How to relocate the Altaro temporary files

Altaro VM Backup will create temporary files during backup operations and by default the location for these files is on the C: drive.

If you’d like to move the location of this temporary directory, please see according to which version you’re running below:

7.6 and newer

To do so, you can follow these steps:

  1. Ensure you are running at least 7.6.14. If not, update to the latest version from here
  2. Firstly, create a folder named “Overrides” in this path: C:\ProgramData\Altaro\AltaroBackupProfile
    If you’d like to move the temp files on the Altaro Offsite Server, create a folder named “Overrides” in this path: C:\ProgramData\Altaro\AltaroOffsiteServerProfile
  3. Then create a text file named “OverrideTempFolder.txt” inside the newly created folder
  4.  In the text file enter the path where you wish to store Altaro’s temp files, for example:{ “TempFolderPathOverride”:”E:\\Temp\\Altaro” }Ensure this location exists & that you use a double backslash as a separator (like above)
  5. Restart all Altaro services and on next Operation, the Altaro temporary files will now be stored in the above directory

7.5 and older

To do so, you can follow these steps:

  1. Ensure you are running at least version 5.0.97
  2. Firstly, create a folder named “Overrides” in this path: C:\ProgramData\Altaro\AltaroBackupProfile
    If you’d like to move the temp files on the Altaro Offsite Server, create a folder named “Overrides” in this path: C:\ProgramData\Altaro\AltaroOffsiteServerProfile
  3. Then create a text file named “OverrideTempFolder.txt” inside the newly created folder
  4.  In the text file enter the path where you wish to store Altaro’s temp files, for example: “E:\AltaroTemp” (without quotes) — ensure this location exists
  5. Restart all Altaro services and on next Operation, the Altaro temporary files will now be stored in the above directory


  • ProgramData is a hidden folder by default
  • Ensure that the file extension is showing, or you might end up with a file named “OverrideTempFolder.txt.txt”
  • Ensure there are no spaces at the end of the path and no extra line breaks in the text file

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