Rename a computer in PowerShell

Rename-Computer command in PowerShell renames the local computer or remote computer name.

Rename-Computer cmdlet in PowerShell has a New-Name parameter to specify a new name for the target computer ( local or remote computer).

In this article, we will discuss how to rename a computer in PowerShell with examples.

Let’s understand Rename-Computer cmdlet in PowerShell to rename a local computer or remote computer with examples.

Table of Contents  hide 

1 Rename-Computer Syntax

2 Rename a Local Computer

3 Rename a Remote computer

4 PowerShell Rename a Computer on Domain

5 Conclusion

Rename-Computer Syntax

It renames a computer name to a specified new name.



[-ComputerName <String>]


[-DomainCredential <PSCredential>]

[-LocalCredential <PSCredential>]

[-NewName] <String>



[-WsmanAuthentication <String>]






Parameter renames the remote computer in PowerShell. The default is the local computer.

To rename a remote computer, specify the IP address, the domain name of the remote computer, or the NetBIOS name.

To specify the local computer name, use localhost, dot (.).


It specifies a new name for a computer. This parameter is mandatory to rename a computer. The name may contain alphanumeric, hyphens (-).


It specifies restart is required after the computer is renamed. Restart is required to reflect the changes.


It specifies a user account that has permission to connect to a remote computer in the domain and renames a computer joined in the domain with explicit credentials.

Use Domain\User or use the Get-Credential cmdlet to get user credentials.


The Force parameter forces the command to execute without user confirmation.

Let’s understand rename-computer cmdlet in PowerShell with examples.

Rename a Local Computer

To rename a local computer, use the rename-computer cmdlet in PowerShell as below

Rename-Computer -NewName “IN-CORP101” -Restart

In the above PowerShell, rename-computer renames a local computer name to IN-CORP101 specified by the NewName parameter. It will restart the local computer to reflect the change after the computer rename.

Rename a Remote computer

To rename a remote computer, use rename-computer cmdlet in PowerShell as below

Rename-Computer -ComputerName “IN-CORP01” -NewName “IN-CORP02” -Restart

In the above PowerShell script, rename-computer cmdlet renames a remote computer name. ComputerName parameter specify remote computer name and NewName parameter specify a new name for the computer.

After the computer is renamed, the remote computer will restart to reflect changes.

PowerShell Rename a Computer on Domain

To rename a computer on the domain, the user must have permission to connect to the domain. For explicit credentials, use Get-Credential cmdlet in PowerShell.

Let’s rename the computer on the domain using the rename-computer cmdlet in PowerShell.

Rename-Computer -ComputerName “EU-COPR10” -NewName “EU-CORP20” -DomainCredential ShellGeek\Admin -Force

In the above PowerShell script, Rename-Computer cmdlet renames a remote computer joined on a domain.

ComputerName specifies the remote computer name, NewName parameter specifies a new name for the computer.

DomainCredential parameter specify domain user ShellGeek\Admin who has permission to connect to the domain computer and rename a computer on the domain.


I hope the above article to rename a computer in PowerShell will help you to rename a local computer or remote computer.

Rename-Computer cmdlet in PowerShell doesn’t have a parameter that takes the input value and returns ComputerChangeInfo an object if you specify -PassThru a parameter else return does not return any value.

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