It may be necessary to provide support files to our team when troubleshooting issues. These contain detailed logs and information about what is happening with your UniFi system. Although sensitive information is generally removed, we do not recommend sharing these publicly.
There are two support files to be aware of:
- UniFi OS Support File: This contains logs related to your UniFi OS Console, the installed applications, your adopted UniFi devices, and the client devices connected.
Navigating to (or signing in locally via IP address) > select your UniFi OS Console > Console Settings > Download Support File. Note that it will have a *.tgz extension. - UniFi Network Support File: This only contains information about your UniFi Network application, your adopted UniFi Network devices, and the connected clients. This should only be used if you are self-hosting the UniFi Network application on a Windows, macOS or Linux machine.
Navigate to your UniFi Network Application > Settings > System > Download Network Support File. Note that it will have a *.supp extension.
If the UOS Console or UniFi applications are inaccessible and you are not able to download the support file, you can download the logs by following these instructions. Please note, our support engineer will provide detailed information on which of the following will be required for troubleshooting.
1. SSH into the machine: ssh root@
Note: If you need to change your SSH password, do so in the UniFi OS Settings, by navigating to (or signing in locally via IP address) > select your UniFi OS Console > Settings > System.
2. Create ZIP files for the logs. The commands’ format will be: tar -zcvf <file name> <folders path>.
- UniFi OS logs:
tar -zcvf unifi-core-logs.tar.gz /data/unifi-core/logs/
- UniFi local portal (ULP) logs:
tar -zcvf ulp-go-logs.tar.gz /data/ulp-go/log/
- UniFi Network logs:
- For UniFi Dream Machine consoles:
tar -zcvf unifi-logs.tar.gz /data/unifi/logs/
- For UniFi Cloud Key Gen2 consoles:
tar -zcvf unifi-logs.tar.gz /usr/lib/unifi/logs
- For UniFi Dream Machine consoles:
- UniFi Protect logs:
- Without external disks:
tar -zcvf unifi-protect-logs.tar.gz /data/unifi-protect/logs/
- With external disks:
tar -zcvf unifi-protect-logs.tar.gz /srv/unifi-protect/logs/
- Without external disks:
- UniFi Talk logs:
tar -zcvf unifi-talk-logs.tar.gz /var/log/unifi-talk/
tar -zcvf unifi-talk-base-logs.tar.gz /var/log/unifi-base/
tar -zcvf unifi-talk-freeswitch-logs.tar.gz /var/log/freeswitch/
- UniFi Connect logs:
tar -zcvf unifi-connect-logs.tar.gz /data/unifi-connect/log/
- System logs:
ubnt-systool support /tmp/system
tar zcvf system.tar.gz /tmp/system
3. Open a new terminal window and run the SCP command to copy the logs from the UniFi OS Console and onto your computer (or system).
Note: The period (.) in the path variable means it will be copied onto the currently opened directory in the terminal. And the asterisk (*) stands for “all”. So the following command will copy everything with the extension tar.gz (i.e. all the logs you prepared in Step 2).
scp root@\*.gz .
4. Close both terminal windows to close the sessions.
If other logs are needed, our support agent will guide you and provide the necessary commands.
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