Top 5 Content Optimization Tools for SEO

It is necessary to use content optimization tools to rank higher on SERPs. Optimizing your blog content and web pages using the SEO content optimizer is vital to the success of your content SEO strategy because you need to keep an eye on your competitors. In this post, let’s learn with seobase what content optimization is and what the best content optimization tools are.

What Is Content Optimization?

Understanding and improving content performance to interact with audience intentions is crucial to getting the number of clicks and traffic you aim for. Getting a higher ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs) and improving the readability of the content is not a simple process but is also not impossible. Now, many content optimization tools facilitate the content optimization process.

Here are some things that you need to optimize your content to address them:

  • Customer Needs: your content needs to adapt to the customer’s changed needs. 
  • Search Intent: your content should be optimized to meet user intent 
  • Competitors: it’s a risk of falling behind if your content is not optimized. 
  • Search Engine Updates: static content will lose relevance as search engine updates make a piece of content irrelevant.
  • Market Trends: your content needs to stay current if you want to rank above your competitors.

Top 10 Content Optimization Tools For SEO

Searching for specific content may take a long time to arrive at valuable and helpful content. Here comes your role; you have to work to benefit your audience and not make them spend a lot of time getting some information. Dozens of content optimization tools are available on the market to help you write quality content on your blog or landing pages. seobase listed the 5 best content optimization tools you can use to research, identify, and optimize content for your blog or web pages right now.

content optimization solutions

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Google Search Console

Google Search Console (GSC) is a great free tool to analyze SERPs performance of your site and content. Moreover, it contains cutting-edge features helping you know page speed, and structured data could impact your online performance. Furthermore, you can define the user intent and be aware of the organic traffic with impression and click data of specific queries. 

However, you can’t filter multiple search query terms to determine keyword cannibalization or misspellings quickly. In addition, it doesn’t display a complete SEO backlink profile. Here are a few says GSC to optimize your content marketing strategy: 

  • Keyword For Each Page.
  • Content Popularity.
  • Find Content Gaps.
  • Customer Search Intent.

seobase SEO Tools

seobase serves 15,000+ satisfied customers globally. Leaders of many industries rely on seobase for rank tracking and SERPs analysis. You can create your search tracking in seconds and get daily updates on how your website performs across search engines. 

Furthermore, you can track desktop and mobile platforms to get a full picture of your site’s performance. All of seobase SEO tools will allow you to create a quality piece of content. You can explore your target keywords and use them to optimize your content to meet the audience’s needs. Here are some of the seobase SEO content tools and features: 

  • Keyword explorer tool
  • SERP checker tool
  • Rank Tracker tool
  • Site profiler tool
  • Backlink checker tool

content optimization solutions


Content marketers need to create a quality piece of content to drive organic traffic and rank high on SERPs. However, that content must be readable to engage with the target audience, Grammarly offers this. 

Grammarly is one of the most critical content optimization solutions. Grammarly makes content optimization much more manageable by offering detailed, real-time suggestions for improving content quality. The content optimizer doesn’t miss any spelling or grammar errors unless it fixes them immediately.

It offers you edits and suggestions using AI support to improve your choice of words and the context and tone of the content. As a content optimizer for search engine algorithms, Grammarly uses contextual cues and typing tone as ranking factors.

Hemingway Editor

Hemingway Editor helps you write better content and drive traffic and more website visitors. It is a free online tool to see if it has everything you need to make high-quality content. 

The tool allows you to find the common grammatical issues and sentence structure that can distract your readers. In addition, it enhances the readability level. 

The Hemingway Editor is such an efficient content optimization tool. However, it lacks a widget for Chrome and Safari. As a result, you must copy/paste your content manually to the online or desktop program to check it. 

The Editor tool is AI-powered, but it only uses a handful of grammar choices when grading your content, so you could be missing other mistakes if you depend only on this tool. The tool doesn’t offer suggestions on how to fix the problem for the errors highlighted by the tool. This can be disturbing when you need to resolve issues quickly.

Google Docs

Google Docs is not the first content optimization tool that comes to your mind when you think about content optimization solutions. However, it offers features like a word processor, spreadsheets, and forms so you can communicate with your team and keep your projects on track.

Content marketers always seek the easiest way to manage multiple projects at once. Sometimes the content creators need to keep a list of dozens of topics to expand or manage writers. Google Docs gives content writers what they need exactly to help them and their teams to produce optimized content.


Choosing the best content optimization tools suitable for growing your business and making the most of your marketing budget is not impossible, but it is challenging. You can always stay informed of previously published content by using Google Search Console and other tools to get actual performance metrics. seobase provides you with the necessary SEO content optimization solutions to improve the content that you publish on your website.

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How to Do Niche Keyword Research?

SEO Niche keywords research is your way to attract your audience. The niche keywords are the particular long-tail keywords related to a specific industry. You can find your best niche keywords list using the best online SEO niche search tool. Do you know how valuable for your SEO plan to tailor your pay-per-click campaigns to niche keywords list and not just general and trending terms? It is challenging for general or short tail keywords to rank on the first page on search engines such as Google, especially on a new site.

When starting to manage a new venture, it can be challenging to predict the impact of a new research campaign on your industry niche. As a result, searching niche keywords is the perfect solution to avoid any risks that may occur and affect your growth.

In this post, seobase presents how to research keywords for a niche using the niche research tools and how to find a niche keywords list. 

Use a seobase Keyword Research Tool to Find Niche Keywords

Choosing an adequate and effective niche search tool is just as important and valuable as determining and choosing your SEO niche. Let’s say you decided to create a site that provides SEO services like seobase. In this case, you may have already decided that your website targets the SEO niche.

It may not matter much how much you know about the SEO industry, whether with a high level of experience or a lack of knowledge. This means that understanding which keywords will be profitable for you early on can be quite a challenge.

Since your website is a rookie site, you don’t have much historical data to use as an indicator of future performance. The seobase Keyword Explorer Tool is the ideal and most effective niche search tool for the initial niche keywords research and creating a niche keywords list.

Take advantage of the seobase Keyword Explorer Tool features, learn how to find niche keywords, and try to create an extensive niche keywords list. It may include forms of SEO niche keywords that you may not be able to come up with on your own, but the tool does.

how to research keywords for a niche

Refine Your Niche Keyword List

You need to realize that the niche keywords list you take from niche research tools is just suggestions. So it’s critical to find a compelling way to refine your niche keyword research list. There are several ways to refine your SEO niche keywords list when adding a keyword or URL: 

  • Your keyword list should be as specific to your website’s SEO niche.
  • Choose the relevant niche keywords for your industry. 
  • Don’t include keywords to use on your content randomly.
  • It would help you find the lowest difficulty keywords on a rookie website. 

The niche keywords list is a vital SEO factor that you need to use carefully to not target the wrong audience. See How to Find Best SEO Keywords: The Complete Guide

niche keywords

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Determine How Competitive Your Keywords Are

As we mentioned in the previous step, you have to know how difficult it is for niche keywords to SEO. Analyze how competitive each keyword you have in the niche keywords list. 

Your key to ranking on search engines always starts with using the least difficult keywords.

Don’t choose the most difficult niche keywords because they have a high volume. If you think about it this way, it can be difficult if not impossible to arrange.

If you choose less difficult niche keywords, even if they are only at volume 10, the ten visits you will get per month and counting all the keywords you will use over the month, the total clicks and visits will ultimately be rewarding.

how to research keywords for a niche

Niche Keyword Research: Conclusion

Successful keyword targeting requires constant monitoring and modification, especially niche keyword research. It is essential to know that niche research tools return a keyword does not mean that you will be able to rank on search engines necessarily.

The traffic you send from search engines will not end up converting just because you used the niche keywords list. However, SEO checkpoints are well implemented to get optimum results. Moreover, you can use the SEO services of the seobase platform.

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How to Promote Your Blog Without Social Media?

How to promote your blog without social media? The best way to boost your blog traffic is by using SEO (search engine optimization) techniques. This includes writing great content that people will want to read, creating high-quality images for your posts, and making sure your site loads quickly. However, you need to prompt your blog to attract more visitors and increase the traffic and clicks. Most webmasters ask themselves, how do I get people to read my blog? The answer is straightforward: you can follow the next few tips and get a boosted blog. In this post, seobase will explain how to promote your blog without social media, how to get your blog noticed, and how to get traffic to your website without social media.

Comment and Engage With Other Blogs.

There are compelling methods to get boosted blogs without using social media. Commenting and engaging with other blogs is key to getting your blog noticed. Some web admins create their website blogs and overlook that community is essential to achieve their goals from this post. 

One of the most effective ways to promote your blog without social media you can do is to visit and read other bloggers’ content, and to boost your blog’s traffic is to comment and engage with other blogs. In this step all you need to do in this step is to visit other blogs and comment. As a result, your fellow bloggers might also return the favor to your blog website. You can do this through commenting on other blogs, sharing links to them on social media, or even asking questions on forums.

how to get traffic to your website without social media

Write Authentic Blog Content.

To promote your blog posts without social media, you need to know some more creative ideas; one of them is unique content. Writing unique and authentic content will attract the readers. Catchy headlines and optimized blogging content will attract the most readers to your blog. Attracting more readers increases traffic, clicks, and converts to customers. Also, do not overlook including the right keywords. Learn how to set a successful SEO keyword strategy.

If you want to write authentic blog content, you need to think about what you would say to a friend who was writing a similar post. This will help you avoid sounding too much like everyone else. When you start writing, build the content structure so that readers can find answers to their queries and do not have to leave your site quickly or look for another blog that answers their queries and questions. To learn how to promote your blog without social media with unique content, check the new content ideas

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Share Your Blog Posts on Pinterest.

Suppose you don’t use the social media platforms or even if you don’t have social media yet to support your content promotion. Here’s a vital and valuable tip to follow regarding how to get traffic to your website without social media; you can share your posts on Pinterest to get boosted blog. 

Just make sure you use the right hashtags and keywords so people can find your content easily. On Pinterest, users engage in niche topics; this will help you to get your blog noticed to increase your website position and rank #1 on Google SERPs. No worries, there are plenty of places to promote your blog without social media. 

get your blog noticed

Write Guest Posts.

If you write guest posts to get boosted blog, you will not only gain exposure for your own website, but you will also help others by sharing their work. This is one of the easiest ways to generate new business leads and get people to read my blog. As a result, you will get traffic to your website without social media. 

If you’re following the guest post way to get your blog noticed and promote your blog without social media, you may face only one problem; getting people from your guest post to your website is a bit challenging. According to Backlinko, one industry study found that the average guest post brings in only 50 visitors. To solve this problem, you need to use the Guest Post Bonuses. With a Guest Post Bonus, you give the readers and webmasters motivation to make them visit your website. Read Why Everyone Ignores Your Guest Post Outreach Email.

Start a Podcast.

A podcast is an audio show that usually records interviews with experts in various fields. You can record these yourself or use services such as Once your episodes are ready, you need to find a platform to host them. Several options are available, including iTunesSoundCloudStitcherGoogle Play Music, and more.

The podcast may be one of the best places to promote your blog. The podcast bonus strategy is similar to the Guest Post Bonus strategy discussed above. Instead of creating a reward for each guest post, you can create a set of bonuses for each podcast you go to as a guest. 

Furthermore, you can inform about these rewards through email campaigns. But how does this strategy start? Follow these steps to implement a successful podcast strategy:

  • First, create content that your podcast listeners will care about.
  • Then, assign podcast rewards to what you’ll talk about in the podcast.
  • After that, play it by the podcast host.
  • Finally, host your rewards section landing page at a URL that’s easy to remember and write.

boosted blog

How to Promote Your Blog Without Social Media: Conclusion.

Blogging without social media is not very popular, and not many bloggers follow it. However, it is a very successful strategy by which you can get a boosted blog. There are a lot of places to promote your blog that no one has visited yet. The competition in blogging social media marketing is tough and fierce. Despite its outstanding results, it takes a lot of time and effort to get a high ranking on Google.

So, at some point, you have to find alternative ways and know how to get traffic to your website without social media and how to promote an article or blog without social media. seobase always offers solutions to make it easier to rank on Google for websites. However, always remember to make your blog SEO optimized. You can use the best online SEO tools from seobase to constantly improve your blogs, measure your SEO strategy‘s success and effectiveness, and make your blog posts Google Algerismths friendly.

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SEO Checkpoints Best Practices Guide 2022

The SEO checkpoints best practices are crucial for your website’s ranking on SERPs. Implementing this blog post SEO checklist wouldn’t take so much time; however, it would lead you to achieve your SEO goals. 15 min SEO daily to make sure you are on the right track is your best option to get a higher rank. First, let’s refresh our memory with the SEO meaning, then we can discuss the best practices of the SEO checkpoints in detail.  

SEO is an acronym for (Search engine optimization), a set of activities we do to create good content and design the website. It also includes defining the business strategy and how to produce content to gain a better position in Google search results and attract more visitors to the site.

The term SEO may broaden to include another definition: Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is optimizing your online content so that a search engine likes to display it as a higher result for searches around a particular keyword. In this post, seobase will explain SEO checklist best practices in simplified detail to the most critical SEO checkpoints, daily SEO tracking, monthly SEO tasks and show you some ideal ways to achieve advanced results in search engines. 

How to Use This SEO Checklist?

We have divided the SEO checkpoints best practices into main points to facilitate their explanation. Therefore, we will separately focus on each SEO component in the following few lines. Here are the leading SEO components checkpoints:

  • Basic SEO Checklist
  • Technical SEO Checklist
  • Keyword Research Checklist
  • Content Checklist
  • On-page SEO Checklist
  • Link Building Checklist

To set a successful SEO strategy, you should focus on the above SEO checkpoints best practices and carefully apply them to your website. This SEO checklist best practices work for e-commerce stores, local businesses, and affiliate sites.

seo components
  • Basic SEO Checkpoints Best Practices

Set up Google Search Console. 

Google offers free Google Search Console services to track your site’s organic search performance. The importance of this tool is that it shows you the effectiveness of the detailed SEO plan, and it is a reliable service since the Google search engine provides it.

You can find on GSC:

  • The keywords you rank for,
  • Your ranking positions,
  • Your website errors.

In addition, you can submit your sitemaps successfully to get the best and most accurate results. 

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Set up Bing Webmaster Tools. 

This step is similar to what is applied to Google, but this time to Bing. Setting up the Bing Webmaster Tools is essential for implementing a successful SEO plan.

Set up seobase online SEO Tools.

You can use seobase best online SEO tool to get the best results on search engines and improve your rankings. seobase provides webmasters with the most powerful SEO tools to facilitate the implantation of their SEO strategy and make it easier to achieve their SEO goals in the long term. Here are a few key SEO tools from seobase:

Set up Google Analytics.

Also, Google offers an additional free service, Google Analytics, which is essential because it shows how many people visit your site, how they found it, and how they interact with it. 

You can link Google Search Console with Google Analytics to see Search Console data in Analytics.

Install an SEO plugin.

You can skip this step if you’re using a different website platform like Shopify. This step is for WordPress users. If you are using WordPress, you should install an additional SEO plugin. These plugins help you organize your sitemaps and place the proper meta tags. Despite the importance of these tools, you do not need more than one tool only.

Here are some tools you can choose from to install in WordPress: 

Create and submit a sitemap.

We’ve already mentioned that the GSC tool enables you to set your sitemaps to get accurate data. In addition, it is essential to fine-tune your Sitemaps because they are the link between search engines and the main content on your site. Sitemaps tell search engines where to find content on your website so that their spiders can easily crawl and index your pages. You can use the seobase Site Profiler tool to get a certain answer confirming that your website can be crawled and indexed.

Usually, you can find your sitemap at one of these URLs:

  • /sitemap.xml
  • /sitemap_index.xml
  • /sitemap

For more information about the crawl and index process, read How Google Search organizes information.

Create a robots.txt file.

Creating a robots.txt file is an essential step on your SEO checklist; if checks, you can improve your SEO performance. But what is a robots.txt file? Robots.txt is a text file; its job is to direct search engines to where they can crawl and where they are not allowed to. 

A robots.txt file may be necessary if you do not want search engines to crawl a specific section of your website that does not have the required SEO factors, to not affect the SEO checklist of your website.

You can check your robots.txt file; all you have to do is write your domain name and robots.txt like this; 

If you see a text file, you already have a robots.txt file. If not, search Google for “robots.txt generator” to create one, or you can ask for help from a professional SEO company.

Now, after performing all of the above steps, you just got the basic SEO checklist best practices done. Let’s move to the next level of your SEO strategy, the technical SEO checklist. 

  • Technical SEO Checkpoints Best Practices

Implementing technical SEO checkpoints best practices helps you create reliable bases and ensure your site can be crawled and indexed. As a result, your website will rank higher than any other website in your industry on SERPs. 

Here are the primary and most common technical SEO checkpoints best practices to follow.

Make sure your site is crawlable and indexable.

Google does not index any page or content its spiders have not crawled. So it is crucial to check that Google spiders have accessed your content constantly. You can do this through Google Search Console to search for any warnings or exceptions related to robots.txt files.

Many webmasters confuse indexing and crawling, although they are two completely different processes. The crawled pages do not have to be indexed by Google. If you found a ‘noindex’ meta tag for bots or an x-robots tag on the page, indexing will not be possible. You can conduct a live test on GSC to find your indexing issues. If during live testing, indexing issues were detected with the URL, then you can request indexing from Google. Also, Google will inform you about noindexed URLs in the Coverage report.

The good news is that you also can get this information using the seobase Site Profiler tool. The tool will give you a detailed report for your site audit, including this information. 

Make sure you’re using HTTPs.

It is important to use HTTPS as it is an exemplary security standard and will protect the data of your visitors. This is even more important if you require passwords or payment information, then using HTTPS is a must.

If you don’t use HTTPS, it’s time to migrate now. First, ensure your site sits on HTTPS by checking your browser’s URL bar. If you see a “padlock” sign on the left side of the URL, then you’re using HTTPS. If you don’t see this sign, you are not.

Http urls for seo

Check for duplicate versions of your site in Google’s Index.

You may face a severe SEO issue if you allow Google to index more than one version of your website. 

For example, you see that these links listed below are all the same and will not make a big difference or cause a glitch, but it is entirely different from the point of view of search engines:


Don’t let Google get distracted by all those links, and make sure only one format is indexed. It can lead to crawling, indexing, and security issues.

All other versions should redirect 301 to your main domain, and you can check for duplicate versions of your site in Google’s index by entering each variant into your browser bar. If you’ve set up redirects without issue, you’re good. But if you still find that you can access many versions, you must redirect immediately.

Check your site speed.

Since 2010, PageSpeed has been an important ranking factor on search engines for desktop. Since 2018, it has been included as a vital ranking factor on search engines for mobile.

If you think of it from the user’s point of view, it is tedious and frustrating if you go to a site to search for the information you need and it takes you a lot of time to load; Google also adopts this point of view. Therefore, if you slow site speed, Google does not consider this site worthy of ranking on the first page because it does not improve the user experience.

You can use tools like PageSpeed Insights. Also, you can use the seobase Site Profiler tool to give you deep insights about your PageSpeed and a whole site audit report to see how fast your web page loads. 

Make sure your site is mobile-friendly.

There is no doubt that we are in a speedy era; many searches are done through mobile. So having a mobile-friendly website is more important than ever; it is no longer optional.

Check your site’s mobile-friendliness by using Google’s mobile-friendly testing tool. seobase Site Profiler tool gives you an excellent chance to check if your website is mobile-friendly.  

Install an image compression plugin.

One of the most underrated factors on the SEO checklist is images. Compressing images and reducing the size of image files improves page speed. As a result, it will enhance your chances of ranking high on search engines.

For WordPress users, there are plenty of plugins available for that. For example, you can use one of the best free WordPress SEO tools, ShortPixel. It allows you to compress up to 100 images/month for free. 

Furthermore,  you can use Tinypng to compress images in general and use them on other platforms.

Fix broken pages (Broken Internal and Outbound Links.)

Broken links do not provide the best user experience and break the transfer of the domain authority DA to your site. The best way to find broken links on your website is to conduct a backlink audit or audit your site thoroughly. You can use Site Profiler and Backlink Checker tools from seobase to get the best results.

Fix duplicate content issues.

If you’re targeting e-commerce SEO, probably you’ll find duplicated content issues; it is very common in e-commerce SEO because of the faceted navigation. Make sure you don’t have any duplicate content on your website. 

You can fix this SEO issue by canonicalizing the affected URLs where necessary.

  • Keyword Research SEO Checkpoints Best Practices

 This part of the seobase SEO checklist guide is primarily directed at SEO content writers. Applying the following SEO checkpoints to your content will boost your search engine rankings. Choosing the right keyword is your key to reaching the audience, but all your efforts will be in vain if your content is not SEO-equipped. Follow the next few tips to get your website at the top of the first search engine results pages (SERPs). 

Explore your primary keyword.

The right keywords allow you to reach your goal easily. However, using improper or consistent SEO keywords with your content may be reason enough to distract search engines. In addition, the main keyword will refer to different subjects; thus, the search engine will see that your site is not trustworthy enough to appear on the first page because it does not provide a good user experience.

How do you know the best keyword to focus on?

Do frequent keyword research to target the main keywords you can rank by on the SERPs, but you should also ensure that you target the best keyword each time you post new content. Also, you can find the right keywords using the seobase keyword explorer tool.

Assess search intent. 

If your page doesn’t align with the search intent, your chances of ranking are tiny to none.

So how do you assess search intent?

After finding the primary keyword, look at the ranked pages on Google SERPs for your primary keyword.

Check the URLs and titles of the top-ranking results, for example, if a user searches for “SEO checkpoints best practices.” Given the researcher’s intention, it is clear that he wants to know the primary points that must be applied to obtain the best SEO results. If the user searches for “SEO,” it is likely that he wants to get an SEO service provider.

Assess your chances of ranking on Google to enhance your SEO checkpoints best practices.

Investigating the difficulty of the keywords you use helps you prioritize your chances of ranking on search engines. Use the seobse keyword explorer tool to find out the SEO difficulty of keywords. If you are a beginner, you can use low or medium-difficulty keywords to be able to compete.

Also, check the results for the things that may suggest a hard keyword to crack, like high-quality backlinks and high topical relevance of the top-ranking sites, etc.

Research what people want to know.

Suppose a user searches for an “SEO Checklist.” You can see from analyzing search intent that people are looking for specific practical steps to implement. However, you should ask yourself a couple of vital questions; 

What other questions do they have? 

What other information fits your content to include?

You can find the answer to your questions in Google’s “People Also Ask” box. 

Also, you can use a content ideas generator to find new subjects to write about. Finally, using the keywords explorer tool gives you a good insight into your query.

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Basic Authentication Deprecation in Exchange Online – September 2022 Update

One month from today, we’re going to start to turn off basic auth for specific protocols in Exchange Online for customers who use them.

Since our first announcement nearly three years ago, we’ve seen millions of users move away from basic auth, and we’ve disabled it in millions of tenants to proactively protect them.

We’re not done yet though, and unfortunately usage isn’t yet at zero. Despite that, we will start to turn off basic auth for several protocols for tenants not previously disabled.

Starting October 1st, we will start to randomly select tenants and disable basic authentication access for MAPI, RPC, Offline Address Book (OAB), Exchange Web Services (EWS), POP, IMAP, Exchange ActiveSync (EAS), and Remote PowerShell. We will post a message to the Message Center 7 days prior, and we will post Service Health Dashboard notifications to each tenant on the day of the change.

We will not be disabling or changing any settings for SMTP AUTH.

If you have removed your dependency on basic auth, this will not affect your tenant or users. If you have not (or are not sure), check the Message Center for the latest data contained in the monthly usage reports we have been sending monthly since October 2021. The data for August 2022 will be sent within the first few days of September.

What If You Are Not Ready for This Change?

We recognize that unfortunately there are still many tenants unprepared for this change. Despite multiple blog posts, Message Center posts, interruptions of service, and coverage via tweets, videos, conference presentations and more, some customers are still unaware this change is coming. There are also many customers aware of the deadline who simply haven’t done the necessary work to avoid an outage.

Our goal with this effort has only ever been to protect your data and accounts from the increasing number of attacks we see that are leveraging basic auth.

However, we understand that email is a mission-critical service for many of our customers and turning off basic auth for many of them could potentially be very impactful.

One-Time Re-Enablement

Today we are announcing an update to our plan to offer customers who are unaware or are not ready for this change.

When we turn off basic auth after October 1st, all customers will be able to use the self-service diagnostic to re-enable basic auth for any protocols they need, once per protocol. Details on this process are below.

Once this diagnostic is run, basic auth will be re-enabled for those protocol(s). Selected protocol(s) will stay enabled for basic auth use until end of December 2022. During the first week of calendar year 2023, those protocols will be disabled for basic auth use permanently, and there will be no possibility of using basic auth after that.

Avoiding Disruption

If you already know you need more time and wish to avoid the disruption of having basic auth disabled you can run the diagnostics during the month of September, and when October comes, we will not disable basic for protocol(s) you specify. We will disable basic for any non-opted-out protocols, but you will be able to re-enable them (until the end of the year) by following the steps below if you later decide you need those too.

In other words – if you do not want basic for a specific protocol or protocols disabled in October, you can use the same self-service diagnostic in the month of September. Details on this process below.

Diagnostic Options

Thousands of customers have already used the self-service diagnostic we discussed in earlier blog posts (here and here) to re-enable basic auth for a protocol that had been turned off, or to tell us not to include them in our proactive protection expansion program. We’re using this same diagnostic again, but the workflow is changing a little.

Today, we have archived all prior re-enable and opt-out requests. If you have previously opted out or re-enabled basic for some protocol, you’ll need to follow the steps below during the month of September to indicate you want us to leave something enabled for basic auth after Oct 1.

To invoke the self-service diagnostic, you can go directly to the basic auth self-help diagnostic by simply clicking on this button (it’ll bring up the diagnostic in the Microsoft 365 admin center if you’re a tenant Global Admin):

thumbnail image 1 of blog post titled
Basic Authentication Deprecation in Exchange Online – September 2022 Update

Or you can open the Microsoft 365 admin center and click the green Help & support button in the lower right-hand corner of the screen.

thumbnail image 2 of blog post titled
Basic Authentication Deprecation in Exchange Online – September 2022 Update
thumbnail image 3 of blog post titled
Basic Authentication Deprecation in Exchange Online – September 2022 Update

When you click the button, you enter our self-help system. Here you can enter the phrase “Diag: Enable Basic Auth in EXO

Customers with tenants in the Government Community Cloud (GCC) are unable to use the self-service diagnostic covered here. Those tenants may opt out by following the process contained in the Message Center post sent to their tenant today. If GCC customers need to re-enable a protocol following the Oct 1st deadline they will need to open a support ticket.

Opting Out

During the month of September 2022, the diagnostic will offer only the option to opt-out. By submitting your opt-out request during September, you are telling us that you do not want us to disable basic for a protocol or protocols during October.  Please understand we will be disabling basic auth for all tenants permanently in January 2023, regardless of their opt-out status.

The diagnostic will show a version of the dialog below, and you can re-run it for multiple protocols. It might look a bit different if some protocols have already been disabled. Note too that protocols are not removed from the list as you opt-out but rest assured (unless you receive an error) we will receive the request.

thumbnail image 4 of blog post titled
Basic Authentication Deprecation in Exchange Online – September 2022 Update

Re-Enabling Basic for protocols

Starting October 1, the diagnostic will only allow you to re-enable basic auth for a protocol that it was disabled for.

If you did not opt-out during September, and we disabled basic for a protocol you later realize you need, you can use this to re-enable it.

thumbnail image 5 of blog post titled
Basic Authentication Deprecation in Exchange Online – September 2022 Update

Within an hour (usually much sooner) after you run the diagnostics and ask us to re-enable basic for a protocol, basic auth will start to work again.

At this point, we have to remind you that by re-enabling basic for a protocol, you are leaving your users and data vulnerable to security risks, and that we have customers suffering from basic auth-based attacks every single day (but you know that already).

Starting January 1, 2023, the self-serve diagnostic will no longer be available, and basic auth will soon thereafter be disabled for all protocols.

Summary of timelines and actions

Please see the following flow chart to help illustrate the changes and actions that you might need to take:

thumbnail image 6 of blog post titled
Basic Authentication Deprecation in Exchange Online – September 2022 Update

Blocking Basic Authentication Yourself

If you re-enable basic for a protocol because you need some extra time and then afterward no longer need basic auth you can block it yourself instead of waiting for us to do it in January 2023. The quickest and most effective way to do this is to use Authentication Policies which block basic auth connections at the first point of contact to Exchange Online.

Just go into the Microsoft 365 admin center, navigate to SettingsOrg SettingsModern Authentication and uncheck the boxes to block basic for all protocols you no longer need (these checkboxes will do nothing once we block basic for a protocol permanently, and we’ll remove them some time after January 2023).

thumbnail image 7 of blog post titled
Basic Authentication Deprecation in Exchange Online – September 2022 Update

Reporting Web Service Endpoint

For those of you using the Reporting Web Service REST endpoint to get access to Message Tracking Logs and more, we’re also announcing today that this service will continue to have basic auth enabled until Dec 31st for all customers, no opt-out or re-enablement is required. And, we’re pleased to be able to provide the long-awaited guidance for this too right here

EOP/SCC PowerShell

Basic authentication will remain enabled until Dec 31st, 2022. Customers need to migrate to certificate based authentication. Follow the Instructions here: App-only authentication

One Other Basic Authentication Related Update

We’re adding a new capability to Microsoft 365 to help our customers avoid the risks posed by basic authentication. This new feature changes the default behavior of Office applications to block sign-in prompts using basic authentication. With this change, if users try to open Office files on servers that only use basic authentication, they won’t see any basic authentication sign-in prompts. Instead, they’ll see a message that the file has been blocked because it uses a sign-in method that may be insecure.

You can read more about this great new feature here: Basic authentication sign-in prompts are blocked by default in Microsoft 365 Apps.

Office Team is looking for customers to opt-in to their Private Preview Program for this feature. Please send them an email if you are interested in signing up:


This effort has taken three years from initial communication until now, and even that has not been enough time to ensure that all customers know about this change and take all necessary steps. IT and change can be hard, and the pandemic changed priorities for many of us, but everyone wants the same thing: better security for their users and data.

Our customers are important to us, and we do not want to see them breached, or disrupted. It’s a fine balance but we hope this final option will allow the remaining customers using Basic auth to finally get rid of it.

The end of 2022 will see us collectively reach that goal, to Improve Security – Together.

The Exchange Team

Source :

A CISO’s Ultimate Security Validation Checklist

If you’re heading out of the office on a well-deserved vacation, are you certain the security controls you have in place will let you rest easy while you’re away? More importantly – do you have the right action plan in place for a seamless return?

Whether you’re on the way out of – or back to – the office, our Security Validation Checklist can help make sure your security posture is in good shape.

1. Check the logs and security events of your key critical systems. Stay up-to-date on recent activities. Check for changes – and attempted changes – and any potential indicators of compromise. Planning to be gone for longer than a week? Designate a team member to perform a weekly review in your absence, reducing the chances of a critical event going undetected.

2. Check for any new security vulnerabilities that were identified on your vacation. Use your preferred scanning tool or check one of the regularly updated databases, such as CVE Details.

3. Investigate failures of critical components and the reasons behind them. If remediation is needed, create an action plan to address the immediate issues and prevent repeated failures in the future.

4. Review whether there were any key changes to your products and their corresponding security controls. While now isn’t the time to implement major changes to your EDR, SIEM system, or other corresponding solutions, do make sure you’re aware of any updates that were made in your absence. Once you’re back – and able to monitor the impact on your overall security posture – you can make larger-scale changes to your controls.

5. Check with HR for any relevant changes. Did any new employees join the company and therefore need access to specific systems? Conversely, did any employees leave and need their credentials revoked? Were there any other incidents or red flags that require your attention?

6. Be aware of new business orientations. Did the organization introduce any new services or products that expanded the potential attack surface? For instance, did a new website or mobile app go live, or was a new version of a software product rolled out? Make sure your team is up to speed on the latest changes.

7. Check your password policies. Password policies shouldn’t be dependent on your vacation status, but as you work through this security checklist, take the opportunity to make sure policies are appropriately protecting the organization. Consider reviewing length, complexity, and special character requirements, as well as expiration and re-use policies.

8. Review firewall configurations . With many security experts recommending a review of firewall configurations every three to six months, now is an opportune time for an audit. Review network traffic filtering rules, configuration parameters, and authorized administrators – among other configurations – to make sure you’re using the appropriate configurations

There are plenty of tools that can help work through this checklist – but do you have all the resources needed to make sure everything will be addressed?

If you need help automating and standardizing your processes – or making sure critical vulnerabilities aren’t slipping through the cracks – Automated Security Validation can help. With real-time visibility, complete attack surface management, and actual exploitation measures – not just simulations – it provides what you need to rest easy while you’re away. And when you get back? Risk-based remediation plans help you create your roadmap for keeping your organization protected.

When you’re back, we’ve got your back. To learn more about protecting your security posture with Automated Security Validation, request a demo of the Pentera platform.

Source :

Use this Identity Checklist to secure your M365 tenant

Securing a Microsoft 365 tenant must start with identity.

Protecting identities is a fundamental part of Zero Trust and it’s the first “target” that most attackers look for. We used to say that attackers hack their way in, now we say they log in, using bought, found or stolen/phished credentials. This article will show you why MFA is so important and how to implement advanced security features in Azure AD such as PIM, Password protection, Conditional Access policies (also a strong part of Zero Trust), auditing and more.

Below is the first chapter from our free Microsoft 365 Security Checklist eBook. The Microsoft 365 Security Checklist shows you all the security settings and configurations you need to know for each M365 license to properly secure your environment. Download the full eBook and checklist spreadsheet.

Multi-Factor Authentication

It should be no surprise that we start with identity, it’s the new security perimeter or the new firewall and having a strong identity equals strong security. The first step to take here is implementing Multi Factor Authentication (MFA). It’s free for all Office / Microsoft tenants. If you want to use Conditional Access (CA) to enforce it (rather than just enabling users “in bulk”), you need Azure AD Premium P1+ licensing. A username and a simple password are no longer adequate (it never was, we just never had a simple, affordable, easy to use alternative) to protect your business.

Hand-in-hand with MFA you need user training. If your business is relying on users doing the right thing when they get the prompt on their phone – they MUST also know that if they get a prompt when they’re NOT logging in anywhere, they must click Block / No / Reject.

To enable MFA on a per-user basis, go to, login as an administrator, click Azure Active Directory – Security – MFA and click on the blue link “Additional cloud-based MFA settings”.

Additional MFA settings

Additional MFA settings

There are two parts (tabs) on this page, “service settings” where you should disable app passwords (a workaround for legacy clients that don’t support MFA, shouldn’t be necessary in 2022), add trusted public IP addresses (so that users aren’t prompted when they’re in the corporate office – we and Microsoft recommend not using this setting), disabling Call and Text message to phone and remember MFA on trusted devices setting (1-365 days), Microsoft recommends either using CA policies to manage Sign-In frequency or setting this to 90 days. Phone call / text message MFA are not strong authentication methods and should not be used unless there’s no other choice.

On the user’s tab you can enable MFA for individual users or click bulk update and upload a CSV file with user accounts.

If you have AAD Premium P1, it’s better to use a CA policy to enforce MFA, it’s more flexible and the MFA settings page will eventually be retired.

Enforcing MFA with a Conditional Access Policy

Enforcing MFA with a Conditional Access Policy

A few words of caution, enabling MFA for all your administrators is a given today. Seriously, if you aren’t requiring every privileged account to use MFA (or 2FA / passwordless, see below), stop reading and go and do that right now. Yes, it’s an extra step and yes, you’ll get push back but there’s just no excuse – it’s simply unprofessional and you don’t belong in IT if you’re not using it. For what it is worth, I’ve been using Azure MFA for over seven years and require it for administrators at my clients – no exceptions.

Enabling MFA for all users is also incredibly important but takes some planning. You may have some users who refuse to run the Microsoft Authenticator app on their personal phone – ask for it to be put in their hiring contract. You need to train them as to why MFA is being deployed, what to do, both for authentic logins and malicious ones. Furthermore, you need to have a smooth process for enrolling new users and offboarding people who are leaving.

You should also strongly consider creating separate (cloud only) accounts for administrators. They don’t require a license and it separates the day-to-day work of a person who only performs administrative actions in your tenant occasionally (or use PIM, Chapter 10).

MFA protects you against 99.9% of identity-based attacks but it’s not un-phishable. Stronger alternatives include biometrics such as Windows Hello for Business (WHFB) and 2FA hardware keys which bring you closer to the ultimate in identity security: passwordless.

Legacy Authentication

However, it’s not enough to enable MFA for all administrators and users, the bad guys can still get in with no MFA prompt in sight. The reason is that Office 365 still supports legacy protocols that don’t support modern authentication / MFA. You need to disable these; you can’t just turn them off, you need to check if there are legitimate applications / workflows / scripts that use any of them. Go to, login as a Global Administrator, click Azure Active Directory – Monitoring – Sign-in logs. Change the time to last one month, and click Add filters, then click Client app and then None Selected, in the drop-down pick all 13 checkboxes under Legacy Authentication Clients and click Apply.

Filtering Azure AD Sign-in logs for legacy authentication

Filtering Azure AD Sign-in logs for legacy authentication

This will show you all the logins over the last month that used any of the legacy protocols. If you get a lot of results, add a filter for Status and add Success to filter out password stuffing attacks that failed. Make sure you check the four different tabs for interactive / non-interactive, service principals and managed identity sign-ins.

You’ll now need to investigate the logins. In my experience there will be some users who are using Android / Apple mail on smartphones; point them to the free Outlook app instead (Apple mail can be configured to use modern authentication). There’s also likely to be line-of-business (LOB) applications and printers / scanners that send emails via Office 365, so you’ll need updates for these. Alternatively, you can use another email service for these such as smtp2go.

Once you have eliminated all legitimate legacy authentication protocol usage you can disable it in two ways, it’s best to use both. Start by creating a Conditional Access policy based on the new template to block it, also go to, Settings – Org settings – Services – Modern authentication and turn off basic authentication protocols.

Disable legacy authentication protocols in the M365 Admin Center

Disable legacy authentication protocols in the M365 Admin Center

Break Glass accounts

Create at least one, preferably two break glass accounts, also known as emergency access accounts. These accounts are exempted from MFA, all CA policies and PIM (see below) and have very long (40 characters+), complex passwords. They’re only used if AAD MFA is down, for example, to gain access to your tenant to temporarily disable MFA or a similar setting, depending on the outage.

A second part to this is that you want to be notified if these accounts are ever used. One way to do this is to send your Azure AD sign-in logs to Azure Monitor (also known as Log Analytics), with instructions here. Another option is to use Microsoft Sentinel (which is built on top of Log Analytics) and create an Analytics rule.

Microsoft Sentinel alert rule when a Break Glass account is used

Microsoft Sentinel alert rule when a Break Glass account is used

Security Defaults

If yours is a very small business, with few requirements for flexibility, the easiest way to set up Azure AD with MFA for everyone, plus several other security features enabled, is to turn on Security Defaults. Note that you can’t have break-glass accounts or other service accounts with Security Defaults as there’s no way to configure exceptions. Go to Properties for your Azure AD tenant and scroll to the bottom, and click on Manage Security defaults, here you can enable and disable it.

Privileged Identity Management

It’s worth investing in Azure Active Directory (AAD) Premium P2 for your administrator’s accounts and enabling Privileged Identity Management (PIM). This means their accounts are ordinary user accounts who are eligible to elevate their privileges to whatever administrator type they are assigned (see Chapter 10).

If you’re not using PIM, create dedicated admin accounts in AAD only. Don’t sync these accounts from on-premises but enforce MFA and strong passwords. Since they won’t be used for day-to-day work, they won’t require an M365 license.

Password Protection

After MFA, your second most important step is banning bad passwords. You’re probably aware that we’ve trained users to come up with bad passwords over the last few decades with “standard” policies (at least 8 characters, uppercase, lowercase, special character and numbers) which results in P@ssw0rd1 and when they’re forced to change it every 30 days, P@ssw0rd2. Both NIST in the US and GHCQ in the UK now recommends allowing (but not enforcing) the use of upper / lowercase etc., but not mandating frequent password changes and instead of checking the password at the time of creation against a list of known, common bad passwords and blocking those. In Microsoft’s world that’s called Password protection which is enabled for cloud accounts by default. There’s a global list of about 2000 passwords (and their variants) that Microsoft maintains, based on passwords they find in dumps, and you should add (up to 1000) company-specific words (brands, locations, C-suite people’s names, local sports teams, etc.) for your organization.

You find Password protection in the AAD portal – Security – Authentication Methods.

Password protection settings

Password protection settings

Remember, you don’t have to add common passwords to the list, they’re already managed by Microsoft, just add company / region specific words that your staff are likely to use.

If you’re syncing accounts from Active Directory on-premises to AAD, you should also extend Password protection to your DCs. It involves the installation of an agent on each DC, a proxy agent, and a reboot of each DC.

Continuous Access Evaluation

This feature has been in preview for quite some time but is now in general availability. Before Continuous Access Evaluation (CAE), when you disabled a user’s account, or they changed location (from the office to a public Wi-Fi for example) it could be up to one hour before their state was re-evaluated and new policies applied, or they were blocked from accessing services. With CAE, this time is much shorter, in most cases in the order of a few minutes. It’s turned on by default for all tenants (unless you were part of the preview and intentionally disabled it). Another benefit of CAE is that tokens are now valid for 28 hours, letting people keep working during a shorter Azure AD outage. You can disable CAE in a CA policy, but it’s not recommended.

Conditional Access policies

We’ve mentioned Conditional Access (CA) policies several times already as it’s a crucial component of strong identity security and Zero Trust. Unlike other recommendations, there isn’t a one size fit all set of CA policies we can give you, however (at a minimum) you should have policies for:

  • Require MFA for admins (see MFA above)
  • Require MFA for users (see MFA above)
  • Require MFA for Azure management
  • Block legacy authentication (see MFA above)
  • Require compliant or Hybrid AAD joined device for admins
  • Require compliant or Hybrid AAD joined device for users
  • Block access to M365 from outside your country
  • Require MFA for risky sign-ins (if you have AAD Premium P2)
  • Require password change for high-risk users (if you have AAD Premium P2)

This is all going to be a lot easier going forward with the new policy templates for identity and devices. Go to Azure AD – Security – Conditional Access – New policy – Create a new policy from templates. Another step to take is to create a system for managing the lifecycle of policies and there’s an API for backing up and updating policies, that you can access in several ways, including PowerShell. There’s even a tutorial to set up a backup system using a Logic App.

Conditional Access policy templates for identity

Conditional Access policy templates for identity

A common question is if there’s a priority when policies are evaluated and there isn’t, they’re all processed together for a particular sign-in, from a specific device and location to an individual application. If there are multiple policies with different controls (MFA + compliant device), all controls must be fulfilled for access. And if there are conflicting policies with different access (block vs grant), block access will win.

To get you started, here are the step-by-step instructions for a policy blocking access to M365 from outside your country, appropriate for most small and medium businesses that only operate in one or a few countries. Keep in mind that travelling staff may be caught out by this so make sure you align with business objectives and be aware that this won’t stop every attack as a VPN or TOR exit node can make it appear as if the attacker is in your country, but it’s one extra step they must take. Remember, you don’t have to run faster than the Fancy Bear, just faster than other companies around you.

Start by going to Azure AD – Security – Conditional Access – Named locations and click +Countries location and call the location Blocked countries. Leave Determine location by IP address, a new feature is using GPS location from the Microsoft Authenticator app which will be more accurate once all your users are using Azure AD MFA (and therefore can be located via GPS). Click the box next to Name to select all countries, then find the one(s) that you need to allow login from and click Create.

Creating a Named Location for a Conditional Access Policy

Creating a Named Location for a Conditional Access Policy

Go to Azure AD – Security – Conditional Access – New policy – Create new policy and name your policy with a name that clearly defines what the policy does and adheres to your naming standard. Click on All Users… and Include All users and Exclude your Break Glass accounts.

Click on No cloud apps… and select All cloud apps. Select 0 conditions… and click Not configured under Locations. Pick Selected locations under Include and select your newly created location. Finally, under Access controls – Grant, click 0 controls selected and then Block access.

CA policies can be either in Report-only mode where you can look at reports of what they would have blocked and control they would have enforced, or they can be turned on / off. Report-only can be handy to make sure you don’t get fired for accidentally locking everyone out but turn this policy on as soon as possible.

Conditional Access policy to block logins from outside Australia

Conditional Access policy to block logins from outside Australia

A common question is, how can I control how often users are prompted for MFA or signing in again? While it might be counterintuitive, the default in Azure AD is a rolling windows of 90 days. Remember, if you change a user’s password, block non-compliant devices, or disable an account (plus any number of other CA policies you have in place that might affect the security posture of the session), it’ll automatically require new authentications. Don’t prompt the users for authentication when nothing has changed because if you do it too frequently, they’re more likely to approve a malicious login.

Branding Log-on Pages

While in the Azure AD portal, click on Company branding and add a company-specific Sign-in page background image (1920x1080px) and a Banner logo (280x60px). Note that these files have to be small (300 KB and 10 KB respectively) so you may have to do some fancy compression. This isn’t just a way to make users feel at home when they see a login page, in most cases when attackers send phishing emails to harvest credentials, they’ll send users to a fake login page that looks like the generic Office 365 one, not your custom one which is another clue that should alert your users to the danger. Also – Windows Autopilot doesn’t work unless you have customized AAD branding.

Edit Azure AD Company Branding images

Edit Azure AD Company Branding images

Self Service Password Reset

The benefit of Self Service Password Reset (SSPR) is to lower the load on your help desk to manage password resets for users. Once enabled, users must register various ways of being identified when they’re resetting their password, mobile app notification/code, email (non-Office 365), mobile/office phone call, security questions (not available to administrators, plus you can create custom questions). If you are synchronizing user accounts from AD to Azure AD, take care in setting up SSPR as the passwords must be written back to AD from the cloud once changed.

Configuring Self Service Password Reset in Azure AD

Configuring Self Service Password Reset in Azure AD

Unified Auditing

Not restricted to security but nevertheless, a fundamental building block is auditing across Microsoft 365. Go to the Microsoft 365 Defender portal and find Audit in the left-hand menu (it’s almost at the end). If for some reason unified auditing isn’t enabled in your tenant a yellow banner will give you a button to turn it on (it’s on by default for new tenants). Once enabled, click the Audit retention policies tab, and create a policy for your tenant. You want to ensure that you have logs to investigate if there’s a breach and you want them kept for as long as possible.

With Business Premium you get a maximum of 90 days of retention and Microsoft 365 E5 gives you one year, but you want to make sure to create a policy to set this, rather than rely on the default policy (which you can’t see). Give the policy a name, a description and add all the record types, one by one. This policy will now apply to all users (including new ones that are created) for all activities. Only use the Users option when you want to have a specific policy for a particular user. Give the policy a priority, 1 is the highest and 10,000 is the lowest.

Create an audit retention policy for maximum retention

Create an audit retention policy for maximum retention

Integrating applications into Azure AD

One of the most powerful but often overlooked features (at least in SMBs) is the ability to use Azure AD to publish applications to your users. Users can go to (or and see tiles for all applications they have access to. But there’s more to that story. Say, for example, you have a shared, corporate Twitter account that a few executives and marketing staff should have access to. Instead of sharing a password amongst them all and having to remember to reset it if someone leaves the organization, you can create a security group in AAD, add the relevant users, link Twitter to the group and they’ll automatically have access – without knowing the password to the account. There are a lot more actions you can take here to simplify access and secure management of applications, here’s more information.

Azure AD Connect

If you’re synchronizing accounts from Active Directory to Azure Active Directory (AAD), check the configuration of AAD Connect and make sure you’re not replicating an entire domain or forest to AAD. There’s no reason that service accounts etc. should be exposed in both directories, start the AAD Connect wizard on the server where it’s installed and double-check that only relevant OUs are synchronized. One other thing to note here is the fact that any machine running Azure AD Connect should be treated with the same care (in terms of security) as a domain controller. This is because AAD Connect requires the same level of access as AD itself and has the ability to read password hashes. Making sure security best practices for access, patching, etc. are followed to the letter for the system running AAD connect is critically important.

The M365 Identity Checklist

Work through the Identity checklist.
Enable MFA for administrators
Enable MFA for users
Create cloud-only administrator accounts for privileged users / occasional administrators
Disable app passwords
(Configure trusted IPs)
Disable text message MFA
Disable phone call MFA
Remember MFA trusted devices 90 days
Train staff in using MFA correctly
Use Windows Hello where possible
Use FIDO2 / 2FA keys where possible
Investigate legacy authentication protocol usage in AAD Sign-in logs
Block legacy authentication with CA Policy
Block legacy authentication in M365 Admin Center
Create two Break glass accounts and exempt from MFA, CA Policies etc.
Configure alerting if a Break glass account is used
Enable Security Defaults in AAD (consider the limitations)
Enable PIM (AAD Premium P2) for all admin users
Add organization-specific words to Password protection
Deploy Password protection in AD on-premises
CA Policy Require MFA for admins
CA Policy Require MFA for users
CA Policy Require MFA for Azure management
CA Policy Block legacy authentication
CA Policy Require compliant or Hybrid AAD joined device for admins
CA Policy Require compliant or Hybrid AAD joined device for users
CA Policy Block access to M365 from outside your country
Require MFA for risky sign-ins [Only for E5)
Require password change for high-risk users [Only for E5)
Create custom branding logos and text in Azure AD
Enable and configure Self Service Password Reset, including password writeback
Check that Unified Auditing is enabled
Define audit retention policies (90 or 365 days)
Integrate applications into Azure AD

Download the Excel template to use with your team >

Go Further than Identity to Protect your M365 Tenant

There you have it, all the most important steps to take to make sure your users’ identities are kept secure, and therefore your tenant and its data also safeguarded. Keen to learn and do more?

The Microsoft 365 Security Checklist has another nine chapters of security recommendations each with its own checklist for:

  • Email
  • Teams
  • SharePoint
  • Applications
  • Endpoint Manager
  • Information Protection
  • Secure Score
  • Business Premium
  • Microsoft 365 Enterprise E5

Download the full Microsoft 365 Security Checklist eBook and checklist template >

Source :

Staying Safe With QR Codes

QR codes link the offline to the online. What started as a way to streamline manufacturing in the automotive industry is now a widespread technology helping connect the physical world to digital content. And as the world embraced remote, no-touch solutions during the Covid pandemic, QR codes became especially popular. QR codes offer convenience and immediacy for businesses and consumers, but cybercriminals also take advantage of them. Here’s what you need to know about QR codes and how to stay safe when using them. 

Why QR codes? 

Due to their size and structure, the two-dimensional black and white barcodes we call QR codes are very versatile. And since most people carry a smartphone everywhere, they can quickly scan QR codes with their phone’s camera. Moreover, since QR codes are relatively easy to program and accessible for most smartphone users, they can be an effective communication tool. 

They also have many uses. For example, QR codes may link to a webpage, start an app or file download, share contact information, initiate a payment, and more. Covid forced businesses to be creative with touchless experiences, and QR codes provide a convenient way to transform a physical touchpoint into a digital interaction. During Covid, QR codes became a popular way to look at restaurant menus, communicate Covid policies, check in for an appointment, and view marketing promotions, among other scenarios.  

As a communication tool, QR codes can transmit a lot of information from one person to another, making it easy for someone to take action online and interact further with digital content.  

What hackers do with QR codes 

QR codes are inherently secure, and no personally identifiable information (PII) is transmitted while you’re scanning them. However, the tricky part about QR codes is that you don’t know what information they contain until you scan them. So just looking at the QR code won’t tell you if it’s entirely trustworthy or not. 

For example, cybercriminals may try to replace or sticker over a QR code in a high-traffic, public place. Doing so can trick people into scanning a malicious QR code. Or, hackers might send malicious QR codes digitally by email, text, or social media. The QR code scam might target a specific individual, or cybercriminals may design it to attract as many scans as possible from a large number of people. 

Once scanned, a malicious QR code may take you to a phishing website, lead you to install malware on your device, redirect a payment to the wrong account, or otherwise compromise the security of your private information.  

In the same way that cybercriminals try to get victims to click phishing links in email or social media, they lure people into scanning a QR code. These bad actors may be after account credentials, financial information, PII, or even company information. With that information, they can steal your identity or money or even break into your employer’s network for more valuable information (in other words, causing a data breach). 

QR code best practices for better security 

For the most part, QR code best practices mirror the typical security precautions you should take on social media and elsewhere in your digital life. However, there are also a few special precautions to keep in mind regarding QR codes. 

Pay attention to context. Where is the code available? What does the code claim to do (e.g., will it send you to a landing page)? Is there someone you can ask to confirm the purpose of the QR code? Did someone send it unprompted? Is it from a business or individual you’ve never heard of? Just like with phishing links, throw it out when in doubt. 

Look closely at the code. Some codes may have specific colors or branding to indicate the code’s purpose and destination. Many codes are generic black and white designs, but sometimes there are clues about who made the code. 

Check the link before you click. If you scan the QR code and a link appears, double-check it before clicking. Is it a website URL you were expecting? Is it a shortened link that masks the full URL? Is the webpage secure (HTTPS)? Do you see signs of a phishing attack (branding is slightly off, strange URL, misspelled words, etc.)? If it autogenerates an email or text message, who is the recipient and what information is it sending them? If it’s a payment form, who is receiving the payment? Read carefully before taking action. 

Practice password security. Passwords and account logins remain one of the top targets of cyber attacks. Stolen credentials give cybercriminals access to valuable personal and financial information. Generate every password for every account with a random password generator, ideally built into a password manager for secure storage and autofill. Following password best practices ensures one stolen password results in minimal damage. 

Layer with MFA. Adding multi-factor authentication to logins further protects against phishing attacks that steal passwords. With MFA in place, a hacker still can’t access an account after using a stolen password. By requiring additional login data, MFA can prevent cybercriminals from gaining access to personal or business accounts. 

QR codes remain a popular marketing and communication tool. They’re convenient and accessible, so you can expect to encounter them occasionally. Though cyber attacks via QR codes are less common, you should still stay vigilant for signs of phishing and social engineering via QR codes. To prevent and mitigate attacks via QR codes, start by building a solid foundation of digital security with a trusted password manager

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The Psychological Impact of Cyber Attacks

“Luck favors the prepared,” as the saying goes. The maxim is true in cyber security, too. We all know about data breaches. We know they’re alarmingly common; more common than ever, if you can believe it. We know they can be costly, time-consuming, and disruptive. And yet, what do we know of mentally and emotionally preparing for an attack to happen to us?  

A cyber attack can have a tremendous negative psychological impact, the effects of which victims can feel for weeks and months. Understanding the emotions you might feel during and after an attack can help you better prepare for and handle a cyber attack if/when it happens to you. Here’s what you need to know about the potential psychological impact of cyber attacks and what to do in advance so you can deal with one calmly and rationally. 

During a cyber attack 

Cyber attacks can happen suddenly. For example, you might get a random text or email about new account activity or a changed password. A service might inform you of a money transfer you didn’t approve, a purchase you didn’t make, or an account change you weren’t expecting. Or the next time you try to log in to an account, you find yourself locked out. Or your data is suddenly gone and held hostage by a cyber-criminal demanding a ransom. Or you just hung up the phone with someone who claimed to be tech support, and now you’re watching someone else control your computer without your consent. 

No matter how it happens, panic often sets in once you find yourself suffering a cyber attack. It’s common to feel intense fear; fear for what will happen to your money and your personal information and the unknown impact the attack will have on your life. You might panic about what to do, how to regain control, and how to get help. You might feel violated, like someone has invaded your personal space and upended your sense of safety. In some ways, a cyber attack can feel like the digital equivalent of being robbed, with a corresponding wave of anxiety and dread. 

Anxiety, panic, fear, and frustration – even intense anger – are common emotional responses when experiencing a cyber attack. While expected, these emotions can paralyze you and prolong or worsen a cyber attack. The combination of not knowing what to do and being paralyzed with fear can keep you from taking quick, effective action against a cyber attack. Preparing in advance can help you move through these intense emotions and respond productively.  

During an attack, your focus should be on regaining control of the situation. Do you still have access to the account/device under attack? Immediately change passwords, remove unauthorized locations, notify customer service, check all security settings and do everything you can to lock out access to any third parties while beefing up security (including enabling two-factor authentication). On a trusted device (e.g., not a compromised device), change passwords for other high-value accounts like email, banking/financial, and social media. A password manager can help you change passwords quickly to new, random ones. You need to act fast while staying focused on the actions most likely to stop or at least slow down an attack. 

Immediately after an attack 

At some point, the attack will be over. Either you shut down the attack or the attackers “win,” and you find yourself dealing with the aftermath. Regardless, the emotional and mental impact may continue. A cyber attack can leave you with tough questions despite the initial relief when the immediate threat is over. 

Self-pity and rumination are typical responses in the immediate wake of an attack. Why me? Did I draw their attention? Did I make a mistake? Why was my data/money/account/device worth stealing? Could I have done something different to prevent it? What if I had done x or y? Are they going to strike again? And on and on. You might find yourself overthinking and overanalyzing everything leading up to the attack. You might obsess over your actions during the attack and criticize yourself excessively for what you did or didn’t do. 

Again, all of the above are understandable responses to a cyber attack. But these negative emotions can drag you down. If you’re mentally stuck, you’ll struggle to clean up after the attack and prepare for future incidents.  

After an attack, your focus should be on analyzing how the attack happened and closing those “gaps” in your cyber security. Scan your devices for malware and change passwords. Turn on two-factor authentication, remove unknown and unused apps/browser extensions/software/files, and review the security settings for important accounts like email and financials. If the cybercriminals stole money, you’d need to follow any options for recourse against theft. You might also need to cancel a card, close an account, or freeze your credit to prevent further abuse. In sum, your goal immediately after an attack is over should be to identify weaknesses in your online security and eliminate or minimize them to prevent further problems. 

Long-term impact 

Unfortunately, negative emotions can persist weeks and months after a cyber attack, especially when the attack results in the theft of data, money, or other personal property. You’ll likely feel embarrassed about what happened, maybe even ashamed. You may worry about what others think if they find out the details. Sometimes, workplace security mistakes can lead to loss of employment, which can devastate one’s mental and physical wellbeing. 

Avoidance is common, too; if you feel uncomfortable thinking about the cyber attack, you might use your discomfort as an excuse to avoid improving your cyber security. Ignoring your feelings, though, can keep you from processing what happened and doing what you must to ensure it doesn’t happen again. 

Will it happen again? Apprehension is understandable in the wake of a cyber attack. You’ve been through a roller coaster of emotions, and the attack has forever shattered your sense of digital safety. Anxiety and worry about future attacks are normal but use those feelings as motivation to improve your cyber security strategy. There is never a “done” when it comes to cyber security. Hackers are constantly evolving their methods, and your cyber security strategy needs to keep up.  

How to minimize psychological distress 

Whether or not you’ve been the victim of a cyber attack, there are things you can do to stop or minimize future attacks. Building a solid foundation of cyber security requires doing the basics well. It’s not hard, but it takes a little time and commitment to improving your digital practices. The good news is that once you make these changes, you’ll find they can improve your online experience and help you feel better prepared for cyber attacks.  

Prioritize good password hygiene. Weak, reused, guessable passwords contribute to account takeovers and online theft. Replace passwords with generated ones that are genuinely random and strong enough to withstand cracking. Enable two-factor authentication wherever it’s available; some two-factor apps make it easier to log in to an account. 

Safeguard accounts with a password manager. password manager stores credentials for your online accounts, enters your info when you need to log in, and ensures every password is unique and random. It simplifies strong password security and takes the hassle out of logging in.  

Keep a clean machine. Don’t click random links. Don’t download strange attachments. Don’t install unverified apps and extensions. Don’t give strangers your login information, SSN, or other data. Don’t answer the phone for “tech support” – no tech support or police department or bank will ever call you to deal with a “security issue” or “software problem.”  

Stay cyber aware. Watch for suspicious online account activity and take action at the first sign of something strange. Turn on account alerts to your phone or email. Enable dark web monitoring and follow up immediately on publicized data breaches. Know the signs of phishing and social engineering attacks, and scrutinize every text/email/phone call/social media message for signs of fraud.  

Seek support and professional advice. You don’t have to suffer alone. Like other traumatic life events, a therapist or other qualified mental health professional can help you process after you’re the victim of cybercrime. When necessary, digital forensics and information security professionals can also help investigate and resolve a digital crime. Don’t hesitate to seek personal and professional support when needed. 

Cybercriminals like to go after easy targets. Building a solid foundation with cyber security basics can prevent cyber attacks by making it too difficult or costly for criminals to go after your accounts. It can also buy you time to react immediately when an attack starts.  

Cyber attacks can cause intense, paralyzing emotions. The more you educate yourself and prepare in advance, the more likely you are to work around those emotions during and after an attack. Don’t just assume you’ll deal with it and figure everything out in the moment. Do the work now to prepare so you’re not overwhelmed mentally by a cyber attack. Getting started with a password manager will help you build stronger, more effective online security habits. When you feel confident handling a cybersecurity incident, you’ll minimize the psychological impact of these scary events and more effectively navigate the challenges they can bring. 

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Ten Cybersecurity Books for Your Late Summer Reading List

While you probably aren’t headed back to school this fall, that doesn’t mean it’s not a great time to hit the books.

August 9 is National Book Lovers Day. While there’s really no bad time for a good book, we know it’s often hard to find space in your schedule to stop and read. If this is you, we’ve put together ten compelling reasons to get back into the habit — including two that were released just this past year.

The Hacker and the State: Cyberattacks and The New Normal of Geopolitics
Ben Buchanan2020
In the recently released mid-year update to the 2022 SonicWall Cyber Threat Report, we outline the growing role the geopolitical environment plays in cybercrime and cybersecurity. In “The Hacker and the State: Cyberattacks and The New Normal of Geopolitics,” author Ben Buchanan explores how the world’s superpowers use cyberattacks in a relentless struggle for dominance.

Women Know Cyber: 100 Fascinating Females Fighting Cybercrime
Steve Morgan, 2019
Women are still underrepresented in cybersecurity, but their numbers — as well as their mark on the industry — is growing. This book outlines the contributions of 100 women from every corner of cybersecurity, including government digital forensics, corporate risk assessment, law and more, and argues that encouraging and recruiting women will be key to closing the cybersecurity skills gap.

American Kingpin: The Epic Hunt for the Criminal Mastermind Behind the Silk Road 
Nick Bilton, 2018
Detailing the saga of the notorious Dark Web destination for hacking tools, drugs, forged passports and more, “American Kingpin: The Epic Hunt for the Criminal Mastermind Behind the Silk Road” is endlessly compelling. It follows founder Ross Ulbricht on his journey from boy-next-door programmer, to head of a sprawling illegal empire, to fugitive and captive, and tracks the growth and legacy of the Silk Road.

The Wires of War: Technology and the Global Struggle for Power (Oct 12 2021)
Jacob Helberg, October 2021
There’s a high-stakes global cyberwar brewing between Western democracies and authoritarian regimes — and the latter have a major advantage. Author Jacob Helberg headed efforts to combat misinformation and foreign influence at Google from 2016 to 2020, and “The Wires of War” draws upon this experience to expose the various means used to destabilize nations. In it, he explains why we’re fighting enemies of freedom both over the information we receive and how we receive it, as well as what’s at stake if democratic nations lose this war.

Click Here to Kill Everybody: Security and Survival in a Hyperconnected World
Bruce Schneier, 2018
As we’ve detailed numerous times before, smart devices aren’t necessarily, well, smart. As the world increases its reliance on internet-connected devices, author Bruce Schneier argues, the risks from bad actors will continue to increase in tandem — and if cybersecurity measures don’t keep up, the results could be fatal.

This Is How They Tell Me The World Ends
Nicole Perlroth, 2021
For years, the U.S. government became a major collector of zero-days. But when that cache was compromised, these vulnerabilities fell into the hands of cybercriminals and hostile nations. In her book, “This Is How They Tell Me the World Ends,” author Nicole Perlroth gives a journalistic account of how these vulnerabilities could endanger our democracy, our infrastructure and our lives.

Inside Jobs: Why Insider Risk Is the Biggest Cyber Threat You Can’t Ignore
Joe Payne, Jadee Hanson, Mark Wojtasiak, 2020
While greater access and collaboration are necessary for modern organizations, they bring with them greater risk — not just from cybercriminals, but also from employees and business partners. “Inside Jobs: Why Insider Risk is the Biggest Cyber Threat You Can’t Ignore” details the main types of insider risk, and provides ways to combat them without hampering productivity.

The Art of Invisibility: The World’s Most Famous Hacker Teaches You How to Be Safe in the Age of Big Brother and Big Data
Kevin Mitnick, 2019
Kevin Mitnick was once the FBI’s most wanted hacker. In his recent book, “The Art of Invisibility,” he uses what he learned through years of successfully sneaking into networks to offer readers tips on how to be invisible in a world where privacy is a vanishing commodity: everything from smart Wi-Fi usage, password protection and more. While you may already be familiar with some of the guidance offered, Mitnik’s experience, as well as his account of how we got here in the first place, make this well worth a read.

The Smartest Person in the Room: The Root Cause and New Solution for Cybersecurity
Christian Espinoza, 2021
Having the best cybersecurity tools to protect your organization is only one piece of the puzzle. In “The Smartest Person in the Room,” cybersecurity expert Christian Espinosa outlines the extent to which your cybersecurity team impacts your ability to protect your organization — and offers ways to help upskill even your most intelligent employees.

Cybersecurity Is Everybody’s Business: Solve the Security Puzzle for Your Small Business and Home
Scott N. Schober, 2019
Not all cybersecurity professionals work in a SOC or safeguard huge enterprises — many work to defend millions of small organizations or home offices. If this is you (or someone you know), you know how challenging it can be to find cybersecurity information geared to your security environment. In his most recent book, “Hacked Again” author Scott Schober explains why small businesses are becoming cybercriminals’ biggest targets, and what they can do to protect against threats like identity theft, phishing and ransomware.

Happy Book Lovers Day, and happy reading!

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