PowerShell – Hyper-V Cmdlets

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Add-VMDvdDriveAdds a DVD drive to a virtual machine.
Add-VMFibreChannelHbaAdds a virtual Fibre Channel host bus adapter to a virtual machine.
Add-VMGroupMemberAdds group members to a virtual machine group.
Add-VMHardDiskDriveAdds a hard disk drive to a virtual machine.
Add-VMMigrationNetworkAdds a network for virtual machine migration on one or more virtual machine hosts.
Add-VMNetworkAdapterAdds a virtual network adapter to a virtual machine.
Add-VMNetworkAdapterAclCreates an ACL to apply to the traffic through a virtual machine network adapter.
Add-VMNetworkAdapterExtendedAclCreates an extended ACL for a virtual network adapter.
Add-VMRemoteFx3dVideoAdapterAdds a RemoteFX video adapter in a virtual machine.
Add-VMScsiControllerAdds a SCSI controller in a virtual machine.
Add-VMStoragePathAdds a path to a storage resource pool.
Add-VMSwitchAdds a virtual switch to an Ethernet resource pool.
Add-VMSwitchExtensionPortFeatureAdds a feature to a virtual network adapter.
Add-VMSwitchExtensionSwitchFeatureAdds a feature to a virtual switch.
Add-VMSwitchTeamMemberAdds members to a virtual switch team.
Add-VmNetworkAdapterRoutingDomainMappingAdds a routing domain and virtual subnets to a virtual network adapter.
Checkpoint-VMCreates a checkpoint of a virtual machine.
Compare-VMCompares a virtual machine and a virtual machine host for compatibility, returning a compatibility report.
Complete-VMFailoverCompletes a virtual machine’s failover process on the Replica server.
Connect-VMNetworkAdapterConnects a virtual network adapter to a virtual switch.
Connect-VMSanAssociates a host bus adapter with a virtual storage area network (SAN).
Convert-VHDConverts the format, version type, and block size of a virtual hard disk file.
Copy-VMFileCopies a file to a virtual machine.
Debug-VMDebugs a virtual machine.
Disable-VMConsoleSupportDisables keyboard, video, and mouse for virtual machines.
Disable-VMEventingDisables virtual machine eventing.
Disable-VMIntegrationServiceDisables an integration service on a virtual machine.
Disable-VMMigrationDisables migration on one or more virtual machine hosts.
Disable-VMRemoteFXPhysicalVideoAdapterDisables one or more RemoteFX physical video adapters from use with RemoteFX-enabled virtual machines.
Disable-VMResourceMeteringDisables collection of resource utilization data for a virtual machine or resource pool.
Disable-VMSwitchExtensionDisables one or more extensions on one or more virtual switches.
Disable-VMTPMDisables TPM functionality on a virtual machine.
Disconnect-VMNetworkAdapterDisconnects a virtual network adapter from a virtual switch or Ethernet resource pool.
Disconnect-VMSanRemoves a host bus adapter from a virtual storage area network (SAN).
Dismount-VHDDismounts a virtual hard disk.
Enable-VMConsoleSupportEnables keyboard, video, and mouse for virtual machines.
Enable-VMEventingEnables virtual machine eventing.
Enable-VMIntegrationServiceEnables an integration service on a virtual machine.
Enable-VMMigrationEnables migration on one or more virtual machine hosts.
Enable-VMRemoteFXPhysicalVideoAdapterEnables one or more RemoteFX physical video adapters for use with RemoteFX-enabled virtual machines.
Enable-VMReplicationEnables replication of a virtual machine.
Enable-VMResourceMeteringCollects resource utilization data for a virtual machine or resource pool.
Enable-VMSwitchExtensionEnables one or more extensions on one or more switches.
Enable-VMTPMEnables TPM functionality on a virtual machine.
Export-VMExports a virtual machine to disk.
Export-VMSnapshotExports a virtual machine checkpoint to disk.
Get-VHDGets the virtual hard disk object associated with a virtual hard disk.
Get-VHDSetGets information about a VHD set.
Get-VHDSnapshotGets information about a checkpoint in a VHD set.
Get-VMGets the virtual machines from one or more Hyper-V hosts.
Get-VMBiosGets the BIOS of a virtual machine or snapshot.
Get-VMComPortGets the COM ports of a virtual machine or snapshot.
Get-VMConnectAccessGets entries showing users and the virtual machines to which they can connect on one or more Hyper-V hosts.
Get-VMDvdDriveGets the DVD drives attached to a virtual machine or snapshot.
Get-VMFibreChannelHbaGets the Fibre Channel host bus adapters associated with one or more virtual machines.
Get-VMFirmwareGets the firmware configuration of a virtual machine.
Get-VMFloppyDiskDriveGets the floppy disk drives of a virtual machine or snapshot.
Get-VMGroupGets virtual machine groups.
Get-VMHardDiskDriveGets the virtual hard disk drives attached to one or more virtual machines.
Get-VMHostGets a Hyper-V host.
Get-VMHostClusterGets virtual machine host clusters.
Get-VMHostNumaNodeGets the NUMA topology of a virtual machine host.
Get-VMHostNumaNodeStatusGets the status of the virtual machines on the non-uniform memory access (NUMA) nodes of a virtual machine host or hosts.
Get-VMHostSupportedVersionReturns a list of virtual machine configuration versions that are supported on a host.
Get-VMIdeControllerGets the IDE controllers of a virtual machine or snapshot.
Get-VMIntegrationServiceGets the integration services of a virtual machine or snapshot.
Get-VMKeyProtectorRetrieves a key protector for a virtual machine.
Get-VMMemoryGets the memory of a virtual machine or snapshot.
Get-VMMigrationNetworkGets the networks added for migration to one or more virtual machine hosts.
Get-VMNetworkAdapterGets the virtual network adapters of a virtual machine, snapshot, management operating system, or of a virtual machine and management operating system.
Get-VMNetworkAdapterAclGets the ACLs configured for a virtual machine network adapter.
Get-VMNetworkAdapterExtendedAclGets extended ACLs configured for a virtual network adapter.
Get-VMNetworkAdapterFailoverConfigurationGets the IP address of a virtual network adapter configured to be used when a virtual machine fails over.
Get-VMNetworkAdapterRoutingDomainMappingGets members of a routing domain.
Get-VMNetworkAdapterVlanGets the virtual LAN settings configured on a virtual network adapter.
Get-VMProcessorGets the processor of a virtual machine or snapshot.
Get-VMRemoteFXPhysicalVideoAdapterGets the RemoteFX physical graphics adapters on one or more Hyper-V hosts.
Get-VMRemoteFx3dVideoAdapterGets the RemoteFX video adapter of a virtual machine or snapshot.
Get-VMReplicationGets the replication settings for a virtual machine.
Get-VMReplicationAuthorizationEntryGets the authorization entries of a Replica server.
Get-VMReplicationServerGets the replication and authentication settings of a Replica server.
Get-VMResourcePoolGets the resource pools on one or more virtual machine hosts.
Get-VMSanGets the available virtual machine storage area networks on a Hyper-V host or hosts.
Get-VMScsiControllerGets the SCSI controllers of a virtual machine or snapshot.
Get-VMSecurityGets security information about a virtual machine.
Get-VMSnapshotGets the checkpoints associated with a virtual machine or checkpoint.
Get-VMStoragePathGets the storage paths in a storage resource pool.
Get-VMSwitchGets virtual switches from one or more virtual Hyper-V hosts.
Get-VMSwitchExtensionGets the extensions on one or more virtual switches.
Get-VMSwitchExtensionPortDataRetrieves the status of a virtual switch extension feature applied to a virtual network adapter.
Get-VMSwitchExtensionPortFeatureGets the features configured on a virtual network adapter.
Get-VMSwitchExtensionSwitchDataGets the status of a virtual switch extension feature applied on a virtual switch.
Get-VMSwitchExtensionSwitchFeatureGets the features configured on a virtual switch.
Get-VMSwitchTeamGets virtual switch teams from Hyper-V hosts.
Get-VMSystemSwitchExtensionGets the switch extensions installed on a virtual machine host.
Get-VMSystemSwitchExtensionPortFeatureGets the port-level features supported by virtual switch extensions on one or more Hyper-V hosts.
Get-VMSystemSwitchExtensionSwitchFeatureGets the switch-level features on one or more Hyper-V hosts.
Get-VMVideoGets video settings for virtual machines.
Get-VmNetworkAdapterIsolationGets isolation settings for a virtual network adapter.
Grant-VMConnectAccessGrants a user or users access to connect to a virtual machine or machines.
Import-VMImports a virtual machine from a file.
Import-VMInitialReplicationImports initial replication files for a Replica virtual machine to complete the initial replication when using external media as the source.
Measure-VMReports resource utilization data for one or more virtual machines.
Measure-VMReplicationGets replication statistics and information associated with a virtual machine.
Measure-VMResourcePoolReports resource utilization data for one or more resource pools.
Merge-VHDMerges virtual hard disks.
Mount-VHDMounts one or more virtual hard disks.
Move-VMMoves a virtual machine to a new Hyper-V host.
Move-VMStorageMoves the storage of a virtual machine.
New-VFDCreates a virtual floppy disk.
New-VHDCreates one or more new virtual hard disks.
New-VMCreates a new virtual machine.
New-VMGroupCreates a virtual machine group.
New-VMReplicationAuthorizationEntryCreates a new authorization entry that allows one or more primary servers to replicate data to a specified Replica server.
New-VMResourcePoolCreates a resource pool.
New-VMSanCreates a new virtual storage area network (SAN) on a Hyper-V host.
New-VMSwitchCreates a new virtual switch on one or more virtual machine hosts.
Optimize-VHDOptimizes the allocation of space used by virtual hard disk files, except for fixed virtual hard disks.
Optimize-VHDSetOptimizes VHD set files.
Remove-VHDSnapshotRemoves a checkpoint from a VHD set file.
Remove-VMDeletes a virtual machine.
Remove-VMDvdDriveDeletes a DVD drive from a virtual machine.
Remove-VMFibreChannelHbaRemoves a Fibre Channel host bus adapter from a virtual machine.
Remove-VMGroupRemoves a virtual machine group.
Remove-VMGroupMemberRemoves members from a virtual machine group.
Remove-VMHardDiskDriveDeletes a hard disk drive from a virtual machine.
Remove-VMMigrationNetworkRemoves a network from use with migration.
Remove-VMNetworkAdapterRemoves one or more virtual network adapters from a virtual machine.
Remove-VMNetworkAdapterAclRemoves an ACL applied to the traffic through a virtual network adapter.
Remove-VMNetworkAdapterExtendedAclRemoves an extended ACL for a virtual network adapter.
Remove-VMNetworkAdapterRoutingDomainMappingRemoves a routing domain from a virtual network adapter.
Remove-VMRemoteFx3dVideoAdapterRemoves a RemoteFX 3D video adapter from a virtual machine.
Remove-VMReplicationRemoves the replication relationship of a virtual machine.
Remove-VMReplicationAuthorizationEntryRemoves an authorization entry from a Replica server.
Remove-VMResourcePoolDeletes a resource pool from one or more virtual machine hosts.
Remove-VMSanRemoves a virtual storage area network (SAN) from a Hyper-V host.
Remove-VMSavedStateDeletes the saved state of a saved virtual machine.
Remove-VMScsiControllerRemoves a SCSI controller from a virtual machine.
Remove-VMSnapshotDeletes a virtual machine checkpoint.
Remove-VMStoragePathRemoves a path from a storage resource pool.
Remove-VMSwitchDeletes a virtual switch.
Remove-VMSwitchExtensionPortFeatureRemoves a feature from a virtual network adapter.
Remove-VMSwitchExtensionSwitchFeatureRemoves a feature from a virtual switch.
Remove-VMSwitchTeamMemberRemoves a member from a virtual machine switch team.
Rename-VMRenames a virtual machine.
Rename-VMGroupRenames virtual machine groups.
Rename-VMNetworkAdapterRenames a virtual network adapter on a virtual machine or on the management operating system.
Rename-VMResourcePoolRenames a resource pool on one or more Hyper-V hosts.
Rename-VMSanRenames a virtual storage area network (SAN).
Rename-VMSnapshotRenames a virtual machine checkpoint.
Rename-VMSwitchRenames a virtual switch.
Repair-VMRepairs one or more virtual machines.
Reset-VMReplicationStatisticsResets the replication statistics of a virtual machine.
Reset-VMResourceMeteringResets the resource utilization data collected by Hyper-V resource metering.
Resize-VHDResizes a virtual hard disk.
Restart-VMRestarts a virtual machine.
Restore-VMSnapshotRestores a virtual machine checkpoint.
Resume-VMResumes a suspended (paused) virtual machine.
Resume-VMReplicationResumes a virtual machine replication that is in a state of Paused, Error, Resynchronization Required, or Suspended.
Revoke-VMConnectAccessRevokes access for one or more users to connect to a one or more virtual machines.
Save-VMSaves a virtual machine.
Set-VHDSets properties associated with a virtual hard disk.
Set-VMConfigures a virtual machine.
Set-VMBiosConfigures the BIOS of a Generation 1 virtual machine.
Set-VMComPortConfigures the COM port of a virtual machine.
Set-VMDvdDriveConfigures a virtual DVD drive.
Set-VMFibreChannelHbaConfigures a Fibre Channel host bus adapter on a virtual machine.
Set-VMFirmwareSets the firmware configuration of a virtual machine.
Set-VMFloppyDiskDriveConfigures a virtual floppy disk drive.
Set-VMHardDiskDriveConfigures a virtual hard disk.
Set-VMHostConfigures a Hyper-V host.
Set-VMHostClusterConfigures a virtual machine host cluster.
Set-VMKeyProtectorConfigures a key protector for a virtual machine.
Set-VMMemoryConfigures the memory of a virtual machine.
Set-VMMigrationNetworkSets the subnet, subnet mask, and/or priority of a migration network.
Set-VMNetworkAdapterConfigures features of the virtual network adapter in a virtual machine or the management operating system.
Set-VMNetworkAdapterFailoverConfigurationConfigures the IP address of a virtual network adapter to be used when a virtual machine fails over.
Set-VMNetworkAdapterVlanConfigures the virtual LAN settings for the traffic through a virtual network adapter.
Set-VMProcessorConfigures one or more processors of a virtual machine.
Set-VMRemoteFx3dVideoAdapterConfigures the RemoteFX 3D video adapter of a virtual machine.
Set-VMReplicationModifies the replication settings of a virtual machine.
Set-VMReplicationAuthorizationEntryModifies an authorization entry on a Replica server.
Set-VMReplicationServerConfigures a host as a Replica server.
Set-VMResourcePoolSets the parent resource pool for a selected resource pool.
Set-VMSanConfigures a virtual storage area network (SAN) on one or more Hyper-V hosts.
Set-VMSecurityConfigures security settings for a virtual machine.
Set-VMSecurityPolicyConfigures the security policy for a virtual machine.
Set-VMSwitchConfigures a virtual switch.
Set-VMSwitchExtensionPortFeatureConfigures a feature on a virtual network adapter.
Set-VMSwitchExtensionSwitchFeatureConfigures a feature on a virtual switch.
Set-VMSwitchTeamConfigures a virtual switch team.
Set-VMVideoConfigures video settings for virtual machines.
Set-VmNetworkAdapterIsolationModifies isolation settings for a virtual network adapter.
Set-VmNetworkAdapterRoutingDomainMappingSets virtual subnets on a routing domain.
Start-VMStarts a virtual machine.
Start-VMFailoverStarts failover on a virtual machine.
Start-VMInitialReplicationStarts replication of a virtual machine.
Start-VMTraceStarts tracing to a file.
Stop-VMShuts down, turns off, or saves a virtual machine.
Stop-VMFailoverStops failover of a virtual machine.
Stop-VMInitialReplicationStops an ongoing initial replication.
Stop-VMReplicationCancels an ongoing virtual machine resynchronization.
Stop-VMTraceStops tracing to file.
Suspend-VMSuspends, or pauses, a virtual machine.
Suspend-VMReplicationSuspends replication of a virtual machine.
Test-VHDTests a virtual hard disk for any problems that would make it unusable.
Test-VMNetworkAdapterTests connectivity between virtual machines.
Test-VMReplicationConnectionTests the connection between a primary server and a Replica server.
Update-VMVersionUpdates the version of virtual machines.

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