access.

The script is available on GitHub.

First, we need to install Hydra and Git. The first one is a prerequisite to use the script and perform our attack, while the second one will be used to clone the GitHub repository to get the Bash script (you can also copy and paste the script in a file…).

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install hydra git

Once this is done, we clone the GitHub project in “/home/florian”:

cd /home/florian/

git clone

Then, we create a file “users.txt” in which we indicate some names of users. You can also recover a list on the Internet.

nano /home/florian/owabrute/users.txt

In the same sense, we create a file “passwords.txt” with the passwords to test.

nano /home/florian/owabrute/passwords.txt

Then, we move to the OWA BRUTE directory to add the execution rights on the Bash script.

cd /home/florian/owabrute/

chmod +x

All that remains is to launch the attack by targeting “” and then using our previously created files.

./ -d -u ./users.txt -p ./passwords.txt

We can see that the script will test each combination. At the end, it will indicate if it has succeeded or not in finding a valid combination. However, CrowdSec will intervene…

We can see that the script will test each combination, in turn.  In the end, it will indicate whether or not it succeeded in finding a valid combination.  However, CrowdSec will intervene....

Indeed, if I look at my Exchange server, I can see that there is a new IP address blocked because of brute force (“crowdsecurity/windows-bf”). The CrowdSec agent has correctly blocked the IP address that caused this attack.


Since we are here to test, we can unblock our IP address manually:

cscli decisions delete –ip X.X.X.X

Let’s move on to a second test.

B. Scan Web on OWA

In the case where someone tries to scan your Web server, when IIS is used by Exchange, they can rely on various tools including Nikto which is used to analyze the security level of a Web server. For this example, OWA will be scanned with the Nikto tool: we will see if CrowdSec detects what is happening on the IIS server…

First of all, let’s install this tool:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install nikto

Then, we launch the scan to webmail:

nikto -h

The analysis will take several minutes…

The analysis will take several minutes...

…Except that after a while, CrowdSec will realize that this web client is performing suspicious actions and it will decide to block it. In the example below, we can see the reason “http-sensitive-files” which means that the client tried to access sensitive files.

In this second example, where we performed a completely different action compared to the first attempt, CrowdSec also managed to detect our malicious actions.

IV. Conclusion

We have just seen how to set up the CrowdSec agent on Windows to protect a Microsoft Exchange mail server! Here, I took the example of Exchange Server 2019, but it also applies to previous versions. With these two quick, but concrete examples, we could see the efficiency of CrowdSec!

I’ll also take this moment to remind you of the existence of the CrowdSec Console which allows you to follow the alerts raised by one or more CrowdSec Agents from a web-based console. To learn more about the implementation and all the functionalities, you can visit the Console page.


Florian Burnel

Source :

Pixel 7a renders leak providing a first look at the new Google mid-range

Pixel 7a Renders Leak

Rumors regarding the upcoming midrange Google Pixel phone – the Pixel 7a, have been swirling around for some time now with specs that seem more akin to a flagship phone than Google’s usual summer phone release. While some rumors say that the Pixel 7a could ship with a ceramic body, an upgraded camera setup, the same Tensor G2 processor, wireless charging, and a high-refresh-rate screen, high-resolution renders have now leaked that shed light on some, but not all, of the speculations. These renders come to us via Smartprix and OnLeaks, which include not only views of the device from different angles but also a 360-degree video for a more detailed look.360-degree view of the Pixel 7a render

The device retains the familiar Pixel design language with the camera bar that has been its iconic look since the Pixel 6. However, unlike the one found in the 6a, which was enclosed in all glass, this camera bar looks to be enveloped in brushed aluminum, although we cannot confirm the exact material just by looking at the renders. In comparison to the Pixel 6a, the dimensions reveal that the 7a will be just about the same height but will be a bit wider and thicker (152.4 x 72.9 x 9.0mm on the Pixel 7a vs. 152.2 x 71.8 x 8.9 mm on the Pixel 6a), but the difference seems so minimal it may not even register during day to day use.

When viewing the device from the front, one could see the noticeable larger bezels and thicker chin, which isn’t surprising for a Google mid-tier device. A punch-hole camera is found in the top-middle of the display, just like its predecessor, and the power button, volume rocker, and USB-C port seem to have been kept in the same location as well. Unfortunately, though, just like the Pixel 6a, there is no headphone jack in sight.

The leak also reports that the device will be available in two colorways, white and dark gray, with the white color chosen as the one pictured in the renders that features a silver frame around the device to match the same color of the camera bar. It is unknown if the dark gray option will have darker or even black rails and whether the camera bar will come in a matching color as well. Hopefully, there will be a third, more colorful option, just like “Lemongrass” was for the Pixel 6a.

Some of the rumors that remain unanswered by this leak include the material on the outside of the device, and frankly, with the renders being white, it does very little to debunk whether it will be ceramic or not. We also have no way of confirming one of the hottest rumors surrounding this device, which is its supposed 90Hz display, a detail that has made quite a few Pixel fans very happy. It looks like we’re going to have to wait a bit longer to get a bit more info, but knowing how these things usually go, we are probably not far off from the next 7a leak.

Source :

Pixel Android 13 December update rolls out with lots of fixes

Pixel Software Update December 2022

Yesterday, new software features arrived to the Pixel family of devices via the usual Pixel Feature Drop. The new features for the Pixel phone included the promised free Google One VPN, Clear Calling, Recorder app speaker labels, Spatial Audio, new live wallpapers, and unified Security & Privacy settings, among others. Here is a summary of feature availability per device:

Source / ✝ Only available in English (US)

However, aside from the new exciting features, Pixel phones also received their monthly software update for December 2022 as well as the final and stable release for those enrolled in the Android 13 QPR1 betaEssentially, the December 2022 update (Build TQ1A.221205.011) includes the Pixel Feature drop plus the latest platform optimizations, bug fixes, and security patches that address areas such as device performance, stability, and connectivity. The list of issues fixed can be found below and it’s quite long:


  • Fix for issue causing text input to certain fields in the Phone app to display in a darker color
  • Fix for issue occasionally causing playback errors when seeking through video content in certain apps
  • Fix for issue occasionally preventing text messages from restoring from cloud backups during device setup
  • General improvements for background performance in certain Google apps


  • General improvements for USB audio support for various cables or accessories *[1]
  • General improvements to support various audio codecs with certain devices or accessories *[4]

Battery & Charging

  • Battery usage in Settings displays information since last full charge (up to 7 days) 
  • Fix for issue occasionally causing device to power off while Battery Share is active *[4]
  • Fix for issue occasionally causing higher battery usage during media playback with certain apps *[2]
  • Fix for issue occasionally preventing Adaptive charging from working in certain conditions *[2]
  • Fix for issue occasionally preventing wireless charging from working with certain accessories *[2]
  • General improvements for charging, battery usage or thermal performance in certain conditions *[1]


  • Fix for issue occasionally causing audio to skip when played over certain Bluetooth devices or accessories *[2]
  • Fix for issue occasionally delaying when the fingerprint icon is displayed on the lock screen *[1]
  • Fix for issue occasionally preventing fingerprint sensor from detecting touch while always-on display is active *[3]
  • Fix for issue where fingerprint enrollment may occasionally display visual glitches in certain conditions *[1]
  • Improvements for face unlock lock screen helper text shown in certain conditions *[2]


  • Fix for issue causing music playback to continue without audible sound after ending a call while using certain Bluetooth accessories *[2]
  • Fix for issue occasionally causing audio to skip when played over certain Bluetooth devices or accessories *[2]
  • Fix for issue occasionally preventing audio switching between connected Bluetooth devices in certain conditions
  • Fix for issue occasionally preventing Bluetooth Low Energy devices from displaying a device name during pairing
  • Fix for issue occasionally preventing connection to car head units using older Bluetooth versions
  • Fix for issue occasionally preventing discovery of certain Bluetooth devices or accessories 
  • Fix for issue occasionally preventing previously paired Bluetooth devices from reconnecting
  • General improvements for Bluetooth stability and performance in certain conditions


  • Fix for issue occasionally causing Camera app to crash while zoomed in or switching modes *[2]
  • Fix for issue occasionally causing viewfinder preview to display a blank screen *[2]
  • Fix for issue where video that is recorded while switching between camera modes occasionally shows gaps in playback *[2]
  • General improvements for camera stability and performance in certain conditions

Display & Graphics

  • Fix for issue occasionally causing screen to flicker when waking from always-on display 
  • Fix for issue occasionally causing visual artifacts or glitches while using certain apps or games *[3]


  • Fix for issue occasionally causing notifications to display in a different color theme from the system
  • Fix for issue occasionally causing the wrong character to display after a new line in certain apps or UI elements
  • Fix for issue occasionally causing Work Profile app notifications to appear even if Work Profile is paused
  • Fix for issue occasionally preventing certain apps to rotate to landscape orientation
  • Fix for issue occasionally preventing keyboard from being dismissed while using certain apps


  • Fix for issue occasionally preventing “tap to wake” or “lift to wake” from working in certain conditions *[1]
  • Fix for issue occasionally preventing Adaptive brightness from activating in certain conditions
  • Fix for issue occasionally preventing Quick Tap from triggering app or system shortcuts in certain conditions
  • Fix to improve Adaptive brightness transitions during phone calls in certain conditions *[1]
  • General improvements for proximity sensor performance under certain lighting conditions *[1]


  • General improvements for system stability and performance in certain conditions
  • General improvements to optimize device thermal performance in certain conditions or use cases *[1]


  • Fix for issue causing reduced network or call stability under certain conditions *[2]
  • Fix for issue occasionally preventing network SIM cards from activating in certain conditions *[3]
  • General improvements for network connection stability and performance in certain conditions
  • General improvements for network connectivity after toggling airplane mode off
  • General improvements for switching between 3G to 4G on certain carrier networks
  • General improvements for VPN connection stability and performance on mobile networks under certain conditions
  • General improvements for Wi-Fi calling stability and performance for certain carriers or networks
  • Improve dual SIM network connectivity in certain conditions *[3]
  • Improve RCS messaging stability under certain conditions *[2]


  • General improvements for touch response and performance in certain conditions *[1]

User Interface

  • Change for home screen search bar behavior to open the Google app when tapping the G logo
  • Fix for issue occasionally causing “Pause work apps” button display over app drawer or in the wrong position
  • Fix for issue occasionally causing certain Settings toggles to appear disabled, or set to the wrong state
  • Fix for issue occasionally causing device color theme to change unexpectedly
  • Fix for issue occasionally causing home screen app icons to appear duplicated after adjusting grid size
  • Fix for issue occasionally causing home screen widgets or icons to appear small or scaled down in certain conditions
  • Fix for issue occasionally causing media player controls to appear invisible or hidden in notification shade
  • Fix for issue occasionally causing notification overflow dot to overlay app icons on lock screen
  • Fix for issue occasionally causing notifications to disappear or appear invisible in notification shade
  • Fix for issue occasionally causing screenshot captures to fail in certain conditions
  • Fix for issue occasionally causing suggested apps in Search to overlap or display over results
  • Fix for issue occasionally causing text to appear incorrectly cutoff or truncated at different font sizes
  • Fix for issue occasionally causing UI to reset after adjusting display resolution
  • Fix for issue occasionally causing wallpaper to appear black or empty in certain conditions
  • Fix for issue occasionally enabling touch interaction during the lock screen transition after screen is turned off
  • Fix for issue occasionally preventing media player album art from updating when content changes
  • Fix for issue occasionally preventing media player controls from displaying on lock screen
  • Fix for issue occasionally preventing screen to appear blank or frozen after launching certain apps
  • Fix for issue where incoming notifications would occasionally display over others listed in the notification shade
  • Fix to improve responsiveness of At A Glance home and lock screen widget for certain conditions or use cases
  • Fix to improve spacing for certain UI modals in device setup and Settings
  • General improvements for performance in certain UI transitions and animations


  • Fix for issue occasionally preventing hotspot from turning on in certain conditions *[1]
  • General improvements for Wi-Fi network connection stability & performance in certain conditions *[1]

*[1] Included on Pixel 6, Pixel 6 Pro, Pixel 6a, Pixel 7, Pixel 7 Pro
*[2] Included on Pixel 7, Pixel 7 Pro
*[3] Included on Pixel 6, Pixel 6 Pro, Pixel 6a
*[4] Included on Pixel 6, Pixel 6 Pro, Pixel 7, Pixel 7 Pro

All Pixel devices running Android 13 (Pixel 4a, 5, 5a, 6, 6 Pro, 6a, 7, 7 Pro) began receiving these upgrades yesterday. The rollout will continue over the next week in phases, so if your eligible device doesn’t show the update available yet, you may just need to wait a few more days. However, once the OTA (over-the-air) update becomes available for your device, you will receive a notification.

Source :

How to keep your Gmail Inbox free of Spam and Promotions

Gmail Spam Featured Image

Using its time-tested and refined algorithms, Gmail does a pretty good job of trying to keep our inboxes free of Spam, Junk emails, and unwanted promotions. It even utilizes inbox tabs to categorize your promotions, social, updates, and forum emails and keep them out of your primary email tab where your actual new emails are shown. However, even with all of these tools, filtering out unwanted emails is not 100% perfect, and a little manual input from us can go a long way. There are three ways that you can train Gmail to filter out unwanted emails from your inbox, which are as follows:

Inbox Categories

The first is the aforementioned inbox categories that can separate certain types of emails and display them on a different tab. Although initially done programmatically, this can be further tweaked so that you have the desired results.

To turn this feature on, navigate to your Gmail settings, then click on the Inbox tabMake sure the Inbox type is set to “Default,” then add a checkmark to the categories you wish to have in a separate tab. If you just want to keep out marketing emails, add a check to the “Promotions” category, then “Save Changes.”

You will now have a “Promotions” tab in your emails that you have the option to check if desired. If you see emails in there that you’d rather go straight to your Primary tab, just drag it out and into the main tab. Gmail will then ask if you would like for it to automatically do the same for future emails from the same sender.

I just want the steps!

  1. Go to Gmail settings
  2. Click on the Inbox tab
  3. Make sure the Inbox type is set to “Default”
  4. Add a check to the “Promotions” category
  5. Click on “Save Changes”

Gmail Filters

Utilizing Gmail filters is a manual process at first, but completely pays off once it’s set up and starts automatically filtering based on the parameters you have set. You can be very deliberate with your email filters, setting specific email addresses and/or domains to automatically go to Spam, or you can be more general and block out an entire email list that you may have been unwillingly made a part of. To do this, open the Spam email you would like to filter out in the future, then click on the three-dot menu, and select “Filter messages like these.”

Depending on the email, if Gmail detects that this was sent to a mailing list and not you directly, you will see an option to filter the email based on the list itself. Click on “Create filter,” and then choose to either archive or delete the email. If there are other emails in your inbox that match this filter, you should also see an option to apply it to all the matching conversations. Once you’ve chosen your desired action(s), click on “Create filter.”

I just want the steps!

  1. Open the Spam email you would like to filter out in the future
  2. Click on the three-dot menu
  3. Select “Filter messages like these”
  4. Click on “Create filter,” and then choose to either archive or delete the email
  5. Select option to apply it to all the matching conversations
  6. Click on “Create filter”

Reporting Spam in Inbox

Lastly, you can train Gmail to programmatically unsubscribe from an email list, mark the email as Spam, or do both at the same time. The latter is the most effective and recommended method, as it not only tries to unsubscribe you from the list but also marks it as Spam in case unsubscribing doesn’t go through as it should.

To just unsubscribe, you can click on the “Unsubscribe” link that appears beside the sender’s email address. Once you click there, you will receive a notification asking you to confirm that you want to go ahead and unsubscribe.

To both unsubscribe and mark the email as Spam, click on the exclamation mark that appears in the menu above the email, then confirm that you want to form “Report spam and unsubscribe.”

I just want the steps!

  1. To just unsubscribe, click on the “Unsubscribe” link that appears beside the sender’s email address, then confirm by clicking the blue “Unsubscribe” button
  2. To both unsubscribe and mark the email as Spam, click on the exclamation mark that appears in the menu above the email
  3. At the confirmation popup, click on “Report spam and unsubscribe”

Source :

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