Amazon AWS EC2 Key Pair Creation

Would you like to learn how to create an EC2 key pair to access a virtual machine on Amazon AWS cloud? In this tutorial, we are going to show you how to create a new private key which is required to remotely access a virtual machine.

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Tutorial – How to Create an EC2 Key Pair

Open your browser, access the Amazon AWS website and enter your login information.

After a successful login, you will be sent to the AWS Dashboard.

aws dashboard

Access the COMPUTE menu and select the EC2 option.

amazon aws ec2 menu

On the EC2 Dashboard, access the Network & Security menu and click on the Key Pairs option.

aws key pair menu

On the Key Pairs screen, click on the Create Key Pair button.

create key pair

You will have to enter a name to the new Key Pair.

You will have to save locally your private key.

aws new key pair

In our example, we created a key pair named TEST.

In our example, we saved a file named TEST.PEM.

Tutorial – Convert EC2 Key from PEM to PPK

To convert a PEM file to a PPK file you will have to download the following software:

• PuttyGen

Open the PuttyGen software, access the Conversions menu and select the Import key.

putty key generator

After importing the PEM file, you need to set a password to protect your private key.

Click on the Save private key button to generate a file with the PPK extension.

In our example, a file named TEST.PPK was created.

aws puttygen private key

You have successfully created an EC2 key pair using the PEM format.

You have successfully created an EC2 key pair using the PPK format.

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