Remove WINS & Disable Netbios over Tcpip PowerShell

As part of  a recent decommission / security audit, we needed to remove an old WINS server. For desktop client this is fairly easy as they are all assigned through DHCP so it was just a case of removing WINS from the DHCP scope options.

For the hundreds of servers it is set manually, which to remove one by one would take a long time and be pretty boring for the person tasked with it. So I decided the simplest option would be to use PowerShell.

First I wanted to check if servers had WINS enabled so I could reduce the amount of server I would need to run the disable script against.

I am going to use Get-WmiObject and the Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration class as this is the simplest way I found to do this in PowerShell.

We will use a text file with a list of server names and a variable called $WINSServer that will be used to filter only network interfaces that have WINS set.

Below is the script to check for WINS and output to PowerShell windows I am just getting all adapters that have WINSPriamryServer value set to the IP in the $WINSServer variable and then selecting the objects to be outputted.

If you wanted to export to a csv or text file just add a | after the WINSPrimaryServer at the end of the script and do either Out-file or Export-csv and the path to export too. 

Below is the link to the script location on Github it called Check-Wins.ps1

WINSTo remove the WINS IP and set NetBios option, we will use the set method in the WMI class.

Below is the link to the script location on Github it called Remove-Wins.ps1 :

WINS01Once the script has run WINS should be removed and NetBios over Tcpip should be disabled this can be checked under the advanced properties on the NIC.

